Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 893 Humanity, Humanity

Chapter 893 Humanity, Humanity

Chapter 899 Humanity, Humanity

Ordinarily, as an important military town in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the first barrier on the periphery of Wuxi should stick to it for a period of time no matter what.However, when the Shiyue army was about to resist Jingkou, Fan Wang proposed to Sima Dan that he was old and sick and could not bear the heavy responsibility, so he asked to be resigned.It was like a loud slap on Sima Dan's face.

In a hurry, Sima Dan had to change Yuan Hu to the Anyuan Guard Army, commanding the military affairs of Jingkou.This Yuan Hu hadn't arrived yet, and the defenders of Jingkou surrendered directly to Shi Yue.The soldiers captured Jingkou without bloodshed, Shi Yue didn't stay to rest, and went directly to Jinling. (Jin Mausoleum is the descendant of Changzhou)
In the territory of Jinling, Lanling County was also set up, where Xiao's influence was not small.Because of Xiao Lezi's existence, in Jinling County, Shi Yue's army encountered real resistance.

Xiao Lezi has been learning from Ran Ming and making progress all the time, but he can't learn some things about Ran Ming.But one thing, but learned very well.That was Ran Ming's people's war model. Xiao Lezi naturally couldn't start a real people's war, but he launched a gentry war.In this era, the power of the gentry class was still very large, especially in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Every family has its own private soldiers and family soldiers. These gentry family soldiers are different from the private soldiers of the imperial court. They are better equipped and well-trained.Although there were very few of them, many of these gentry sided with Sima Dan under Xiao Lezi's propaganda of defending the land against the enemy and protecting the people.

Shi Yue soon understood what is called a people's war.From Jingkou to Jinling, in a short distance of less than [-] miles, it seems that more than a hundred "rebels" of various sizes poured out overnight. These rebels continued to attack Shiyue's troops day and night.Although the actual results they caused to the Wei state were not great, they were not very annoying.Shi Yue also encountered stubborn resistance in Wuxi.

At this moment, a conspiracy gradually formed within Wei.Some of the central bosses who followed Ran Ming Nanzheng drove, but many of the ministers stayed behind.However, at this time, these left-behind ministers seemed to be secretly connecting with each other. At this time, Wang Meng had already handed over the intelligence power of Tianyan, so he couldn't understand the inside story. However, as a politician, Wang Meng's keen sense of smell made Wang Meng feel that it was unusual.As the order of Yecheng, although Wang Meng does not have any intelligence organization, he has secret forces to use.That is street gangsters, although these people are not intelligence personnel, they are well-informed.

Xiao Guan Yu used to be a well-known gangster leader in the southern city of Yecheng. He was hired by Fu Bao and assassinated Ran Ming.After learning of Ran Ming's true identity, he ran away to Yecheng in fright.It's just a pity that Ran Ming didn't intend to have the same knowledge as a local ruffian like him.The little Guan Yu who escaped from Yecheng hid for several years, and slowly sent people back to inquire about the news, and found that he was neither on the blacklist of the imperial court nor wanted.Little Guan Yu sneaked back to Yecheng, and after discovering that Yecheng was safe, little Guan Yu gradually became the overlord of Yecheng's dark world again.

But this time, Guan Yu has learned a lot, and he no longer makes a show, but does things in a low-key manner.He also changed his style, like bullying goodness and collecting protection fees before, he just quit.However, there are hundreds of younger brothers under his command who need to be supported, and little Guan Yu found a way to make money, that is, with the development of Wei's business, a large number of foreign merchants poured into Yecheng.Xiao Guan Yu used the advantage of local snakes to help foreign merchants complete transactions and collect commissions.Little Guan Yu gradually formed an organization similar to the intermediary company of later generations.

For example, brothels want new recruits, workshops need slaves, or foreign merchants want to open and buy shops in Yecheng, etc. Xiao Guan Yu's business scope is very complicated, not only as a pimp, but also as an information dealer sometimes.Little Guan Yu entered Ye City Ling Wang Meng's mansion nervously. Of course, he would not naively think that Wang Meng invited him to eat and drink, and he must be trying to get some useful information from him.

As the order of Yecheng, little Guan Yu didn't dare to offend Wang Meng at all.Because Xiao Guan Yu knew very well that Wang Meng only needed one word to get rid of him. Regardless of his wealth and prosperity, he would always be a small ant in front of a high-ranking official like Wang Meng, without any resistance.

"Sit whatever you want!" At this time, Wang Meng was more and more like a superior, although it was just a mere sixth-rank Yecheng order, but no one dared to underestimate Wang Meng.Because Wang Meng is Ran Ming's true direct descendant, his confidant, if there is no mistake, it will be a matter of time before he becomes a prime minister.

"Thank you, Prince!" Xiao Guan Yu sang a promise, and sat down gently.It is said to be sitting, but in fact it is just touching the edge of the chair with the buttocks.

"You're a smart person, so Wang won't go around with you anymore!" Wang Meng said, "Your Majesty went south and left Meng in Yecheng to guard the house for His Majesty. However, this matter was not done well, as if Things got a little out of hand."

Xiao Guan Yu: "My lord's opinion, in the final analysis, those merchants are a little restless."

"Oh!" Hearing this, Wang Meng was very surprised. He didn't expect that there was a problem with the Huaxia Business Alliance.

In fact, Ran Ming established the Huaxia Business Alliance with the help of merchants.In the initial expansion process of Ran Ming, in addition to following the military principle, he also followed the commercial principle. He adopted the principle of exchange for those with wealth and power in the territory. Anyone who was beneficial to the development of the Wei army would transfer political resources or property resources to help his family.The several major families represented by Liu Yuan, Zhang Xun, and Wang Cheng developed in this way.This kind of interaction between warriors and businessmen, this combination of military and business is also one of the important reasons why Wei State has been able to rise rapidly in the past few years.

Later, Wang Cheng, who was unwilling to become the third son of the business alliance, took the lead in betraying Ran Ming and cooperated with Ran Zhi.The three elder families of the Huaxia Business Alliance and the Wang family were annexed and disintegrated, and Liu Yuan's business name was completely merged into Ran Ming's private property.Zhang Xun's strength was also greatly damaged. At this time, the aristocratic business houses represented by Zheng Jian began to develop rapidly.However, Ran Ming has a characteristic, that is, betting before the battle, that is, those who can give financial support to the Wei army before the victory is decided and the Wei army is in dire straits. They will return resources far greater than what they paid as compensation. As for those who hesitated before the war and refused to bet on the victory of the Wei army, and waited until after the victory to join in the fun, it would be more difficult to get a share of the profit after the war up.

This situation is caused by super merchants such as Zhang Xun and Zheng Jian becoming richer and more powerful.As for those traditional merchants, their influence and strength will become weaker and weaker.If it weren't for the Zhongnan Development Company and Nanyang Development Company, I am afraid that these firms would have no room to survive.

The Chinese ancestors were very smart, and they summed up human nature in one sentence.That is not to worry about scarcity but to suffer from inequality.At this stage, these merchants can see the general trend of the world very clearly. Once Ran Ming wins, the world will be unified.The top leapfrog companies of the Huaxia Business Alliance will take advantage of the policy advantages to develop rapidly and expand at a speed of ten or a hundred times.These estranged families will soon be marginalized or even annexed.

The only way to prevent this from happening is to use political power.With the help of policy support, he became an upstart just like Wang Cheng did back then.

Knowing this situation, Wang Meng couldn't help feeling a headache.These merchants are not scary, because they are all people with constant property and business. Even if they run away from the monks, they will not be able to run away from the temple. The most important thing is the people behind them, and that is the real fear.The current connection of Yecheng officials is just the prelude to the coming storm.

"Headache, this is trying to force the palace!" Wang Meng waved Xiao Guan Yu back, he knew that this matter was enough, and he didn't need to ask other details, because no matter how much he asked Xiao Guan Yu, people at this level still couldn't get in touch. Core Secret.

Who is behind this scene?Ran fuck?A kid who was only eight years old, let alone Ran Rui, who was only five years old.Then the elimination method quickly eliminated the two, and suddenly a name flashed in Wang Meng's head, and he broke out in a cold sweat immediately.Ran Zhi, others may not be clear about it, but Wang Meng is very clear. He wanted to use Yang Yun to control Ran Zhi secretly, but Wang Meng underestimated Ran Zhi. As a result, Yang Yun was killed by Ran Zhi without anyone noticing.The secret work that Wang Meng placed next to Ran Zhi either died or rebelled, which made Ran Zhi completely free.

Regardless of Ran Zhi's failure at the beginning, it is undeniable that Ran Zhi has an advantage over Ran Ming in politics. He is the eldest son and has been the prince for nine years, and he has cultivated a large network of contacts, even though Ran Zhi disappeared for a while , but no one knows what backhand and hole cards Ran Zhi has.

Wang Meng's eyes dimmed, as if thinking of the past.It should be said that the elites of the gentry still have an innate liking for Ran Zhi's political views and ideas, but Ran Ming is different. He reuses merchants and poor families to start a school, all of which are quietly changing the gentry. For the monopoly of ruling power, although Ran Ming adopted the gradual method of boiling frogs in warm water, those old foxes among the gentry who have spent a lifetime in political struggle must have seen through Ran Ming's true intentions long ago.

With the favorable location, weather, and people all on Ran Ming's side, these elite clans had to go dormant temporarily.But once they are given a chance, they will definitely jump out and make trouble.

Now is the time when Wei Guozheng is weak, not only is the defense of Yecheng empty, but also there is no big boss who can intimidate the ministers.This is the easiest way to go wrong.Wang Meng suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he immediately thought of a person, that is, the former Taiwei of Wei Guo, and the current Taifu Shenzhong.Shen Zhong is one of Wei's only surviving 48 founding meritorious service, but now Shen Zhong is very old. A man in his 70s is not only deaf and dazzled, but even during a court meeting, he can fall asleep drooling.

Although Wang Meng didn't want to bother Shen Zhong, he had no other choice. At this time, Shen Zhong had to stand up to deter Xiao Xiao.But before Wang Meng went to find Shen Zhong, Empress Xie Daoyun sent Dachang Qiu Yang Huan to inform Wang Meng to enter the palace urgently to discuss matters.

Wang Meng didn't dare to be negligent, so he immediately changed into a court official and entered the palace with Yang Huan.All the way without hindrance, came to Taiwu Hall.At this time, Xie Daoyun was full of unconcealable anxiety, while Wang Zhi, Wang Baobao, and even Kezuhun and Helena were all armored and murderous.

"My lord, Wang Meng pays homage to the empress!"

"Wang Qing is free of courtesy." Xie Daoyun said directly without politeness: "Wang Qing, let's take a look at this, what should I do!"

Wang Meng wrote a memorial and found out that it was actually a secret letter of the highest level of the Royal Secret Service.The content of this secret letter surprised Wang Meng even more.Ran Yu led [-] elite soldiers up the Yellow River, and was intercepted in Yanggu County by more than [-] cavalry led by Zhendong General Ran Feng.However, after half an hour of fighting between the two sides, [-] to [-] indigenous troops suddenly appeared from behind Ran Feng's army. "

"How is this possible?" Wang Meng became puzzled.
No wonder Wang Meng was very surprised that Ran Feng was Ran Min's adopted son.He was also a general trained by Ran Min. In the original historical time and space, Ran Min's Zhulong war horse died, and Ran Feng gave up his own war horse to Ran Min.But Ran Min did not agree.Perhaps at that time, Ran Min was as disheartened as the desperate Chu Overlord.But it is undeniable that at least in terms of the art of war, Ran Feng is the true teacher of Ran Min.

For this general who likes to fight in a regular manner, it is in fact that such a general is the most difficult to deal with.Only an upright and upright teacher can stabilize him with strength, and any tricks will backfire.Although Wang Meng is only an order of Yecheng, as Ran Ming's true confidant, he has obtained far more information than his position.

Although Ran Min transferred the three battalions of the Anbei Army out of the Anbei Army to support Ran Ming, he actually found out that Ji Polu, or rather, Ji Polu was secretly building and training his own direct army.The purpose of calling out these three battalions is also to cut off their connection with Jilu.Regarding the situation of the three Anbei Elite Infantry Battalions, whether they were "deaf and dumb" at the time or the Sky Eyes back then, they all left relative records.According to these records, Wang Meng knew that although the three infantry battalions were well equipped, most of them were new recruits who had not experienced any vicious battles. They were supplemented by vassals and servants who served as the backbone of the army at the grassroots level, but their combat effectiveness was not all top-notch.In particular, the infantry faced the disadvantage of the cavalry. Even if Ji Polu had sufficient preparations, the more than [-] cavalry under Ran Feng's command should not be at a disadvantage, especially with nearly half of the casualties, which is simply unimaginable.

What Wang Meng was more cautious about was what kind of existence those [-] to [-] servants actually existed.

On the Yellow River, where the huge fleet was driving, it slowly approached the intersection of Zhangshui River.Ran Zhi stood on the deck with his hands behind his back.In the cabin at the bottom of the big ship, countless Japanese people were driven into the narrow cabin like cattle and horses. They struggled to shake the oars to provide power for the big ship.Hard work every day, barely in exchange for two or three corn bread.In the cabin, there are also some higher-ranking people from the Wonu Kingdom. These people wear brand-new linen clothes and hold leather whips.As soon as he saw those Japanese people who moved a little bit slowly, he immediately shouted: "Baga!" Then the whip lashed down like raindrops.

Ran Zhi is also helpless, Nanyang Islands have long been occupied by Ran Ming, Ran Zhi in Yizhou, passed the initial difficult period, after teaching the indigenous Sinicized farming, this treasure island also has no shortage of food, but he lacks manpower, He had looted more than half of the population of Linhai County. With Ran Zhi's large-scale landing in the coastal areas of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the people in these places had to migrate to the inland in order to avoid being looted.In this way, it has become more and more difficult for Ran Zhi to plunder the population in Jin.However, Ran Zhi wanted to go deep into the coast of Wei State to plunder the population. Not only was Ran Zhi afraid of attracting Ran Ming's crazy revenge, but in desperation, in order to avoid being discovered by Ran Ming, he had no choice but to explore the sea in the northeast.

Finally, Ran Zhi discovered the country of Wa.At this time, the Wa country has not yet been truly unified.As for the prototype of the so-called Amaterasu God of the Wa Kingdom, Himiko is just the queen of a small Xingmatai Kingdom. Because the Wei Kingdom bestowed the seal of the pro-Wei Wa King in the three periods, this is called unity in name.In fact, when Yihe (Taiwan) became king, civil strife began.Relying on its own strength, One and (Taiwan and) had to send people to seek China's support, and then sent people to Jiankang.It’s just that at this time in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was very little support for the Wa country. In the end, Chu Suanzi sent a group of more than 100 monks and envoys to mediate the civil strife in Japan. However, the mission did not come back after more than ten years. Even the lives and deaths of members of the mission are unknown.

However, Ran Zhi discovered the benefits of the Wa country, that is, the country has a large population. In just a few years, Ran Zhi successively plundered more than [-] young and strong people in the Wa country. of.Ran Zhi found that these Japanese people were very docile, but they were very brave in battle.Ran Zhi also liked it very much, so he armed a group of servants composed of Japanese warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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