Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 892 There is no most hateful, only more hateful

Chapter 892 There is no most hateful, only more hateful

Chapter 898 There is no most hateful, only more hateful

At this time, Wang Ding was sitting in the bottom cabin of a sea shark-class transport ship. According to Wang Ding's status, he had to sit at the top, but at this time, he not only sat at the bottom, but also assumed the responsibility of a servant. Responsibility, from time to time to refill the guests in the cabin.

The ugly man sitting on the main seat waved his hand impatiently, and Wang Ding retreated out like a pug.

On the deck, Wang Ding took a breath of fresh air and smiled sincerely.

Marx said that if a capitalist has a 50.00% profit, he will take risks; if he has a [-]% profit, he will dare to trample on all laws in the world; if he has a [-]% profit, he will dare to commit any crime, even be accused Danger of hanging.

At this time, Wang Ding's business is not [-]%, but [-]% or [-]%.His goal is not the power in the court, but Zhang Xun, the number one businessman in Wei Guozhong, who is rich and beautiful in the world, is his goal.To achieve this goal, he is not afraid to take risks.

Therefore, he dared to secretly transport [-] well-armed elite soldiers of Wei State from Borneo back to Wei State from Borneo. It was discovered that the pirates who cooperated with him were so powerful, there were more than [-] soldiers and horses, and there were also many Japanese slaves among them.

If he wins, he will be Zhang Xun's second, and if he loses, he will be Wang Cheng's fate.For Wang Ding, success is not very important, what is important is that he can participate in this thrilling process.

Chapter 777 Password Lu Meng

Chapter 777 Password Lu Meng

Huan Wen once said: "A real man can neither live forever nor be stinky forever." When Wang Ding heard this sentence, he took Huan Wen as his confidant.In Wang Ding's words, if Dazhang can't live vigorously, he will die silently. "

Although Wang Ding is a merchant, he is a crazy gambler at heart.

When Ran Ming formed the Huaxia Business Alliance, Wang Ding really wanted to join Ran Ming.However, when meeting with Ran Ming, Ran Ming's concierge wanted some favors, but Wang Ding left empty-handed.In the end, he was humiliated by Ran Ming's concierge, so Wang Ding hated Ran Ming to the core.It's a pity that Ran Ming didn't know about it at all.

Of course, in Wang Ding's capacity, it would be delusional to seek revenge on Ran Ming.But one day he became a captive of Yizhou pirates. At that time, Ran Zhi had just gained a foothold in Yizhou and urgently needed supplies.While attacking and plundering the indigenous forces in Yizhou obtained a lot of property, but they did not have the armor and weapons that Ran Zhi needed most.Ran Zhi also needs an agent to sell the stolen goods for him.As a result, the two hit it off, and since then, using Ran Zhi's dirt, Wang Ding has quickly accumulated a huge amount of original capital.

Later, when Ran Yu was confined to Borneo by Ran Ming, Ran Zhi got the news by accident.So he conspired with Wang Ding to hide the sky and cross the sea, and used the subterfuge trick to secretly take the troops of the three battalions of Ran Yu and Ji Polu out of Borneo.In fact, what Ran Yu thought was very different from what Ran Zhi thought, and Ran Yu didn't intend to overthrow Ran Ming and become emperor himself.Although he hated Ran Ming, he just hated Ran Ming for not letting him go back to the funeral.This is indeed wronging Ran Ming. When Ran Ming returned from Ningyuan, he didn't even know that Ran Min was going to die. He came back and met Ran Min in a hurry. He was busy dealing with Ran Min's funeral and enthronement. Just forget about Ran Yu.

This is good, there was only a little estrangement between the brothers, but now the estrangement has become a gap that is difficult to heal.In fact, if there is no Xiao Lezi, Ran Zhi will find a chance to give Ran Ming a fatal blow.Of course, with Xiao Lezi's cooperation, things became much simpler.The most critical part of this plan is how he secretly drove the army into Yecheng without anyone noticing.Not to mention that Ran Zhi has only more than 8 troops, of which there are only more than 3 elite direct lineages, and there are more than [-] Japanese or Yizhou indigenous servants.Although the combat effectiveness of these armies is not weak, and the equipment is not bad, at least they are much stronger than the regular army of the Jin Dynasty.But Ran Zhi didn't have the confidence to directly enter Yecheng.

The person who understands you best in the world is often not your confidant or bosom friend, but your enemy.Ran Zhi and Ran Mingming have been fighting secretly for many years, so they naturally know about Ran Ming's background and strength.Whether he detours from Bohai County to Yecheng, or passes through the Yellow River waterway, turns to Zhangshui to enter Yecheng, he will encounter great resistance.When Ran Ming was the king of Jiaodong, the whole Qingzhou was brought down by Ran Ming, and all counties and counties in Qingzhou were basically Ran Ming's people.This is nothing, the most important thing is that Qingzhou has established large and small workshops, and there are 100 million young and strong craftsmen. These people can be armed into an army without much mobilization.

Although these craftsmen formed an army in a hurry, their combat effectiveness was not strong.Ran Zhi is confident that the weak can overcome the strong, but this time is very long, it may be three months, or half a year.This will definitely support the return of Ran Ming's elite troops.The key to the plan is Wang Ding. As Wei's famous ship king, he has the most formal procedures to drive large ships into the inland.As long as he avoids Wei State's tax inspection, he can complete his shocking conspiracy without anyone noticing.

Blowing the sea breeze with a strong fishy smell, Wang Ding felt very comfortable.He had more than 400 large and small sea-going ships, which nominally transported nearly 200 million shi of grain. In fact, the grain in these large ships only accounted for a very small part, and more of them were nearly [-] fully armed troops.

According to the plan, which is also the most important part, all seagoing ships of Wei State want to enter Wei State.It must go through layers of inspections by tax bureaucrats. This is the most difficult part, although force can be used to win the pass.However, although the customs can seize it easily, it is difficult to do it silently.If the court of the state of Wei was prepared, it would be a vicious battle, and some fought it.

With the rise of Wei's business, the Yellow River water transportation has gradually matured.Except for the section heading west to Sanmenxia, ​​it is impossible to pass large ships.In the middle and lower reaches, the passage is unimpeded.Of course, the estuary of the Yellow River in this era is not in Kenli County, Shandong Province of later generations, but in Lijin.This is the third year since Wang Mang's founding of the People's Republic of China in 11 AD. The Yellow River broke through in the west of Linzhang County, Hebei Province, and rushed into the old road of Luochuan in the southeast. On the way, it passes through Shandong Lin, Huimin and other places, and enters the sea in the area of ​​Lijin.

Finally arrived at Lijin Customs, Wang Ding did his part and went out to deal with those taxes in person.Lijin Customs used buoys to enclose a large area of ​​the Bohai Sea for inspection of seagoing ships. More than 400 large and small sea-going ships almost occupied more than half of the temporary inspection area.Of course, when entering the inspection area, these armed merchant ships equipped with eight-ox crossbows and catapults must be covered with canvas, and then sealed.

If the seal affixed by the customs is removed without authorization, all seagoing ships will face severe penalties.For these things, Wang Ding's men were already familiar with the road, and all the seagoing ships had lowered their sails and anchored, waiting for Shui Ding's inspection.Only after paying the tax can they officially enter the Yellow River.

At this time, Shui Ding was driving a small clipper ship, the Feijiao class, which was similar to a centipede ship and could carry 30 people.A leader of the customs led the inspection of more than 400 ships.The tax bureaucrats were also mobilized, and thousands of tax bureaucrats and documents were inspected by boat.

"As expected of you, Boss Wang, the sea ship king, your business is really getting bigger and bigger." A tax collector said with a smile on his face, "Boss Wang is really generous this time!"

"I can't help it. There are a lot of people in the family, so we just have to eat." Wang Ding knew the tax collector, and his name was Guo Weihan.Less than forty, he became the Guan Cheng of Lijin Customs, although he was just a low-ranking official of the seventh rank.But he has a lot of power and a lot of oil and water.He said: "Brother Guo, the account has been prepared, let the people below check it first. Wang will settle the account with you."

Guo Weihan nodded.In fact, the so-called inspection is just a formality. You can guess the volume of more than 400 large ships without thinking with your head or with your knees.In the state of Wei, if you want to evade taxes, you will end up very serious.And the most important thing is not the punishment of the national law, but all the merchants who evade taxes will be included in the blacklist of the Huaxia Business Alliance, and they will definitely not want to do business again.This consequence is too serious, and their profits are very large, and the profit margin left by the court is also sufficient.There is no need for them to touch the bottom line.

Even if you can exploit loopholes at the customs, you have to sell all your goods. As long as you sell them, there are still traces.

Wang Ding asked Guo Weihan to enter the most luxurious upper warehouse, and then pointed out: "Brother Guo doesn't know something, this time Wang made a lot of noise, but he didn't make much money. The food alone shipped 200 yuan." Wan Shi, this is basically a waste of money. The biggest profit is the [-] to [-] slaves, and the rest is some spices."

Guo Weihan nodded. In order to stimulate merchants to transport grain from overseas, Wei Guo not only exempted grain from taxes, but also gave a little tax subsidy.For overseas slaves, there is an additional poll tax, which is only [-] yuan more for each slave.Naturally, Guo Weihan didn't have to do it himself, and the clerks below settled the taxes according to the accounts.

In order to be able to muddle through this time, Wang Ding suffered a lot.In order to avoid being seen by the tax ding, a large amount of spices were installed in each ship cabin. The pungent smell of the spices can well hide the sweaty smell of the hidden soldiers.You must know that spices are taxed by the catty, and the weight of the human body is much heavier than the spice itself.Every soldier is taxed according to spices, and this tax is also very painful for Wang Ding.

As for Ran Zhi's more than [-] Japanese slaves or indigenous servants, they directly pretended to be slaves.Anyway, there are obvious differences between the aborigines and the Japanese and the Han people.

It's a pity that although Wang Ding's transportation is large-scale this time, the merchants who run the sea merchants are big fish eating small fish, and it is difficult for small-scale merchants to survive.Including the fleet of all the major players, the scale is equally large.After tossing back and forth for three days, I finally passed the customs inspection safely.

At this moment, a taxman was very surprised to see the word "tiger" written in charcoal on the ship's side. Zero three these six Arabic numerals.In fact, Shui Ding was an intelligence officer of the Royal Secret Service, and he saw that this was a secret mark left by the secret operations of overseas camps.

Ran Zhi and Ran Yu were also very nervous. They were all prepared, and if the tax official saw something wrong, they would seize the pass by force.As for the consequences, let's talk about it later.Ran Zhi also heaved a sigh of relief after successfully passing through Lijin Customs.

However, no one knew that Ran Zhi's whereabouts had been exposed.

Shui Ding said: "Second brother Wang, it seems that yesterday I broke my stomach, I'll go and make it easier!"

That Shui Ding named Second Brother Wang said impatiently: "The lazy cow has a lot of urine."

Shui Ding smiled without saying a word, and quickly ran to a place where there was no one, but instead of going to the toilet, he quickly ran to a herbal tea shop at the gate of the customs.This herbal tea shop is also one of the hidden stakes of the Royal Guards.

Shui Ding made a gesture with the situation, and the owner of the herbal tea shop nodded in agreement.The two entered the inner bedroom together.Quietly closed the door, then opened the closet, revealing a secret door.With the rattle of the mechanism, the two entered the inner room.

"Head, I found the code for the overseas battalion"

"Oh! What is it?"

"[-], quickly find out what this means!"

The boss finds out the password book and searches for the password.Ran Ming's code book is actually very simple. It is a book compiled without rules, with good words on it.Each set of numbers represents a different meaning.After a while, the leader found the corresponding word of the password.

"What's the situation?"

"Lu Meng!"

"Lu Meng" Shui Ding asked in puzzlement, "What does this mean?"

The leader took a breath, his complexion was a little pale, "Cross the river in white clothes!"

"Ah!" Shui Ding said: "What should I do? Wang Ji's seagoing ships are more than 400 ships, which can hold tens of thousands of people. Besides, when we checked, we found Thirty to forty thousand slaves."

"That must have been pretended by the enemy soldiers." The leader said: "You and I will split up. You should quickly go to Zhendong General Ran Feng. I will upload the news as quickly as possible."

After passing Lijin Customs, Wang Ding's fleet sailed forward with full sail.This is the time when the southeast monsoon is strong. Although the journey up the Yellow River is not smooth, the speed is not slow.Ran Zhi was also a ruthless person. He ordered Wang Ding to throw the grain and other supplies into the Yellow River to reduce the weight of the big ship and speed up.

At this time, Ran Zhi didn't hide it, the [-] troops were all secretly changed, and Ran Yu was a little uncertain.Ran Zhi said: "Fourth brother, at this point, you have no way out. Either his second child will die, or both of us will die."

Ran Yu said: "But, but, the queen mother will be sad!"

"Hmph!" Ran Zhi said disapprovingly: "We are all the sons of the queen mother, the palms are fleshy, and the backs of the hands are also fleshy. No matter who sits in that chair, the queen mother can only recognize it."

Ji Polu said: "Your Majesty, you should stop and stop, and you will be disturbed by it!"

Ran Yu said: "That's the only way to go!"

Ran Mingsheng moved southward, advancing rapidly all the way.In fact, Ran Ming didn't worry about anything. Ran Yu's [-] Anbei Army soldiers couldn't make any waves.It's just that Ran Ming didn't expect Xiao Lezi to be more ruthless than he looks like.

If you want to fish, you must prepare bait.Xiao Lezi is an omnipotent person, in order to achieve his goal, he even pushes Sima Dan out as a bait.Relatively speaking, at this time, the Southern Jin court represented by Sima Pin was like a master monster puller with the ability to ridicule crowds. Wherever Sima Dan appeared, that was the main direction of the Wei army's attack.

When Sima Dan's flag, banner and guard of honor were displayed in Wuxi, Shi Yue, who was in good health, got the news on the third day.

"Wuxi!" Facing this information, Shi Yue couldn't imagine.In comparison, Health, as the capital of the Jin Dynasty, has begun to take shape after decades of operation.If Sima Dan was really determined to defend to the death, even if Shi Yue knew how to blast the siege, it would not be so easy to touch the walls of Jiankang City.But Wuxi, where the Four World Wars took place, had no danger to defend, and Sima Dan retreated there, it was like sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

For the distance of more than 300 miles, Shi Yue didn't pay attention at all.Leaving two battalions to garrison Jiankang, Shi Yue personally led the southern army to march towards Jingkou.Jingkou is also Zhenjiang in later generations. Historically, Xijian, the former Taiwei of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once stationed troops here.Later, this was the only barrier of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and it was an important military site.In order to carry out heart-to-heart guarding, first Xi Jian and then Xun Xian.Only in this time and space, Xun Xian died.His successor is the same as in history, Fan Wang.Fan Wang, styled Xuanping, also known as Fan Dongyang, was the grandson of Yongzhou governor Sundial.Nanyang Shunyang (now Neixiang, Henan) people.He used to be the prefect of Dongyang.In Daxing school in the county, there are very favorable policies.

However, this person was not expected to be a general, although General Yingyang was added, who had the same position as Huan Chong.But his ability to fight is far from Mr. Huan.The point is that this old master is a famous talker.

After many years of painstaking management by Taiwei Xijian, Jingkou has deeply rooted in Jingkou.Even if Fan Wang can't fight, this guy is very powerful.And because of the great establishment of schools during his term of office, he has a good reputation.Celebrities who were born in the chat room are like famous mouthpieces, big Vs and public intellectuals of later generations. Fan Wang is well aware of the power of public opinion. He spreads the cruelty of the Wei state everywhere, especially for the gentry, ranging from ransacking their homes to exterminating their families.For a while, everyone in Jingkou was in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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