Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 888 You Can't Find a Place to Cry

Chapter 888 You Can't Find a Place to Cry
Chapter 894 You Can't Find a Place to Cry

In Huai'an City, whether it was soldiers of the Jin army or ordinary people, they panicked when they saw the fire.There was a fierce conflict between the people who wanted to save their lives and the soldiers who were preparing to fight against the enemy at night.Especially for people whose whole body is on fire, no matter whether they are poured with water or slapped, they cannot extinguish the fire caused by incendiary bombs.Those people who were infected with incendiary bombs ran around, creating a human-shaped spark invisibly, which caused the fire in Huai'an city to grow bigger and bigger.

At this time, Shi Yue ordered a night battle to attack Huai'an's south gate and north gate.Sima Xi had to resist the Wei army's attack and put out the fire.Unable to take care of both ends, we had to split up with Xiao Lezi.Until dawn, the fire in Huai'an City was still burning sporadically.The sun rises from the east, and the morning glow dyes Huai'an, just like covering the hundreds of feet tall ingots with silk, which is really beautiful and spectacular!Sima Xi and the Jin army in the city were tired after a busy night, but at this moment, the Wei army suddenly roared at the south gate and the north gate.

Without even asking, Sima Xi knew that Wei Jun's strongest general attack had begun.

Many of the soldiers of the Jin army who had been busy all night were still in a daze. The sudden roar and the loud explosion woke them up.These soldiers of the Jin army began to run towards the city wall driven by their respective generals.

However, at this time, Wei Jun's most fatal blow to Huai'an began. Shi Liang, Shi Yue's adopted son, personally led more than a thousand death squads to launch a fierce attack on the East Gate, which had never been fought until now.The hissing and exhausting exclamation attracted the Jin army to return to the defense in a hurry, and finally more than 200 people hurriedly arranged a defensive line.However, at this time, there was a loud noise that resounded through the sky from the East City Gate.

It turned out that the real purpose of the burning attack at night was to cover up the noise created by the excavation of the wall foundation. While the Jin army was busy fighting the fire, Shi Yue used more than 1000 engineers to dig out three square meters of Huai'an East Gate. big hole.Nearly ten thousand catties of gunpowder were stuffed into each big hole.Three blast holes almost one mile apart, with [-] catties of gunpowder, almost knocked down the east city wall.

Shi Liang and more than a thousand members of the Death Squad shouted, "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

"It's over, the city is broken, and the Jin Dynasty is over." Sima Xi even wanted to die.

However, seeing this situation, Xiao Lezi directly pulled Sima Xi and said, "It's over to go to Huai'an, and it's not yet clear who will win and who will lose."

Sima Xi was stunned, did Xiao Lezi get mad?He still has the illusion of victory, where does he get the confidence?
Sun Tzu said: "Know the enemy and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles." The prerequisite for war is the intelligence war.Xiao Lezi has confidence because he has more and more detailed information than the general of the town army, Wuling Wang Sima Xi. Naturally, this is where his confidence lies.

The royal guards of Wei State also infiltrated Jin State frantically and comprehensively. In front of the powerful Wei State, in fact, the royal guards had the upper hand in the intelligence war.Even if the intelligence personnel of Wei State were discovered, the major families in the south of the Yangtze River chose to spy on them instead of killing them. They wanted to keep a line and a way out.On the other hand, looking at the "shadows" of the Jin State, their exposure, whether they are in the Jin State or the Wei State, means death.

After easily occupying Huai'an, Shi Yue looked at the battle report and suddenly discovered something strange. "This matter is a bit strange. From the information I have obtained, this Wuling king Sima Xi is not only proficient in the art of war, but also quite good. He will never leave Huai'an City so easily. To guard the river, you must guard the Huai River. Losing Huai'an There is no strong city in front of Jiankang, an important town. Not to mention that Sima Xi still has considerable strength, even if he has only one soldier left, he will fight to the death, how could he ignore the overall situation, there must be fraud in it."

Li Yanqing, chief of staff of the South Army, was also the first student of the Jiaodong National Lecture Hall. His greatest strength is his resourcefulness, but his weakness is also very prominent, that is, he has no decision.Li Yanqing's eyes lit up, and he said, "General Shi, what you mean is that Sima Xi is going to build a plank road in the open and cross Chencang secretly?"

"I'm not sure about this general yet!" Shi Yue squinted his eyes, shook his head slightly and said, "Sima Xi was defeated, and he took nearly half of his troops with him. At least 5 people escaped under his command. This person must not be underestimated. With such critical information, defeat without chaos is definitely a formidable enemy! Hehe, this is even more interesting."

Shi Yue was also busy checking the information. As the commander of Wei's three major Southern Expeditions, if he wanted to make a decision, he must first know himself, and then know the enemy, so that he could win a hundred battles.However, no matter judging from the information of the royal guards or the confessions of Jiang Xuanjun like Zhang Xuanzhi and others, although Sima Xi is very good, he will definitely not be as difficult to deal with.

When breaking through Huai'an City, Shi Yue organized two cavalry battalions and one light infantry battalion, with a total of [-] elite troops to pursue Sima Xi's remnants.However, these three reorganized battalions with [-] elite troops were ambushed in Sheyang, Guangling County.Today's Sheyang is different from later generations. At this time, more than [-]% of the land in the entire county is almost wetland, with a large number of reeds and various weeds, almost taller than a person.The entire county has less than a thousand households, a typical barren land.Although the Wei scouts were very careful, they were still ambushed by the Jin army.

According to normal requirements, the scouts of the Wei army need to place the cavalry fifty miles away, which is enough distance for the army behind to make preparations.However, due to the fact that the official road can hardly be seen clearly, and there are a lot of reeds and weeds, it is hard to guard against.This is not like being in a mountainous area or a grassland, where you can have a panoramic view, and you can have a panoramic view of any wind and grass.

In this geographical environment, war horses not only cannot run, but it is extremely difficult for people to walk.The messy footprints left by the Jin army when they retreated also interfered with the scouts' judgment.They also did not expect that under such circumstances, the Jin army could organize an effective ambush.Carelessly lost Jingzhou, as the so-called tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by dogs, Wei Guo's elite cavalry was suddenly embarrassed.

General Mi Li, the general of the Jin army, was biting a grass stalk in boredom, lying on a black bear skin, watching the mosquitoes flying in the sky, frowning deeply.Mi Li is not a general under Sima Xi, the general of the town army, but a new Huben army formed by Sima Dan using the development of Lingnan.Millie himself was originally just an ordinary guard soldier, but in just over two years, he was promoted to the position of the chief general of the first army.

In fact, the surname Mi is also a Han surname, and Mi was a common surname in the pre-Qin period.But it has disappeared now. Except for the split into "Xiong, Qu, Chu... and other surnames", the rest have been changed to the Mi surname.The Mi surname is also a common surname in the land of Chu.However, it did not give birth to any celebrities, so it was not known to the world.

Speaking of Mili, the most surprising thing was Xiao Lezi himself.Since half a month ago, they brought a large amount of luggage into the territory of Sheyang, and according to Xiao Lezi's request, they lay in ambush in the wetland of Sheyang.In order to hide their whereabouts and not be discovered by the scouts of the Wei army, all of them had more than [-] soldiers, and all of them could not light a fire for cooking, and only ate dry food.However, dry food does not have such a long shelf life, in order to allow soldiers to have sufficient physical strength and nutrition.Sima Dan also used the money in his inner treasury generously to buy a large amount of canned food.

More than 8000 people in the army ate that expensive canned food, and the price was very high.Mi Li himself also thought that Xiao Lezi's worries were unfounded. You must know that Sima Xi has 10 troops under his command and is actively defending Huai'an.

However, it was surprising that since the early morning yesterday, a large number of Jin army routs were found in Sheyang territory.

Mi Li admires Xiao Lezi's ability to predict the prophet.

"General Mi. The brothers in front have sent a signal, and Wei Guo has appeared, led by a scout of more than a hundred people!"

Millie said: "Notify, let go of the scouts in front, and prepare to fight!"

Under Milli's order, the Huben Army of the Jin Dynasty began preparations for battle.Not to mention the royal internal guards, even the important officials of the Jin Dynasty did not know about this army. All the armor and weapons were allocated from Sima Dan's internal treasury.From the establishment to the training of this army, it was all completed in Guangzhou.Except for the fact that the governor of Guangzhou, Teng Jian, had a vague idea of ​​the inside story.This army originally had 4 to [-] horses, but in the successive battles to suppress the Zhuyue aborigines, it was continuously reduced, and finally only [-] people remained.

Every army is a monster fed by victory, and the Huben Army is no exception.This army achieved brilliant results and high morale in the battle against the natives of Zhuyue.Ordinary soldiers were either peasants with broken families, or shady households or hidden households without household registration. They were not recorded in the national household registration of the Jin Dynasty, so even the predecessor of the royal inner guard was "deaf and dumb". focus on.What's more, Sima Dan secretly mobilized this army to go north, and even used a trick to replace the tiger with ordinary soldiers.

Now the former barracks of the Huben Army in Panyu, Guangzhou, supplies as usual, drills are normal, and even the governor of Guangzhou, Teng Jian, doesn't know about it.

The well-trained Huben army quickly entered the fighting state.They have never heard of Wei Jun's prestige, they are also a strong army themselves, and unlike other Jin armies, when they heard Wei Jun's name, they were three points timid before fighting.

Moreover, the equipment of this army is definitely the most sophisticated in the Jin army. Even ordinary soldiers are all wearing bright armor made of refined steel. As strong and sharp as those made in China, the entire army has at least two kinds of weapons, and at least 2% of the soldiers can be familiar with shooting skills.Although I dare not say that everyone is able to shoot through hundreds of steps, but with a human body, it is still possible to hit.The supply consumption of this new army built with reuse is also very astonishing. There are only [-] soldiers and horses, and the auxiliary soldiers are only [-]. However, their consumption is more than the [-] soldiers and horses under the command of the town army general Thirty percent.

In addition to individual equipment, there are quite a lot of gunpowder weapons, especially the eight-ox crossbow. Even if the transportation is so difficult, more than 100 eight-ox crossbows were shipped up.

After about half an hour, a large army of the Wei army began to appear in sight.The wetland is one of the terrains that restrict the mobility of the cavalry. After more than 200 miles of pursuit, the cavalry of the Wei army were exhausted and exhausted.The loose cavalry, no, the prepared infantry with their horses appeared in sight,
"Attack!" Miley yelled with all the strength in his chest.This half month has made him depressed for too long, too long.

More than 100 eight-ox crossbow arrows flew towards the target with a chilling sound when the crossbowman's mallet was smashed down.

"Chichi..." The huge crossbow arrow, more than six feet long, ruthlessly penetrated into the bodies of the soldiers and horses of the Wei army.In the face of the eight bull crossbows, any defensive means are ineffective. Although the bright light armor is strong, under the huge impact of the giant crossbow bolts, it becomes as fragile as paper, and it will be broken with a light hug.

At the same time, at least five or six thousand arrows and crossbow arrows enveloped the soldiers of the Wei army like a violent storm.

As the elite cavalry of the Wei State, it was also very embarrassing at this time. The cavalry who had lost their mobility was not even as good as the infantry.These cavalry targets are vulnerable to attack and difficult to avoid. As an ancestor who played the Eight Bull Crossbow, Wei Guo knew the shortcomings and countermeasures of the crossbow.

In the face of the attack of the Eight Bull Crossbow, it is not good to run around, which will only increase the casualties.It is also impossible to charge against the eight-ox crossbow.At this time, the shooting frequency of the eight-ox crossbow is too fast, and one stick of incense (5 minutes) can shoot three rounds.If it is under favorable terrain conditions, the Wei cavalry can naturally charge against the eight-ox crossbow.It's just that they can neither run fast nor escape.

The sound of the piercing crossbow firing sounded, and the leading generals of the Wei State yelled at the same time: "Lie down!"

The dead angle of the eight-ox crossbow is one and a half feet above the ground. As long as you lower your body deliberately, you can avoid the blood baptism of the eight-ox crossbow.

Facing the overwhelming rain of arrows, the soldiers of the Wei army used individual folded shields to protect the vital positions. There was no way, light infantry and cavalry were not equipped with heavy shields, and they only had one folded shield on their arms.

As an elite force, the Wei army reacted from the panic in a very short time. After bearing the first round of arrow rain from the Jin army's ambush, the Wei army also used crossbows to fight back.

The two sides shot arrows back and forth, and the fighting scene was extremely lively.

Seeing this situation, Millie couldn't help frowning.He saw that the casualties caused by the rain of arrows were very low, unlike those of the native army, if the native army was hit by such a rain of arrows, it would definitely collapse.However, Wei Jun not only did not show timidity, but counterattacked with crossbow arrows, and caused a lot of casualties to the Huben Army.

The distance between the two sides is slowly getting closer.Slowly approaching thirty steps, twenty steps, at this time Wei Jun's single-handed beating bombs also began to be thrown into the Jin Army's ambush formation. Unsurprisingly, the Jin Army also counterattacked with gunpowder bullets.The battle was fought so intensely that hell on earth was no longer enough to describe it. There were torn horses and human corpses all over the place, and many soldiers still had a lot of colorful intestines and internal organs hanging from their heads.

In the chaotic war, in fact, it is still unfavorable to the state of Wei.If the cavalry lost their horses, their combat effectiveness would be halved, especially because it was wetland, even the infantry could not stand firm.But those Huben troops are different. They train in the special terrain of the subtropical rainforest. Although the subtropical rainforest is muddy here, it is a wetland.Fighting in close combat, the Huben army became more and more courageous, and the Wei cavalry suffered heavy casualties.

"Captain, what should we do?" A Wei soldier looked at his general in a panic and asked in fear.

The Wei infantry captain didn't even look at the soldier, and cut off his head with a knife: "I'm sorry for the uniform you're wearing."

"Great Wei Wansheng, long live Your Majesty, unite the world and build peace together!"

I don't know who thought of this slogan, why is it a bit like the bewitching slogan of the leader of Shenlong?

The cavalry of the Wei army is different from the cavalry of the nomads. In the eyes of the nomads, the war horse is not only their riding tool, but also their partner. They will not kill the war horse unless it is absolutely necessary.They don't even use war horses as shields, but the soldiers of Wei State are different. In the eyes of Wei State soldiers, war horses are just tools and consumables.Therefore, in the face of an ambush, the three Wei army battalions formed a defensive formation in the shape of a character, and the soldiers of the two light cavalry battalions used dead horses or giant crossbows scattered on the ground to form a simple formation. defended the position, while the battalion of light infantry went on the offensive.

The slaughter lasted for more than an hour, and it was not over until Xiao Lezi ordered Mili's troops to retreat when both sides were exhausted.

However, despite this, the Wei army's pursuit troops still lost nearly 2000 people, and the infantry battalion suffered more than 3000 casualties.The most important thing is that more than [-] war horses were taken away. The angry Shi Yue now has the heart to kill people.Even the joy of Huai'an's victory has been weakened too much.

(End of this chapter)

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