Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 891 The Fortresses Are Broken From Inside

Chapter 891 The Fortresses Are Broken From Inside
Chapter 897 The Fortresses Are Broken From Inside

Without any definite news, Shi Yue and Zhang Wen respectively received military orders from Ji Li as the chief of the general staff to temporarily stop the assault and consolidate their current territory.

Just after Zhang Wenwen and Shi Yue crossed the river, they changed their previous attitude of advancing by leaps and bounds, but instead shocked Sima Dan and Xiao Lezi who were in Wuxi.

At this time, Wuxi was Sima Dan's lair. Not only were all the elite soldiers and horses of the Jin State here, but also more than 300 million stones of grain and grass had been hoarded in Wuxi.The Jin State deployed more than [-] soldiers and horses in Huishan, east of Wuxi, led by Sima Xi, King of Wuling.In Xishan, more than [-] Ningzhou Tujia wolf soldiers were stationed, led by Zhou Zhongsun, the governor of Ningzhou and general Zhenwu.Zhou Zhongsun was greedy and cruel, but he suppressed the natives of Ningzhou to death. Although he didn't know how great his fighting skills were, he played an important role in stabilizing Ningzhou.At the same time, Sima Dan was sitting in Wuxi, Xiao Lezi led more than [-] imperial guards to join the army, and there were more than [-] naval divisions led by Xie Shi.

But without mentioning Xie Shi, he is also a talent ambushed by history.In the battle of Feishui in history, if Xie Shi hadn't led the navy of Jin State to stop Fu Rong in Feishui, I am afraid that Xie Xuan would not have defeated Fu Jian.It's just that after the Battle of Feishui, the Xie family was as beautiful as ever, so this general of the navy was naturally ignored.Put all the credit on Xie Xuan.However, on the eve of the Battle of Feishui, Xie Shi used more than 25 sailors to block Fu Rong's 20 army for [-] days. Obviously, Xie Shi is not an incompetent person.

Sima Dan worriedly said: "Xiao Qing, could it be that Master Wei discovered our trump card?"

Xiao Lezi said a little unconfidently: "Your Majesty, it shouldn't be possible. If Lord Wei Ran Ming finds out our real trump card, he might not order to stop the march, but return to the division immediately!"

Sima Dan said a little unnaturally: "But I don't feel at ease in my heart. I can't afford to lose. If I lose, this ancestor's foundation will be destroyed in my hands. After a hundred years, how can I go to see my ancestors?" What about Lie Zong. I am different from Emperor Huai. At that time, Emperor Huai (Sima Chi) had Liu Yuan's wolves peeping outside, but Sima Yue caught him inside. He was a loner, and even if he died, he would be powerless."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Wei Lord Ran Ming will definitely not think of our hole cards. When he hears the news of the shocking changes in the rear, he will probably be in chaos!" Xiao Lezi said with a smile: "If he has the ability to put down the chaos in the rear, at least It will take several years. With these few years, we will be able to train soldiers, develop production, restore national strength, and take the Northern Expedition in one fell swoop to regain our homeland. The people of the Central Plains are eager to see Master Wang!"

Xiao Lezi has his self-confidence, but Ran Ming is very puzzled.You must know that no matter how smooth the start of the Southern Expedition, there may be repetitions. Because of the surrender of Jingzhou, Cao Cao went directly to Chibi, but was burned to death by Zhou Lang.Similarly, when Fu Jian marched south, he was beaten to death by Xie Xuan's [-] Beifu soldiers, and he was in a panic.

Ran Ming was extremely cautious, and everyone in the Wei Kingdom felt the heavy pressure brought by Ran Ming. No one wanted Dama to lose Jingzhou and lose the chain at the most critical moment.You must know that this may be the last glory of their generals.

But Ran Ming was also guessing: "What cards does Sima Dan have?"

Although Ran Ming was full of doubts, he still believed in the General Staff.People are not sages, and there is no fault in practice.No matter how smart a person is, they will make mistakes, but the General Staff is not alone. Even if a person can make mistakes, and can leave loopholes due to negligence in formulating military strategies, it is a strategy of reviewing and checking at every level. If there are still loopholes that end up appearing, there is no reason.

The General Staff has already started self-examination. Starting from the Southern Expedition, every military order and every strategy has been carefully reviewed.Ran Ming knows that sometimes a small mistake may not be obvious, but if it accumulates, it will be enough to cause a catastrophe.However, more than [-] staff members of the General Staff Department dared to guarantee with their heads that there would be no problems.Ran Ming made good use of the method of elimination, starting from the right time of day, location, time of people, and all other aspects. Ran Ming denied Sima Dan any chance to come back.

Unless he died suddenly and caused panic in the army, since then, the Southern Expedition Campaign will have an incredible turning point because of the unstable morale of the army.For example, in the battle of Feishui in history, although the Beifu army was brave and good at fighting, they captured tens of thousands of Fu Jian's troops and captured Jian's chariot and mica chariot.So here comes the problem, the root cause of Di Qin's defeat was that Fu Jian was scared out of his wits.The victory of the Jin Dynasty in the Battle of Feishui was actually exactly the same as the victory of the Liao Kingdom in the Battle of Gaoliang River at that time.At that time, the Northern Expedition of the Song Army started very smoothly and went all the way to the Gaoliang River in Youzhou (just outside Xizhimen, Beijing). The ambitious and talented Song Taizu personally led him to see the fierce attack for more than [-] days. Youzhou failed and the morale of the army was low, so he ran away Boost morale before the battle.In fact, Zhao Guangyi didn't know at all that Yeluxiu, the defender of the Liao Kingdom, came to help in time and happened to find Zhao Guangyi's banner. Now Yeluxiu's second-handed temper came up, and he identified the position of Zhao Guangyi's banner, and attacked at all costs.Breaking through seven defensive lines of the Song Army, even though Brother Yeluxiu was seriously injured in three, he still continued to attack.If Zhao Guangyi were Song Taizu, he would definitely not retreat half a point. It is too easy to kill a fierce general like Brother Yeluxiu.Even if a few bed crossbows or trebuchets were ambushed on the left and right, even if Brother Yeluxiu had great abilities, even if he had the bravery of a king, he would still die.But this Zhao Guangyi was a softie, and he was the first to escape.Coincidentally, another stray arrow pierced his ass.

It is true that Yeluxiu achieved such a great result in killing thousands of people, but he defeated the entire front of the Song Army.If Zhao Guangyi was replaced by Song Taizu, there would definitely not be the defeat of Gaolianghe in the Song Dynasty.There are not many factors that can affect Wei's decisive victory, but Ran Ming is the most important one.Ran Ming didn't rely too much, he was still nesting in Xiangyang City, Zhang Wenwen and Shi Yue's army had already started to cross the Yangtze River.Especially Zhang Wen, his 10,000+ elite troops will never retreat easily, and Ran Ming is still behind them.

Ran Ming looked at the sun in the sky, it was extremely dazzling, but the sun did not make Ran Ming feel any warmth, but a chill that penetrated to the marrow of his bones.Finally, Ran Ming had a glimmer of understanding. Did the danger come from the south? "The south, Nanyang is also the south, could it be that the Gupta Empire sent troops?"

Ran Ming then shook his head again. The strength of the Wei State Expeditionary Force in Nanyang is not weak, not to mention that the Gupta Empire's navy was almost completely wiped out.Besides, the navy is not the army. After three months of training, the infantry is an elite soldier as long as the equipment and supplies can keep up.But the navy is different. In this time and space, the shipbuilding capacity is very low. Even under the condition of assembly line assembly operations, the production capacity of Wei Guo's navy is not very high.Wei Guo's navy is the result of Wei Jun's three years of hard work.

Even if the Gupta Empire can manufacture enough warships, but lost so many soldiers and generals who are familiar with water warfare, the Gupta Empire may not be able to replenish them in a short time.

Although these factors were ruled out, just as Ran Ming turned his back to the sun in the sky, an overwhelming cold aura came from that direction, making the hairs all over his body stand on end. When checking whether there was a problem in Nanyang, suddenly a group of cavalry came from the north.

The leading general was none other than Zhang Ping, the school lieutenant of the Royal Internal Guard. At this time, Zhang Ping was galloping his horse, running fast, with some uneasiness in his eyes.

"No, did something really happen?"

When Zhang Ping was [-] steps away from Ran Ming, Zhang Ping nimbly got off his horse and took two steps at a time: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the overseas battalion that a major event has occurred in Borneo!"

"What?" The question that Ran Ming was worried about finally appeared. He had already seen that there was a gap between Ran Yu and him. In order to prevent Ran Yu from making troubles during the decisive battle against the Gupta Empire, Ran Ming threw Ran Yu in Borneo.However, Ran Ming did not deprive Ran Yu of other privileges, and the three infantry battalions belonging to the Anbei Army were returned to Ran Yu's control. Similarly, Ran Ming sent his confidant Liu Laozhi to Borneo in order to monitor Ran Yu.

Ordinarily, Ran Yu was also in the shoals of the dragon in Borneo, and the tiger fell into the sun. On an isolated island surrounded by the sea, no matter how powerful Ran Yu was, he could not turn the sky.But in this place where there is the least possibility of accidents, accidents happened.

Ran Yu actually escaped the surveillance. When he didn't see Ran Yu himself for more than ten days, Liu Laozhi felt that something was wrong. At this time, he contacted the person in charge of the overseas battalion (former tiger organization) and found out the secret operation of sneaking into Ran Yu's side. Reply as usual, without any changes, everything is normal.The person in charge of the Tiger organization sent a tentative message according to the codebook.As a result, Xi Zuo lost contact, and now Liu Laozhi realized the seriousness of the problem.

Liu Laozhi is also a bold person, he quietly captured Ran Yu's personal guard captain, after rigorous interrogation, he finally discovered the big conspiracy.Ran Yu left Ningyuan less than a month after Ran Ming left.During this period, only a substitute of Ran Yu appeared in front of everyone.This substitute was found by Ran Yu himself when Ran Yu was training in the Anbei Army.There were not many people who knew about this matter, except for a few of Ran Yu's confidantes, who had lost their lives.However, Ran Yu's stand-in was from the north, so he couldn't adapt to the tropical climate of Nanyang, so he got malaria and died.

The big thing is not only Ran Yu's disappearance, but also the soldiers of Ran Yu and Ji Polu's three barracks. The only ones left in the barracks are ordinary civilian husbands.Although Liu Laozhi couldn't guess Ran Yu's intentions, he knew that it would not be easy for Ran Yu to leave. There must be a terrifying conspiracy in it.

Seeing this, Ran Ming breathed a sigh of relief.Ran Yu is restless, and a single Ran Yu can't make any big waves.Although Ran Ming didn't want to bear the infamy of killing brothers and sisters, a trick invented by Kang Mazi was very practical, that is, confinement.Kang Mazi used this trick to deal with several restless sons, and Ran Ming can use this trick to deal with Ran Yu. They eat and drink, and they are raised like pigs.

At this moment, Ji Li came over with red eyes: "Your Majesty, I am incompetent. I really don't know where the mistakes are. The General Staff Headquarters has been rigorously reviewing any orders for three days and three nights, and found that there are no loopholes at all."

Ran Ming said: "Don't bother, I already know where the threat comes from!"

"Where does the threat come from?" Ji Li asked urgently.

Ran Ming smiled and said, "Nanyang!"

Hearing this, Ji Li couldn't help but change his expression greatly: "Has the Gupta Empire sent troops?"

"No..." Ran Ming handed over the information that Zhang Ping sent just now to Ji Wei.Just watched it for a while, and Ji Ruan's face turned pale, "I'm going to kill this bad boy!"

Then, Ji Gen plopped and knelt in front of Ran Ming: "Your Majesty, I don't know about these things. I have no way to teach my son, and I deserve death!"

"General Ji, don't be so excited." Ran Ming helped Ji Li and said, "Only the unknown danger is the real threat. Now it can be confirmed that the danger comes from Nanyang, so it will be easy to handle. I think this is just a war It's just an ordinary battle, with three battalions in the area, it may not be that easy to cross the hinterland of the Wei state for thousands of miles. Yecheng still has Dong (Run) Taiwei in the battle, and Dong Taiwei is more familiar with the general , do you think the fourth brother has a chance to capture Yecheng?"

"There is no possibility!" Ji Wei said without hesitation: "Dong Lianghe (Dong Run's nickname) has experienced hundreds of battles all his life. Although he is not victorious in every battle, he has always won more than he lost. Anyone who can take advantage of him No, but definitely not the Fourth Highness."

Ran Ming actually knew that no matter whether it was Jiang Gan or Dong Run, he would hide his clumsiness in front of Ran Min, just like Li Jing was with Li Shimin, for fear of arousing fear.Although Ran Ming didn't like this kind of very slippery character, he knew that if he tried his best at a critical moment, he would definitely not be able to compete with the fledgling boys like Ran Yu and Ji Polu who had just debuted.Although Ran Ming mobilized the elite Central Forbidden Army in Yecheng, there were still more than [-] troops left behind. In history, Ran Zhi could rely on this army to resist the soldiers of the entire country of Yan for more than a hundred days. In this time and space, Ran Ming With the addition of a talented son Xie Daoyun, there is no reason why he would be worse than Ran Zhi in history.

After comforting Ji Gu, Ran Ming said to Zhang Ping, "It's not easy for Ran Yu to leave in Borneo. Let me find out who is helping him!"

In fact, it is not difficult to check this thing. Regardless of whether it is the Zhongnan Development Company or the Nanyang Development Company, all shipping ships have records. When they depart, where they pass, and which route they take, these records are very accurate.

The royal guards worked together and found out quickly.Within a month before and after Ran Yu left Borneo, a total of 180 seven ships passed through Borneo. Among the 180 seven ships, 31 were short-range transport ships that arrived in Luzon or returned from the central peninsula.Among the other 150 six transport ships, 110 three are sea shark class [-] stone ships.The full load capacity of this large ship can reach an astonishing [-] tons.If you transport soldiers, you can carry more than [-] fully armed soldiers.However, these ships belonged to Wang Ding of the Shucheng Wang family.

When Ran Ming saw the name, he seemed to have some impressions.Wang Ding was only in his 30s, and when Ran Ming first formed the Huaxia Business Alliance, he was one of the first batch of silver-level members.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, his property has increased so much. 110 The cost of each of the three sea-shark-class ships is as high as 300 jin. If self-defense crossbows, rackets and other equipment are added, such a sea-shark-class ship will cost more than [-] million gold.

Ran Ming can be sure that Wang Ding is just a figure on the bright side, and maybe there are behind-the-scenes masterminds behind him.Otherwise, how could a small merchant with an initial capital of less than [-] gold suddenly become a wealthy merchant.

In fact, Ran Ming guessed wrong, Wang Ding is indeed a person on the surface, but there is no mastermind behind the scenes.In this world, the quickest money coming in is not stock trading or real estate, but doing business without capital and robbery. Like the fund organizations of later generations, they are also a kind of robbery, but they use a civilized method.

Wang Ding was also a merchant in shipping at first, only once he encountered pirates in Yizhou, but the pirates did not kill him, but instead reached a cooperation intention, Wang Ding helped the pirates in Yizhou sell their stolen goods.Almost half the benefits, Wang Ding's wealth grew rapidly.In just a few years, he became one of the super maritime merchants of Wei State.People gave him the nickname "Sea Ship King".

In fact, Wang Ding not only owns 110 three sea shark-class ships of 60 stone, he also has more than 400 whale-class ships of 30 tons, plus small transport ships, a total of more than [-] ships.It is no exaggeration to say that with all the large ships of Wang Ding, he can transport more than [-] tons at one time, which is greater than the combined transport capacity of all the inland river ships of the Jin State Navy.

(End of this chapter)

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