Chapter 886

Chapter 892
Secretary, the official name is Secretary Lang, Secretary Lang Zhong.Being in charge of books and classics is a very noble official position.The great book sage Wang Xizhi once worked as a secretary. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the secretary was a gilded post for the direct descendants of the four major families in Jiangdong and the four major families with overseas Chinese surnames. He was as noble as the Hanlin scholars in the Ming and Song Dynasties.

Xi Pijiang thanked him with great joy, and Lu Jia, the servant of the Huangmen, looked even more resentful at this moment.

That night, the canonization edict written by Xi Piqiang himself was transferred into the hands of Xi Zouchi through his confidantes. Xi Zouchi, the governor of Jingzhou and Xiangyang county magistrate, really didn't pay attention to it, because one Jingzhou for two county magistrates, it doesn't matter. It is expensive.However, Xi Zhechi valued the position of Xi Pijiang's Secretary Lang the most. Although this official position is low, it is equivalent to a department-level cadre in later generations.However, in the state of Jin, this position is held by the direct descendants of Wang, Xie, Zhang, Gu, Lu, Zhu and other major families.With Xi Chiuchi's reputation, it is not difficult for his son to become an official, but it is impossible for his son to become a secretary.

As for Zhang Zhao, who received Ran Ming's imperial decree, he was also very happy.To be honest, he was not happy under Huan Wen's command. As Huan Wen, the former governor of Jingzhou, without the support of Xiangyang Zhang, he would never have achieved what he is today.But, how did Huan Wen repay him? It was because Zhang's influence in the army was too great, and even Huan Wen was very afraid of it. Since then, Zhang's children were inevitably suppressed by Huan Wen.

In Zhang Nuo's view, Huan Wen is a white-eyed wolf who forgets himself when his wings are full.Especially Zhang Yin, the son of Zhang Mo, was sent to the army by Zhang Mo to be gilded.However, in the Battle of Luoyang, Zhang Yin was killed.Zhang Yin's death was indeed not caused by Huan Wen, but Zhang Zhao, who suspected his neighbor of stealing an axe, looked like Huan Wen was using a knife to kill someone, so he hated Huan Wen.Although he hated Huan Wen, Zhang Zhao also didn't have the capital to challenge Huan Wen.

Although he can influence many generals of the Jingzhou Army, these people are not enough to shake Huan Wen's absolute control over the army. However, under the pressure of the Wei Army's army, they are enough to give Huan Wen a drink.

Zhang Zhao, who received the imperial decree from Ran Ming, was as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood.However, this information was finally discovered by Huan Wen's newly established intelligence organization "Ecstasy" for reconnaissance.

Hooking has been trying to infiltrate the spies of powerful figures like Zhang Zhao.But these powerful figures are old foxes, and it is not easy to gain their trust.Zhang Nuo had a follower named Zhang Sheng.Zhang Sheng is not a direct descendant of the Zhang family, but a family servant who was given a surname.I have followed Zhang Zhao for more than 20 years, and I am also loyal to Zhang Zhao.

If Zhang Sheng wants to talk about shortcomings, it is not without them.He is both good wine and lust.An opportunity finally happened in the ecstasy. Zhang Zhe had a concubine, Fang Shi, who was as beautiful as a flower, but dissatisfied with her desires.After all, Zhang Nuo, who is in his 40s, can no longer satisfy Fang Shi.After going back and forth, Fang and Zhang Sheng hooked up and became adulterers.This information was discovered by the surrounding staff of the Haunted Soul, and they used it.After Zhang Sheng and Fang's fulfilled a good deed, they found several men in black appeared in Fang.They threatened Zhang Sheng with this matter, and Zhang Sheng had to compromise.

Zhang Sheng knew very well that despite his gentle appearance, Zhang Zhao was actually ruthless. Once he learned that Zhang Sheng had given him a cuckold, Zhang Sheng would have a hard time even wanting to die.It's not that this incident has never happened in the mansion, but the male adulterer was thrown into the dog pen by Zhang Zhao and was bitten to death by vicious dogs. The concubine was also found by a group of beggars, and those beggars were also buried alive by Zhang Zhao .

As Zhang Nuo's confidant, Zhang Sheng was naturally aware of Zhang Nuo's actions. After some struggles, he still chose to confess the matter to Luhun.

Even Huan Wen's younger brother Huan Chong does not have the power to directly control the soul of the Jingzhou branch, but his confidant Xi Chao is the direct supervisor. When Xi Chao learned this information, he was also in a cold sweat.

Xi Chao didn't hesitate, nor did he hesitate, even before Huan Chong could say anything, he ordered Guhun to arrest Zhang Zhao directly.

Xi Chao, Xi guest ordered all the staff, besides dispatching more than a hundred "Hooking Soul" masters, he also ordered a song of soldiers.Jingzhou Sima is equivalent to the chief of staff of the military region in later generations, and he is a Sima with real power, so Xi Chao dare not be careless.

Like Xi Chiuchi, Zhang Zhe didn't live in the inner city.Zhang Zhao's mansion is located in the south of Xiangyang City, next to Xi's mansion.It is located behind the White Horse Temple on the left side of Phoenix Mountain.Xi Zuochi invited Shi Daoan, a famous monk, to come to Xiangyang City to preach Buddhism. At that time, Xi Zuochi and Zhang Zhe called on the rich gentry in Xiangyang to lose money to build the Xiangyang White Horse Temple.The land occupied by Baima Temple is all owned by the Zhang family in Xiangyang.

Zhangmao's mansion was run by the Zhang family in Xiangyang for four or five generations. Unlike Xi's quiet and elegant mansion, Zhangmao's mansion is a typical Wubao building, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Xi Chao knew very well that there was only one chance to capture Zhang Zhao. Once Zhang Zhao escaped, Jingzhou would not have to guard. Whether he could leave Xiangyang alive was a question.

Just when Xi Chao had just walked through the south gate of Xiangyang, he heard a rush of horseshoes behind him.Xi Chao turned his head and found that it was Huan Chong, the governor of Jingzhou and general Yingyang.

Huan Wen rode his horse to Xi Chao's side, and complained in a low voice: "Guest, you are too reckless this time. Zhang Zhao is a powerful man in Xiangyang, with a lot of influence, and a careless move will cause turmoil in Jingzhou. Besides you There is no evidence, just relying on the testimony of a slave, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public!"

"Severe punishments should be imposed in troubled times. Those who fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire should be severely punished, so that they will know how to keep themselves safe." Xi Chao said disapprovingly: "As for the so-called evidence, there is no need for it, and this is enough."

Unnecessary, that is, there may be meaning.This sentence is most famous for the unjust killing of Yue Fei by Qin Hui, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty.In fact, Qin Hui did not invent the law of unnecessary killing.

When Huan Chong heard this, he was furious and said, "There is no need for the crime of infiltrating people?"

Xi Chao said: "The army is about to fight, and Chao has no time to determine the guilt of a person. It is not uncommon to kill anyone under the rush of fire."

"You!" Huan Chong is naturally aware of Xi Chao's loyalty to Huan Wen. In this world, anyone can betray Huan Wen, except Xi Chao.Xi Chao did this, in fact, he had no personal enmity with Zhang Zhao, it was all out of public interest.

Zhang Zhao is the backbone and spiritual leader of the local generals in Jingzhou. He is the same as Xi Zouchi, but Xi Zouchi is the spiritual leader of literati and Confucian scholars. No ability to resist.Without someone as prestigious as Zhang Zhao coming out to integrate the local generals in Jingzhou, the local generals in Jingzhou would be a mess, and they could easily be divided and drawn over by Xi Chao.

Xi Zuochi sent Xi Bijiang to meet Ran Ming. This was a very secret matter, and no one in Jingzhou knew about it except Zhang Zhe and Xi Zuochi.However, when Zhang Zhao summoned Jingzhou gentry and celebrities to tell the story, everyone was very excited.It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Although Huan Wen is good to Jingzhou gentry, Huan Wen cannot guarantee their real safety.The news of Xie Ai's entry into Yizhou had already reached Jingzhou, and Huan Wen himself was cornered at this time. None of the Jingzhou gentry wanted to die with Huan Wen.

Zhang Zhao showed off to everyone with the imperial decree written by Xi Pijiang himself and affixed with the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.When everyone saw this situation, they all congratulated Zhang Nuo.Although Zhang Zhao is not good at fighting, he is very good at dealing with people and has always had a good reputation in Jingzhou.The Xi family and the Zhang family have already developed. In the eyes of the Jingzhou township party, this is the glory of their Jingzhou and the credit of all Jingzhou people.

Jingzhou gentry all envied Zhang Zhao's "intelligence" and "wiseness", and they all speculated what benefits they could gain from Wei Guo, the new master.

At this time, Xi Chao led five hundred healthy soldiers to the gate of Zhang's mansion.Hearing that Xi Chao came with five hundred soldiers, Zhang Zhao guessed that Xi Chao must have become suspicious.Naturally, he didn't expect a traitor to appear beside him.

Xi Chao didn't expect the five hundred healthy soldiers to force their way into Zhang's mansion at all, but beat the grass to startle the snake.The real killer move is "Ecstasy" to become famous.In fact, it is not easy for the soul ecstasy members to enter Zhang's residence.Any fortress is the easiest to breach from the inside. There is a traitor Zhang Sheng around Zhang Zhao. As Zhang Zhao's confidant in charge, it is not difficult at all to quietly arrange some masters to enter Zhang's residence.

Zhang Zhe said: "Everyone, at this moment, I'm afraid that Xi guest has become suspicious of us, and he will stop when he decides to stop, and he will continue to be disturbed by it. Now, Zhe announces that the Zhang family in Xiangyang will belong to the Great Wei, and my father, Jingzhou Naval University Commander, the identity of the Nanman Captain..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the five powerful arrows shooting towards him from the night sky like a life-threatening ghost at this moment. Zhang Zumang was also undeserving, he drank a little too much today.Although I wanted to show the posture of the Changsha county magistrate, my stomach was overwhelmed, so I had to reach for the teacup on the table, trying to suppress the churning wine with tea.As soon as Zhang Zhao took a step, he was shot by an arrow on the shoulder. The arrow was extremely powerful and penetrated into the flesh and blood.

With this sudden change, the servant girl who was waiting beside her exclaimed, and the exclamation appeared.The arrows in the hall were chaotic, and in the blink of an eye, several people were hit by arrows.

Especially Zhang Zhao's confidant Li Chengye.Li Chengye was from Nanjun, Jingzhou. He was eight feet tall and had a very ugly face, but he was skilled in bowing and horses. He was a rare talent for a mighty general.In terms of martial arts, although Li Chengye is no better than the three tigers of the Xifu Army, he can be ranked among the top twenty generals of the Xifu Army.Seeing this situation, Li Chengye reached out and grabbed a food table, used it as a shield, and protected it in front of Zhang Nuo.

After the initial panic, everyone in the hall found a safe place and hid themselves, except for the first group of unlucky ones who were shot and killed by Jin Ya.These Jingzhou tyrants are not flowers in the greenhouse. In this era, they have all become one party's tyrants, which in itself shows that they are superior.

In this era, Jingzhou banquets are still divided into meals and kneeling.The dining tables in Zhangzhao’s mansion are all six feet long and four feet wide. The table tops are made of willow wood three inches thick. question.However, at this time, dozens of killers who were all wrapped up in black costumes suddenly appeared in the hall. These killers didn't talk nonsense when they came up, and they directly drew out their long knives and swords to kill everyone.

Zhang Zhao is just the spiritual leader of Jingzhou, but he is not the emperor.All the tyrants were invited to the feast, and all the tyrants also had followers and weapons. When these tycoons saw a strong enemy appear, they didn't want to stand still, but drew their swords and fought with the murderer.

Zhang Nuo was the first target of all the killers, so he attracted the attention of the killers.But Li Chengye, who was protecting Zhang Nuo, was obviously not that easy to deal with.Although he didn't have a weapon in his hand, a killer approached him suddenly, but Li Chengye's case brought him down, and his face was smashed to death.After snatching a killer's horizontal knife, Li Chengye was like a tiger licking its wings.

Li Chengye swung his knife like the wind, slashing and killing desperately. At this time, the guards of the Zhang residence who got the news also came to the rescue urgently. The two sides fought in chaos inside and outside the hall.But unknowingly, during the fight, Li Chengye became farther and farther away from Zhang Zhao.At this moment, an assassin with a knife flew down from under the beam of the hall, and Li Chengye couldn't help feeling anxious.But with seven or eight killers besieging him, he couldn't do anything.But at this time, the horizontal knife in his hand was cut off by the killer. Li Chengye who lost his weapon, let alone saving people, even had difficulty in protecting himself. These seven or eight killers left seven or eight wounds on Li Chengye's body in a short while. Although these wounds were not fatal, they forced Li Chengye to scream.

The killer pierced Huashan Mountain with a single blow, and took Zhang Zhao's head straight.Not only did Zhang Mo not have a weapon, but he was also shot with an arrow in his shoulder.Just when Li Chengye was distraught, the situation changed suddenly.The killer actually fell one step away in front of Zhang Nuo.After the killer fell down, it was discovered that there was a wound on the killer's chest, bleeding gurglingly.

Seeing this situation, Li Chengye couldn't help but be overjoyed.

In this era, it is not easy to become a powerful party, and it is even more difficult to become the spiritual leader of Jingzhou military generals like Zhang Zhao.Everyone knows that Zhang Nuo is not good at martial arts, but who knows, he is also a master, especially in foot combat.The killer who met him and jumped at him from the air was thrown by the dagger in his sleeve and stabbed in the heart.Although there are some unexpected effects, the shock and tranquility alone is obviously not something that ordinary people can do.

At this time, Zhang Nuo seemed to be a different person.He stretched out his hand and pulled out the arrow on his shoulder, without even looking at the bleeding shoulder.At this moment, Zhang Zhao retreated behind the screen, but instead of running away, he pushed down the screen with force.Half of the screen that fell down turned out to be a sophisticated crossbow machine.The crossbow, which had already been wound up, began to shoot a rain of arrows towards the men in black who were being slaughtered.

"Zhang Wensu, you bastard, you shot at me."

"Oh, Zhang Wensu, I'm not finished with you!"

Under the indiscriminate shooting of the crossbow, those tyrants yelled at Zhang Zhao, and Zhang Zhao didn't change his face.

Under a continuous crossbow shot, the killer fell four or five people.However, two tyrants were accidentally injured.As Zhang Nuo turned the operating levers on the screen one by one, the mechanism in the hall began to operate.

Countless arrows flew from the ceiling, the pillars, the screen wall or behind the sandman, and after a while, all the men in black who were still standing were shot to death.

The scene was reversed in time, and these powerful survivors were left with lingering fears.They thought to themselves, if Zhang Zumo tried to kill them, let alone his confidants, it would be the mechanism in this hall that would kill them.

Zhang Zhao said with a blank face: "The situation has changed. Although these assassins can't see the origin, they are probably related to Xi Chao. It seems that our plan must be advanced, otherwise there will be changes later."

The tyrants also suspected that this was a scene written and directed by Zhang Zhao, with the purpose of forcing them to stand in line.It's just that no one is planning these issues at the moment. After all, Wei is strong and Shu is weak. This is the most realistic issue. Xiangyang's surrender to Wei is the most in line with their interests.

Zhang Zhao continued: "You guys know what kind of person I am, Zhang Wensu. I never eat alone, and your benefits are indispensable. If you are willing to cooperate, then cooperate. If you are not willing to cooperate, then please leave. Anyway, if the parents are dead or the mother is married, we all take care of ourselves."

Zhang Zhao usually sent his confidants to deliver letters in his daily contacts with the powerful, but sometimes he also used carrier pigeons to deliver messages.Almost every tycoon has Zhang's homing pigeons that are familiar with the purpose of flying.These tyrants wrote secret letters from their own families and passed the news through carrier pigeons.

Xi Chao, who was waiting hard outside Zhang's mansion, finally got the news of seduce the soul, but Xi Chao still underestimated Zhang Zhao.Zhang Zhao has already made arrangements, of course this is not to guard against Xi Chao, but to prepare for those ignorant tyrants.After all, it is impossible for Zhang Zhao to keep his word.However, Zhang Zhao's arrangement was still used. Xi Chao killed more than a hundred people, but as a result, all of them were killed or injured, but only some miscellaneous fish were killed.

Xi Chao was not a person who was easily discouraged, so he immediately ordered a step-by-step attack on Zhang's mansion.However, it was already too late at this time. After Zhang's mansion was lit with smoke, a battalion of the Nanjin Lumen Mountain Garrison Camp located seven or eight miles south of Zhang's mansion began to quickly gather.Xi Chao felt bad when he heard the news.

The captain of the Nanjin Garrison Camp is Zhang Huailiang, Zhang Zhao's nephew.Xi Chao ordered to retreat, but at this time Xiangyang City was already in chaos.When Xi Chao led the trilogy out of the city, Xi Zouchi felt that something was wrong, so he sent someone to distribute Huan Chong, who was short of money due to the war, and wanted to slaughter the big gentry in Xiangyang and plunder their wealth to use as military funds.

(End of this chapter)

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