Chapter 897

Chapter 903

"I understand!" Ran Yuanjie himself knew that being a dog requires the awareness of being a dog. If the owner feels that a dog has no value, he will also lose the qualification to be a dog.Anyway, in this world, there are many people who are vying to be Ran Zhi's dog.

Ran Yuanjie returned to the headquarters and shouted in Japanese: "You lowly ants, if you hadn't been merciful to the king, you would not be able to live today. The glory of a warrior is also proved by blood. Are you cowards or brave warriors? Now is the time to prove it. Break through the city, and the king will give you what you want most, status and honor. You have to understand the fate of cowards. If you want to be a noble warrior or a humble slave, look at the people below you show!"

Perhaps people who have never been slaves do not know the benefits of freedom at all. When they heard that they could be promoted to warriors, these Japanese servants, who were originally lifeless, suddenly showed ferocious eyes like hungry wolves, as if they wanted to choose people and devour them.

Ran Yuanjie said: "In the kingdom of the king, the king's general Xiangning has a kind of call? You warriors don't want to be just warriors all your life, do you? Do you want to become a big name? Or even a general? If you have the heart to make progress, try to be king Go to hell."

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"

The crazy Japanese servants seemed to ignore those high bunkers. The crazy Japanese were like wild beasts, waiting for the final attack order.

These Japanese servants did not have any siege weapons, and they began to slowly approach the bunker at Jingyang Gate.Although unarmed, he is brave enough to die.The Japanese are a complex nation. After defeating the last line of defense in their hearts, they are the most loyal accomplices and lackeys, but once the master weakens, they will bite back.

Ran Zhi didn't know the blood debt owed by the Japanese people in later generations, but he saw that these people had no humanity at all.

The soldiers of the Wei army on the bunker looked at the densely packed Japanese servant army below, and a team was issuing orders: "Shoot the arrows!"

Seeing the Japanese's attack, the long-range weapons on the city wall also began to show their power. Ballista stone heart bullets set off road after wave in the Japanese formation like a steamroller pressing through a passage of flesh and blood. Unfortunately, they failed to stop the Japanese's madness.The eight-ox crossbow is like a string of gourds, and each crossbow bolt can wear at least two or three Japanese.However, this perverted blow still did not deter those crazy Japanese.

Although many Japanese fell down, more Japanese stepped on the corpses of their accomplices and charged forward quickly.

Arrows rained down, slaughtering all the time.But they couldn't stop the Japanese from approaching.Not long after, Japanese people came to the bunker. These Japanese people found that the bunker was very smooth on all sides, and there was no place to climb. The arrows were inserted into the wall of the bunker, like a ladder was erected.

Without any verbal prompts, these Japanese people bit their waist knives and began to climb forward with both hands.A fire dragon spewed out from the fierce oil tank, raging in the Japanese formation.The air began to be filled with a smell of burnt barbecue, but it still didn't stop the Japanese's madness.

If only relying on the inferior equipment of the servant army, let alone breaking through Yecheng, even a mere outer blockhouse would be very difficult.But if Ran Zhijun cooperates, the effect will definitely not be as simple as one plus one equals two.

Ran's art of war is derived from the painstaking efforts of three generations of Ran's family.This is not a military guide dedicated to teaching strategy and tactics, but a series of books from organization to training.As the eldest son, Ran Zhi has had more exposure to this aspect than Ran Ming since he was a child.Of course, when he was a prince.Ran Zhi had no chance to practice the art of war he had learned, but Yizhou was almost a blank slate, which gave Ran Zhi a stage to fully develop.

Although Ran Zhijun is mainly based on infantry, it has a complete range of arms such as chariots, crossbows, bows, spears, daggers, shields, and knives.Just as the Japanese servants were about to climb up the wall of the bunker, Zhang Zhiqiang, the lieutenant of Ran Zhijun, jumped out and shouted sharply: "Let go!"

Zhang Zhiqiang is the brother-in-law of Sima Wu Qubing of Ran Zhixiu's Martial Kingdom. Although there is such a relationship, his promotion has nothing to do with it. It is all based on the accumulation of actual combat achievements.Under Zhang Zhiqiang's order, more than 800 eight-ox crossbow heavy handmen in Ran Zhi's army operated more than 100 eight-ox crossbow carts, aiming at the defenders above the bunker.

Not only are there parapets on the top of the bunker to block arrows, but there are also countless heavy steel shields to defend the defenders tightly. The horse crossbow is no doubt like scratching an itch against the heavy steel shields, it has no effect at all.But the powerful force of the eight oxen crossbow and ten stones cannot be resisted by a single soldier's shield.

Youdao stood tall and looked far. The team on the bunker was using binoculars to see the eight-ox crossbow machine in Ran Zhi's army preparing to shoot, and hurriedly ordered: "Quick retreat."

It's just a pity that the firing speed of the eight-ox crossbow is not the same as that at sea. Since the battleship fluctuates with the waves, it needs luck for the eight-ox crossbow or the rocket to hit the target.But on land, the crossbow arrow head of the eight-ox crossbow is much larger.

The heavy crossbow bolts crashed into the heavy shield on the bunker like meteors. In the process of conflicting contradictions, it seemed that there was no absolute winner.Some of the crossbow arrows that hit the target directly pierced the shields of the defenders, and also strung the soldiers behind the shields into a string.However, some crossbow bolts did not penetrate the heavy shields for unknown reasons, but these dozen or so shields commanding the target seemed to be swept away by a strong wind, leaving a large space on the watchtower of the entire bunker.

At this time, the Japanese servants leapt forward, grabbed a long spear, and turned over.The rest of the people's eyes lit up, and they climbed up like this, like apes jumping between the bushes.This made Wang Meng, who had never taken it seriously before, a little surprised. Who are these people?Climbing as agile as a monkey, this should be the elite of the elite.But it's a bit different, Wei Guo cherishes his army very much, and Ran Zhi's habits are not so cold-blooded.But using such "elite" troops as cannon fodder, Wang Meng felt sorry for Ran Zhi.

Since the bunker was built a little far away, this kind of bunker should be equipped with artillery according to Ran Ming's intention, but the artillery has not yet solved the most critical technical problem.It is too expensive to use copper casting.Ran Ming was also unable to equip a large number of troops, so he had to use cast iron or fine steel to equip the entire army.However, in the casting process of cast iron and molten steel, many problems have arisen.Ran Ming is not a universal encyclopedia, and these technical problems can only be solved by craftsmen themselves.

However, Ran Zhi led the army to attack. The distance between the city wall and the bunker is beyond the attack range of the crossbow on the city wall. Except for the eight-ox crossbow or crossbow, it can barely reach it. However, the defense of the city wall is not as good as land combat. Relatively speaking , the city wall is too narrow to deploy a large number of crossbows and crossbows, and there is not enough firepower to strike density, so Wang Meng can only pray silently.

The remaining bunker guards were yelling, "Use incendiary bombs!"

The defenders who received the order hurriedly picked up the incendiary bombs. They said they should be incendiary bottles. Before the incendiary bottle ignited by a soldier had time to throw it down, suddenly a crossbow bolt from the eight-ox crossbow flew across the sky and hit the soldier. In his chest, even with armor protection, he was still lifted up by the huge force of the crossbow and flew as far as one foot.However, the incendiary bottle in his hand immediately fell on the watchtower of the bunker, and the shattered incendiary bomb immediately caught fire. This kind of incendiary bomb can cause a fire within a radius of ten meters, and many defenders were also engulfed by the fire.

With such an accident, the defense force of the bunker itself was weakened to the extreme.While the defenders were busy putting out the fire, one of the Japanese servant soldiers who climbed the fastest began to climb up the bunker.

The Japanese soldier let out a long roar like a wild beast.All the Wei soldiers beside him lost their minds for a moment.At this moment, the people of the Japanese slave country rose up and started to attack frantically.

Suddenly the watchtower became chaotic, a crazy Japanese slave attacked unscrupulously, and Wei soldiers who were caught off guard were hacked to death in his hands, like chopping cabbage one by one.But the loss of consciousness was only short-lived. After that moment, the counterattack of the Wei soldiers turned this crazy slave of the Japanese slave into a hedgehog. Countless knives and guns pierced him directly in an instant, and then he was cut into pieces by random knives.

But after the first Japanese from the Wa Nu country came to the top of the city, there would be a second, and a third, and a steady stream of people from the Wa Nu country began to rush up to the top of the city. The number of people is too small, and in this process of consumption regardless of life and death, the bunker eventually changed hands.

The soldiers of the Japanese servant army who had captured the bunker raised their knives and guns and roared frantically.No one seems to have noticed that the countless corpses of the Japanese Nu people under the bunker have covered the ground under the city wall, like a thick carpet, bloodstains spread on the ground, and slowly the blood merged into a The creek flows slowly into the distance.

Equipment advantages and geographical advantages cannot represent absolute victory.Fifty defending soldiers of the Wei army in a bunker killed thousands of Japanese at the cost of all their deaths.

After pulling out the nail, Ran Zhi did the same, and then attacked the other three bunkers in Jingyang Gate of Yecheng in the same way.After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the four blockhouses in front of Jingyang Gate were finally pulled out, and all 5000 Wei soldiers guarding the blockhouses were killed.However, the Japanese people who participated in the attack paid a heavy price for this, with nearly [-] casualties.

The price was heavy, even the tyrannical and cold-blooded Ran Yuanjie turned pale with fright when he saw this scene, he dragged his exhausted body, and slowly came to Ran Zhi.

Ran Yuanjie knelt on the ground respectfully, with Ran Zhi's boots on his head, "Your Majesty, I return to your command!"

"Yuan Jie, you look so good!" Of course Ran Zhi knew the tricks of both kindness and power, and he did not hesitate to praise Ran Yuanjie.The fierce praise made Ran Yuanjie feel elated.

Ran Zhi said: "In view of your brave performance in the battle, this king bestowed on you the Tiger Guard Festival Banner. From now on, your tribe can be named the Tiger Guard Army. Yuan Jie is the first Tiger Guard General of the Tiger Guard Army. "

Ran Zhi also ordered Wu Qubing, who was in charge of logistics, to distribute drinks, meat, and new-style armor to the newly formed Tiger Guards.The most profitable business in this world is neither stock trading nor real estate, but aboveboard robbery.Ran Zhi used the land of Yizhou as his base to rob the Wonu country and the Korean peninsula.Of course, Ran Ming didn't have any news, but Ran Zhi agreed with Ran Zhi's robbery of these two places.

Through Xiao Lezi's channel, Ran Zhi bought a large amount of weapons and equipment from Wei Guo with real money.The brand-new Mingguang armor and the horizontal knife glowing with azure blue light, all these weapons were distributed to Ran Yuanjie's department who had just given birth to a great contribution.Even the average soldiers of the Tiger Guards were rewarded more than [-] yuan on the spot, and the higher the rank, the richer the reward.In addition to these belongings, of course food and drink are indispensable.For the big local tyrant Ran Zhi, if the question can be solved with money, it is not a problem at all.

Drinking mellow white wine in a big bowl and eating large pieces of fat and various meats boosted the morale of these servants who had just walked around the gate of hell.Not only Ran Yuanjie's Tiger Guards, but also other troops' morale was high.

Just when the night was getting dark, Wang Meng began to reflect on today's fighting situation. The defensive force of the bunker guarded by 50 people is too weak. If each bunker is not equipped with 50 people, but 500 people, Ran Zhi will not be able to take four bunkers so smoothly today.Of course, if you want to deploy 500 people, this small bunker is too crowded.

Wang Meng sighed and said, "You can't have both!"

Wang Meng knew that once there were too many people in a bunker like this, material consumption would be a very big problem.Suddenly, a light flashed in Wang Meng's head, "True way!"

Yes, tunnels are adopted. In the future, these bunkers must build tunnels leading directly to the city, so that in the event of a crisis, support forces can be transported to the bunkers through the tunnels.At this moment, a steward reported to Wang Meng: "My lord, someone is coming from the palace, and I want you to enter the palace immediately!"

Wang Meng recorded the bunker improvement document he had just written on paper, and then put it in an envelope.Tell your confidants to hand them over to the Royal Guards, and they will be handed over to Ran Ming as soon as possible.

When Wang Meng came to Taiwu Hall, he realized that Xie Daoyun was definitely not the only one who invited him.Almost all the left-behind officials in Yecheng went, and even Tai Fu Shen Zhong, who had difficulty moving, was carried into the Taiwu Hall by his servants on a soft couch.

Wang Meng seemed to be the last minister to go in. Right after Wang Meng entered the Taiwu Hall, the Taiwu Hall was put under martial law by the palace guards.

At this moment, Xie Daoyun in military uniform entered the Taiwu Hall. After the officials saw the ceremony, Xie Daoyun said: "The royal guard received the news,
Some young people, because their political views are different from His Majesty's, even secretly colluded with each other, with no cunning intentions.Some of these people are still staying in the city, the enemy is in front of them, if such treacherous people continue to allow them to stay in the city, it may become a disaster, I have nothing to do now, I don't know why my lords teach me? "

At this moment, all the ministers talked about it.Of course, this is also a matter of Xie Daoyun's prestige. If Ran Ming was here, they would never dare to make noise, let alone connect secretly.

At this moment, Li Xian suddenly said: "Your Majesty, since ancient times, the internal affairs must be settled first if the internal affairs are not stable. If the internal affairs are not stable, how can they be consistent with the external affairs? Now the situation is urgent, and strict measures must be taken to deter Xiaoxiao."

Shen Zhong said at this time: "They are all short-sighted people, and it is difficult to become a big weapon. Yecheng is in danger, but it is too early to say if it is dead. Although today's battle has suffered a small setback, it can be seen that your majesty has long been Prepare, this crisis will be resolved, and the dead must be Ran Zhi's traitor. And our Majesty still has the courage to meet with His Majesty on the basis of truth. If Ran Zhi is here, then we will not even dare to fart. How can you talk about happiness? Even if you really became Ran Zhi’s courtier, it might not be as good as it is today. As for His Majesty’s arrangement, Zhong must explain to you, don’t you find it strange? Although His Majesty dispatched General Wei Zhang Ai to town Nanyang , and even transferred almost all the garrison troops from Yecheng, but there was only one person who held the heavy army and did not move?"

Chang Wei, Minister of Honglu Temple, said: "Could it be that Master Shen is referring to Su Zhengbei?"

Of course, Su Zhengbei refers to Su Lin, the general who conquered the North during the reign of Ran Min Yongxing. Su Lin and Zhou Cheng at that time, one south and one north, opened up the territory for Ran Min, and made great contributions.However, Su Lin streaked across the sky like a shooting star. After three years in Yongxing, there was no news.In history, after the fall of Wei State, he led a trilogy to resist Yan State.After AD [-], it really disappeared from history.Many people seem to have forgotten about Su Hai (in fact, it was Cheng Zhi's mistake, this character does not exist in Baidu, and it was mentioned briefly in Jin Shu).

Shen Zhongdao: "It's natural, Su Zhengbei is not retiring, but has unavoidable difficulties."

(End of this chapter)

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