Chapter 889
Chapter 895 Inexplicably Uneasy

At this time, Xiao Lezi who was in Yangzhou City raised the wine glass in his hand. This wine glass was also a glazed glass produced by the State of Wei, and the wine in the glass was as red as blood.

Looking at the blood-red wine, Xiao Lezi drank it all in one gulp.

Eight thousand ambush soldiers ambushed fifteen thousand Wei.Nearly [-] enemies were killed, and nearly [-] self-injured.Although this victory was a bit tragic, the remaining generals of the Jin army did not see it this way. They believed that Wei Guo had no possibility of defeating the opponent with the same number.If you want to defend the Wei State's attack, you must have at least three times the superior force of the opponent. If you are fighting in the wild, then this ratio will become five or ten.

It is also a miracle that Xiao Lezi created an almost impossible task.

Shi Yue finally got a shocking news from the Royal Guard's intelligence, that is Xiao Lezi.In Huai'an, it can be said that Xiao Lezi used Sima Xi's hand to cross a trick with Shi Yue.

In fact, Xiao Lezi is the real winner.

It turns out that during the battle in Huai'an, both Shi Yue's contribution and Xiao Lezi's release of water were attributable.That's because Xiao Lezi wanted to borrow a knife to kill people. The general of the town army, Wuling Wang Sima Xi, led an army of [-] troops. It was formed with money and people from the four major families in Jiangdong. Because of Xiangyang's change of flag and Zhang Zhao's surrender, Xiao Lezi was alerted.Don't look at Sima Xi's measures to temporarily control the military power, but the influence of the four major Jiangdong families in this army should not be underestimated.

In order to avoid this situation, Xiao Lezi used Wei Jun's sword to remove the unstable factors in the army.As far as Xiao Lezi is concerned, he is definitely a ruthless person. He killed more than 3 "his own people" just in Huai'an.Now that Sima Xi has arrived in Yangzhou, there are only less than [-] troops, but there are no children from the four major families in these troops, and they are basically sergeants loyal to the court.

As a famous general, there is actually a kind of anticipation of danger.The city of Huai'an was broken, and the Jin army fled, but this escape was not an aimless run, but a flock to Yangzhou.It is not so much a rout as a purposeful strategic retreat.Especially in the ambush in Sheyang, Shi Yue clearly realized that Xiao Lezi was more difficult than Sima Xi.The Jin army began to strengthen the city wall defense in Yangzhou, and made a posture of holding on for a long time.

This abnormal situation aroused Shi Yue's vigilance.Does Xiao Lezi still have a backup?

Shi Yue was very wronged.

"Your mother, I think I'm easy to bully!" Zhang Wen took over the entire Jingzhou almost effortlessly, and more than half of the strategic goal was completed.Except for a decent battle in Fancheng, it was simply an armed march.The same goes for Xie Ai, although it was a little bit hard for the strange soldiers to come out of Yinping, but the progress was very smooth.Only myself, now the Southern Expeditionary Army has lost nearly 1 horses, which is the biggest loss among the three Southern Expeditions. Even if they get all the merits, I am afraid that the future will not be so good in Ran Ming's impression.

Sima Xi was more uncomfortable than Shi Yue. Although the appearance of Huben's new army really surprised everyone, this kind of surprise was very limited.The Huben Army has only 5000 troops. Although they can fight the Wei Army equally in field battles, their numbers are too small.Wei Jun has millions of people, even if ten people fight one, they can wipe out the Huben Army.

Looking at the worried Sima Xi, Xiao Lezi said with a leisurely smile, "Don't worry, the general, the situation is not as serious as imagined."

"Xiao Canjun..." Sima Xi had no idea what to say to him.

"The Great Jin will surely win this battle!" Xiao Lezi said confidently, "Although Jingzhou is lost, what impact will it have on the court? To put it bluntly, it is not His Majesty who hurts the most, but Huan Wen."

Sima Xi looked forward to Ai Ai and said: "But, after all, this is related to the face of the imperial court."

"Face? Ever since Emperor Yuan went south, what face does the imperial court have?" Xiao Lezi pointedly said: "Although Jingzhou is lost, the main force of Huanwen's army has not lost much. He can contain the army of Wei State in Chengdu. We are now Although we are temporarily defeated, as soon as the time comes, we can make a big counterattack. Just wait and see, we may not be able to restore the territory of Taizu Emperor Wudi, but it should not be difficult to recover the old capital of Luoyang."

"Oh." After hearing this, Sima Xi said excitedly: "Does Xiao Canjun have any back-ups?"

"If there is no backer, there will be no hope for the Great Jin." Xiao Lezi said: "Does the General really think that His Majesty's hole card is a Tiger Army?"

On the eighth day of April in the first year of Hongshi, Ran Ming moved to Xiangyang City.Specially entered Xiangyang County, Xi Chiuchi brought the gentry and common people of Xiangyang out of the city and knelt down ten miles to meet Ran Ming Shengjia.

In the front is more than a thousand sturdy cavalry guards, and behind is an unusually huge jade car.The so-called jade rod is the chariot that the emperor rides.Ran Ming's jade car is different from that of this period.However, Ran Ming was lucky enough to see the jade car left by Kang Mazi in later generations, so he copied one.Of course, they are not the same. Ran Ming imitated the jade cart of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. It is composed of a seat, a pavilion and a disc. The Qing Dynasty was blue, but the Wei State was Shui De and black. , the whole body is decorated in black.The cover of the 辂 is nearly one meter high, and the disk of the 辂 is a golden yellow dome, with four round plates inlaid with jade. Because the prominent parts are decorated with jade, it is called a jade 辂.

The biggest difference between this Yuren and Kang Mazi is that the ancient traditional two-wheeled carriage has been changed to four-wheeled.There are engraved gold hanging clouds on the disc, and three layers of engraved gold cloud plates are pasted around it.The curtain is made of three layers of red satin, and each layer is embroidered with patterns of golden clouds, dragons and feathers.Four gold and red satin ties are tied to the chariot.The four pillars are painted with golden cloud dragons.There are bead curtains hanging from the car door, one on each side of the front and the left.The Yunlong throne is surrounded by Zhulan, which is painted with gold and color alternately, and there are tapestry around the fence.

When I saw this jade car for the first time, not only the gentry and common people in Xiangyang were dumbfounded, but even the well-informed Xi Chiuchi was dumbfounded.He once traveled to Jiankang to study, and he had to meet Sima Dan's jade body.To be honest, Sima Dan's jade car was considered extravagant, but compared with Ran Ming's jade car, it was like a beggar and a dragon king.

Ran Ming saw that there were heads all over the place, and the leader was Xi Zouza, the number one hero of Xiangyang Yizhi, so he stepped down from Yuren himself.

"Courtesy (grassmen) refer to your majesty, your majesty Wan (gold) is safe" (the set of my emperor, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, was created by the Qing Dynasty.)
Ran Ming took a step forward, grabbed Xi Chiu-chi's hands with both hands, and said, "Xi Qing avoided the disaster of war in Xiangyang and reduced the innocent deaths of thousands of subjects. With this alone, Xi Qing will shine brightly in history."

Xi chiseled his teeth and said, "I'm ashamed, minister!"

At first, Ran Ming was very afraid of the ancient handshake, which was always affectionate, and the modern handshake is at most a one-handed handshake.And this clasping hands, and then walking together with arm in arm, this is called swimming with arms in ancient times.Ran Ming felt very awkward. If this were seen in modern times, it would definitely be called a broken back... But it is different in this era. In the eyes of Confucian scholars, this is the most direct expression of courtesy and virtuous corporals.

Not allowing Xi Chiuchi to refuse, Ran Ming pulled Xi Chiuchi and boarded the upper jade pedestal together.This is a matter of courtesy if you call out to the same car.

In Ran Ming's view, Confucian scholars are also the best thing to save face. If Confucian scholars are rewarded with ten thousand gold, even if they are happy, they will pretend to be disapproving.It represents the nobleness of Confucian scholars.But if they are treated with courtesy, these Confucian scholars will cry with gratitude.

Xi chiseled his teeth to decline, seeing that the holy will was hard to do, so he boarded the jade scorpion expectantly.Ran Ming then said to the gentry and common people below: "Father and brothers in Xiangyang, please get up and get up!" Then he said to Lin Heishan: "Go and help the villagers up."

Although Ran Ming has been traveling for a long time, he is also used to the etiquette of kneeling in this era, but looking at the front row, there are a large number of gentry people, all in their fifties and sixties, and there are even gray-haired old men, which makes Ran Ming feel A little uncomfortable.

Under the leadership of Lin Heishan, all the officers and soldiers of the imperial guards began to go forward to help the kneeling common people and gentry.The people of Xiangyang and the gentry all knew that the Wei army was tough, and even the fierce Jie people were almost killed, and the Xianbei people who were more fierce than the Jie people had to surrender and flee.The gentry and common people of Xiangyang were shocked and afraid of such a famous and famous tiger and wolf army.However, some gentry even thought: "Why are these brave Wei soldiers not as vicious as the rumors? They are very kind, even more kind than those soldiers from Jingzhou when Huan Wen was the governor of Jingzhou."

But that's how people are.Countless gentry thought: "This is the real strong army, which has the essence of the art of war. It is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, invades and loots like fire, immovable as a mountain, difficult to know as cloud, and moves like thunder." The more Wei Jun The kindness shown, the more the gentry and common people in Xiangyang are in awe and friendship.

With the in-depth transmission of Bianwen, the images of Wei's generals are also familiar to people.Especially when someone with a heart saw Lin Heishan's giant hammer on his horse, he vaguely guessed Lin Heishan's identity.There are also the two grimaces of Jin Nu and Tie Nu, the dragon-slaying halberd, and the soul-devouring spear, these two signature weapons, which also vividly point out their identities.

Some people even murmured secretly: "Hey, did you see that big man with a black face like an iron tower, that is His Majesty's number one minion, General Lei Zhenlin with Double Hammers." The word means that loyalty can be entrusted with heavy responsibilities. It was not until the Manchu Dynasty that the literary prison flourished, and the court eagles and dogs slaughtered wantonly, and this changed the meaning. Like the word Hanjian, the original Hanjian refers to the traitors of the Han people, specifically referring to those who opposed the Qing Dynasty. )
"Those two are the two generals Huo Ha and the two generals Jin and Tie. It is said that the two generals, like the late emperor, are fierce generals who are brave enough to crown the three armies, and have the courage to overlord. After that year, General Zhao Longxiang defeated Sun Fudu with tens of thousands of people. Hiding three thousand soldiers in the Danxia Palace, they were about to assassinate the late emperor, but they were defeated by the late emperor and Jin Tie, the three generals. The head of the owl. The two of them took the head of the enemy general among the ten thousand armies, just like picking something out of a bag."

"Those armored soldiers are probably His Majesty's guards in the hidden mansion, the Qilin Guards. It is said that each of them can block a hundred with one, and a mere five hundred people can kill seven of Xianbei Murong Ke's [-] troops. In and seven out."

Of course Bianwen is change, and the plot of Bianwen's story is different from the reality. At the beginning, Ran Ming had no chance to form the Qilin Guard, let alone shine in the battle of Liantai.

However, the imperial guards of the Wei State were all talked about by the gentry and common people in Xiangyang, and there were countless young and strong who wanted to join the army for a while.

Ran Ming and Xi Zouchi boarded the Yuren, boarded the Yuren, and drove with Ran Ming in the same car, which made Xi Zouchi feel extremely dignified, and he even had an urge to die for his confidant.I'm afraid Ran Ming is now asking Xi Zouchi to blow up the bunker with the explosives in his arms. Xi Zouchi probably won't even frown.

The four wheels each have eighteen spokes and are decorated with gold engraving.There are two shafts in front, and the two ends are decorated with the head and tail of a golden dragon respectively.There are twelve red satin Taichang flags on the back tree. The sun, moon, five stars and 28 constellations are embroidered on the flags, and there are colorful tassels hanging from the flags.When driving, he used a red velvet belt to drive an elephant to lead the car forward, but at this time, Ran Ming was the imperial driver himself, and instead of using a war elephant, he used six white horses, but even so, it looked extremely gorgeous!
"Your Majesty, this jade 辂 is really good. Not only does it look majestic and majestic, but it is also more comfortable to sit on. When walking, it is as stable as standing still!"

Technology is always improving. When Ran Ming was in Luoyang, he built a carriage with shock absorbers.But this kind of shock absorption is not spring shock absorption. Just like the cars of later generations, it adopts bridge-type bar steel shock absorption. Although the effect is a little bit, it is definitely not as good as it is now.

Xi Zouchi admired Ran Ming's jade body, and also flattered Ran Ming.But after a while, seeing that Ran Ming didn't respond, he knew that the emperor didn't like flattery.Fortunately, Xi Zouchi is not a person without talent or virtue, he is a person with real talents and practical learning after all.It introduced the issues that Ran Ming was most concerned about, such as the geometry of the Xiangyang treasury, the geometry of the population, and the geometry of taxes.

Xi Chiuchi came up with these numbers just by opening his mouth, without checking his own records at all. Regardless of whether they are right or wrong, it is obvious that Xi Chiuchi has done his homework.

Ten miles away, it's here in the blink of an eye.Xi Zouchi had already prepared for Ran Ming's arrival.In Xiangyang City, there is actually a palace.This is the palace of Xiangyang King Sima Fan.Sima Fan is the grandson of Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, and the son of Sima Wei, King of Chu Yin. Northeast of Dancheng), intercepted and killed the princes and ministers of Jin.There was a famous battle of annihilation, in which 48 Jin troops rode and cavalry, [-] princes of the clan and vassals, and more than [-] officials below the princes were all killed.Although Sima Fan died, his palace is still there. When Huan Wenchu ​​was the governor of Jingzhou, he spent a lot of money to repair it.After Huan Wen canonized the King of Shu, the Xiangyang Palace became Huan Wen's other courtyard.Of course, at this time, the only one who can match Ran Ming's identity is Xiangyang Palace.

Xi Chiuchi not only sent people to clean it up, but also sent people to replace some decorations. All the iconic things of the Jin Dynasty royal family were cancelled.It was replaced with the black color advocated by the royal family of Wei State (red and black, the most noble color of the Han family.) Because of the haste of Huan Chong's escape, the Xiangyang Palace has been preserved.

But Ran Ming didn't check in.

Xi chiseled his teeth, puzzled.

Ran Ming explained: "When I first entered Xiangyang today, I saw that countless people in Xiangyang city were suffering because of the war, their houses were damaged, and they were sleeping on the streets. If I live in such a luxurious house, how can I feel at ease!"

Hearing this remark, the Xiangyang gentry and Xi Zouchi who were present all burst into tears.

Xi Zou teeth choked up for a while, unable to speak.Xi Pijiang said: "Your Majesty does not know that although we in Jingzhou are rich, we have to support more than [-] Xifu troops and more than [-] Jingzhou troops. Although King Huanwen of Shu has a good command of the army, the military discipline is fair. But the generals of Jingzhou But he likes foxes to pretend to be tigers, and in the name of borrowing food, he often robs the gentry and the people. Even if he sues the king of Shu, it will be nothing in the end. Over time, the Jingzhou army will become more arrogant. They will shine when they see money, and they will shine when they see beauty. A decent woman would grab it hard. A sage like His Majesty who loves the people like a son can’t live in a beautiful palace, but shares joys and sorrows with all people. Pijiang has only read about such things in books. I thought it was a lie. I never thought that Pijiang would be lucky enough to meet and serve such a virtuous king in his lifetime!"

Ran Ming can be regarded as one of the politicians, so he is naturally aware of Huan Wen's helplessness.The Eastern Jin Dynasty was afraid that Huanwen's family would become the dominant family and would not lose their tail, so they caught him in every possible way.Using Jingzhou's tyrants to fight Huan Wen, in the end Huan Wen's family was fine, but the people suffered.However, you can tell by looking at Zhang Zhao. Even Huan Chong and Xi Chao joined forces, and he was successfully betrayed. It is conceivable how powerful Zhang Zhao and Jingzhou Haoqiang are.

Ran Ming said: "I am not a virtuous king. I am the same as the emperor. I am elected by the people of the world to manage this land on behalf of the people. It is only my duty to care about the livelihood of the people. My emperor, the emperor, would rather risk his life in the army. The danger of lack of food and mutiny still doesn’t affect the life rations of the people. There are still people in Xiangyang who are homeless. If I live in this gorgeous palace, how can I feel at ease? The king is a boat, the people are water, and water can carry a boat , can also overturn the boat. As long as there is one person in the world who can’t eat or wear warm clothes, I will feel uncomfortable. My greatest wish is to see that in my lifetime, all the people in the world can have enough food , even if you can’t have big fish and meat, at least you can see meat and fish. Although everyone can’t wear silk and satin all the time, you should have clothes to shelter you from the wind and cold. I will make an appointment with all people and never add gifts. This is not empty talk. If I and I If the children and grandchildren violate it, all the people can ask for it on behalf of the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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