Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 894 The style of that 1 arrow

Chapter 894
Chapter 900
"Master!" At this moment, there was no sound, and a general wearing Mingguang armor appeared on the deck, but this general was not tall, and the mighty Mingguang armor was worn on him, as if he was crowned with a monkey.This is the leader of the Wonu Kingdom under Ran Zhi's command, Hojo Omyo who originally ruled Sakaido.Hojo Kano has already learned to speak Chinese, and Chinese in this period is much more influential than English in later generations.In Japan, it is an honor to speak Chinese.

As the first daimyo who took refuge in Ran Zhi, Ran Zhi treated Hojo Daimyo fairly well.At least gave him a lot of autonomy.However, Hojo Dano is very similar to their descendants in later generations, he is a typical soft bullying and fearful.Ran Zhi used a lot of gunpowder weapons when he plundered the land of the Japanese country. This made Dongkaidao, which was still in a primitive society, especially the low productivity, fear to the bone for a while. The Dongkaidao, with a population of more than [-], could not survive at all. Will to resist.

In the eyes of Hojo Ohno, the sound of thunder is constantly echoing, shaking the continuous mountains, people around him are constantly being struck to death by lightning, and no one knows if they will be the next one, so they start to run away.However, at this time, the demon king began to lower the divine fire, which could not be extinguished no matter what, even if he jumped into the water, it still continued to burn.Until people are burned to ashes.When Ran Zhigao shouted that the surrender does not kill, through translation, Hojo Dano seemed to hear the sound of nature.

Ran Zhi is the demon god who descended from the sky to the world. It is also a great honor for him to turn to the demon god and be his apostle.The Demon God gave him an armor made of fine steel, which made Hojo Omno even more ecstatic.It is not that there is no iron in Wa country, although it is very rare.Hojo Danozhi had seen this kind of thing when he made a confession at the Xingmatai, but the queen seemed to have less than ten sets.But the Demon God is different. There are tens of thousands of soldiers around him, and everyone has this kind of equipment.This shocked Hojo Dano very much.

In front of Ran Zhi, this great Hojo was very respectful.

Ran Zhi said: "Beitiao, your surname is too convoluted, why don't you just follow me and change your surname to Ran! Great Qianyuan, the capable one can be a hero. From now on, you will be called Ran Yuanjie!"

Hearing this, Hojo Ohno fiercely kissed Ran Zhi's boots.Being given a surname is a great honor as a subject, especially following the lord's surname. In the Japanese slave country, this is a common way for the superior to treat his confidants.If Hojo is great, but if the current Ran Yuanjie doesn't understand this, he can buy a piece of tofu and hit the wall to kill himself.

In fact, Ran Zhi has his own considerations. It's not that Ran Zhi doesn't know Ran Ming's strength, but he knows it too well.Even though he clearly knew that Yecheng was empty at this time, he still did not divide his troops and directly attacked Yecheng.Instead, he intends to use the exposed three battalions of Ran Yu and the [-] to [-] servants to attract the attention of reinforcements from all over Wei.

Ran Zhi said: "Ran Feng is the adoptive brother of the emperor's father, so he can be regarded as a brother. Although he suffered a small defeat, he should not be underestimated. Now he has reorganized his army and followed him to attack. If we can attack in one go Yecheng is okay, but I am afraid that the attack will be frustrated, and there will inevitably be the danger of being attacked by the enemy. Therefore, the king asked you to lead your trilogy to land here and attack Lechang City on the south bank of the Yellow River. Capture Lechang City and hold Lechang At least seven days, to buy time for this king. If this king succeeds in regaining the throne and becomes the emperor of Wei, this king will canonize you as the king of Wa!"

"Hayi, minister, I will never disgrace your life!" Ran Yuanjie said loudly.

"Very good!" Ran Zhi said: "The ship is ready to dock and land."

Lechang is the Nanle of later generations. Lechang is located in the northeast corner of Henan Province, at the junction of the three provinces of Hebei, Shandong and Henan.Lechang County was set up in the Han Dynasty, Changle County was changed in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Nanle County was changed in the Later Tang Dynasty of the Five Dynasties, and the name Hounanle has been used until now.In this time and space, the Tuoba family had no chance to establish the Northern Wei Dynasty, so Lechang still used the name of the Han Dynasty.Although Nanle is a plain city, because Yecheng became the political center in the Houyue period, it guarded the Yellow River waterway and had very convenient transportation, so it also became a place for North-South goods trading.

Regardless of a mere small town with a population of less than 7000, its population has increased tenfold in just a dozen years, and it has become a county with a population of nearly [-].At this time, Ran Yuanjie led the servants ashore and directly crossed the county town eighteen kilometers southwest.At this time, this place belongs to Lechang County, Yanzhou, and it is the same wall as the county and the county. Because the county is located, the scale of the city wall defense is not too small.

As early as the fifty Yu Xiangyongs lit the smoke at the ferry, Lechang entered a state of emergency combat readiness. After emergency expansion, the city, which originally had less than a thousand soldiers from the county, expanded to more than three thousand soldiers in a short period of time. horse.Of course, these soldiers and horses are all ordinary people who have not been trained much, and their combat effectiveness is very low.

To be honest, as an inland city.The city walls of Lechang City are not too tall, they are surrounded by [-] Zhang [-] Chi high walls, and the largest defensive buildings are only three archery towers.

But the Japanese people have never seen any city, even the capital Xiuwu City built by Ran Zhi in Yizhou, in the eyes of the Japanese, this is already a miracle.However, in Ran Zhi's eyes, this is only the size of a remote county town, far from majestic.No matter how bad Lechang is, it is still a county.

However, the Japanese are not good at attacking cities. There is no way. During this period, the Wa country itself did not have any decent cities, and even the capital of the country was nothing more than a village-level building of the Han people.Ran Yuanjie was ignorant and fearless, just like when he was plundering the Japanese country, tens of thousands of horses swarmed like a roaring tide.

This surprised the prefect of Lechang. The prefect of Lechang and the captain were very puzzled. Although the city wall of Lechang was not tall and not strong enough, it could not be climbed up with bare hands.What else can they do besides die?
Although puzzled, he ordered a counterattack.If at this time, Wei Guo’s standard equipment is still bows and arrows, then the fate must be pitiful, because only God knows where the people who have just touched the bows and arrows can shoot. Less than ten rings.) But the crossbow machine is a fool's shooting direction, the ruler, the mountain, and the target are three points and one line, and the target can be hit.

But after all, he was a novice. More than 1000 crossbow arrows were shot down, and less than a hundred people were shot.Captain Lechang even felt hot on his face.

Captain Lechang shouted: "I didn't even eat, I aimed and shot again, arrows don't cost money!"

At this time, the Japanese also started shooting with the Japanese longbow. The bow of the Japanese longbow is almost 1.2 meters long, and most of the pulling force is below a stone. It is made of bamboo, with limited tension and low power.However, he shot dozens of people on the city wall, almost causing the defenders on the city wall to collapse without a fight.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Lechang was also a veteran who had fought in battles. He sent his own soldiers to serve as the supervisory team, and chopped down seven or eight fleeing young men in succession. Only then did he stabilize the battle.However, I saw that the Japanese people on the city wall were actually building human ladders, throwing gray bottles, rocks and logs all at once, and the siege troops were in a mess.

At this time, the defenders of Lechang found that although these Japanese screamed fiercely and their momentum was very frightening, there was nothing scary about them.Slowly holding on to the continuation of panic, and slowly bringing out the level of training.The crossbow arrows were shot again, and the same rain of arrows from more than [-] people could actually hit more than [-] enemies.

Ji Polu really couldn't stand this way of attacking the city, which wasn't even considered a rogue bandit.Even if there is no siege weapon for the rogues to attack the city, they should at least prepare some simple ladders, but this Ran Yuanjie is simply a brain-dead, and he doesn't treat his own songs as human beings. Such a waste, he, an outsider, can't stand it anymore.

There are two methods of siege operations, one is to break the strong.That is to use the elite to break the elite, if Ran Ming was around, he would definitely do such a thing.Under the suppression of long-range weapons, Wei's elite quickly approached the enemy's city wall and defeated the enemy's elite, creating a favorable situation where the enemy was afraid of tension when they saw the Wei army; the second was to break the weak.That is when you are not sure about defeating the main force of the enemy army head-on, you should also dispatch elites to find the right time to attack the enemy's weaknesses. Although the effect of breaking the weak is not as shocking as breaking the strong, it is also the way to break the city.

Ji Polu said: "These Japanese slaves are really useless, Your Highness, why don't you go up!"

Ran Yu said: "These are the subjects of our Wei State, don't kill innocent people in vain."

Ji Polu said: "The general will understand!"

Then Ji Li came directly in front of Ran Yuanjie who was about to go mad, and said bluntly: "General Ran, tell your people to withdraw. Let's see what siege is!"

Ran Yuanjie didn't dare to offend the Han people around Ran Zhi, because he knew that no matter how much Ran Zhi trusted him, he would never let him command the Han army.Very dissatisfied, but had to obey orders.

As the Japanese retreated like a tide, the three elite infantry battalions of the Anbei Army began to dispatch.In fact, the three infantry battalions under Ran Yu did not have heavy siege weapons, but the ladders were very easy to build.As a city that focuses on commerce, Lechang has no moat, and even the gates are as tall as a giant city to facilitate the entry and exit of goods.This increases the difficulty of defense.

There is a saying that once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.After all, Ji Polu is a general's son, and his method of attacking the city is to choose Poqiang.One army stepped on the drums and held up the shield and slowly advanced, while the other four followed slowly like a fan. Four troops, with four thousand crossbow machines, poured arrows on the city wall, making people who had no sense of crisis The defenders fell down in an instant.

The other defenders were too suppressed to raise their heads. At this time, more than a hundred ladders that had just been built, without even peeling off the bark, leaned against the city wall smoothly.

Ji Polu said: "Attack, the first climber will be rewarded with ten thousand coins, and the official will advance to one rank."

Although at this time, the income of the people of Wei State was very high, but ten thousand yuan was still not a small amount.Ten thousand yuan can buy sixteen shi of grain, enough to feed a family of five for a year.The temptation is not small.

Lieutenant Lechang knew that it was time to go all out, so he stood up fiercely and said, "Counterattack!"

However, even before the sound of the words fell, a powerful arrow was poured into his left eye like lightning, but the strength remained undiminished, and it directly penetrated the back of the head... The main general was killed, and even the morale of the elite troops would be hit. What's more, it's just a bunch of dirty people.

Seeing the death of the main general, the prefect of Lechang was so frightened that he trembled like chaff.At this moment, those elite infantrymen of the Anbei Army who were like wolves and tigers bit their horizontal knives and climbed quickly.Lieutenant Lechang, who had just taken over the command, didn't even issue an order, and was blocked by an arrow the moment he got the command flag.

The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, and the wise win when the two armies confront each other.No matter how you say it, Ji Polu is also a general's son. He has confronted the Northern Han Kingdom for a long time, and has accumulated experience that does not match his age.Ji Li also knows everything. Although he does not have the experience of later generations like Ran Ming, he has accumulated a certain amount of experience in defeating the enemy during the long-term battle with Zhuhu.

Such a tactic of concentrating sharpshooters and sniping the enemy's generals is exactly the same as the beheading tactic of later generations.Whether it is the Huns, Jie people, or Xianbei people, they are all a group of barbarians. Although they are fierce by nature, they have no organization and discipline. If they lose their command, they will be disorganized.Ji Li himself is proficient in bow and horse, so he can naturally command him like an arm.

However, although Ji Polu is not weak in skill, he is only slightly stronger than ordinary soldiers, and far worse than first-class generals.Good at fighting and wise, knowing that force is not good enough, he selected a group of sharpshooters from the Anbei Army's tens of thousands of troops. Each of these sharpshooters can draw a three-stone strong bow. One stone is 120 catties, and three stones are 360 ​​catties. , These sharpshooters are dedicated to dealing with the commanders of the Wei army on the city wall, from the captain, deputy captain, Sima, Sima of the other department, and even Qu Hou. Whoever takes over the command position, without exception, is sealed by a sword throat.Seeing this situation, the morale of ordinary elite troops is also frustrated, let alone those ordinary people who were still holding hoes and tools just now?

Less than a quarter of an hour after the battle, the morale of the defenders of Lechang City collapsed, and Ji Polu successfully entered Lechang City.

Facts have proved that people's war is not invincible, especially in local wars, the news that Lechang was captured by the rebels spread at the fastest speed.For a moment, Wei Guochaotang was like pouring a ladle of water into an oil pan, and it boiled all of a sudden.

Although Lechang is not a strategically important place for military strategists, in front of Yecheng, it is a strategic point for guarding the main waterway traffic. Occupying Lechang is tantamount to blocking the soldiers and horses of Yanzhou, Qingzhou and even the eastern part of Yuzhou to the east of Lechang. area.If you want to help Yecheng, there is no other way, then you need to go by land.However, the difficulty of traveling by land is also very objective, that is, the transportation efficiency is too poor.After occupying Lechang, Ji Polu and Ran Yuanjie's troops began to divide their troops again, and Ji Polu personally led a battalion of troops to seize Cangling.Cangling was not an important location at first, but since the highway from Wei State to Yecheng was completed, this Cangling has become an important post station. The key is that there is a Zhangshui Bridge in this post station, which occupies this place. The highway is completely blocked.

At the same time, Ran Yuanjie divided up more than [-] troops and captured Weixian County in Weijun to the west, which was equivalent to entering the core area of ​​Yecheng.At this time, Ji Polu and Ran Yuanjie have a lot of choices.First, you can directly take Yecheng, the head of Wei Guoda, by highway or waterway.The second is to plunder Yuzhou and Luozhou. At this time, both the army and the people in Yuzhou and Luozhou are mobilizing a large number of troops to march south. At this time, the heartland wants to organize a huge army to protect the army. Obviously, it is not possible to do it in a short time. arrived.The third is to advance eastward, using a small number of troops to attract Ran Feng to lead Qingzhou and Yanzhou troops, and then invade the most prosperous Qingzhou area in Wei State.

No matter how you choose, the most critical thing is time.Now under the command of Polu and Ran Yuanjie, there are nearly 5 troops in total, and they hit the city of Yecheng by surprise!If you are lucky, it is very possible to break through the enemy's capital and even capture the officials of Wei State, and even turn Xie Daoyun and the prince into prisoners. At that time, the world will shake, and all potential enemies who are dissatisfied with Wei State will respond together, and Wei State's may be Falling apart because of it!
At this time, Yecheng had a population of almost 78, most of whom were family members of military officials. Once they were shocked by the changes in Yecheng.Whether it is the South Conscript Army or the Zhennan Army, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be shaken.The soldiers and horses of the state of Jin marched north again, and the tribes in Mobei responded. Huan Wen of the state of Shu moved his camera and smashed the whole world into a pot of chaotic porridge!At that time, even if Ran Ming has great abilities, he may not be able to recover.

Ji Polu knew well that Ran Feng was great, even though he suffered a little setback last time, there were many objective factors.First of all, Ran Ming urgently ordered Ran Feng to go south, and his Youyan cavalry was extremely tired after a long journey to fight.Secondly, the Anbei Army has too much combat experience of using soldiers to defeat cavalry. It would have been a mistake to use cavalry to deal with Anbei Army infantry.What's more, there are a group of desperate lunatics like Ran Yuanjie to disrupt the situation, but now Ran Feng has regained his troops, gathered the Qingzhou guards and started to march westward.

(End of this chapter)

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