Chapter 898

Chapter 904
In fact, Shen Zhong didn't know the inside story, but had a vague rumor.This is a secret that involves Ran Min, and the court of Wei State has kept silent about it.Ran Min and Su Lin met after the Changli War.At that time, Shi Yue conquered Yan State in the north, but was defeated for a long time, and Shi Hu retreated. At this time, Murong Ke, who appeared as a young man, led two thousand cavalry from the Yan army, chased and killed the Zhao army for thousands of miles, and beheaded more than 3000 ranks. All were defeated, only the 3000 people of Ran Min's tribe survived.Because of this, Ran Min was promoted from a guerrilla general to a general of Beizhong Lang.However, in this battle, although Ran Min was not injured, he fell ill, and had to meet the Holy Maiden of Huoyun and Su Lin at the same time.Because although Ran Min's troops saved [-] people, when they reached Zhongshan, the whole army was in a situation of running out of ammunition and food.At that time, Su Lin, a powerful Zhongshan tycoon, sponsored Ran Min and helped Ran Min tide over the difficulties.

Later, Ran Min raised his troops against Zhao, and this Su Lin even broke his family to respond to Ran Min.However, after Ran Min's throne gradually stabilized, Su Lin resigned on his own initiative.Ordinarily this is extremely abnormal.If Su Lin had any conflicts with Ran Min, with Ran Min's temperament, he would definitely not reuse the members of the Su family, but Ran Min not only reused Su Lin, but also made Su Lin the Duke of Dongwu.Moreover, more than [-] soldiers and horses were stationed in Zhongshan, and the imperial court did not lack a trace of supplies.

This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon. When Xie Daoyun was helpless, Empress Dowager Dong said: "The former emperor said that Su Lin can be trusted! Then Su Lin can be trusted."

There are more than [-] elite soldiers like Su Lin, and he is only more than [-] miles away from Yecheng. Even infantry can reach the city of Yecheng within six days.

Ran Zhi sent troops to attack Yecheng, and forced Ran Ming to adjust his strategic deployment, so that the state of Jin would be able to see a bright future.But the most important thing here is that Ran Zhi can take down Yecheng, or has the ability to directly threaten Yecheng.Due to the difficulty in conveying information, the royal special guards of the Wei State launched a purge of the Jin State's secret operations, so the information Xiao Lezi could get was very limited.

I don't know if Ran Ming will withdraw his troops to help Yecheng, but Xiao Lezi doesn't know how many troops will be transferred, which makes it difficult for him to adopt a corresponding strategy.With the promulgation and implementation of Ran Ming's three-strategy policy, the courage of the Jin Dynasty nobles to resist the Wei army was suddenly drained.The so-called loyalty is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.The Jin Dynasty may be able to give a lot of benefits, but it is the basis for the survival of the elite of the gentry to choose the more important, and the lesser of the two evils.In the face of national crisis, there are too few people who can abandon their family and complete the country.

Countless anti-Wei rebels from Jingkou to Jinling suddenly disappeared, and Shi Yue had no worries, so he launched a crazy attack on Wuxi.

Wuxi is not a strategically important place at all, and there are no particularly dangerous passes, which gave the Wei army a stage for firepower strike troops.The rockets, crossbows, eight-ox crossbows and incendiary bombs in the Shiyue army all poured out their anger on the Jin army's position as if they didn't want money.

The situation in the Jin Dynasty was very tense. This blocking battle was a confrontation of strength. Although Xiao Lezi was resourceful, he was at a loss for a while.At this time, Xiao Lezi was actually not helpless, but he couldn't say this way.Because this must let Sima Dan come forward, only he, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, can inspire the flagging morale.

Maybe it was a tacit understanding, or maybe it was Sima Dan who had the idea of ​​breaking the can and smashing it, so he actually wanted to go into battle in person.Sima Xi, King of Wuling, Inspector of Ningzhou, General Zhenwu Zhou Zhongsun, General Wei Xie Shi, Shangshuling Wang Shu, Sanqi Changshi, Zhongshulang Wang Tanzhi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials Han Kangbo, Minister of Five Soldiers Lu Na, Minister Duzhi Zhu Yanzhi, Shu Helang Wu Yinzhi, historian Deng Can and other civil and military generals did not speak out against it.

Xiao Lezi silently put on the armor for Sima Dan, and when Sima Dan came to the camp in full uniform, Captain Huben Mili was also ready.The more than [-] soldiers of the Huben Army have already completed their preparations. Even the auxiliary soldiers, cooks, grooms, medical officers, and craftsmen of the Huben Army silently put on the armor of the wounded soldiers, and picked up the weapons of the soldiers who were killed or slandered. There are only [-] people left, all standing in formation.

Although the auxiliary soldiers have their own organizational system, they do not have standard weapons and armor. The armor worn by these auxiliary soldiers is not only wounded soldiers of the Jin army, but also torn from the dead soldiers of the Wei State on the battlefield. Since then, the equipment of the more than [-] auxiliary soldiers and handymen has been messy and varied, with all kinds of styles.

"Gentlemen, the Great Jin has reached the most dangerous moment!" Sima Dan raised his voice: "The Great Jin still has a way out, and there are three states in Ningzhou, Guangzhou, and Jiaozhou. But I don't want to run away anymore, I mean It has been decided, and the battle to the death will not retreat. The shore of Taihu Lake in Wuxi is the place where my bones are buried."

Mili suddenly gestured to a confidant, and that confidant hurriedly shouted at the top of his voice, "I swear to follow His Majesty to the death and fight to the end!"

As soon as this man finished shouting, the [-] soldiers of the Huben Army also shouted, "I will follow His Majesty to the death and fight to the end!"

Seeing this scene, even if Sima Dan is not the leader of the army, he knows that the army's morale is available.

Sima Dan is also slowly maturing, the country's affairs are difficult, and his maturation speed is still very fast.Sima Dan stretched out his arms and stretched out his hands to press down. The whole army of Huben Army fell silent immediately.

Sima Dan pointed to the north, and shouted: "Where is that place? That is the homeland of our Great Jin Dynasty, where we were born and raised. People leave their hometowns and fall back to their roots. If I die, I will die in Jiankang!"

Imperial power is very sacred in this era, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to see the emperor in their entire lives.For those high-ranking emperors, it was simply impossible for these ordinary soldiers to live and die with them.However, this kind of impossible thing happened.

Millie took the opportunity and shouted: "Fight with Beijia!"

"Fight with Beijia!"

Beijia is the barbarians of the Northland. This is the contemptuous name of the Sanwu gentry for the northerners. Wujun, Wuxing, and Wuhui are collectively called Sanwu. The land of Wu settled, and the population of Nandu was nearly one million, accounting for one-sixth of Jiangdong's population. Jiangdong people thought that the northerners went south, occupying their territory and harming their interests, so they were very dissatisfied.Generally, it is also a very discriminatory language, just like the "little red guy" in Shanghai dialect in later generations, this is a slanderous name.

Sima Dan pressed his hands again, and then the soldiers immediately quieted down again. Obviously, this army has very good discipline.Sima Dan said: "The northerners are brave, do you dare to die with us?"

"Dare, dare!" The voice resounded through the sky.

Just after Sima Dan finished his lecture, Mili said again: "Today's battle is about my fortune in the Great Jin, about your majesty's safety, about the life and death of my Huben army. I am willing to fight bloody battles with you, who is willing to fight with me?" Life and death?"

"Me! Me!" In addition to the 3000 soldiers, more than [-] auxiliary soldiers also shouted, the crowd was excited, and they couldn't help themselves.

"My subordinates are bold, please order to fight with General Mi!" At this moment, a man suddenly rushed out from the ranks of civilian husbands. This man was about 30 or [-] years old. He was tall and strong with a beard and a beard.He knelt down on one knee in front of Mili, and made a salute of seeing him.

Millie raised his eyebrows lightly. It was a military salute, with strict standards and norms. General auxiliary soldiers couldn’t do it well, just like the military salutes of the People’s Liberation Army in later generations. The courtesy of this civilian husband's meeting was clean and neat, and he was not of ordinary people's origin at first glance.

Millie asked, "What's your name?"

"The subordinate's surname is He, and the single name is Qian!" He Qian raised the pole in his hand, and there was a slight shock, and the pole broke in response.He Qian said: "This subordinate is the commander of the refugees of Daji. He has been familiar with military books and war strategies since he was a child, and he is proficient in bow and horse. His subordinates still have [-] brave men. They are willing to follow General Mi to kill the enemy and make contributions."

The so-called times make heroes, and heroes make times. This is exactly the case. This He Qian is not an unknown person in history. He was the general of Xie Xuan's army when he formed the Beifu Army. He is on par with Liu Laozhi, Zhuge Kan, Sun Wuji, etc. .Our future generations always think that the Beifu Army recruited northern refugees, but in fact this is not the case. The Beifu Army Xie Xuan only recruited generals, not soldiers.The Eight Generals of the Beifu are actually exile commanders who are active in the south of the Jianghuai River and have a certain amount of armed force. After being incorporated into the Beifu system, they only need to be awarded the military title or the name of the governor, or add a certain number of soldiers and equipment to fight.But this is by no means to say that there were no recruits.

Almost the same as in history, He Qian also entered the stage of history.He became an official eight years earlier than in history, and by accident, he came up to be the sixth-rank marching commander in history. Unfortunately, in this chaotic time and space, he only won the rank of the head of the army awarded by Milli.

With the temporary reorganization of He Qian's troops, more than 1 people from Milli's troops left Wuxi to the front lines of the Huishan Wei-Jin battlefield.

At this time, the battle situation in Huishan was already very critical. If it weren't for the elites trained by Sima Xi secretly as the backbone of the army, these soldiers might have been defeated.Sima Xi's troops fled all the way from the defeat of Huai'an and Yangzhou, and the morale of these soldiers had already dropped to freezing point.Every time the Wei army attacked, it was necessary for the supervising team to force it into battle with swords, bows and arrows.The effect can be imagined.The most irritating thing is that the battle damage ratio is almost approaching the number of people killed by the supervising team. Sima Xi, as the most knowledgeable prince in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, has the urge to cry at this moment.There is already a faint resentment in his trilogy, even if one person dares to come forward to instigate, if not done well, the whole army will mutiny.

Seven lines of defense were arranged in front of and behind the Jin army camp in Huishan, and the outermost five lines of defense had actually been abandoned.The two inner lines before the camp had complete Juma, Luchai and trenches, and the Wei army could not break through for a while.When Sima Dan led more than 1 Huben troops to the battlefield, there was a fierce battle on the battlefield.

The layout of the Huishan camp is a bit like Li Jiapo in the later "Bright Sword".The main force of the left battalion of the Jin army is backed by Huishan, and the first line of defense on the front line is built on a large terraced slope halfway up the mountain.According to Sima Xi's arrangement, the first line of defense is more than 120 steps away from the edge of the half-hillside. The Wei army at the bottom of the mountain cannot see the situation above. As long as they show their heads, they will encounter crazy shooting from the Jin army. The first line of defense was hit by the ballista of the Wei army and suffered heavy losses, and Shi Yue was also a ruthless man, risking the threat of his own soldiers being bombarded by the ballista, he actually sent strong soldiers to carry the "hundred tigers rushing together" rocket charge, those who were bombarded by the ballista The Jin army, who hadn't reacted yet, saw the appearance of the Wei army, and when they wanted to fight back, they were greeted by the Wei army with hundreds of "Hundred Tigers Running Together" rockets and more than 100 rocket launchers. The launch was completed within a short time, and more than 1 rockets formed a tight death net, killing almost half of the more than 3000 soldiers in the first line of defense of the Jin army.

The rest were defeated, and even the second line of defense was dispersed by the defeated soldiers. The Wei army took advantage of the situation to attack, and finally captured the second line of defense.Shi Yue ordered the troops to carry the horse-drawn crossbows, and moved the heavy crossbows, eight-ox crossbows, and rockets to the half-hillside. The long-range strike positions established by the Wei army could directly cover most of the Jin army's defense line about three miles deep, which directly led to five The first line of defense changed hands.

As the heavy firepower weapons of the Wei army moved forward, the ballista of the Wei army could even reach the trenches of the Jin army's camp at this time, which made Sima Xi very helpless.Sima Xi wanted to organize a night attack and regain the position on the hillside, but was defeated by the well-prepared Wei Army. It is likely that even the camp was lost.

What Sima Dan saw was actually a battle for the sixth line of defense inside.

War is a process of learning from each other. The Jin army also learned things with low technical difficulty, such as horse traps and flat carbine refusals, and used them to deal with the Wei army.However, it is a pity that the infantry of the Wei army participated in the attack, whether they were trapped in a horse pit or refused a horse on a flat surface, the point of view is one, and they pay attention to suddenness.The speed of the horse galloping is astonishing, it is impossible to stop, but people are different, the speed of the infantry charge is not fast, there is a hole in the ground, no one will be stupid enough to step into it.There is also a plane repelling carbine, because the speed of the charge is slow, it cannot form a strong inertia, and you can avoid being hurt by lightly blocking it with a shield.

The heavy axeman in the Wei army's formation slowly stepped forward, chopped the support frame with the ax three times, five times and two times, and the plane repelling carbine was considered useless.

Melee fighting is the strength of the Wei army, especially with the cooperation of the triangular formation combined attack technique, it is even more powerful.However, during the hand-to-hand battle, the Wei army behind, under the order of the general, shot a loud arrow into the corner of the formation, and more than [-] Wei army crossbow archers threw arrows at the Jin army supporting the battlefield.

The so-called shooting at the corner of the formation is due to the commanding position of the general during the shooting process in ancient wars. In ancient wars, there were no clocks and clocks, and there was no so-called direction at what time. Directly use loud arrows to determine the target, and then other soldiers will follow and shoot.More than a thousand menacing Jin troops who wanted to support the battlefield were shot down by a round of arrows, and the second and third rounds were only close.After just five rounds of arrow rain, only a small half of the more than a thousand Jin army reinforcements remained.

At this moment, the Wei army who was fighting began to retreat under cover. Xinrui replaced the exhausted army and continued to fight.Sima Dan looked at the battlefield, his face changed a little. Although he tried his best to learn from Ran Ming, he learned a lot of things that were neither fish nor fowl. This is the real gap.

More than [-] soldiers of the Wei army suppressed more than [-] people.At this time, the crossbow shooter, who was responsible for suppressing the firepower on the battlefield, put away the crossbow machine, and began to enter the battlefield with a weapon in hand.At the same time, more than [-] people in the rear took over the position of the crossbowmen and continued to maintain fire suppression.And the more than [-] soldiers in this formation are probably mobile support troops.

Wei Guo is brave, Jia Jian has a strong army, and is a powerful enemy in the world.

The fighting lasted only a quarter of an hour.The Jin army, which was completely at a disadvantage, began to show signs of defeat, and the supervisory team behind had killed hundreds of defeated soldiers.The striker has been broken through by the Wei army. This is the Wei army's conventional tactics.It's a pity that there are not many opportunities for the Wei army to encircle and suppress. Usually, as long as the division tactics are completed, the Jin army will collapse.

Sima Xi said distressedly: "Take it off, take it off!"

There is no way, this is a gap in strength, the casualties of the Jin army have exceeded 5000%, according to the past practice, this is already a situation where the elite can barely maintain the undefeated situation.Due to the narrowness of the battlefield, a main infantry battalion of Wei State with [-] troops could not deploy at all. However, the Jin army occupied the advantage of the main field, but it could be deployed in an all-round way. In the case of fighting more and fighting less, they were still defeated quickly, which made Sima Xi frustrated. Victory and words.

Under Sima Dan's banner were Mili's personal guards. These members were all good fighters in the Huben army, wearing heavy armor, protecting Sima Dan.As the leading general, Millie is about to lead the army into battle in person.

At this time, He Qian who was following behind suddenly said: "General, let your subordinates try!"

"That's fine!" Milli agreed to He Qian's request without thinking.There is no way that the situation on the battlefield is too bad. The Jin army defenders on the sixth line of defense are already crumbling. If they are ordered at this time, there is a 90.00% chance that they will find that they will collapse.

He Qian's troops had eight hundred men, and except for He Qian who had obtained a pair of armor, the other soldiers did not wear armor, and their weapons were also various, but most of them were spearmen, followed by spearmen. Less than a hundred.These are very cheap equipment.

He Qian said: "Boys, the opportunity has come, fight hard, and I will definitely reward you dearly."

(End of this chapter)

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