Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 883 You are the ones who forced me to act cruelly

Chapter 883 You are the ones who forced me to act cruelly

Chapter 889 You are the ones who forced me to act ruthlessly

Zhang Lun said: "Everyone, your majesty is creating a new era. This new era is to break the hierarchy restrictions of scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce. Your majesty advocates the equality of the four peoples. Only by following your majesty can the wealth in your pockets be protected and your business grow more and more. The bigger it is, if you fail, you will inevitably be doomed!"

"Little people understand, please show me, Taishou Zhang!"

"Well!" Zhang Lun nodded slowly: "Okay, you immediately call your own workers to help maintain order, especially not to make the market chaotic, which affects General Xie who leads the army to fight in front, but you are asking !"

Several grain merchants in the field said in unison: "When the country is in crisis, if we want to reap the wealth of the country, we are still human. We have agreed to operate normally, and the supply of grain, salt, and various daily necessities will be open, and the supply will be higher than normal." The price is [-]% lower!"

"That's great!" Zhang Lun said: "Your performance today can affect your future. Even if you can get Ben Zhangshou, you will not be able to shake Qinzhou, let alone the foundation of Wei State. "

Chang Guidao: "Wudu Chariot and Horse Shop 760 two bodyguards, buddies, coachmen, 350 three horses, war horses, 430 six carts, all assembled! Waiting for the eunuch's order."

Immediately after Zhang Lun drank the white paint with a brush, he wrote the five characters of Wudu Cheqiying on a blank black cloth, and then handed the battle flag to Chang Gui and said: "This prefect appoints you as Wudu Cheqiying." Lieutenant of the Ducheqiying Battalion, and sent three combat staff officers to assist you in managing all the carriages and horses in Wudu County. After receiving the order, your department immediately set up an formation at the south gate of Hechi, and formed a formation of vehicles with vehicles. , Do not retreat without order, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded!"

"The last general takes orders!" Chang Gui shouted loudly with his big belly raised and his head raised.Chang Gui is the owner of a well-known chariot and horse shop in Wudu County. He did not expect that as a lowly merchant, he would have the day to become a school lieutenant.So this captain is only Captain Quan, so he is also an officer, isn't he?

Chang Gui personally raised his chariot battalion battle flag and went outside the tent.At this time, the official road is full of strong men, everyone holds torches and stands with a knife, standing in a straight line, all of them are full of energy.If it weren't for the black groom's clothes and no armor, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all, and they would have thought they were elite troops.Of course, these people are far from the elite of the Wei army, but they seem to be even more elite than the Jin Dynasty imperial guards!

"Report to Prefect Zhang, the three miners and apprentices from 610 of Leling Iron Mine in Wudu have assembled and are waiting for dispatch."

"Report to Prefect Zhang, 750 and seven craftsmen of the Mashi Leather Factory have assembled and are waiting for dispatch."

"Report to Prefect Zhang, Wudu Zhang's Furniture Factory, 250 and nine craftsmen, have assembled and are waiting for dispatch."

"Report to Prefect Zhang that the three and fifty-one craftsmen of Zuodao Dafu Quarry have assembled and are waiting for dispatch."

"Report to Prefect Zhang, 750 and five craftsmen and apprentices in Wudu Armory have assembled and are waiting for dispatch."


As the various shops gathered together, more and more people came together, and in just one hour, ten thousand people were gathered.The speed of mobilization was much faster than that of farmers. In the end, Ma Wanrong of Wudu Woolen Mill rushed to Hechi with more than 800 female textile workers.

Zhang Lun is naturally very satisfied with the performance of these merchants. Of course he knows that this is not due to him, but to Ran Ming.Ran Ming supported industry and commerce early on and changed the workshop model.Train workers.After several years of hard work, it has blossomed and borne fruit. The organization and mobilization ability of the industrial workers in the new era can kill everything in the old era. This is the source of Ran Ming's confidence!Tens of thousands of workers, with a little organization and training, can become a strong source of troops.Things that were impossible in the agricultural age are extremely easy in the industrial age. This is the power of civilization.

Capitalism is greedy. In order to avoid excessive exploitation of workers, Ran Ming also organized a trade union.Responsible for coordinating the relationship between employment and protecting the vital interests of employees.As for the managers at all levels in the factory, once they resort to extreme means to oppress the workers, the trade union will organize a workers' meeting. As long as there is [-]% opposition, the proprietor must replace them.When encountering certain policies and management regulations, the trade union also has the right to urge the proprietor to improve.

The working class in Wei State has not yet grown up in some remote areas, but it has slowly matured in Yecheng, Jiaodong State, and even the entire Qingzhou and Qinzhou.The current population of Wei State is close to 2000 million, and the working class has also exceeded 200 million.Of course, the Yi people, Hu people and local aborigines in Wei Guo did not have the rights of trade union members.

Once war breaks out, slave workers will be supervised centrally to prevent them from rebelling.When encountering signs of their rebellion, the factory owner and the local government have the right to pre-emptively take coercive measures to deal with it.

Zhang Lun was very excited. At this moment, together with the peasant guards, he has more than [-] people in his hands. This is not a group of mobs, but a trained reserve force.The operational staff officers of the Armed Forces are basically served by experienced retired veterans, which also avoids the problem of not knowing how to command.Although they are not as elite as the elite troops, if they go out to fight in the city, they will definitely not be the opponents of the elite troops. Instead, they will defend the city and rely on their quantitative advantages to make up for their inferior quality.

For the car formation formed by Chang Gui, Liu Chengyong encountered a difficult nut to crack.Like a gun, a crossbow is actually a very simple thing, aiming in a straight line, unlike a bow and arrow, which requires at least two to three years of training, the crossbow adopts a three-point and one-line aiming method, and it can basically be operated proficiently in half a day , even if it was almost accurate, but the suppression of the quantity made Liu Chengyong feel that he had fallen into a trap.

First of all, he faced the bodyguard coachmen of the Wudu Chariot and Horse Company. Most of them were bandits who were forced to make a living during the war.Almost everyone has seen blood on their hands. Facing the fierce indigenous attack, they have already overcome the psychological obstacle of fear of blood.

In the first wave of attack, Liu Chengyong's indigenous slave army was hit badly, with at least 600 casualties.

When Liu Chengyong saw that the Hechi was densely packed with human heads, he knew that the Hechi had already been prepared. For a surprise attack force that could not get support from the rear, discovery meant being wiped out, and a strong attack was the stupidest thing to do.

Liu Chengyong wanted to bypass Hechi and attack Lueyang County in the northeast of Hechi instead.In the end, they were desperately blocked by the peasant guards again. Zhang Lun followed with a large army, in a gesture of encircling and annihilating them in one fell swoop.What makes Liu Chengyong even more helpless is that the Northwest region is a traditional place for raising horses in China. Regardless of Hu Han, most people can ride horses, and countless guards on horses follow and chase them. No matter where they go, there are crowds of people everywhere.

After fighting hard for three or four days, Liu Chengyong found out sadly that there were less than 2000 people around him.Although he also caused a lot of casualties to the Minzhuang Guards of Wudu County, the guards fought more and more. On the third day, the cavalry team from Shangyu City for emergency support had arrived at the scene.

In fact, Liu Chengyong also understood that this sneak attack had failed, and he had to face a cruel reality, that is, how to lead less than 2000 troops to break through. According to visual inspection, nearly 3 horses had been attracted around him.Not only the guards of Wudu County, but also the guards of other counties came to help, especially a large number of armed workers from the Central Asia Development Company.

Although Liu Chengyong is brave, he doesn't understand that this is the so-called human sea war, the people's war.

"Fuck, these bastards can really run, chasing me to the point where I'm almost out of breath!"

Liu Chengyong stopped the body that was running forward, and stared fiercely at the direction behind him.At the end of his gaze, a large cloud of dust and smoke has risen on the horizon.

Northwest has had a strong folk custom since ancient times, and there is another advantage, that is, almost everyone can ride a horse, regardless of Hu Han.Although being able to ride a horse doesn't mean that you can fight immediately, it is obviously enough to chase the defeated army under Liu Chengyong's army.

Qinzhou's guards are actually very limited in combat effectiveness.It was far inferior to the ferocious Liaoren native army. With the same number of troops, the native army under Liu Chengyong could defeat the Qinzhou guards.In frontal combat, Liu Chengyong's troops are not at a disadvantage.

However, these guards are based on clans. Once they flee in fear of fighting, the local government will not kill them with military law.But he will hang a timid flag on his door, and it is impossible to take it off privately.This punishment is very heavy, and the Chinese people's tradition of saving face is deeply rooted in their bones.For a man, with the name of a coward, he will never even think about raising his head to be a man in this life.As for wanting to be an official in the future, sorry cowards are not qualified to enjoy this treatment, not to mention being an official, even the lowest-level handyman in the government functional department, they are not eligible to apply.

This punishment is too heavy for the Chinese people who care about face.A real man can die, but he must never be a coward.Especially for combat casualties, there will be certain discounts in terms of taxation.Once there are deserters or people who flee without fighting in any clan, the punishment will not be individual, but a group.Of course, although the guards who died in battle could not enjoy the treatment of the [-] acres of military farmland provided by the regular army of Wei, the government would pay [-] yuan for funeral expenses, and their children and brothers would be given generous treatment in terms of military and political career.Under the policy of both kindness and power, those guards are always inspired, life is precious, and honor is even more expensive.

The task of guarding the army is not actually to wipe out how many enemy troops, but to act as a task of harassment.Let the enemy have no time to rest, and no time to support war with war.Liu Chengyong's troops have just stopped resting, and the smoke has just risen here, and immediately the guards will rush up from all directions, but once Liu Chengyong orders a counterattack, these guards will retreat desperately. stop.Once Liu Chengyong wanted to pursue him again, they also turned around and ran away.

If you want to fight, you can't catch up, and you can't catch up, which makes the morale of Liu Chengyong's troops drop very badly.

Since the moment humans were born on the earth, wars have been accompanied by humans.War and civilization have always been intertwined, which not only catalyzes and promotes the development and progress of human civilization, but also threatens the survival of human beings at all times.War accompanies social revolution and brings about a new pattern.The wars between various tribes in ancient times promoted the integration of nations and the formation of countries, and were also the direct cause of the great migration of nations; the wars between different nations within a country contributed to the independence of nations and the birth of a new country; political groups within a country wars, leading to regime change.

But it is undeniable that after each war, the science and technology of the number of people will advance by leaps and bounds, but the long-term division must be united, and the long-term union must be divided, but the four times of Shenzhou sinking, with the development of science and technology, the time of each war and turmoil is getting shorter and shorter, but The harm to human beings is getting bigger and bigger.China fell for the first time. From the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty to the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, there were more than 260 years of non-stop wars.But when China fell for the second time, during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, the turmoil lasted for less than a hundred years.The melee between warlords in the Republic of China lasted only 38 years, which lasted shorter, but caused more damage.

The Chinese nation has never lacked blood in the history of invasion and war. The so-called cowardice has nothing to do with ordinary people, it is the corruption of the ruling class.Once ordinary people control the violence of war, they will no longer be Mianyang at the mercy of others.During the first Opium War, the British army entered Sanyuanli in the suburbs of Guangzhou City to rob property and rape women.It aroused a fierce counterattack from the people of Guangzhou. Tens of thousands of angry people armed with primitive and crude weapons surrounded the square fort of the British army.It is extremely ironic that the British army actually asked Yu Baochun, the governor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, for help, and the Qing fans and barbarians of later generations shamelessly whitewashed Yu Baochun, which was for the sake of the overall situation.

As a descendant, Ran Ming is well aware of the power hidden among the common people.As long as the power of these people is mobilized effectively, Huaxia will no longer be a sheep to be bullied no matter when or where.

Liu Chengyong, Mao Husheng's deputy general, is one of the top ten generals in Shuzhong, and he is not a reckless man with only military strength but no brains, but a famous general with both wisdom and courage.But he was caught in the vast ocean of the people's war and couldn't extricate himself.

Civilians in the state of Wei can legally own weapons, but there are certain restrictions. Self-defense weapons and armor can be owned, but bed crossbows, hard crossbows, and strong bows with more than three stones are not within the scope of self-defense weapons.With the rapid operation of local governments, peasant guards, merchants, and workers from all over the country flocked to Zhangjiashan where Liu Chengyong's troops were stationed.

Lueyang is located in the southwest of Shaanxi Province, at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, on the western edge of the Hanzhong Basin, and at the junction of the three provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan.Because of its location as the hub of Qin and Shu and the link between Shaanxi and Gansu, it has been regarded as the place where military strategists must contend and where business travel converges for thousands of years. It is known as "the throat" and "the key".No matter how good the location is, it must be able to defend it to be really good.

Liu Chengyong's troops lost their strategic opportunity and were beaten into a utter embarrassment. They could not rely on war support to obtain supplies. Liu Chengyong, who was short of troops and food, fell into a desperate situation.After defending Zhangjiashan for three days, the troops have not yet collapsed. Obviously, Liu Chengyong's personal command ability has been greatly recognized.

In the face of absolute superiority, any strategy is useless, no matter how smart a baby is, it will never kill an adult, even if that adult is a fool.

Standing under his general's flag, Zhang Lun rode his horse and looked at the banner of Liu Chengyong's Chinese Army on Majiashan, then turned his head and stared at the official road in the southwest direction. Finally, it came out, because the speed of the march was not fast, thousands of people did not stir up much dust, the high and low flags were fluttering in the wind, and the knives, guns and weapons shone with fine light, like the rippling water surface under the sun.

In Zhang Lun's view, there was no need for Liu Chengyong to fight to the death. The victory and defeat were already divided, and no matter how stubbornly he resisted, it would be nothing more than a dying struggle.Zhang Lun himself is not good at military affairs, he is only good at financial management and internal affairs management, so naturally he didn't use any tricks, he didn't send cavalry to raid, and he still rushed to fight step by step.

A group of guards and reserve troops who didn't know each other rushed to the foot of Zhangjiashan, and surrounded the small hill with a radius of only a dozen miles.

Seeing a large number of Wei army guards catching up, Liu Chengyong's troops on the mountain were extremely nervous. Now they are so hungry that they don't even have the strength to raise their knives, but the enemy keeps coming.At this time, Liu Chengyong finally despaired.Even though he was as strong as an ox, he was so hungry that he had no strength at this moment.The other Liaoren soldiers were even worse than him.

Looking around, most of the soldiers were lying on the ground and had no strength to move.As a diehard loyalist of the Xifu Army, he will never surrender.Rather than being defeated and captured and humiliated, it is better to die clean.Thinking of this, Liu Chengyong quickly drew his sword and killed himself, ending his life before the guards found out.

The Liaoren indigenous soldiers under Liu Chengyong did not collapse because of this. Although the Liaoren natives look stupid, they are not fools. Liu Chengyong has been in close contact with them for more than a month, and he can be regarded as a favorite soldier. Ruzi treated them much better than their tribal leaders.But the general who got along day and night committed suicide.

Those savage natives suddenly erupted, the last madness before death.As long as the countless aborigines could still grit their teeth and get up, they all took weapons and launched a desperate charge against the Wei Guoguards.

(End of this chapter)

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