Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 896 You Won't Let Me Down

Chapter 896 You Won't Let Me Down
Chapter 902 You Won't Let Me Down

At that time, the imperial court was afraid that Huan Wen would usurp the throne, so they had to win over Xie An in every possible way.Just like the eldest grandson Wuji of the Tang Dynasty, he was far inferior to Fang Du in terms of talent, but he was a holy family member, and he was very beautiful for a while.In Li Shimin's later generations, during the struggle among the princes, he supported Li Ke's Cen Wenwen. Although he was smarter than Changsun Wuji, he still failed because the holy family was different.

Not to mention Xie An, even Wang Tanzhi, who is as famous as Xi Chao, is actually out of the ordinary.Politics is like this. Xie Daoyun's niece in the state of Wei is the queen, and it is said that he also wants to have a royal family.But obviously, Xie An's ass is not sitting upright, the emperor doesn't like your way, how can you get the support of the courtiers, no one wants to play with you, especially in front of a powerful emperor.

"The killing of soldiers has been inauspicious since ancient times." Xie An also tried his best to persuade him, "Besides, the Jin Dynasty lost its way and lost people's hearts. Although the king's master first arrived, he was bewitched, but if he removed the chief evil, he would be at peace. If soldiers slaughtered, not only The scholars and the people are disappointed, and there will be no redirection south of the Yangtze River."

At this moment, upon hearing this, Ran Ming's expression softened a little.The vision of a politician is indeed sophistication. Xie An is definitely not out of selfishness. Although the persuasion is clearly for the sake of the powerful gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, it is actually worried that the army will lose control.Tigers in zoos have never eaten raw meat since they were young, so naturally they will not hurt people, but if they are given the smell of blood, it will stimulate the wildness in their hearts.The same is true for the army. It is very difficult for an army to develop the military discipline of Qiuwu.But to fall, it is only a moment.Maybe Ran Ming's ability is good, but in the following execution process, some mistakes are prone to occur.Just like in the later generations who beat local tyrants to divide the land, many innocent people died in vain, but who calls others the winners, anyway, history is written by the winners.

At this time, Ran Ming calmed down.Taizu's method may not be suitable for this era.Especially under the grief of the death of the rabbit and the fox, it will definitely affect the great cause of reunification.Because in this era, the army is a monster.It must be difficult to cultivate the military discipline of future generations.Because the consciousness of the people is very low, don't expect them to act like saints.

It is something they take for granted to be a soldier who eats food and gives their lives. Whoever pays them and feeds them, they will obey the command of whoever tells them to fight, and they will fight whoever is told.As for the concept of country and nation, it is basically very vague.

Ran Ming thought about it, but in the end, he didn't make a decision like a boy in the second year of high school.Despite the aversion to the gentry family, it is undeniable that the formation of the gentry family still has their unique features.If it weren't for the Northern and Southern Dynasties, when the elites of the gentry were depraved and fought fiercely, the common people would have no chance to stand out.

Ran Ming had no choice but to order Shi Yue to strengthen his defenses, and at the same time strengthen public opinion propaganda, and promulgated three policies at the same time.One is to persuade the gentry and wealthy households from all over the country to play the role of protecting the environment and the people, and stabilizing production.To be precise, it is necessary to lower the land rent, restore the unified standard of one thirty taxes in Wei State, never increase taxes, and abolish all miscellaneous services except military service. "

"Secondly, all gentry tyrants who participated in the Wei army will have their status as gentry abolished, and their children will not be allowed to be officials. This ban will not be abolished for at least three generations."

"The third is that the Wei National Congress will list all the performances of the gentry and tyrants in the unification war. Those who have made merit will be rewarded in the red book, and those who have meritorious deeds will be punished in the black book."

This is also a story that Ran Ming saw in the railway guerrillas of later generations. I am not afraid that you will make trouble now, and we will settle accounts after the autumn.

Ran Zhi's [-] troops suddenly appeared under the city of Ye. Fear enveloped countless floating residents in the city, while the permanent residents fell into a kind of helplessness.

"Daddy, let's run away!"

"Escape? Where can I escape?"

"Go to Luoyang!"

"Now you see bandit soldiers in all directions, where can you escape?"

"Where is your majesty, where is your majesty now? If your majesty is here, and fifty thousand troops are stationed in Yecheng, why are you afraid of a mere one hundred thousand bandit soldiers?"

"As I said before, raising troops in anger is not good for the country. Your Majesty is going south now, so we have no power to fight back now."

However, voices questioning Ran Ming appeared in Ye City, and this voice quickly spread throughout the city like a plague.

At this time, five or six children were playing in the imperial garden of the palace, and suddenly an insider told them the news of the siege of the city by a hundred thousand bandits in a panic.One of the five or six-year-old children, with yellow hair but wearing Han family children's clothing, suddenly left his playmates and ran into a yard, shouting: "Mom, mom, it's not good! The enemy is here, the enemy is here!" Killed!"

This child is none other than the son of Roman Emperor Julian, the Roman crown prince Valens who fled with Queen Helena.

Helena was not panicked at this time.As the daughter of Constantine, the princess of the Roman Empire, she was used to the struggle within the royal family since she was a child.At this moment, Wei Guo is still facing the same infighting as the Roman Empire.At this time, she, the elder brother of the emperor's husband, brought troops and horses to try to pull Ran Ming down. "Valence, my dear child, don't be afraid. You have to study hard, and you will return to Rome to be emperor in the future. This opportunity now is very important to your future."

Valens nodded in a daze.

At this time, Ran Zhi, who was at the Dongming Gate, was also riding a tiger. Yecheng had no intention of surrendering at this time, especially Wang Meng, the confidant left behind by Ran Ming, ordered to block all the gates. This was not just piled up with sandbags , but poured with cement and steel bars, even if there is an internal response, it is impossible to open the city gate.Moreover, Wang Meng also ordered that within [-] steps of the city gate, no one else should approach, and those who disobeyed the order will be killed.

Ran Zhi was not sure about storming such a capital city.

Like people, a country also has its own unique temperament.Of course, this temperament is related to his founding monarch.If the founding monarch is tough, then even if his descendants come back again, the temperament of the country will not change.Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, held grudges, so he fought hard for his national power and boiled the Huns to death.

Of course, Emperor Hongwu was ruthless enough, so his descendants dared to die in Sheji.Of course, Zhao Guangyi fled in embarrassment after being shot in the ass, so Jingkang was ashamed.

The test of a nation's resilience is to see how it behaves when it perishes.To see whether a city is strong or not, it depends on its performance when it comes to battle.Yecheng is also one of the eight ancient capitals in Chinese history. Although it is not as majestic as Luoyang, as a famous historical city, it has always been known for its tenacity.

In history, Ran Zhi, whose country was destroyed and his family was destroyed, was trapped in a lonely city, and he insisted on defending it for more than 100 days.Yecheng would not have fallen if the traitors hadn't betrayed them.Of course, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, during the battle of Yecheng in the Northern Zhou Dynasty that destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty, Yecheng also defended the last isolated city of the Northern Qi Dynasty for 68 days. Ruhong's Northern Zhou army, Yecheng showed enough tenacity.

During the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, Shi Siming's 13 troops relied on Yecheng to resist the siege of 60 Tang troops for four months.

Fortunately, Ran Ming left behind Wang Meng.

Except for Ran Ming, almost no one paid attention to Wang Meng, Ran Ming's confidant.But Wang Meng sealed all the gates of Yecheng at the first time, even if he wanted to surrender the city, he lost his chance.Of course, after the expansion of Ran Min and Ran Ming's father and son, Yecheng was still not as large as Chang'an and Luoyang in the Han and Tang Dynasties, but it was much larger than before.

There are many people in City University, so naturally people will have any ideas.Some people are panicked, some are weeping bitterly, and some are panicking, but these people are definitely not in the mainstream.

All the people in Yecheng, including civil and military officials and military family members, watched the performance of the Empress Dowager Dong and Empress Xie Daoyun. What made the people feel at ease was that the Empress Dowager or the Empress, even the eldest son of Empress Xie , is also very stable.Seeing that the imperial family was so calm, the people's panic gradually calmed down a lot.Especially Empress Xie, on the day Wang Meng sealed off the city, she took the eldest son Ran Yun and the second son Ran Tan with her to join Luan Guard General Wang Zhi, Luan Guard Sima Baifeng, Luan Guard Joining Army Wang Baobao, and hundreds of women. Under the guard of soldiers, patrol the whole city.

Especially the eldest son of the emperor, Ran Yun, although he did not have the name of a prince, in the eyes of all civil and military officials, he was the only candidate for the prince.Ran Yun, who was obese since he was a child, now has a thick head and a thick head, wearing exquisite leather armor, standing in front of the carriage and waving to everyone from time to time.

There is an old Chinese saying that like a father, like a son, the father is actually the best teacher for the son, be it Ran Yun or Ran Bin.Although the two of them had been away from Ran Ming less often since they were young, it did not prevent them from worshiping and learning from Ran Ming.Ran Ming grew up slowly from the bottom of the ranks. Ran Yun and Ran Yan also aspired to be like Ran Ming, leading soldiers and fighting on the battlefield.It's just a pity that the two of them are too young, and Ran Ming has no intention of letting them go to the army.Now that he finally had this opportunity, Ran Yun not only did not show a panicked expression, but was extremely excited.

Seeing that the mood of the people gradually stabilized, the defense in the city was also carried out in an orderly manner.From top to bottom in Wei State, no matter who it is, the possession of weapons is not prohibited, but such weapons are of self-defense nature, such as bows and crossbows, when entering Yecheng, the bowstring must be removed.Residents of Yecheng also need to register and make a book, and outsiders need to affix a seal. During the period of Yecheng, use is restricted.The State of Wei gave the people of the State of Wei the power to have weapons, and of course there will be corresponding obligations, just like now, when the enemy is present or a major public security case must be managed.Although Wang Meng mobilized almost all merchants and workers, he did not mobilize ordinary peasants, military members, and gentry, but at this time, they will also be rebuilt according to the squares, streets, and roads they live in.

The private battalion and the guard camp were built separately. At this time, Wang Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, all kinds of city defense materials have been moved to the city wall. With the development of science and technology, Wei's Yecheng also abandoned the traditional city defense weapons such as fire oil, gray bottles, and gold juice.Like the fierce fire oil tank developed from Greek fire that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, various light and heavy ballistas, bed crossbows, eight-ox crossbows, and rockets are of course also indispensable for gunpowder packs.

Ran Zhi, who was the former prince of Wei and had been the emperor for a few months, was very familiar with Yecheng, but when he returned to Yecheng after so many years, he still couldn't help taking a deep breath.As far as traditional fortifications such as moats are concerned, Yecheng really doesn't pay much attention to them, but outside the city walls, there are 46 blockhouses densely covered.This bunker is very similar to the gun towers of later generations, but it has eight corners, four of which are concave, and each bunker is equipped with ballistas, rockets and fierce oil tanks that can form cross-fire strike points.

If you want to attack Yecheng, these 48 bunkers must be removed first.What made Ran Zhi very troubled was that each of these bunkers was as high as three feet and six feet, and the main body was still made of reinforced concrete. But it is much stronger than that made of rammed earth.

These years, Ran Zhi had a very smooth life.When he was in Yizhou, the enemy he faced could at best rely on the mountains and build a camp. This kind of city is probably not as good as the villages in the border towns of Wei State.Especially in the Wa country, their largest city, in Ran Zhi's opinion, is at best a larger town.

Ran Zhi's purpose this time was actually a surprise attack. If Wei Guo was prepared, there was really nothing he could do.Although he relied on inside information to capture Huang Hao, the head of the gunpowder department of the Military Weapons Supervisor, and forced Huang Hao to make gunpowder for him, but the gunpowder was simple, but the raw materials were hard to find in a hurry.

When Ran Zhi was inspecting Yecheng, he was also seen by Wang Meng on the city wall with a telescope. Ran Zhi was disfigured, and others did not know him, but Yang Yun was arranged by Wang Meng. How could he not know Ran Zhi? .At this time, Wang Meng whispered to a small school beside him for a while, and after a while.Wang Meng had the small school hanged from the city wall in a hanging basket.

This small school is also a bold figure, facing Ran Zhi's tens of thousands of troops, he calmly walked in Ran Zhi's direction.

Ran Zhi saw a person coming out of the city, and knew it was a messenger without asking.Even if Ran Zhi didn't need to order, someone from Ran Zhijun stepped forward to greet him.The Wei Jun Xiaoxiao was pushed and shoved by several Ran Zhijun soldiers, and came to Ran Zhi.Ran Zhi shouted coldly: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "I am the envoy of my general, and I will send a message to His Royal Highness the former crown prince on behalf of my general!"

Hearing the title of ex-prince, Ran Zhi seemed to have been torn open and then sprinkled with salt.

Ran Zhi said angrily, "Who is your general?"

Xiaoxiao said: "My general is of course General Wang Mengwang!"

Ran Zhi was not angry but smiled and said: "Wang Jinglue seems to be just an order of Yecheng, when did he become a general?"

"Oh!" Xiaoxiao said: "The Empress was ordered to supervise the country, and as the supervisor of the country, she named the king's envoy as the general who will fight against rebellion."

"Discourage the general?" Ran Zhi gritted his teeth with hatred, and said word by word: "What is he farting, let him go!"

Xiaoxiao said: "My general said that the former Crown Prince had the guts to rebel, but he didn't have the guts to attack the city."

Hearing this, Ran Zhi said with a leisurely smile: "It's just a small plan, don't even try to lie to me!"

The little principal said again: "Okay, since the former Crown Prince has no guts to attack the city, I will go back and return to my command."

The little school walked down the city wall in a big way, and then was hoisted up the city wall by a hanging basket.After a while, all the soldiers of the Wei army on the city wall shouted: "If you have the courage to choose, you have no courage to attack the city."

Hearing this, Ran Zhi seemed to have been slapped.This is Wang Meng's cleverness. If Ran Zhi followed Wang Meng's words and directly attacked the city in anger, he would be hit by his aggressive method.If he didn't attack the city, it would confirm the fact that Ran Zhi had no courage.

The battle for succession has always been adhering to the rules of winner and loser.Ran Zhizhi has been the crown prince for nine years, and obviously he is not useless. If the throne of the Qin Dynasty is obtained by the son Fusu, then it is not likely that he will perish in the second generation.Similarly, when Yang Yong sat on the throne in the Sui Dynasty, he would not set off 36 roads against the king and 72 roads of dust and smoke.Even if Li Jiancheng sits on the throne, he may not be worse than Li Shimin.As a prince, under the excellent genetic improvement, how could there be so many fools.

No matter how evil Ran Zhi is, he will not destroy the state of Wei.The State of Wei was established by Ran Ming's father, and it is the foundation of the Ran family.As the prince, Ran Zhi's duty is not to destroy the foundation, but to keep it.Although at this time, Ran Zhi has little hope of successfully regaining the throne, but Ran Zhi still does not give up, he still wants to make the last effort.

When every emperor chooses an heir, he has one purpose, which is to better defend his country.If there is only one son who has no choice, even if Ran Zhi is insane, Ran Min will hand over the country to him, and it will take a lot of effort.But once there is a better choice, it is natural to choose a better son.In fact, most of Ran Zhi's political views are consistent with Ran Min's, especially in his attitude towards Yi Hu.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

This is what Ran Zhige guarded. If you want to capture Yecheng, according to the defensive facilities and preparations of Yecheng, if you want to use outsmart methods, there is almost no hope. There is only one way, and that is to take your life to fill it.Ran Zhi would not use his direct descendants as cannon fodder, but chose to wait.

"Are you going to disappoint this king?" Ran Zhi looked at Ran Yuanjie who had rushed over after receiving the order, and said, "The casualties will definitely be very heavy in this attack, but don't worry. There are still many warriors in the Wa Kingdom, and one of yours will die. I'll give you two more. If you can break through the city, Qin Wei Wo Wang will be yours."

(End of this chapter)

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