Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 890 Suspicious Clouds

Chapter 890 Suspicious Clouds
Chapter 896

As soon as Ran Ming's demagogic remarks came out, the common people and gentry present cried even harder.

"Your Majesty may feel that this is nothing. But chisel teeth have never been seen in my life, and I have never heard of them." Xi chiseled teeth and said with a sob: "Chisel teeth have met such an enlightened master in their lifetime. What can I ask for? From now on, chisel teeth will be exposed. Do your best to assist the Ming Lord and achieve great things."

Ran Ming personally helped several elderly people whose houses were burned down by Huan Chong's troops during the war, leaving them homeless.Ran Ming took them to live in Xiangyang Palace.Although the Prince's Mansion in Xiangyang was not small, it still couldn't accommodate all the homeless people. At this time, Xi Chiuchi took the lead, and the gentry began to resettle the affected people in their homes.Ran Ming also ordered the Imperial Guard Army and the Central Army of the Wei Army to help the affected people in Xiangyang City build houses.

Of course, there was an element of acting in it, and even though it was acting, Ran Ming was full of sincerity.Urgently dispatched a batch of cement and steel from the rear, and stepped up the construction of brick kilns in the city to produce bricks and tiles.And send people to announce the designed resettlement plan for the affected people to the public.

Those gentry felt a little bit sour at this moment, and they were so extravagant to use cement to build houses, that kind of houses might be safe for a hundred years, and they were not afraid of fire.They even wished that the one that was burned had their own house.

However, following Ran Ming's actions in Xiangyang City, Ran Ming's reputation for benevolence and righteousness quickly spread to all counties in Xiangyang.

On April [-]th of the first year of Hongshi, General Zhenxi surrounded Chengdu and launched a tentative attack on Chengdu.On the morning of the [-]th, three support armies successively arrived from the southwest of Chengdu, but they were all defeated by Xie Ai's subordinate Murong Chui and Jiang Xie.Xie Ai encircled Chengdu, but did not fight. The purpose was to lure troops from all over Huanwen to rescue and encircle and fight for aid.This is Xie Ai's strategic and tactical thinking. After arriving in Shu, Xie Ai found that there are too many mountains in Shu. If these Huanwen tribes see Huanwen defeated, it would be fine if they surrendered to Wei. In ten years, Xie Ai was not sure of completely pacifying the middle of Shu.

On April [-]th of the first year of Hongshi, the forward general Su Xiao under the command of Zhennan General Zhang Wen and Nanman Xiaowei and Jingzhou Naval Commander Zhang Zhao officially crossed the river and quickly attacked the two counties of Wuling and Changsha. .Why do you say rushing to attack? That is because the leading generals in the counties and counties of Jingzhou are all waiting for the wind to surrender.Even though Zhang Zhao was fast, the Hanshou defender Wang Ya, the leading general of the Jin Dynasty, led his troops to surrender.

Zhang Zumomao didn't even get one, and he was even more annoyed.So if you work hard, you must make meritorious deeds.However, when Zhang Zhao was preparing to enter Changsha County, he received Zhang Wen's order to ignore Changsha County and quickly fight for Ningzhou.

Ningzhou is not the current Ningzhou in Yunnan Province, but refers to when Liu Chan, the empress of the Shu Han Dynasty, the prime minister Zhuge Liang marched south in 225 A.D. by dividing the east, middle and west roads, pacified Nanzhong, adjusted counties, abolished Yizhou County, and reformed it. Seven prefectures of Jianning, Xinggu, Yunnan, Yongchang, Zhuti, Yuexi, and Zangcang were set up.Sima Yan, Emperor Cheng of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, divided Xinggu County into Liangshui County and set up Liangshui County.In this way, Ningzhou has eight counties.The territory under its jurisdiction is equivalent to today's southern Guizhou, the entire territory of Yunnan, western Guangxi, and the vast areas of northwestern Vietnam and northern Myanmar.

Zhang Zhao was overjoyed when he received this order, especially since Zhang Wen gave him arbitrary power, and even the elite troops of the three battalions of Su Xiao and his three battalions were also under Zhang Zhao's command.At this time, Zhang Zhe had seven elite reorganized battalions in his hands, including three battalions of the Jingzhou Army that were temporarily surrendered, with a total of more than [-] troops.

Zhang Zhao was very excited, as long as he took Ningzhou and expanded the territory of Wei State by three thousand miles, even if Ran Ming didn't make him a prince, he shouldn't be able to escape the position of Duke.

The situation of Wei's southern expedition became better with the change of flag in Xiangyang.On April 23, Shi Yue, the Southern Expedition Army, surrounded Yangzhou. However, to everyone's surprise, Sima Xi and Xiao Lezi abandoned the city when everyone believed that the Jin army was desperately resisting in Yangzhou.

At this time, apart from sporadic resistance in the Eastern Jin Dynasty except for Yicheng (now Anqing) and Shucheng along the Yangtze River, the vast areas north of the Jiangbei and even north of the Huaihe River changed hands.

On April 25th, Shi Liang, the pioneer of the Shiyue Division of the Southern Expedition Army, led the three barracks of the Southern Expedition Army to officially start the battle of crossing the river.

However, what is even more unpredictable is that the Jin army navy did not appear on the Yangtze River defense line.Almost without spending a single soldier, Shi Liang successfully established beachheads in Mufu Mountain, Yanziji and other places.

In early May, Zhang Wen occupied the entire territory of Changsha County and divided his troops to advance eastward. His intention was very obvious. He wanted to join forces with Shiyue's troops to build Kangcheng.

But at this moment.Ran Ming realized that something was wrong, although since the Southern Expedition, Wei's army had not fought any major battles of annihilation. In addition to Zhang Wen's troops annihilating more than 10 troops of Huan Wen's troops in Fancheng, Shi Yue's troops also wiped out many troops in Huai'an. To [-] Jin troops.The total number of Shu troops wiped out by Jiaxie Ai was less than [-].

Although the Jin army retreated southward slowly, the vitality of the main force was not damaged, so why not do so?
If you know you are invincible, wouldn't it be enough to surrender?Is there any other plot?The more Ran Ming thought about this, the more uneasy he became.Especially after receiving Shi Yue's urgent letter, Jiankang City has long been an empty city.

It was only then that Ran Ming realized that there was something wrong with his Southern Expedition this time, and it was a big problem.

"What is Sima Dan going to do?" Ran Ming murmured to himself looking at the night sky.For unknown dangers, Ran Ming has a natural vigilance. In later generations, it is because of this innate vigilance that Ran Ming avoided the enemy's assassination time and time again.What makes Ran Ming uneasy is that this time the alert came very suddenly and very strongly.

Ran Ming felt this way in later generations when he was only surrounded and arrested by armed police and special police.If he hadn't offended a high-ranking provincial official, the special police and armed police dispatched more than [-] people to arrest him at once.In this time and space, Ran Ming encountered Ran Zhi's assassination, and he also felt cold sweat on his back.

This time it was even more serious than Ran Zhi's assassination, not only the back was chilly, but the scalp was numb.Even the whole person seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, which made Ran Ming extremely uncomfortable.As a person who died once, Ran Ming never underestimated his natural vigilance.

If Sima Dan wanted to survive the defeat, there was only one possibility, and that was to execute Ran Ming's beheading tactics, and use assassins or elite troops to capture or kill him in one fell swoop.But of course it is not easy to kill him. Jin Nu and Tie Nu are both by his side. In this world, they may not be the most powerful generals, but they are the most powerful guards.No matter how skilled a person is, it is impossible to bypass the defensive circle of the two.Ran Ming still attaches great importance to his own safety.On the surface, Lin Heishan led more than 100 cavalry guards, 3000 heavy armored soldiers, more than [-] marksmen, and more than [-] melee fighters.A defense force of nearly [-] people, not to mention assassins, even an army of less than [-] people, can only be sent to death.

Ran Ming's son is too young to be a leader, so Nan Zheng must give up halfway.Thinking of this, Ran Ming didn't dare to be careless, he immediately ordered: "Come here, and I will see you with Captain Che!"

After a while, Lin Heishan in full armor came to Ran Ming's tent.

"Heishan, I have a very bad premonition, you immediately send people to search around the camp, all members of the imperial guards cancel their rest, and prepare for battle at all times!" Ran Ming said: "I must leave a safe depth of at least ten miles around me! "

Although Lin Heishan looks simple and honest, he is not stupid.He knew that Ran Ming had an intelligence organization, and he thought that Ran Ming got some information from the intelligence personnel, and someone wanted to harm him.Lin Heishan said murderously: "Your Majesty, I will find out those young people and screw their heads off. Even if they hide in the mouse hole, I will find them out!"

As Lin Heishan strode away, after a while, Ran Ming's camp was brightly lit, like daytime.A thousand middle-base heavy armored soldiers quickly gathered, holding heavy shields, and surrounded Ran Ming's big tent with three layers inside and three layers outside.At the same time, more than [-] sharpshooters from the Shesheng Battalion were also fully armed, boarded the arrow tower and sentry tower, and watched the surrounding movement with wide eyes.A thousand forbidden cavalry began to divide into groups and searched around.Of course, it is necessary to wake up the Wei army stationed in Xiangyang City.

Ran Ming's safety is the most important thing for Wei Guo. Now that Ran Ming has doubts, the imperial guards look a little hostile to everyone.However, very unexpectedly, Lin Heishan tossed and tossed all night, let alone Ran Ming's camp with a radius of ten miles, he led his troops to search an area with a radius of thirty miles.Of course, it wasn't nothing, at least four hundred suspicious people were caught.However, after interrogation, these people were all former Jingzhou soldiers. When they changed flags in Jingzhou, they neither changed flags with Zhang Zha nor withdrew with Huan Chong. Instead, they fled to the surrounding villages and hid.

While Lin Heishan and other Imperial Guards were busy searching for the enemy's situation, Ran Ming was not idle either. He asked Du Cong to sort out the information of the Royal Internal Guard one by one, from the environment, material consumption, tactical arrangements, and strategic layout, to each of them. Check for loopholes.

After getting nothing all night, Lin Heishan dragged his exhausted body to return to Ran Ming, but when he saw Ran Ming, Lin Heishan was also shocked.Ran Ming's eyes were as red as a rabbit, and there were several blisters on his mouth.

"Your Majesty, what are you?..."

Ran Ming said: "I don't know, but I have a feeling that a catastrophe is imminent. This feeling is getting stronger and stronger. I can't figure out what else Sima Pin can do to make me suffer!"

"Emperor Sima Dan of the Jin Kingdom fled in embarrassment in fright, Jiang Qi has no decent resistance, and the unification of Tianyi is just around the corner. Lin Heishan said timidly: "Your Majesty is not worrying too much! "

"I hope I'm worrying too much!" Ran Ming said, "But I'm restless, something big will definitely happen?"

"Your Majesty, you also know that the general is stupid. If you want to fight and kill, there are not many people in this world who can admire Montenegro, but the military and state affairs are not the director of Montenegro!" Lin Heishan said cautiously: "How about , the end will go to invite the general?"

Unable to understand what was going on, Ran Ming nodded in agreement.

Even for breakfast, Ran Ming is not in the mood.After drinking a few cups of tea in a hurry, when they were at a loss, Chief of the General Staff Ji Wei, Deputy Chief of Staff Salus, Shang Shuling Wang Jian, Minister of the Household Department Xie An, Secretary Lang Xi Pijiang, Governor of Jingzhou, Sanqi Chang Shi Xi Chisel teeth, etc. see Ran Ming.

Seeing Ran Ming's haggard appearance, Xi Zouchi was very excited, and his eyes popped out all at once.He choked up and said: "The lord is worried about the death of the minister, what is your majesty worried about, if the ministers can't relieve your majesty's worries, they are all guilty and deserve to die!"

Wang Ning, the official censor, looked at Xi Chiu Chi's eyes and his eyeballs were about to pop out. If he were to be an official, who wouldn't be cheeky.But like Xi Zouchi, he cries at every turn, showing his loyalty.Ordinary people really can't do it.Wang Ning secretly made up his mind that this Xi Chiu Chi will be a strong enemy in the future.

Although Ran Ming didn't like big men crying at every turn, it was still very useful for the behavior of a courtier like Xi Zouchi.Everyone has vanity, and Ran Ming is a human being, not a god.Looking at Xi Zouchi, Ran Ming felt much more at ease even though he clearly knew that he was acting like a play.

Ran Ming said: "All the ministers are unparalleled talents in the Wei Kingdom. I have indeed encountered difficulties. I have a faint feeling that a big victory is imminent, especially in the Southern Expedition. When the situation is so good, I think about it. The Jin court is too abnormal."

As the chief of staff, Ji Wei was naturally the first to speak.Ji Li said without thinking: "Your Majesty, I also feel a little abnormal. The Jin army has been avoiding decisive battles and retreating southward with a purpose. Obviously, this is to lengthen our army's supply line and increase the consumption of our logistics materials. If this kind of strategy of showing the enemy weak and weakening the enemy is adopted, it must cooperate with the strong wall to clear the field, but the army of the Jin Dynasty did not do this. Especially for the southern army, if Sima Xi burns down the Huai'an city in Huai'an More than [-] stones, grain and grass, plus the people of Huai'an and more than [-] surrendered troops, will definitely increase the difficulty of supplying the Southern Army. But Sima Xi did not do this. There is also Xiangyang City. When Huan Chong retreated, he actually had There was an opportunity to burn the Xiangyang government treasury, but Huan Chong did not do so."

Ran Ming said: "What if the Jin army flooded the Seventh Army like Guan Yunchang did?"

Sarus also said: "The staff has made careful calculations. Every time the army camps, it will use a slightly higher terrain, and the upper reaches will use rangers to reconnaissance, cooperate with hot air balloons, and aerial reconnaissance. The water attack strategy is fundamental. It is not difficult to be found. The fire attack plan is somewhat difficult. After all, with some camouflage, the hot air balloon can't see clearly in the air. However, our southern expedition army has millions of people, and the forwards of each army are not far from the central army. If we are not close, the plan of attacking with fire will not be effective. So far, our three armies have echoed each other from a distance. If the Jin army adopts the plan of attacking with fire, it can only barely hit our army, but it cannot change the overall situation of the Southern Expedition."

Ran Ming said: "Since the water and fire attacks can be ruled out, then what is the confidence of the Jin Dynasty?"

Everyone bowed their heads in thought, and Ran Ming suddenly asked, "Wang Shangshu, can the treasury sustain this Southern Expedition?"

Wang Jian said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we are fully prepared for the Southern Expedition. The soldiers still have enough food for ten months and a year's salary. For now, there is nothing to worry about."

At this moment, Ran Ming suddenly said: "What about the gunpowder? There will be no problem with the safety of the gunpowder, right?"

Ji Li said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I dare to guarantee with my head that there will be no problems in the storage and transportation of gunpowder!"

Ran Ming murmured to himself: "Then what is Sima Dan's confidence, and what backhands does he have?"

No one thought that Ran Ming's uneasiness was nonsense, even Ji Li felt something was wrong.Ran Ming sent Lin Heishan to scout around the camp last night, and Ji Wei and the General Staff were not idle either. They analyzed various possible factors for the Jin army's comeback, and so far no problems have been found.

Xie An said: "Your Majesty, is it possible that Sima Dan has found reinforcements?"

"Reinforcement army?" Ran Ming said: "What kind of reinforcement army will it be? The northwest is calm, and Liaodong is also very stable. There is no news of the gathering of soldiers and horses from the Northern Han Kingdom. They want to intervene in the Wei-Jin dispute, but if they want to assemble a large army in a vast area of ​​thousands of miles, they will not be able to do it in two or three months. Even if they will intervene, I am afraid that they will be able to do so at least until May and June from the beginning of the Southern Expedition. Assemble the army, and it will take August or September at the earliest to go south."

"Xie Shangshu is worrying too much!" Ji Wei said: "If you want to talk about the understanding of the Northern Han Dynasty, you will have the right to speak. The Northern Han Kingdom can gather 29 to [-] troops at most, but the Northern Han Kingdom is too poor. , They don’t have enough food and grass to support their large-scale operations. Besides, this general has already ordered [-] border towns to prepare for first-level combat preparations. It is not so easy for the Northern Han Army to break through the Anbei Army’s defense zone.”

Xie An stopped talking, excluding the factors that the Northern Han Kingdom supported the Jin Kingdom, he really couldn't think of any other cards that the Jin Kingdom had.Although Xie Wan and Xie Shi are both in high positions in the Jin court, especially Xie Shi is currently commanding more than [-] people in the Jin State Navy, and Xie Wan is the secretary. As a confidential secretary, he should be able to know Sima Dan's real intention.However, although the elites of the gentry are ignorant, they have done a very good job in one thing.

If they belonged to different camps, they would never betray each other.Not to mention that Xie An wouldn't ask his younger brother, even if they did, they wouldn't tell Xie An anything useful.This is the integrity of their gentry, just like the three brothers Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period, the eight dragons of the Xun family, also belonged to the camp of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, and they would not betray their lord.

(End of this chapter)

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