Chapter 887
Chapter 893

This news is very violent, and naturally not many people believe it.But it happened that Huan Chong had a ghost in his heart, and he deliberately guarded against the local generals in Jingzhou.The barracks controlled by the elite of the Xifu Army secretly took precautions, which proved the credibility of the rumor anyway.

In the Xiaowei's barracks at the north gate of Xiangyang, Zhang Jinnan was just a Sima of another department.However, his direct subordinates only have 500 people, so there is no way.As a child of the Zhang family, he has enjoyed special care and given him the fastest promotion, but now he is being rejected.Although there are not many people, he has received a secret order.Today he did it himself and killed several people.Killed the captain, the military marquis, and the marching Sima who were sent by the original Xifu army.At this time, all his parts are based on his orders.

"Sima, the ambush is already set!"

Zhang Jinnan said with a smile: "There are only a few miscellaneous fish around Lieutenant Bai left!"


"Okay!" Zhang Jinnan said with a smile: "Beat the drums, let's get together!"

"Dong dong... The sound of the drums, Bai Shigui who was sleeping at this time ran out with a dozen people around his barracks in disheveled clothes: "Who the hell is beating the drums!Huh?Sima Zhang, what are you doing? "

Zhang Jinnan, who was in full armor, smiled and bent over: "General Bai, there is something important to tell the general at the end."

At this moment, Bai Shigui suddenly saw a wolf smoke appearing in the sky.He said: "What's going on, why did the Wei army start attacking from the south?"

Looking at the direction of the wolf smoke, Zhang Jinnan secretly said: "The head of the family has already ordered to do it, there can be no more delay."

Zhang Jinnan raised two fingers, and there was a frightening sound of bowstrings, and spiked arrows shot from all directions.The key target is the school lieutenant Bai Shigui and his cronies.

"Puff puff..." Three arrows pierced through the chest, followed by the fourth and fifth...Bai Shigui's body was too late, his eyes protruded, and he stared fixedly at Zhang Jinnan.

Zhang Jinnan smiled kindly, and bent over to him: "General Bai still doesn't understand why? If you can hold on, I'll tell you about it."

Bai Shigui didn't finish listening to him, and there was a trace of grief and anger in his eyes, and a trace of sleepiness, he fell on his back...

Zhang Zhao, the Sima of Jingzhou, has great energy. Although he can't control all the Jingzhou army, but now with the cooperation of other tyrants, it will be different.In the major military camps of the Jingzhou Army, this kind of secret assassination and seizure of power happened endlessly.The officers and generals of Huanwen's Xifu army all died in this civil strife.

"Beimenjin Barracks is completely under control!"

Hearing this, Zhang Nuo couldn't hide his liking on his face. "This is the first step! The three battalions in the inner city are the key points! If Huan Chong can be captured alive, His Majesty will reward me a lot!"

Xi chiseled his teeth and said with a smile: "Wen Su don't be careless, Huan Yingyang is not an idiot, I'm afraid he still has a backhand."

"A second hand?" Zhang Zhao said with a confident smile: "He has a second hand, so let's fight against Zhang Zhennan! The Beimenjin barracks won, and without delay, Zhao ordered Zhang Jinnan to open the city gate immediately. I'm afraid Zhang Zhenjun's army of tigers and wolves should enter the city, right?"

At this moment, Xi Zongchi saw that the surface of the tea water on the table had lines, as if there was no wind.

Zhang Zhao also noticed this situation, and said with a faint smile: "You are worthy of being the elite of the Wei Kingdom, this speed, tsk tsk, it really has nothing to say!"

At this time, Xiangyang City was completely in chaos. Numerous powerful family guards from Xiangyang took to the streets with weapons and launched an attack on the Jingzhou Army controlled by Huan Chong. The total strength of Xiangyang in Jingzhou is nine reorganized battalions, more than [-] people horse.However, there were only three battalions in the inner city for the non-local children of Jingzhou. After Xi Chao's assassination failed, Huan Chong also made full preparations to eliminate Zhang Mo's power in the army.

It's just that it's not Zhang Zhe alone who is rebelling at this moment, but almost all the powerful gentry in Jingzhou. From the government to the army, Huan Chong doesn't know who he can trust. The infighting between the enemy and ourselves is the most unpredictable.

After getting the complete failure of the clean-up operation, Huan Chong said in frustration: "It's over, it's over, it's over. Chong is a sinner."

Xi Chao was very calm at the moment, he said: "Let's go, if we don't go, we won't be able to go either! If we keep the green hills, we don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

The guards around Xi Chaochong winked, and those guards immediately understood, without any explanation, set up Huan Chong and walked out.

As soon as he walked outside the door, he heard the sound of horseshoes like thunder.

"Wei Jun came so fast. A group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves." Xi Chao smiled coldly: "Those who betray the king of Shu will not end well. Send a battalion and set fire along the street."

Human life is also very tenacious in nature, but in front of the violent machine of the army, it is so weak and shocking.Xi Chao's order was issued, and a full-staffed barracks began to set fire everywhere.

A scholar who has become used to domineering just said "presumptuous!" A deadpan Shu army drew out a horizontal knife and quickly chopped off the scholar's head.

It can be said that this Shu army's swordsmanship is even good. The soldier's head fell off, and the headless corpse sprayed blood, which looked extremely magnificent under the bright light of the fire.The soldiers of the Shu army didn't seem to see the headless corpse, and they each helped to pour kerosene on the houses of the people and all kinds of inflammable objects.These soldiers were ordered to set fire, regardless of whether there were people in the house.

The soldiers of the Shu army set fire and killed people, and the panic among the people spread rapidly like a plague.Most of the houses in Xiangyang City are built with wood as the main raw material, which is very easy to burn.With just one stick of incense, the soldiers of the Shu army lit two streets, and these two streets formed a fire camp in the shortest time.

The Shu army's strikes were extremely ruthless, and the orders were cruel and ruthless. Those ordinary people whose buttocks were burned by the raging fire ran wild in the streets and alleys.

Zhang Wen soon received information from Xiangyang City that Huan Chong and Xi Chao had three reorganized battalions and a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, totaling more than [-] troops.It is impossible to chase after this time.The city of Xiangyang is already in chaos. In order to quickly win the city, Zhang Wen has put all the three cavalry battalions belonging to the Zhennan Army into the inner city of Xiangyang.At this time, the troops of the three cavalry battalions were trapped in the city, unable to advance or retreat.

After simple thinking, Huan Wen ordered the Zhennan Army to continue to march into Xiangyang City. The Zhennan Army was divided into two parts, with most of the soldiers going to fight the fire. people.

Fortunately, Xi Chao was ruthless enough to escape Xiangyang with 2 horses.However, the news that Wei Guo canonized Jingzhou Yuanbiejia to work as Xi Zuochi and Jingzhou Sima Zhangmao caused a huge shock in the world.

Because Xi Chao left too hastily, Wei Guo put out the fire in time, but Xiangyang was not burned to nothing.However, more than 300 houses were burned down, and more than [-] innocent people were killed or burned by the Shu army.Zhang Wen took over the entire county of Xiangyang with little effort, and under the leadership of the leading party Zhang Zhe and his subordinates, he began to mobilize troops to seize the territory of Jingzhou.

However, on the third day of the flag change in Xiangyang, a news came suddenly.In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Yuan Fangping, Marquis of Changhe Township, General Jianwu, Governor of Yiyang, and military officer of the two counties of Jiangxia, led his troops of more than [-] troops and surrendered to the State of Wei.

Although Yuan Fangping didn't make it clear, he was Yuan Qiao's son.Yuan Qiao was Huanwen's Sima of the Xifu Army, especially during the battle to defeat Cheng Han, Yuan Qiao contributed a lot.In the second year of Yonghe, Huan Wen wanted to take advantage of the civil strife in Chenghan and attack Chengdu.Many people opposed Huan Wen's move, thinking it was too risky.Only Yuan Qiao firmly supported Huan Wen. When the Han Dynasty was conquered, Yuan Qiao led [-] soldiers and horses as the vanguard.In the process of destroying Chenghan, Huan Wen was actually not all smooth sailing. The striker lost, which made Huan Wen think of withdrawing from the army for a while.Only Yuan Qiao resolutely opposed it. As a result, during the battle at Ruoqiao, the drummer sent the wrong signal and turned the assembly signal into an attack signal.Yuan Qiao is both civil and military. During the process of discussing meritorious service in Cheng Han, he advanced to General Long Xiang.It is no exaggeration to say that if Yuan Qiaoying hadn't died young (he died of illness shortly after the death of Chenghan), I am afraid that under Huan Wen's command, Xi Chao would not have a bright future.

As a loyal loyalist of Huanwen Xifu Army, Yuan Qiao's son Yuan Fangping actually surrendered to Wei State.This has to be said to be a great irony.Xiangyang changed flags, and Jiangxia and Yiyang counties changed their course, which immediately produced a huge chain effect. Not only Jiangxia, Xiangyang, and Nanjun in the north of the Jiangbei surrendered in the nine counties of Jingzhou, but Lingling, Guiyang, Wuling, and Changsha in the south of the Yangtze River also announced their surrender. Change flag.

Zhang Zhao, who was preparing for Jiangxia County, learned of Yuan Fangping's surrender, and cursed angrily: "This little bastard, he will not surrender sooner or later, but he surrendered at this time."

Zhang Zhao is going to use the incorporated Xiangyang County Army of Jingzhou. At this time, he has four reorganized battalions under his command, and there are two battalions of the Wei Army to cooperate with him. Zhang Zhao intends to show his new master Ran Ming with his actual combat achievements. , to prove that he is a useful talent.However, the forward of Zhang Zhao's troops had just left the boundary of Xiangyang County, when Su Xiao's army welcomed Yuan Fangping's secret envoy.Even if Yuan Fangping surrendered, he could no longer attack Jiangxia County.

At this time, Zhang Jinnan, who had made great contributions in the process of changing flags in Xiangyang, was also promoted to a rank, and became a general of Yangwu from the fourth rank, but Bo was still under the control of Zhang Zhao.

Zhang Jinnan said: "Governor, we have to hurry up. If Wang Ya, who guards Hanshou, also surrenders, and His Majesty appoints him a high-ranking official, I'm afraid the Governor's control over Jingzhou will be suspended!"

For Yuan Fangping, Zhang Zhao has nothing to be afraid of, but Wang Ya is different. Wang Ya is the great-great-grandson of Cao Wei Situ Wang Lang (yes, the Wang Lang scolded by Zhuge Liang in the Three Romances) during the Three Kingdoms period, the great-grandson of General Wei Wang Su, and the later general Wang Lang. The grandson of Long, the son of Wang Jing of Dahonghe.Wang Ya is known for his ability, and it is a rare talent for him to govern the local area.However, the pattern of the Eastern Jin court was that the southern government was governed by the northern army. The northern gentry controlled the military power, while the southern gentry managed the local area. Even Wang Ya chased the ducks to the shelves and named a leading general.In history, he was the highest general left guard.

"Nephew is right!" Zhang Zhao immediately ordered the soldiers to advance quickly.Desperately, he managed to march 120 miles a day.This made Su Xiao very surprised. When did this group of soft-footed shrimp Jingzhou soldiers run away like this?

However, as the elite troops of the Wei State, naturally they should not be underestimated by these Jingzhou soldiers.The two elite battalions of the Wei army also threw off their feet and strode forward.

Although Jingzhou's military discipline is not to be flattered by others, Zhang Mo is desperately trying to get on the road, and he is very strict with his subordinates, especially Zhang's children hold military power, and Zhang Mo's orders can be carried out very well. Moreover, Ran Ming gave him a very good impression with his fast speed and neat military appearance.

With the change of flags in the nine counties of Jingzhou, the situation of Wei's southern expedition suddenly became clear.In fact, Jingzhou was a very large area in ancient times. It reached the territory of today’s Henan in the north, Nanyang was Wan at that time, and a part of Xinyang was in Jiangxia; it reached Guilin in Guangxi today and Shaoguan in Guangdong in the south; it reached Jiangxi in Hubei today in the east. Junction; westward to today's Guizhou territory.

With the change of banner in Jingzhou, Huan Wen also faced a serious problem, that is, his connection with the Eastern Jin court was cut off, and there was no possibility of contact between the Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Jin.Although the Kingdom of Shu also has a naval force, it is still a question of whether it can break through the Yangtze River defense line controlled by the navy under the command of Zhang Zhao, who is eager to make contributions.

At this time, Ran Ming laughed and said: "The first order of the army, the Zhenxi Army under the Zhenxi General Xie Ai will go south with all its strength, and the former Qin, Liang, and Yong defense areas will be handed over to Shuozhou Ningshuo General Gao Guangyuan to supervise."

"The second draft of the military order is to direct Zhang Wen's entire army to go south, and General Wei Zhang Ai will take over the defense areas of Luoyang, Nanyang, and Xiangyang. In the war in the south of the Yangtze River, Zhang Wen acted cheaply, so there is no need to ask for instructions."

"The third proposed military order is to conquer the South and the Shiyue Division will immediately go south with all its strength. The original defense area, Yan, Qing, and Henan defense areas will be handed over to Pingzhou Inspector Ran Feng for supervision."

Hearing these three military orders, both the Chief of Staff Ji Wei and everyone in the tent were shocked.They knew that Ran Ming had let go of his hands and feet and fucked him thoroughly.General Wei Zhang Ai's troops went south, and the defense of Yecheng was basically emptied, and Ran Feng was transferred to the south, which was tantamount to drawing half of Liaodong's troops.

However, Ran Ming also considered that northern soldiers and horses would not easily adapt to the southern climate, so they were stationed in the Central Plains for a suitable process.At the same time, it is also used as a reserve force for the whole army.

Although Ran Ming's order was simple, the General Staff Department did a lot of things. The mobilization of the army, the routes they took, and the preparation of various materials were all their business. That's why.

Xi Pijiang said: "Your Majesty, the sky is falling like it is going, so we should be careful in case of fraud!"

Ran Ming laughed disapprovingly and said: "It's not necessarily true that there is fraud. I know very well how much Sima Dan weighs. At this time, the general situation has become clear, and it cannot be reversed by a mere swindle. If you say, these surrendered people, I believe that the purpose is not pure, but it is impossible to say that they dare to act against the sky."

The battle in Huai'an also went very smoothly, although Xiao Lezi used the Xicheng Wengcheng to dig a big pit and killed more than 1000 Wei soldiers in one fell swoop.The loss of thousands of people is still within an acceptable range for the Southern Expeditionary Army with an army of tens of thousands.

After suffering a loss, Shi Yue played more cautiously.The configuration of the various armies of the Wei State is actually not the same. In fact, whether it is the frontier army or the Central Forbidden Army, there is not much difference in the equipment of individual soldiers.But the equipment of the county soldiers is too poor.Especially the frontier army, their main enemy is the light cavalry against the nomads, so generally they will not be equipped with siege equipment.This time, the southern army temporarily deployed a large number of siege equipment, such as crossbows, eight-ox crossbows and rockets, which made the Jin army suffer enough.

Angry at Xiao Lezi's viciousness, Shi Yue also became cruel. He collected more than 2000 incendiary bombs for individual soldiers from the four battalions.The attack stopped suddenly half an hour before the sun set, and the Jin army on the city wall thought that Wei was exhausted, so they relaxed their vigilance.

However, in the middle of the night, more than 100 ballistas fired individual-style incendiary bombs.The standard ballista shell fired by the ballista weighs fifty catties or 25 catties each.The shooting ranges are between [-] and [-] paces respectively.Each bundle of incendiary bombs that can be tied up with ropes weighs only twelve catties.This individual-style incendiary bomb, after simulation tests, can reach an astonishing range of more than [-] steps.

If you are poor, you want to change. In the preset position of the Wei Army's ballista, it was impossible to hit the inner city, and it was barely able to attack the Wengcheng, but it could not damage the strength of the Jin Army.But after Shi Yue fired the individual incendiary bombs as crossbow shells, this distance limit disappeared.

In the middle of the night, most of the Jin army was still dreaming soundly in their sleep. With a sudden order, the ballista gunners quickly entered the position, and entered a rapid and intensive bombardment according to the shooting units marked in advance.

More than 1 incendiary bombs are an improved version of the Greek fire that is close to 1 jin. The power of this incendiary bomb is very close to the chemical incendiary bombs of later generations. More than [-] incendiary bombs suddenly exploded and ignited Huaian A large number of houses and haystacks in the city were on fire within a short while.The wind takes advantage of the fire, and the fire takes advantage of the wind. In just half an hour, the fire has spread to one-third of Huai'an City.

(End of this chapter)

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