Chapter 885

Chapter 891
After entering Fancheng, Xi Pijiang was very surprised.Ordinarily, Fancheng was newly attached to Wei State, so people should be in turmoil and chaos at this time.But after entering the city, the market is prosperous and peaceful.In fact, Xi Pijiang didn't know much about it either. Although Wei's southern campaign was fought in a hurry, he was very well prepared.It has been more than six years of preparation, not only for materials, but also for a large number of officials.

When Xi Pijiang entered the city, he happened to meet a team of supplies that had just entered the city, but what surprised Xi Pijiang even more was that the team that transported nearly five thousand shi of grain was not escorted by government soldiers, but It is a company under the banner of Zhang's.Five thousand shi of grain is more than 50 catties, which is not a small amount.When did the safety of food roads be handed over to those selfish and shameless merchants?
What made Xi Pijiang even more surprised was that there was no porridge point in Fancheng. Porridge was the best way for rulers to appease people's hearts for thousands of years, but Wei Guo didn't do so after the war?I didn't see any complaints from the people of Fancheng.What's going on here?
Although Wei Guo did not give porridge, he did soothe people.This appeasement is not the same as in the past, it is Ran Ming's best work-for-relief.The city walls of Fancheng were severely damaged, which required restoration.At the same time, soldiers on the battlefield need to consume a lot of daily necessities, such as shoes, hats, underwear, socks, etc. Wei Guo did not transport these items on a large scale from the rear, but adopted the method of nearby production to supply them, which not only reduced transportation The pressure will also increase the income of local people.

Anyway, it is not a high-tech thing, in addition to these, there is also the purchase of military rations on the spot.Fancheng belongs to Jingzhou, a prosperous area.These Jingzhou people are much richer than the original people in Wei State. Not only is there no famine in Jingzhou, but the people have some savings in their families anyway.Governments at all levels in the Wei State bought grain from the common people at a price that was [-] to [-] per cent higher than the market price. In this way, they also changed their direction to increase the income of the local people.With the increase in income, the people of Fancheng naturally supported their Emperor Wei, not to mention the most lethal thing was the decree enshrined as a god "Ran's family will never cease, and will never add gifts."

In various villages outside of Fancheng, the villagers voluntarily invested in the construction of holy stele pavilions, in which Ran Ming's inscription of the imperial decree that will never be added is enshrined. At the same time, Ran Ming also promulgated express regulations on the obligations of his subjects. The plain text clearly states the obligations and responsibilities that the people need to bear. Except for the military service system, although the people serve, other miscellaneous services are paid labor. The government is not allowed to exploit the people wantonly. Once there is no official document from the court, the government's order can be refused.The other is to carry out legal awareness promotion of their own rights protection, supervise the government, and once they go out of line, they can appeal.

When the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, a sneaky change of concept from left hand to right hand deceived these simple people to tears of gratitude, not to mention Ran Ming's cross-generational favor policy?In this era, there is no market for anti-Wei.Just like the Northern Song Dynasty made a promise to rule the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, the Song Dynasty became the only dynasty that did not die due to peasant uprisings.Although the officials of the Song Dynasty were corrupt, they knew that the Song Dynasty could guarantee their vested interests. Shaking the Song Dynasty’s Zhao family meant shaking their vested interests. Therefore, there was no market for peasant uprisings. They would rather cut their flesh than change the dynasty.As for the brain-dead and idiots of the Donglin Party, it is obviously against the sky to survive.

Ran Ming likes private visits in micro-services, which is a headache for all magistrates.But there is no way, imperial power is still very prevalent in this era, they can only protect themselves from trouble.Xi Bijiang happened to meet Ran Ming.Although Xi Pijiang didn't know Ran Ming, he knew Lin Heishan of the iron tower boat next to Ran Ming.

Despite the make-up, Xi Bijiang recognized Lin Heishan who stood out from the crowd.That's why he made it clear to Ran Ming.

Ran Ming actually didn't like the feminine beauty of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, especially when he saw Xi Pijiang, as long as he made up Yang Yuhuan, he was probably more feminine than a woman.He joked: "Is there no one in the dignified Jingzhou? Why did you send a child like you?"

Xi Pijiang said with a smile: "Gan Luo is twelve ministers, Huo Qubing twenty north expeditions, your majesty was only twenty-seven years old when he was powerful in the world, Xi Pijiang is sixteen this year. Compared with your majesty and Huo Huoqi They are younger, and their accomplishments are not dare to look at each other, but they are a few years older than Gan Luo, Gan Luo can go abroad, and Xi Pijiang can pass a few words to His Majesty on behalf of his father, but it will not insult his life."

Seeing Xi Pijiang in high spirits, Ran Ming sighed: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each has led the way for 20 years."

The so-called aura of the superior is nothing to put it bluntly, it is a matter of self-confidence and lack of self-confidence.This psychological quality has nothing to do with it, it has to do with the butt.

Ran Ming's aura is very strong. Since he was 12 years old when he fought on the battlefield, he has been a low-level military officer, a general, a feudal prince, and even a hostage.Ran Ming's life can be described as a legend.Ran Ming could use his power to suppress the civil and military officials of Wei State, and he could speak calmly in front of millions of soldiers.Seeing Xi Pijiang, a 16-year-old boy in front of him, Ran Ming not only did not show timidity, but talked with eloquence. At this age, being able to perform like this is enough to show that it is not easy.

Ran Ming said with a smile: "Your father, Mr. Yanwei, is famous far and wide. I have heard that he is just a man of good fortune. It's just that I don't have a chance to meet him. I don't know why your father sent you here?"

Ran Ming waved to Xi Bijiang, signaling him to go over.However, Xi Pijiang not only did not step forward to express his closeness to Ran Ming, but instead took half a step back, bowed and said: "Does your majesty want to follow the old example of Han Gaozu and test Li Shiqi by shouting and drinking?"

It is said that when Liu Bang passed by Gaoyang, the Confucian scholar Li Shiqi went to join Liu Bang.Liu Bang hated Confucian scholars the most in his life. Many Confucian scholars wanted to defect to Liu Bang, so Liu Bang took off their hats and peed in them.Talking with Confucian scholars is also a matter of beating and scolding.When Liu Bang first saw Li Shiqi, he neither visited the thatched cottage like Liu Bei, nor treated each other with courtesy, but washed his feet by himself.Li Shiqi was neither angry nor angry.At the end of the Qin Dynasty and the beginning of the Han Dynasty, a hundred schools of thought contended, and Confucianism actually had no strengths. It was inferior to Legalism in terms of governing the world and large-scale project management.In terms of loyalty and scientific and technological capabilities, he is not as good as Mohism, and in terms of academic ideas, he is not as mature as Huang Lao.As for the concepts of Xiu, Qi, Zhi, and Ping put forward by Confucius, they were not valued by the rulers.If Confucianism was reused in Liu Bang's era, there would have been no such thing as Liu Bang in other eras.

However, Li Shiqi's rhetorical analysis of the current situation convinced Liu Bang, causing Liu Bang to stand up and salute. This was the only way intellectuals in the late Qin Dynasty could fight for their status.Ran Ming naturally knew these allusions.It happened that Xie An and Wang Jian were by the side, and they said: "Since Pijiang agrees with each other as scholars, Your Majesty should treat each other with courtesy!"

Ran Ming readily agreed, so the surrounding guards found a nearby restaurant and booked it all for Ran Ming to pick up his apprentice Pijiang.In the restaurant, Ran Ming changed his clothes, wearing the emperor's twelve sash on his head, and the emperor's crimson robe, and walked forward slowly step by step.Accompanied by Wang Jian and Xie An, Ran Ming walked out of the main entrance of the restaurant, and said solemnly, "Mr. Xi, please come forward!" Seeing Ran Ming's performance, Xi Pijiang was very satisfied.Secretly said: "This is the true sage who respects the virtuous and the corporal!"

Xi Pijiang was not happy for a long time, he had just stepped into the main entrance of the restaurant.Ran Ming turned around suddenly, and slapped Xi Pijiang with his hands in a swift motion.However, Ran Ming didn't directly slap Xi Pijiang's face, but lightly patted the back of his head.Even so, Wang Jian was shocked.

But Xie An smiled faintly.In comparison, Xie An understood Ran Ming. Ran Ming hated a person so much, he would never show it in person, even if he gritted his teeth, at most Ran Ming would kill him with a knife, and would not insult a person.Ran Ming didn't beat many people recklessly, Hu Bin was one of them, and Liu Laozhi was the one who was beaten the most.As long as he did something wrong, Ran Ming's big feet would kick Liu Laozhi's ass.But if it is said that the holy family is in the heart, I am afraid that apart from the five major disciples of the martial arts hall, it is also necessary to say that Liu Laozhi is in the heart of the emperor.

Xie An knew that Ran Ming fell in love with Xi Pijiang, as long as this Xi Pijiang was not stupid, the rise of the Xiangyang Xi clan would be irreversible.Although the slap was not heavy, it stunned Xi Bijiang.Ran Ming sat in the private room of the restaurant generously, and then said angrily: "I am not Liu Bang, and you are not Li Shiqi. Do you know what imitation is? You look like this."

Although Xi Pijiang is smart, he is too young after all, and the most important thing is that he has no experience in life, and he is a flower in a greenhouse without any setbacks.At this moment, he almost had the urge to cry, but he held back at the critical moment.

"Why, are you still not convinced?" Looking at Xi Pijiang's little face flushed.Ran Ming said coldly: "Li Shiqi's meeting with Liu Bang was an upright conspiracy, how about you? You came to see me on behalf of your father, and this matter can be seen? You are a secret messenger! Talk here today, let's talk If you don’t keep a big tent and don’t spread the law, the conspiracy should be secret and swift. Are you still paying attention to etiquette with me here? Are you stupid when you study? Besides, your father and the more than 200 members of Xi’s family are all in Xiangyang City. Let Xi Chao or Huan Chong know that you are here, have you thought about what they will do?"

Hearing this, Xi Pijiang was afraid for a while.Huan Chong is the governor of Jingzhou, and Xi Chao is the general of the military division. They may be afraid of Zhang Zhao and dare not take drastic measures, because most of Zhang's children are generals in the army. If Zhang's influence is not cleared in advance, they will directly deal with Zhang Zhao. , It is likely to arouse the mutiny of the Jingzhou army.But the Xi family is different. Although Xi Chiu Chi is from Jingzhou, and his disciples and former officials are all over Jingzhou, these influences cannot be compared with the real knife. Even if these former disciples will resist, they will not affect much.

Xi Bijiang was a bit stupid, he didn't think of this level at all, once this news leaked, it might destroy the Xi family in Xiangyang.The county magistrate of Pojia, the governor of Miemen, Huan Chong and Xi Chao are much bigger than the governor of the county magistrate, and it is a matter of minutes to destroy the Xi family.

There is a classic line in Liangjian, that is, the temperament of an army is determined by the character of the first military officer.His character is strong, so this army is strong and screams, and the army has a soul. From then on, no matter how many people this army changes, its soul is still there.For a country, the atmosphere of a country is always established by the mind of the founder of the country. Although Liu Bang is a rascal, but this guy is particularly vengeful. The Xiongnu surrounded Liu Bang and humiliated Empress Lu. As a result, Liu Bang's grandson never forgot to take revenge. The Huns were wiped out.Similarly, in the Tang Dynasty, although Li Shimin was not the founding king of the country, Li Yuan and Li Shimin were capable of literature when they entered, and martial arts when they came out. The emperor of the family was not in the right position, and he was afraid that the generals in the army would imitate his imperial robes, so he restricted the generals in every possible way. As a result, although the generals were successfully restricted, it also created a lady-style Great Song Dynasty.

Ran Min is tough, and Ran Ming will never be expected by Confucian scholars because of the experience and lessons of later generations.Ran Ming has already made an arrangement for Confucianism, that is, let all schools of thought come together. At any time, Confucianism cannot be the dominant family. If Confucianism loses all schools of thought, they will definitely fight against the emperor again. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is miserable. Ah, being bullied by Confucianism is terrible.Ran Ming didn't want to be a doormat.Ran Ming has his own insights beyond the times, so he is not restricted by the Confucian scholars of this era.Confucianism is an object of reformation for him, rather than a teacher whom he admires to be educated.Not to mention the little Xi Pijiang who has not yet learned, even Xi Chiuchi has to bow his head here.

Wang Jian began to speculate on Ran Ming's intentions, but Xie An was also thinking about it.Although Ran Ming clearly wanted to fight Xi and open up borders, why wasn't he reminding the two of them?In terms of understanding of Confucianism, I am afraid they are not as good as the Ran family. After all, the ancestors of the Ran family are the ten philosophers of Confucianism, especially Ran Zi, who is known for his pragmatism.

Xie An knew what Ran Ming was afraid of, and that was that the power of Confucianism was too great.So Ran Ming thought of a crooked trick, which is to use businessmen to control Confucianism and prevent Confucianism from becoming dominant.Today, the structure of the Wei State is still dominated by Confucianism, but as representatives of generals, the soldiers, peasants, Taoists, doctors, miscellaneous schools, yin and yang schools, strategists, and Confucian rivals Mohism have slowly surfaced.Although the power of the other hundred schools is still very weak and their influence is very limited, this is a very dangerous signal.If the country cannot follow Ran Ming's ideas, Ran Ming will definitely abandon Confucianism without hesitation.

After a while, Ran Ming beckoned to Xi Bijiang and said, "What is your father, Mr. Yanwei's plan, please tell me a long story short."

At this time, Xi Pijiang had no idea, so he had no choice but to reveal Xi Chiuchi's plan.

Hearing Xi Pijiang's words, Ran Ming beamed with joy.For Ran Ming, the people of Jin State were his own people after all, not aliens. During the war, as few deaths as possible, they should die as little as possible.If Sima Dan, the emperor of Jin, was willing to surrender, Ran Ming would give him a good death just like he did Liu Adou.Of course, even if Sima Dan is willing to bow his head, I am afraid that Chu Suanzi will not admit defeat unless his temper against the Jin Dynasty is gone.

Ran Ming stroked his slightly bearded chin, he knew that Jingzhou scholar-bureaucrats were tempted.Buying horse bones for thousands of miles, as long as the horse bones are bought, not only Jingzhou can be defeated without a fight, but even all the counties in the Jianghuai River can be defeated without a fight.Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "Mr. Yanwei's plan is very good, and I really like it. I will never treat heroes badly, and there is no such case in our Great Wei Dynasty. Xiangyang Marquis Xi Chiuchi was promoted to Xiangyang County Duke and Jingzhou Governor. Zhang Mo, who joined the army in Jingzhou, was promoted to Changsha county magistrate, governor of Jingzhou navy, and captain of Nanman school."

Xi Pijiang was very happy, his task was completed, even better than expected.

Wang Jian and Xie An were also very happy. If the whole country of Wei attacked Jin, if the battle could have ended early, they would have contributed a lot.If the fight continues, I am afraid that the general will sing a one-man show.This information came too timely. Once Jingzhou surrenders without a fight, they can also share some credit and suppress the supreme glory of the general.Needless to say, Wang Jian, he and Wang Shu have had correspondence for a long time, maybe they can move their minds in this regard.

Xie An is different from Wang Jian. His influence is mainly in the eight counties of Xuyang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Even if he has already entered Wei State, which of the celebrities in the eight counties of Xuyang will not give Xie An a three-pointer?
The two of them did not issue any military orders or promises in front of Ran Ming, but secretly put in all their strength to prepare for a big fight.

Ran Ming waved to Lu Jia, a little yellow man next to him, and Lu Jia, a little yellow man, took out a pen and paper knowingly and knelt on the ground.Ran Ming asked Lv Jia from Xiaohuangmen to draw up an imperial decree to confer the titles of Xi Zouchi and Zhang Zhao.

Seeing this situation, Xi Bijiang blurted out: "Your Majesty, I have a little proficiency in literary and ink, how about letting me try?"

Ran Ming readily agreed: "Yes!"

However, Xi Bijiang directly chose to ignore the murderous gaze from Lu Jia, the little yellow door next to Ran Ming.Xi Pijiang has been taught by Xi Zhuochi for many years, and his literary talent is also good.The key is that he wrote good calligraphy, and his handwriting was like painting.Beautifully written and fast.Ran Ming said: "You are very good, how about staying by my side as a secretary?"

(End of this chapter)

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