Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 901 The opportunity has finally come

Chapter 901 The opportunity has finally come
Chapter 907 The Opportunity Has Finally Came

Gao Chuankui said: "Do you think they are luring the enemy to go deeper?"

Seeing the soldiers of the Wei army running around like headless flies, especially the panic on the faces of those soldiers, they couldn't hide it.If one or two people, it may be acting.But with thousands of soldiers, it is impossible to use acting to explain it. After all, it is impossible for everyone to be a movie king.

Since Shangliu Town is a mule and horse trading market, the streets are very wide, and there are such established livestock pens everywhere, it is impossible to ambush!It's not within the range of the bow and arrow, so what kind of fraud can there be!

Gao Chuankui pointed at the more than 100 carts and said, "It must be something that the Handan army has no time to take away, take it away!"

The soldiers of Ran Zhijun walked towards the wagons that had lost their drivers. They tore off the tarpaulin on the wagons unpreparedly, and suddenly found that there was no food on the wagons, but a launch vehicle loaded with countless rockets.A soldier of the Wei army on the carriage laughed and ignited the rocket fuze: "The dog thief will die!"

Now at such a close distance, the ignited Hundred Tigers galloping-style rocket was astonishingly powerful. In a moment of astonishment, the dozen or so Ran Zhijun soldiers were shot into hedgehogs.At the same time, in addition to those grain carts with hidden rockets, there were also many carts filled with gunpowder.At this time, the soldiers of the Wei army in the carts lit the gunpowder, then got into the front of the carriage, drew a knife and slashed the horse's buttocks, causing the horses to suffer from pain and gallop forward crazily.They took the opportunity to jump out of the carriage.

Dozens of carriages rushed into Ran Zhi's formation, and Gao Chuankui was also surprised that something was wrong, he shouted: "Get out, get out!"

But on the chaotic battlefield, only a few dozen people could hear his voice, and only a few people could disperse immediately.

At this moment, dozens of fireballs rose from the carriages that rushed into Ran Zhijun's army. These carriages loaded with gunpowder had hundreds of angular iron pieces and nails buried in the gunpowder, and they flew in all directions in the explosion. , The war horses wailed, screamed and roared, and hundreds of thousands of Ran Zhijun were seriously injured on the spot.

Even Gao Chuankui himself was hit in the stomach and chest by the iron flakes flying across from the explosion.

As the gunpowder carts established their merits, those carriages loaded with rockets began to shoot and kill a large group of Ran Zhijun with Baihu Qiben rockets.

Ran Zhi's direct line troops are definitely not a bunch of filthy gangs.But they are not a first-class elite army, but they have an indispensable experience for an elite army, that is, fighting fierce battles and encountering setbacks.Since Ran Zhi gained a firm foothold in Yizhou, Ran Zhijun unified Yizhou by means of crushing.

Although Ran Zhijun is well equipped and well trained.But all strong troops are not trained in training camps, but fought on the battlefield.In fact, after the initial panic, even when the main general Gao Chuankui was seriously injured, Ran Zhijun gradually stabilized.As an armor composed of armor pieces stamped by fine steel, its defense is actually better than the Mingguang armor in history. In addition to the explosion of gunpowder or the heavy crossbow, even rockets like Hundred Tigers Running Together, the battle results Neither is ideal.As long as it wasn't unlucky to be shot on the head or on the nail plate, it would simply slide away without hurting anyone at all.

This is why the Wei army rarely used rockets to deal with the Jin army.

Even the most primitive rockets are very expensive at this time.However, the price paid is out of proportion to the result gained. Only when dealing with a barbaric army without armor or leather armor can a more ideal result be achieved.In the end, it is the people who decide the outcome, the real swords and guns.

After a moment of silence, the two thousand Handan elite infantry rushed forward.After the explosion of gunpowder and the random shooting of rockets, the soldiers of Ran Zhijun, who had not fully recovered from the shock, rushed to parry.As soon as they came into contact, this gap became apparent. The elite infantrymen in Handan seemed to be crazy one by one.

If you slashed at him, you didn't even try to dodge. You just wanted to slash at you... You were even seriously injured, and with a whimper, you rushed over like a wolf and bit your throat tightly with your mouth to kill you.Just a short face-to-face contact made Ran Zhijun completely terrified.Morale melted like ice and snow seeing the sun.

The biggest disadvantage of Ran Zhi's army, which is the least tempered by fierce battles, is directly reflected. If they are not regular troops with strict military discipline, they will definitely collapse after a single encounter. Although Ran Zhi did not experience a direct defeat, they However, it was completely one-sided, and was surrounded by Wei Jun three times, divided and divided, and completed the final preparations for total annihilation.

Those Handan guards who had fled in a hurry, saw that the elite troops had gained an absolutely overwhelming advantage, they also turned around and came to surround and kill.

At this time, Gao Chuankui's ambush soldiers in the outskirts of Shangliu Town also came out, but it was a pity that when they first appeared, they encountered a small number of blocking troops.Dozens of hundreds of people who looked like peasants were only interested in throwing bottles from the carriage.In fact, this is the grenadier in the Wei army.Everyone has great strength, and without armor, they can throw flexibly.

These incendiary bombs, which weigh less than a catty, or Molotov cocktails to be precise, crossed a beautiful arc, leaped 60 meters and landed in Ran Zhijun.In fact, when Ran Ming first got the news, it was unbelievable. In the grenade throwing training of later generations, 30 meters is a pass, and excellent soldiers can only throw 40 meters. But in this time and space, ordinary soldiers can easily After throwing 50 meters, after training, the Wei Jun Grenadier kept the highest record of 88 meters.There is still a lot of good people at this time, that is, the kind of ballista shells weighing 40 catties, which can be easily thrown 74 meters away by Jin Nu and Iron Nu, which is similar to the discus throwing of later generations Sports are completely two concepts. Although the world record is [-] meters, the discus is only heavy.

The incendiary bottle exploded with a bang, and a large cloud of blue flames spread ferociously like a beast rushing out of a narrow cage to eat people, covering a radius of more than ten steps at once.Ran Zhijun was not the kind of ignorant native army. When they encountered such a situation, they reacted quickly, rolling on the spot directly, or quickly took off their armor with the cooperation of the soldiers behind.

Although many soldiers were still burned by incendiary bombs, the situation was much better.

However, after the more than 100 grenadiers threw incendiary bombs, they threw grenade bombs at the Ran Zhijun who had taken off their armor. The exploded hand grenades were very effective against those soldiers who took off their armor.Although it shows that the light armor cannot defend against the blast shock wave, it can defend against most of the armor-piercing shrapnel.

After throwing the grenade, it was replaced with an incendiary bomb, which caused a lot of damage to Ran Zhijun's ambush troops.But after all, he was still not intimidated. At this time, a small school named Ran Zhi stood up and organized hundreds of crossbowmen to throw a rain of arrows in the direction of the grenadiers, which caused the grenadiers without armor protection to be shot at once. Dozens of people fell.

However, at this time, the ambushes of Ran Zhijun's town were almost completely encircled and wiped out, and more and more liberated Handan troops began to counterattack the ambush soldiers of Ran Zhijun on both wings.

When the Wei army fought, except for a few generals, most of the army, especially the generals who were trained in the martial arts hall, did not fight in a single-headed way, but very organized, especially more often, they did not need to charge at all, but It is to take the three-stage shot of the crossbow, and the horse-gong crossbow is enough to defeat the enemy.

Ran Zhi's ambush also gradually stabilized. At this time, they also formed a crossbow array to shoot at the Handan army of Wei State.Both sides suffered a lot of casualties. At this time, the general of the Wei Army Handan Army followed the same pattern as before, but the carriage was no longer usable. If the carriage was used to attack the tightly formed crossbow array, it would be no different from death.But Shangliu Town is a mule and horse trading market, and many merchants left in a hurry, leaving a lot of livestock. Of course, large mules and horses are too expensive, and they are not willing to throw them away.But there are still a lot of domestic animals such as pigs, sheep, and dogs left.

The Handan army easily collected more than 1000 sheep, more than 400 pigs, and more than 100 dogs. These animals were all driven out of the pen by soldiers of the Wei army. A strip of sackcloth is tied to the tail of a pig or sheep and lit.

The pigs, sheep and dogs who were burned by kerosene and suffered pain were all driven by the Handan army to rush towards Ran Zhijun.

When General Ran Zhi saw this scene, he was also terrified. In desperation, he had no choice but to shoot desperately.However, any defense has a limit, just like the missile defense system of later generations, no matter how advanced the missile defense system is, once it encounters a saturation attack, there is only one end, and that is to be destroyed.Just like the crossbow array, no matter how sharp it is, if there are enough enemies, as long as the enemies are not afraid of death and try their best to consume them, they can still rush to the front.

Fourteen to five hundred animals run much faster than humans, especially pigs, sheep, and dogs. They are all very short. If you want to shoot them, you must find the right shooting angle.But this shooting angle is different from flat shooting. In the case of flat shooting, it doesn't matter whether it can hit the pre-aimed target. Even if a blind cat encounters a dead mouse, it can hit one.However, if the shooting in this kind of oblique stab misses the target, it may hit the ground.A large number of pigs, sheep, and dogs were shot outside Ran Zhijun's formation, but one or two always broke through the crossbow formation and bullied Ran Zhijun's crossbow formation.

After the gunpowder bomb was detonated, the explosive gunpowder destroyed Ran Zhijun's crossbow array again, which was a vicious chain reaction. The more Ran Zhijun's crossbow array was destroyed, the more animals could rush in.Gradually, more than 1000 animals were killed and injured, but Ran Zhijun's crossbow array was also destroyed in pieces.

When Gao Chuankui, who was in the process of waking up on the battlefield, got the battle report, he almost vomited blood with anger.They originally ambushed the Wei army, but the result was good, but they were seriously killed.Gao Chuankui ordered the troops to retreat, and the Wei army in Handan was too late to pursue them. They were actually at the end of their battle.After retreating for more than ten miles, when the shadow of Wei Jun could not be seen, Gao Chuankui collected the troops and counted them.Nearly three thousand five thousand troops were lost.

Gao Chuankui didn't know how he lost this battle, but Ran Zhi punished the defeated generals extremely severely, and he didn't know what punishment he would face when he went back.Gao Chuankui was so angry and worried that he touched the wound again, lost a lot of blood, and passed out again.

In front of Jingyang Gate in Yecheng, Ran Zhi's army commanded the tent. Ran Zhi sat on the main seat, and all the generals knelt on the ground below.Gao Chuankui is Ran Zhi's direct descendant. In Ran Zhi's army, there are also many factions. Generally speaking, it is divided into three factions. The Wu family is headed by Wu Qubing. Old in-laws in Wu village, as Ran Zhi's direct descendants, have gradually filled up various positions, no matter military or political, the Wu descendants are not weak.Even though Gao Chuankui was not from Wu Village, he was still included in the Wu Clan.The so-called Wu family is actually the old foundation when recalling Huangcheng.The indigenous Han people in Yizhou were powerful, followed by the Zhang faction headed by Sikong and Zhang Yi.

Although Ran Ming was kind to Zhang Yin for saving his life, Zhang Yin still took refuge in Ran Zhi out of family interests.As a child of the Zhang family in Wujun, although Zhang Yin's reputation is not as great as that of Xie An and Wang Xizhi, he is knowledgeable and comes from a noble family, so he has a very opposite temper with Ran Zhi.Relatively speaking, Wu Qubing was a bit out of the limelight.In Xiuwu Kingdom, Ran Zhi didn't set up a prime minister. In fact, Grand Sima Wu Qubing and Sikong Zhang Yi both had real positions as left and right prime ministers.

However, the members of the Zhang family were mainly reflected in politics. The chief officials of the prefectures and the central ministers, and most of the sons of the gentry who were looted from Linhai County, all joined Zhang Yi and became the members of the Zhang family.The second is Ran Zhi's true direct lineage. Ran Zhi also followed Ran Ming's example, opened a school, and became the head of the mountain himself.

But Zhang Yi and Wu Qubing were at odds, and the two factions also fought against each other.As a general of the Wu family, Gao Chuankui lost his troops and lost his generals, and he must be held accountable for the defeat anyway, while the Zhang family members worked hard and prepared to impeach Wu Qubing.

It's just a very surprising person, but Zhang Yi gave up this good opportunity.If the head of the Zhang family doesn't launch an offensive, the other members will naturally die down.

As a son of a noble family, apart from eating, Zhang Yi has learned most about political struggle since he was born.However, as an army serving in politics, Zhang Yi naturally knew about it.He can impeach Wu Qubing, but it is wartime now, and Ran Zhi still needs to use Wu Qubing, not to mention that there is no problem, even if there is a problem, everything will be close to the war. Since he clearly knows that the impeachment is fruitless, Zhang Yi naturally Will not do things that are not thankful.

After a long time, Ran Zhi suddenly sighed and said: "This battle is shameful, five thousand troops, five thousand martial arts elites, in the case of ambushing the enemy, and most of the opponents are even a few days ago. A peasant with a hoe. He actually lost more than half of the army, and almost wiped out the entire army. I am afraid that there will be no more shameful thing in the world."

Gao Chuankui's face was also scratched a little by the shrapnel, and a piece of flesh was missing from his cheek. Seeing him covered in scars is shocking.Gao Chuankui knocked his head heavily on the ground: "Your Majesty, it's all the fault of the last general."

Ran Zhi smiled and said: "I read the battle report, from the beginning to the end, it's really not your fault, except that the attack was not decisive at the beginning, there is nothing to complain about in this battle, the skills are not as good as others, the strength They are not as good as humans. Generals, have you seen it now? This is the strength of the elite troops of the Wei army. They are definitely not the same level of opponents as the natives we have dealt with in the past."

Ran Zhipeng patted the desk and shouted: "What is the strength of the elite of the Wei army? You don't know, so you underestimate it. This king can tell you clearly now that the elite of the Wei state is as fast as the wind and as Xu as the forest." , Aggressive like fire, immovable like a mountain. Sun Tzu’s elite troops in the art of war are talking about them. There is only one way to deal with them. You don’t want to defeat them with the energy of a tiger arching a door, a fat pig digging into the ground, or a wild wolf jumping over a wall. , is not even possible.”

When Ran Zhi was training his generals like a grandson, Ran Ming, who had already arrived in Jingkou, visited the Ganlu Temple in Beigu Mountain of Jingkou with great interest.

Speaking of Ganlu Temple is also very famous. According to legend, this is a temple built during the Ganlu period.During the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, Sun and Liu were united. After Liu Bei crossed the river, Wu Guotai held a banquet in front of Liu Bei at Ganlu Temple. With Liu Bei.

Of course, Ran Ming took a leisurely tour of the Daxiong Hall and even offered a stick of incense to the Buddha.This flattered the abbot of Ganlu Temple.Everyone in the world knows that Ran Ming doesn't have a good impression of monks. Whether it's monks' taxation or the fertility law, they are all laws and regulations issued against monks.

Although Ran Ming did not report the news of the siege of Ranzhi in Yecheng, Xie An, Wang Jian, and even Wang Ning, the censor, had their own information network. Although they were not as fast as Ran Ming's royal guards, they also Got information from Yecheng.Although Yecheng is still as solid as Mount Tai, but Ran Zhi's army is watching, how can Ran Ming visit the mountains and rivers so leisurely.

After going to Ganlu Temple, Ran Ming went to Maoshan again.This made Wang Jian couldn't bear it anymore. At the foot of Maoshan Mountain, he stopped him and said, "Your Majesty, I have something important to do, so don't vomit!"

Ran Ming looked at Wang Jian's panic-stricken expression, and sighed secretly. It seemed that the imperial guards' blockade of information was not strict enough, and these ministers had all received the news that Yecheng was in danger.Ran Ming said flatly: "Wang Qing, don't worry, just speak slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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