Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 899 The Crooked Technology Tree

Chapter 899 The Crooked Technology Tree

Chapter 905 The Crooked Technology Tree

He Qian's Eight Hundred Parts immediately approached the battlefield in a slow direction like a stream going upstream.These young men were not lined up in a neat formation like other Jin army support troops, advancing in a straight line.Instead, they spread out all at once, barely one person within ten steps.Seeing this scene, Millie was a little speechless, isn't it delivering food by going up like this?
However, he didn't care.Anyway, he is just a civilian husband. Even if He Qian wants to stand out, give him a chance to show off. There is no chance to save this situation. Mili began to arrange support troops.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield changed again. Those Ding Zhuang who ran to the front of the formation saw Wei Jun rushing forward, shouted and turned around and ran away.Sima Dan's heart was bleeding, the Jin army, there is no worst, only worse.However, what was surprising was that on the way of retreating, these young men suddenly stopped as a whole, and the long weapons such as spears and daggers in their hands returned.

In martial arts routines, this trick has a name, called back to the horse gun.Unexpectedly, he returned the carbine with a surprise move, and achieved good results. At least three or four hundred Wei soldiers were hit.

A total of only 500 combat troops of the Wei army, more than a hundred people were injured in the battle, and they have already withdrawn from the battle. At this time, three or 400 people were suddenly recruited, and the scene was very shocking.The momentum of Wei Jun's pursuit seemed to be blocked by a boulder, and he stopped.

Seeing this scene, even the defeated Jin army's morale was greatly boosted.Many angry Jin troops did not need orders from their generals, but followed He Qian's example and turned around to fight back.He Qian had been observing the battlefield, and suddenly he found the Sima of the other division of the Wei Army commanding the battle.

In fact, He Qian's idea was to imitate Ji Polu and behead him on the battlefield.It's just a pity that this is an elite unit of the Wei army, not the young and strong guards.

Immediately after the death of Sima Biebu, the Jiaqu army was waiting to take over the command, and He Qian followed suit.As a result, the military candidate was on guard and fell to the ground.At the same time, Wei Jun also took countermeasures when he took over Sima from the other department. More than a dozen flag players began to shoot crossbow arrows in the direction of He Qian.

He Qian had no choice but to be very embarrassed and rolled around to avoid it.On the battlefield, He Qian's trilogy officially fought with the Wei army.In previous battles, the Wei army used swords and shields to open the way. The swordsmen and shields all held a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, and could attack and defend.There were spearmen behind them to cooperate, and the killed Jin army retreated again and again.

However, these He Qian trilogy relied on the advantage of being one inch long and one inch strong, and greeted the Wei army's sword and shield soldiers three ways down.But this kind of shield is not a heavy shield, it can only barely protect a little more than half of the body.However, He Qian's light infantry was very tricky to stab the calves or feet of Wei Jun's sword and shield soldiers.

Another erroneous defense, as a result dozens of hundreds of Wei soldiers were injured and fell to the ground.

This turn of events was beyond everyone's expectations. In just half a stick of incense, He Qian's troops wiped out Wei Jun's sword and shield hands.And the cost was actually less than a hundred people died in battle.

Milli fought against the elite troops of the Wei army. At that time, he was mentally unprepared. In the case of an ambush, the battle loss ratio was close to one to one.Such a result made Mili very difficult to accept, but the Jin army thought it was a big victory.Let He Qian's troops kill five or six hundred Wei soldiers. Although less than half of them were killed, less than one hundred of them were killed.

If he hadn't come to the scene in person, Mi Li would have wondered if Wei Jun had become weaker.

The state of Wei certainly hasn't become weaker, but He Qian's troops are a little stronger.Of course, this is not to say that He Qian's troops are really stronger than the elite troops of the Wei army, it's just that a few wolves rushing out of the sheep can sometimes make the tigers run wild.

Just when the defeated Jin army took advantage of He Qian's counterattack, they turned around and counterattacked the Wei army.Morale is very important. During the Battle of Feishui, Fu Jian lost his morale. As a result, a million-strong army was defeated by [-] Beifu troops.Now the morale of the Jin army is gradually rising, and the Jin army with a superior number is fighting evenly with the Wei army with a disadvantaged number.

However, at this time, He Qian quietly collected the troops.

We know that stretched fingers are not as powerful as clenched fists. After gathering troops, we removed the lightly and severely wounded.He Qian offered more than 560 healthy soldiers, but these sergeants from the beggar army were all poor and frightened. When they killed the enemy in battle, they took time to tear off their armor and replace them with better weapons.These people can eat whatever they want, whether it is the armor or weapons of the soldiers who died in the Wei army, they rob them, even the equipment of the soldiers who died in the Jin army.During the battle, these parts and equipment were changed again.

This is exactly what Li Yunlong said in "Bright Sword", who told us to be poor.

He Qian was in the middle of the battle, and Wei Jun was preparing to replace him, and he roared: "Come on!"

More than 560 troops rushed into the Wei army formation like a whirlwind. These Wei troops had been fighting for a long time and were almost exhausted.As the saying goes, the old power is exhausted, and the new power is not born.

With a sudden charge, he passed the soldiers of the Jin army in an instant, and plunged head-on into the front of the Wei army.These leading soldiers are all elites that He Qian has mobilized from thousands of begging troops, and they are all extremely powerful.If they were equipped with inferior armor, the Wei army might have caused a lot of casualties to them. However, the armor of the Wei army is almost the same as that of the Jin army. It is the product of the highest technology of this era. The bright armor made of fine steel has long passed A practical test.

Wei Jun's reaction was also quick, but it's a pity that He Qian was desperate.A He Qian trilogy was stabbed in the abdomen by the Wei Army spearman, but the wounded soldier rushed forward with all his strength and collided with the Wei Army spearman.The soldier of the Wei army suddenly felt short of breath, his body strength was rapidly drained, and his consciousness was a little blurred.Looking down, I was scared out of my wits.It turned out that the soldier of He Qian's army had cut his throat with a horizontal knife.A wound that looked like a child's mouth was bleeding.This was the last consciousness of this Wei soldier.

The strongest defense of the Mingguang armor is the front, the position of the breastplate, not to mention stabbing with a horizontal knife, even stabbing with a spear will not work, the smooth armor will slide the tip of the spear away.However, due to the need for movement in the abdomen, the nail blades there are a bit weak.But the weakest link is the neck, where there is no defense at all.

He Qian didn't even look at his confidant who had been with him for more than ten years, and shouted: "Break the formation!"

He Qian's trilogy holding a shield collided with the surviving shield players of Wei Jun. At this moment, the trilogy behind He Qian stepped on his companion's body, strode up, and jumped over the shield players on both sides at once. , In the second column directly rushing to the opponent, these jumping steps completely ignored the spearmen of the Wei army stabbing their spears like poisonous snakes, turned around and swung their knives at the shieldmen of the Wei army.Those shield players can care about the enemies in front, but they can't care about the enemies behind them.

In just a moment, dozens of He Qian's soldiers who jumped out were stabbed into sieves by Wei Jun's spearmen, but they smashed those Wei Jun shieldmen to bloody flesh.

Dozens of healthy soldiers died in battle, and the Wei army's shield formation was broken immediately.He Qian continued to shout with red eyes: "Break the formation!"

Some of those soldiers picked up their shields, and some directly hit the spear head with their flesh and blood.

The second row of spearmen behind the shieldmen of the Wei army had no advantage in facing the shieldmen. The spears pierced out, and after being blocked by the shields, they were greeted with knives and axes.

However, after ten breaths of effort, the second row of spear formations was broken, followed by the third and fourth rows.The Wei army's line with only five rows of soldiers fell instantly.This speed was so fast that even the support from the rear of the Wei army did not have time.

This time in the counter charge, He Qian didn't use any tricks, nor did he take any detours, he just rushed forward blindly.The five lines of Wei Jun's front fell instantly, which surprised the Wei Jun crossbow shooters behind them.They shot arrows at He Qianbu one after another.

"Kill kill kill."

Seeing the crossbow shooter of Wei Jun, He Qian couldn't help but cheer up, and shouted: "Break the formation!"

Speaking of which, He Qian raised a blood-stained shield and rushed towards Wei Jun's crossbow array.More than 500 people were killed and nearly 200 people were killed. The survivors did not have a shield in their hands. At this time, those with shields were rushing against the arrows, and those without shields puffed up their chests to meet the rain of arrows with flesh and blood. Acting as a shield for the comrades in the rear team, bought time for them to get closer. This kind of desperate style of play moved even a Wei army general like Shi Yue.Seeing this scene, he seemed to recall the scene of fighting Wei Jun led by Ran Min back then.Those Wei troops used this method to directly scare Liu Xian's tens of thousands of troops into fleeing without a fight.Shi Yue was in a daze for a short while, and those Wei army crossbowmen were stunned by these enemies who regarded life as nothing, their hands were shaking, and their crossbow arrows became more messy.

There is an unchanging constant on the battlefield, that is, those who are soft are afraid of those who are hard, those who are hard are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death.He Qian's desperate style of play is very shocking, and if you are timid, you may be scared to pee on the spot.There is no way to do this. The so-called begging army refers to a team of refugees who have lost their land and unite to beg for survival.

Without land, in the era of farming, there is no basic condition for survival. Almost all these beggars are living a precarious life.Just like there is a saying on the Internet in later generations, it is called self-willedness with money, resignation to fate without money.The begging army is a group of desperate desperadoes.

Unlike the barbarians who honor the strong and humble the old, almost every beggar army has one thing to motivate soldiers to work hard, and that is to take care of the widows and widows of the martyrs.Their group is not rich, and supplies are also very scarce.But they will always find ways to maintain the lives of the families of soldiers, especially the families of martyrs.In the era when filial piety is the heaven, many people choose to sacrifice their lives in order to keep their parents, wives and children alive.

Like Ran's begging army, many soldiers have been loyal to Ran since the time of Ran Long. When the father dies, the son goes up, and the son dies, and the grandson goes up. It is precisely because of the foundation of people's hearts that so many people work for Ran Min.

Of course, if a group loses the ability to take care of the martyrs' widows and their families, it means that the group falls apart.Like the glorious Chen Wu, Zhang Li, the overlord of Northern Henan even Shi Le surrendered, including Li Nong, all came from begging refugees.It can be said that the famous generals of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties are almost all a history of blood and tears of begging soldiers and refugees.

It is actually very simple for He Qian to take refuge in Mili and pledge his allegiance to Jin.He is neither like a rich man who loses the power to support the army like most of the vagrant marshals digested and absorbed by the state of Wei, nor does he seem to continue to be in exile.Then there is only one point, let Jin State give him a map for survival.

At this time, He Qian was like a gambler. He didn't bet on Wei Guo, which seemed to be a sure win, because that was called icing on the cake.When is the icing on the cake, it is better to give charcoal in the snow.So he bet on Sima Dan, as if to gain greater benefits.

Although Wei Jun's crossbow strikes were sharp, the density and accuracy of crossbow strikes were greatly reduced under panic.It is easy to be killed by He Qian's troops to the front of the battle.Hand-to-hand combat requires even more courage.

Although the crossbow shooters of the Wei army are not like the Jin army, they have no self-defense ability.But this role change takes time, and the crossbow shooting formation is not the same as the infantry fighting formation, so this time delay, even if it is only a momentary effort, still cost Wei Jun a heavy price.

As He Qian's troops became prominent and attracted the main attention of the Wei army, the Jin army also launched a full-scale counterattack. In particular, the elite Huben army under Mili joined the battle. On some battlefields, the Wei army fell to a comprehensive disadvantage.

Shi Yue, who was watching the formation, sighed: "No wonder His Majesty has already advised Yue to be cautious and beware of repetition. It turns out that the Jin Dynasty still has a bit of confidence."

The staff officer said: "General, I have made some calculations. We must invest in a new infantry battalion to regain our advantage."

Shi Yue said: "There are too many problems exposed on the battlefield when the order is sent. From the perspective of this general, these leading generals are a little bit smug. These problems must be solved immediately, otherwise it is easy to suffer a big loss."

The golden sound of "Dang Dang Dang" sounded, and the Wei army retreated like a tide boat.

It is a pity that the unrelenting Jin army wanted to take the opportunity to regain the fifth line of defense.The Wei army, who had lost their scruples, took advantage of their long-range weapons. A large number of ballista shells, incendiary bombs, and rockets poured into the Jin army like a storm. The Jin army, which suffered heavy losses for a while, had to order to retreat.

Although it appeared that the Wei State was repelled in this battle, in fact, the loss of the Wei army was not too great. It barely reached the level of three troops being disabled and one department being severely damaged, equivalent to the loss of combat effectiveness of a main battalion of [-] soldiers.It is estimated that in future battles, this battalion will basically lose its role.

Sima Dan led the Huben army to assist the Jin army camp in Huishan, and successfully repelled the Wei army's attack, and defended the sixth line of defense in Huishan, which was almost completely lost. This boosted the morale of the Jin army Huishan camp.Of course, it was He Qian who stood out from the crowd in the battle.He didn't even count as an army, and he even became a new general in the Jin army who had no one to look forward to before the war.

The very excited Sima Dandang ordered He Qian to be the governor of Jiangzhou.From a small civilian husband to a military marshal, a low-level junior official, he was suddenly promoted to a state governor, which is equivalent to the high position of a political commissar of a provincial military region in later generations.

Of course, this is just a false post, because most of the territory of Jiangzhou in the Jin Dynasty has been lost, leaving only a dozen or so counties.What excites He Qian the most is that he now has the right to independently form an army.According to the usual army establishment, as long as it does not exceed 3 horses, this is all right.

After Shi Yue withdrew his troops, he immediately held a summary meeting of generals above Sima and above in the other departments of the army. More than 100 generals and schools were criticized by Shi Yue so that they could not hold their heads up.

Just as Shi Yue was rectifying the conquest of the Southern Army, the battle of Ye City also entered a fever pitch.

As technology developed, so did new forms of the art of war.In particular, the emergence of gunpowder weapons across the ages, and all parties in the confrontation have improved gunpowder weapons.

In order to obtain gunpowder weapons, Ran Zhi even used the infamous method of kidnapping.However, with the development of gunpowder weapons, the traditional fortification battle has also undergone earth-shaking changes.Based on inside information, Ran Zhi kidnapped more than a dozen craftsmen of the military supervisor, and by means of coercion and lure, made a very advanced weapon called "Shenhuo Flying Crow". In fact, the so-called "Shenhuo Flying Crow" is also a rocket It is a kind of bomb, but Wei Guo's current rockets are only primitive single-stage rockets, not to mention the short range, and the accuracy is not high.

However, the "Shenhuo Flying Crow" in Ran Zhi's hands uses a three-stage propulsion device, and what is even more incredible is that it also adds a balance wing to stabilize the direction.870 steps away from the city wall, several restless craftsmen are nervously carrying out the final adjustment.

"Okay, hurry up." A general of Ran Zhijun roared fiercely: "If you delay the king's important event, you all know the consequences!"

At this moment, a craftsman said timidly: "Report to the general, it's done!"

"The target is the three ballistas on the top of the city gate in front of you. If you hit it, you will get a prize. If you miss it, wait for the dog's head, little head."

"Small ones save, small ones save!"

"Boom!" As the fuze was ignited, the "Shenhuo Flying Crow" made of cardboard flew towards the city gate.In just a few breaths, the first-level rocket body burned out, and the first-level rocket body that completed the task fell off by itself.Without any pause, without the drag of the first-stage rocket body, the "Shenhuo Flying Crow" flew forward steadily at a faster speed.After ten breaths, the second-level arrow body also fell off.The three-stage rocket began the aerial battle.However, there was a slight change in the air of "Shenhuo Flying Crow".The craftsmen who were watching from behind turned pale with fright, and it was a thousand miles away, which is exactly how to describe this kind of rocket
(End of this chapter)

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