Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 900 The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment

Chapter 900 The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment
Chapter 906 The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment

Don't look at an inconspicuous deviation, but it will deviate from the goal by several steps or dozens of steps.

However, this "Shenhuo Flying Crow" passed the three ballistas on the city gate and continued to fly forward.As the saying goes, the "Shenhuo Flying Crow", which missed the ballista, just landed on the pile of gunpowder bombs in the gate tower, and exploded. The flame ignited the gunpowder, and there was a bigger explosion, which was heavy The ballista was thrown into the air like a small toy, and then fell heavily, smashing the head of a Wei soldier.

Another gunner's arm was also smashed.What is even worse is Chengmenlouzi. This gunpowder supply point stores more than 300 ballista shells, each weighing 300 catties. The gunpowder alone weighs [-] to [-] catties. More than [-] ballista shells are enough Thousands of catties of gunpowder.With the explosion of the shell, the huge shock wave lifted the entire roof of the gate tower. As for the hundreds of Wei soldiers on the gate tower, they were also swept away by the violent explosion shock wave.

Ran Zhi, standing behind watching the formation, although he was prepared in his heart, he knew the power of gunpowder, but he did not expect the power of gunpowder to be so powerful.Although it was already a thousand steps away from the city gate tower, a huge heat wave hit Ran Zhi, and Ran Zhi could not hear any sound in his ears. Ran Zhi felt that there was a water and land dojo in his head. The cymbals, the chimes, and the bells were all ringing. After finally calming down, I felt my face was wet. I wiped it with my hand, only to find that there was a bloodstain there.

Ran Zhi was speechless, and murmured: "A thousand steps away, you can actually hurt this king?"

At this moment, Luo Yuhu stepped forward and said: "Master, you are not injured, this is the blood of a soldier of the Wei Army."

Ran Zhi regained consciousness, and found that an arm of an unlucky guy was blown away. Coincidentally, it hit Ran Zhi's banner, and the banner fluttered in the wind, throwing blood away. It reached Ran Zhi's face.

Ran Zhi said, "Are all those people dead?"

"Return to Master, even if there is no death, it is almost the same!" Luo Yuhu also said nervously.

In such a situation, more than 300 ballista shells exploded, which is not like gunpowder, especially because the gunpowder inside the shells is compressed to the extreme, and the power of the instant explosion is definitely not comparable to that of bulk gunpowder.The city gate tower was blown away. Within [-] paces of the explosion point, there were almost no living people, and even corpses could not be seen intact.Not only the city gate tower, but even the Wengcheng near the city gate was also affected in a large area.

It was also fortunate that Wang Meng was not upstairs at the city gate. In fact, due to the problem of arranging and suppressing Ran Zhi in the city, he was busy until five o'clock every day.Ran Zhi did not officially launch a large-scale attack, but no one called Wang Meng.But Wang Meng was used to getting up early, even though he was very tired, he still only got up half an hour later than usual.

Wang Meng, who was washing in a hurry, just came to the inner urn, and he felt the ground shaking for a while. Wang Meng was not far from the center of the explosion. At least he was also injured. Blood came out of his nose and mouth. Not a small internal injury.However, Wang Meng was not stunned by the explosion shock wave. After falling to the ground for a while, Wang Meng got up with difficulty.Wang Meng wiped away the blood coming out of his nose, and ignored the blood stains on his beard. With a glance, he found dozens of guards scattered on the ground, and some of them seemed unconscious, life or death unknown.

Wang Meng didn't take this into consideration, and shouted: "Quick, go to the city."

It's just that the guards were also instantly deaf from the shock. They only saw Wang Meng's blood-stained mouth opening and closing, and there was no sound at all.Wang Meng pulled and pulled, and finally ran towards the city wall with dozens of personal guards.

At this time, Ran Zhi's attack had already begun.Almost the same as when attacking the bunker, Ran Zhi's troops shot crossbow arrows into the wall with eight oxen crossbows, and then the soldiers of the slave army of the Japanese Nu Kingdom climbed with bare hands.When Wang Meng strenuously cleared away the sundries scattered on the passage and came to the city wall with great difficulty, he was already stunned by the tragic scene on the city wall.But he didn't have time to express his feelings, he had already seen the people from the Wonu country.

Stimulated by Ran Zhi's carrot and stick, especially Ran Zhi really fulfilled the agreement after the war and fulfilled his promise.Ordinary slaves were promoted to warriors, and warriors were promoted to minor masters.The so-called lords in the country of Wa are actually almost as powerful as the Han people. They own their own land and manors, as well as warriors.Of course, those with more strength, like the princes, have the capital to compete for the world.

At this time, Wa country was still slavery.It was almost impossible for slaves to change status.Changing the fate of life through war and military exploits may be the most effective incentive system established in China.Stimulated by this obvious system, the morale of these samurai with the names of big and small masters is high.

There is a saying that blocking people’s money is like killing their parents. For the Japanese warriors who want to be promoted, those who block them are their enemies. They are like wild animals that have escaped from the cage. They will be attacked desperately, no matter what kind of weapon the enemy has, whether they are able to fight or not, they will directly pounce on it, even if they grab it with their hands or bite it with their teeth, they will attack the enemy before they swallow their last breath .

It's just a pity that Wang Meng's personal guards are composed of Wei's elite guards. These people have rich combat experience and better equipment.Although the Japanese samurai in a state of madness are very fierce, their combat effectiveness is not bad.However, they have a fatal shortcoming, that is, they pay attention to individual martial arts, but do not pay attention to combining skills and fighting in battle.This is a conceptual difference. A Japanese warrior can easily defeat a Wei soldier, even if the soldier is an elite soldier.

However, as many as ten soldiers of the Wei army lined up in the battle formation can withstand the attack of ten Japanese warriors and remain undefeated, but fifty soldiers of the Wei army can defeat the same number of warriors, and 100 soldiers can even pay a certain price. Eliminate the same number of Japanese warriors.This is the biggest difference between stragglers and regular troops.

As Wang Meng's guards, they are all heavy armored infantry.When necessary, he can block arrows for Wang Meng.At this moment, a burst of orderly and heavy footsteps came out from the dust and smoke, and a small armored soldier with only 35 people appeared unhurriedly, and a large shield as tall as one person covered his body The shield is tightly guarded, and the eight giant shields are connected together like a moving steel wall. A small part of the one-foot-long spear is exposed from the gap in the steel wall, and without hesitation, it launched a attack on the Japanese corpses everywhere. charge.

Wei's heavy shield could not be cut with a horizontal knife. The Japanese warriors were forced to retreat step by step by the shield array, and they were about to retreat to the edge of the city wall.At this moment, Yasutada Tahara of the Kaga Domain raised the sledgehammer in his hand.Tahara Yasuchu is a famous warrior among the Japanese warriors, and he is a loyal warrior following Maeda Toshiie's name.It was only after Maeda Toshi's family was conquered by Ran Zhi that Tian Yuan Yasuta became loyal to Ran Zhi.In the siege of No. C bunker, Tian Yuan Baozhong killed four soldiers of the Wei army by himself, and was named a great name by Ran Zhi, who gave him 1 shi.

Note that the so-called food towns in the Wa Kingdom are different from those in the Central Plains. They have tens of millions of stone towns in name, which sounds very large and very large.In fact, this is very cheating. Their so-called territory is based on stones, and even the thinnest field can reach a yield of two hundred catties.So like Tahara Yasuchu's 1 shi city, it is only equivalent to six or seven thousand mu of land, and these lands are not his, but for him to collect taxes.Six thousand mu of land is almost equivalent to the size of a medium-sized village or small town.Just like Tokugawa Ieyasu, a famous daimyo during the Warring States period of the Wa Kingdom, his food town was 70 million shi.If these food towns are converted into acres of fields, they are only more than [-] acres.It is equivalent to the land owned by a medium-sized county in the Central Plains.This is the strength of a top-level daimyo in Japanese history.Compared with the Chinese gentry, who are powerful and have thousands of land, they are the real bumpkins.However, as Tian Yuan Baozhong, who did not have an inch of land, suddenly possessed such a great power, which made Tian Yuan Baozhong very loyal to Ran Zhi.

Yasuda Tahara raised a sledgehammer with both hands and slammed it hard at the shield.

"Crack!" There was a muffled sound, although the shield was not smashed, but the guard who held the shield was dislocated by the huge force, and the guard also fell heavily to the ground.Those warriors who saw an opportunity stepped forward one after another, and hacked the bodyguard who fell on the ground to death.

Tahara Yasuchu succeeded with one move, raised the sledgehammer again, and was about to smash it down. At this moment, four spears pierced out like poisonous snakes, and Tahara Yasuchu quickly backed away in fright.However, he reacted quickly, and several other warriors who were unable to react in time were assassinated on the spot.

Following Tahara Yasuchu's successful move, the shield formation, which was originally invincible, encountered the greatest test.All kinds of blunt weapons were shot one after another, and the eight heavy shieldmen in the first row were all killed when they supported a stick of incense under the attack of the Japanese servants.Fortunately, the city wall is very narrow, with eight shields coming out together, there is no room for Wa to move.

At this time, the city wall is like a flesh and blood mill, but this mill grinds human life.The samurai of the Japanese kingdom consumed five lives for one with Wang Meng's personal guards regardless of losses.However, Wang Meng had only 35 personal guards, and in just a quarter of an hour, 23 people were killed in the battle, while the Japanese servants suffered hundreds of casualties.

However, at this moment, the support troops of the Wei army rushed to the scene. Under the tide of Wei's offensive, Tian Yuan Baozhong, who participated in the attack from the Japanese slave country, had to leave five or six hundred corpses and retreat in embarrassment.

At this time, Wei Guo's reinforcements on the city wall were hit by Ran Zhi's long-range weapons, especially when all the fortifications on the city wall were destroyed, Ran Zhi's eight-ox crossbow and rockets were pushed to the city wall by three hundred From this distance, the Jingyang Gate of Yecheng was bombarded.

Wang Meng made a decisive decision and ordered the troops to transfer the reserve ballistas and rockets. After paying the price of hundreds of soldiers casualties, Wang Meng finally transported the ballistas and rockets to the city wall.Since the Wei army also had counterattack weapons, Ran Zhi saw that he could not make a breakthrough and it was too late, so he ordered to retreat.

A great battle finally came to an end. Everyone glanced at the battlefield. There was blood and corpses everywhere. It was a mess. The gunpowder smoke and blood had not dissipated. The pungent smell invaded the nerves.Some recruits were even paler and retched constantly, wanting to vomit their appetites.But no matter how embarrassed they are, the Wei army has defended Yecheng after all, and the Wei army is undoubtedly the biggest victor. The original boss, upgraded to an idol, a symbol of victory.Wherever he went, the soldiers cheered strongly, and everyone's joy was beyond words.

However, Wang Meng endured his illness and stubbornly commanded the people and soldiers to rebuild the destroyed city gate.If there is no cement, such as Jingyang Gate, it may not be possible to repair it in ten and a half months.But with cement, it is different. It can be solidified overnight. Although it is not as hard as a rock, it is more than enough for defense.

However, shortly after Ran Zhi withdrew his troops, he received the news.In the direction of Handan, an army of King Wei Guoqin with no more than [-] troops was sent out.

Even when he arrived at the city of Ye, Ran Zhi didn't let his direct troops fight recklessly. During this period of time, just Ran Yuanjie's one-man show made these arrogant soldiers feel aggrieved.Upon receiving this news, all the generals under Ran Zhi's command called for the battle one after another, requesting to organize troops to fight for aid.

Handan is only more than 100 miles away from Yecheng, which can be regarded as the northern acropolis of Yecheng.Originally stationed in Handan, a mixed infantry and cavalry army of the Wei army.It was just the beginning of the Southern Expedition, and two-thirds of the Handan defenders were transferred, leaving less than 5000 infantry.After the [-] infantry received the warning from Yecheng, they immediately organized more than [-] young and strong guards in Handan to cooperate with [-] elite infantry, and a total of [-] people went south to support Yecheng.

Although Ran Zhi's main force is concentrated outside Yecheng, in fact he has many potential allies.In the post-Zhao Shihu period, the eminent monk Fotucheng was revived, and Fotucheng had disciples such as Fashou, Fazuo, Fachang, Fazuo, Senghui, Daojin, Daoan, Senglang, Zhufatai, Zhufahe, Zhufaya, Bhikkhuni made the first class.Buddhism is very powerful. During the post-Zhao period, Buddhism controlled a large amount of land, and they did not pay taxes, and loan sharks forced the people to die.

Ran Ming established the Huaxia Business Alliance, established Tongli Bank, and developed Tongli Bank into Weiguo Bank, which greatly affected the usury business of Buddhism.What made the Buddhist forces even more angry was Ran Ming's implementation of the fertility law policy.When you reach the age of marriage and have no children, you have to pay a heavy tax. This tax is not 01:30, but it is enough to ruin the Buddhist family. However, Buddhists cannot marry wives and have children like Taoist priests.This made Fomen very angry.

So when Ran Zhi intended for the Central Plains, Buddhism responded enthusiastically.In particular, the abbot of Tieyun Temple in Fangtou is Senghui of Fotucheng. Senghui represents Buddhism, connecting 32 major temples and more than 30 small temples. , a total of 37 gold.

This money is not the most important thing, but there are many eyes and ears under the Buddhist sect, so that Ran Zhi has a wealth of information resources.Here, Handan City has just formed a guard army and is preparing to go south to Yecheng to serve the king.Here, Buddhism sent the news to Ran Zhi.When Ran Zhi had intelligence resources, he dispatched a main battalion to go north to stop the enemy.

Shangliu Town in the north of Yecheng is the shortest road from Handan to Yecheng. The other roads are either in bad condition or have a long distance.The Handan reinforcements did not detour all the way, but chose the nearest road.

The general that Ran Zhi sent to set up an ambush in Shangliu Town was Gao Chuankui, who was also one of Ran Zhi's direct line generals. Gao Chuankui was the son of the former village head of Gaocun, and he was integrated into Ran Zhi's power along with Gaocun.Gao Chuankui also became the captain of the main battalion in Ran Zhi's army.

The distance of more than 100 miles is not too far for the reinforcements in Handan. They walked more than 80 miles on the first day, and the Shuangzi camp was [-] miles away from Shangliu Town. The next day was dawn.Handan reinforcements came straight to Shangliu Town along the official road.

Shangliu Town is a market town close to Yecheng. It was originally just a small village. Because a large number of fur goods from the grasslands were traded here, a market gradually formed. Now it is not only the largest fur market in Yecheng, but also a place for mule and horse trading. market.At the beginning of the expansion, there is usually a market on the outskirts of the city. After the development reaches a certain level, the city wall is expanded to surround the outside market and then remodeled. Shangliu Town was developed because of related trade. A suburban market, very close to Yecheng, less than forty miles away.

However, there is no city wall in Shangliu Town, only an earthen wall that is as high as a person, and it is full of gaps.Such a city wall actually has no defensive capabilities. Gao Chuankui arranged the troops in the town in a reverse shape. In fact, there were less than 500 soldiers and horses in the town, and [-] soldiers and horses were ambushed on each side of the town. As long as the Wei army reinforcements entered The town is just waiting to be surrounded and wiped out.

When those Wei army reinforcements drove more than 100 carts and carried luggage just entered the town, an accident happened.Before Gao Chuankui gave the order to attack, the general of the Wei army shouted, "No, there are enemies in ambush ahead."

He didn't turn his head back as he said, and ran back after hitting the horse.In an instant, the market ran like rats!The Handan reinforcements left behind food, goods and everything!

Gao Chuankui was overjoyed and was about to rush forward. The deputy said: "General, be careful of fraud!"

(End of this chapter)

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