Chapter 902
Chapter 908

Wang Jian sighed, and said: "Your Majesty, please retreat to the right and left. If you don't keep secrets, you will lose your ministers. If you don't keep secrets, you will lose your body. If you don't keep secrets, you will suffer."

Ran Ming turned and walked towards his big jade car, and then said softly: "No one is allowed to approach within thirty steps!"

Fengche Duwei Lin Heishan received the order and said: "Observe the order!" A team of heavy armored cavalry set up heavy shields and began to form a tight defensive circle outward.

If Ran Ming's big jade car is placed in later generations, it will be a top-level Mercedes-Benz touring car, and of course the space inside is also large enough.Fang Zhen with a light round cover is one foot two feet one inch high, and the four pillars are six feet seven inches high. At this height, you only need to lower your head a little to walk in the carriage.Especially Ran Ming's seat is eight feet five inches long and eight feet four inches wide, which is more than enough for lying down and sleeping.Ran Ming boarded the jade rug, came to the seat and sat down lightly, there were two maids and eunuchs in the jade rug to serve each other.

Ran Ming and Wang Jianbin sat opposite each other, but Wang Jian was a full six feet away from Ran Ming.Ran Ming signaled Gong'e to serve Wang Jian tea, Wang Jian sighed: "Your Majesty, I know this is a bit abrupt, but your Majesty must know about the news that Ye City is besieged by rebels!"

Ran Ming nodded and said, "I already knew about it three days ago, so what's the matter?"

Wang Jian was taken aback, a little speechless.But looking at Ran Ming's disapproving look, he was a little puzzled.Although his Shangshu Ling has some powers of prime minister, he is not the real prime minister.He has absolutely no hand in military matters.Wang Jian said anxiously: "Your Majesty, there are a total of [-] rebels, but there are only less than [-] soldiers in Yecheng. Why should they resist the enemy? At this time, we should go north to break the siege of Yecheng, and then go back and attack Wuxi. Late!"

Ran Ming took a sip of tea, lazily lay on the soft couch in the jade bed, and said, "How far is Jingkou from Yecheng? How long will it take for the army to come back? How much food will it cost on the way?" ?”

Wang Jian was dumbfounded.But he said: "Since ancient times, to fight against the outside world, you must first settle the inside."

"Why do you think it's outside, why do you think it's inside?" Ran Mingdao: "Father's royal biography is on me. It's human nature for my brothers to be dissatisfied. Brothers have to fight each other to decide the winner, and then deal with Jin later. The country, how much time will it take? The Sima clan of the Jin Dynasty has established the country for more than 100 years, and there are not a few people in the world who are loyal to the Sima clan of the Jin Dynasty. If they fight a trapped beast, this battle will be full of difficulties."

"It's not surprising." Wang Jian said: "When a country is about to perish, there must be monsters. In the heyday of Emperor Wu of Wei, even Sima Yi had to hide his strength and bide his time. Now that the Jin Dynasty is in turmoil, anything can happen."

Ran Ming said: "The same is true for our Wei country. If I have a large army in Yecheng to intimidate Xiao Xiao, those people with ulterior motives, how dare they rebel? The country is in trouble and thinks of loyal ministers. The more it is at this time, the more clearly I can see who is loyal and who is loyal. treacherous."

Wang Jian asked again: "Your Majesty, what about Ye City?"

Ran Ming said: "If Wang Meng can't even control this situation, he has failed the trust I gave him."

Seeing that Ran Ming was so confident, Wang Jian was not stupid enough to question Ran Ming.After all, Yecheng is his foundation, and the empress and all the princes are in Yecheng. If Yecheng is conquered, then Ran Ming's reputation will plummet and his morale will be depressed.

At this time, the Zhengnan Army also experienced shocks, and many generals began to join forces, among them Shi Yue's adopted son Shi Liang jumped the most.Xiao Lezi may not be an excellent commander, but this guy's ability to observe words and demeanor makes people dissatisfied.Although Xiao Lezi did not receive the exact information about the subtle changes in the Southern Zheng Army, he discovered that the Southern Zheng Army's morale was not stable. As a result, when he contacted Ran Zhi with the information, he speculated that Ran Zhi might have already made a move. .

However, Xiao Lezi was not at ease. He even used Shadow's secret intelligence to let these experts go to the front line of the Wei army to grab their tongues.He knew very well that the Jin army was incapable of grasping Wei Jun's powerful tongue.Ordinary soldiers are definitely worthless, but valuable targets will be closely protected.

When Xiao Lezi tuned "Shadow" to catch his tongue, suddenly a scar-faced man stopped Xiao Lezi.Xiao Lezi knew this scar-faced man, called Lu Yingjie, who was one of Shadow's team members.

"Lu Yingjie, what do you mean?" In ancient times, it was very insulting to call a person by their name, and it was usually called a certain word. Xiao Lezi called Lu Yingjie by his name, obviously really angry.

"Xiao Canjun, I want to introduce someone to join the army!"

Xiao Lezi said displeasedly: "To introduce a person, what are you?"

Lu Yingjie wasn't angry either, he chuckled and said, "If Xiao Canjun doesn't see you, don't regret it!"

Hearing this, and seeing Lu Yingjie's behavior like this, he felt a little puzzled.You must know that lying to Xiao Lezi will not do Lu Yingjie any good.

Xiao Lezi said: "Lead the way ahead!"

"Xiao Canjun, please!"

Lu Yingjie led Xiao Lezi around Wuxi City, and soon Xiao Lezi lost his sense of direction. However, Xiao Lezi was accompanied by hundreds of imperial guards. , You can definitely get out of your body.After walking for about half an hour, when Xiao Lezi's patience was exhausted, Lu Yingjie finally stopped in front of a large courtyard.

When Xiao Lezi saw this house, he was very familiar with it.He thought for a long time before he realized that this was Gu's house.The owner here is not a vulgar person, but Gu Kaizhi, a famous painter in Chinese history.Gu Kaizhi is erudite and talented, good at poetry and calligraphy, especially good at painting.He is good at portraits, Buddha statues, animals, landscapes, etc., and people at that time called them the three masterpieces: painting, writing and infatuation.Xie An took it very seriously, thinking that it has never existed since the common people.Gu Kaizhi, Cao Buxing, Lu Tanwei, and Zhang Sengyou are collectively known as the "Four Masters of the Six Dynasties".At this time, Lu Kaizhi had also become an official. Although he did not actually take up the post, he was Sima Dan's pseudonymous secretary Lang.For Gu Kaizhi, Xiao Lezi has nothing to worry about.

Arriving at the front hall of Gu Mansion, a tall figure stood with his hands behind his back against the window.Hearing Xiao Lezi's footsteps suddenly, the tall figure behind the window suddenly turned around, walked quickly to Xiao Lezi, bent down and cupped his hands, and said, "The grassroots see Xiao Canjun!"

Xiao Lezi looked at this person and found that this person looked very mighty, with a one-foot-long beard flowing in front of his chest, sword eyebrows and tiger eyes, he was very heroic.

Xiao Lezi said: "I don't know who a strong man is?"

"Under Song Jie!"

"Song Jie?" Xiao Lezi asked with some doubts: "This name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere."

Of course I have heard that Song Jie was originally Lu's minion, and was abandoned by Lu's after he had a conflict with Ran Ming.Ordinarily, with the strength of the Lu family, Song Xie had absolutely no possibility of survival.However, Song Xie was not an incompetent person, he fled into Maoshan Mountain and became a Taoist priest in Yiyun Temple.You must know that Taoism in the Eastern Jin Dynasty is very powerful, especially in Maoshan, and even the influence of the four major families on Maoshan is very weak.After living like this for eight or nine years, Song Jie was gradually forgotten.

As a gangster, Song Jie didn't want to live a life of hiding in Tibet. After the official southern expedition of Wei State, Song Jie became active, and he wanted to clear his identity.But what he offended was the current emperor of Wei, so in this world, except for Sima Dan, no one can whitewash his identity, not even Gu.Listening to Song Jie's account of offending Ran Ming, Xiao Lezi was overjoyed. The enemy's enemy is his ally. He wished that Ran Ming had enough enemies.

However, Xiao Lezi was also very happy to accept Song Jie's offer of refuge.After all, Song Jie is a well-known chivalrous man in Jiangdong, with thousands of disciples and countless minions.Xiao Lezi said: "If Song Daxia can join the army and go to Weiying to capture a general who is at least the rank of lieutenant, Xiao will take care of you!"

Song Xie said: "For ordinary generals, Weiying is just as convenient as going home!"

Xiao Lezi naturally understood that these Jianghu people like to brag and said without taking it seriously: "Tonight, I am joining the army and waiting for the good news of Song Daxia in the mansion."

Snakes have snake ways, rats have mouse ways, Song Jie naturally has his own way.The heavily guarded camp of the Wei army was a scourge to the Jin army, but to Song Jie, it was simply familiar.Song Xie's disciples and grandchildren had already mixed into the civilian camp. In fact, there was only a wall separating the civilian camp from the military camp.

Overnight, Song Jie dispatched more than 300 Jianghu heroes who sneaked into the civilian camp. Some of them went to the stables to release crotons, and some were about to set fire.When Shi was about to rest that night, he suddenly received a report from the guards that hundreds of horses were lax.

Shi Yue didn't dare to be careless. There were three whole battalions of cavalry in Zhengnan Camp, plus mules and horses in the supply camp. There were nearly [-] livestock. If there was a plague in the livestock, it would be a big problem.Shi Yue hurriedly put on his armor and ran to the stable to check the situation.At this time, the military veterinarian had already discovered the problem.

"These war horses have eaten cooked crotons."

Shi Yue murmured: "Croton? Is there any croton in our supplies?"

The captain of the supply chain said: "Report to the general, there are, but there are, a total of 21 stones."

"Go and see, is there someone who took the wrong croton and fed the croton to the horse?"

After a while, the captain of the supply chain said: "Reporting to the general, this is absolutely impossible. Croton is used to treat cold knots and constipation, ascites swelling, cold and evil food accumulation, diarrhea and dysentery, edema and abdominal distension, phlegm and water fullness, throat wind and throat." Medicines for numbness, carbuncle, ulcer and scabies are stored in the medical camp, about ten miles away from the horse feed warehouse, how could it be possible to mix them up?"

Shi Yue said, "If human error is ruled out, it means that the battalion has been mixed with espionage. Command the captains of each battalion to be on alert immediately, in case the enemy takes advantage of the loophole."

It's just that as soon as Shi Yue's words fell, many places in the camp of Wei Jun's conquest of the South Camp caught fire, and even Shi Yue's tent was also attacked by fire.The granaries and barracks were fairly well-defended, so the losses were not large.However, three haystacks were successfully burned by the fire, and the fire soared into the sky.There was chaos in the camp.

At this time, even if Shi Yue didn't use his head to think about it, he knew that he was a spy.At this time, all the barracks of the Wei Army Conquering the South Army camp began to be chaotic. Some soldiers began to investigate spies, and some began to fight the fire.

Li Zai, the school lieutenant of Xiaoqiying, named Boxi, was from Beiping, Youzhou.It can be regarded as a small noble family background. In the post-Zhao period, he was Shihu's Zhandian General. Although Zhandian General was called a general, he was actually an ordinary soldier, and there was no one soldier or one soldier.However, Li Zai was brave and good at fighting, and he was skilled in bow and horse, and gradually became the captain of Xiaoqiying.

When the fodder in the Xiaoqi camp caught fire, Li Zai prepared to gather soldiers with a dozen personal guards to fight the fire.However, just as Li Zai was leaving the tent, he suddenly felt a gust of wind sweeping towards him. Li Zai was so shocked that he quickly bowed and shrank his head, but his personal guards were not so lucky, and a burst of crossbow arrows shot at him , more than a dozen guards fell into a pool of blood without even screaming.

At this moment, a guard with a face covered in blood was trembling. He didn't know what to say, and he stretched out his blood-stained hand to grab Li Zai.

Li Zai looked at the guard, and found that dozens of crossbow arrows hit his abdomen and chest, and the injuries were too serious to survive.Li Zai stretched out his hand to grab the guard and said, "Go at ease, your wife and children will be taken care of by this general."

At this moment, a dagger silently stabbed at Li Zai. It wasn't until Li Zai felt pain in his lower abdomen that he realized that this personal guard was very strange.

If it wasn't for Li Zai's concern, there would be chaos, and the guard was covered in blood, he would have discovered that the guard was a fake.As a general, Li Zai naturally has the power to fight back.It's just that his arm was just exerting force, and he felt dizzy for a while, and he couldn't exert any strength on his body: "It's actually poisonous!"

The personal guard who succeeded stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on his face, and said with a smile: "I succeeded, signal to retreat!"


At dawn the next day, when the losses were counted, Shi Yue's lungs were about to explode. Overnight, 47 fires broke out in the entire army camp, and more than 8000 shi of fodder were burned, more than 600 shi of grain were burned, and more than 2000 horses were burned. Taking advantage of the chaos, there were nearly 60 casualties and more than [-] people were missing. Among them, Li Zai, the lieutenant of the Xiaoqiying Battalion, was the highest-ranking officer, and a third-level craftsman of the general battalion. The others were military marquis and Sima first-level General school.

However, Shi Yue's army was not without gains. They captured more than 200 secret agents overnight.However, most of these secret workers bit the poison hidden in the tooth socket after being captured, and died without treatment.Even if they were lucky enough not to commit suicide, they all gritted their teeth under the severe punishment and did not reveal any secrets.

Ran Ming soon received Shi Yue's battle report, and Ran Ming said in amazement: "Sima Dan is so generous, he dispatched so many dead soldiers at once."

Although Ran Ming was surprised, he did not interfere with Shi Yue's command, but only asked him to conduct self-examination and self-correction in the camp.However, Xiao Lezi finally got the information he wanted from the prisoners of the Southern Conscript Army. Ran Zhi dispatched [-] troops to besiege Yecheng, and the city of Yecheng was in danger.After receiving this information, Xiao Lezi excitedly told Sima Dan: "Your Majesty, our chance has come!"

At this time, Sima Dan was also very depressed. Although he mustered up his courage and led the army to join the battle, the morale of the Jin army was also very high, but it did not change the situation of Wei being strong and Jin being weak.Even the up-and-coming young general He Qian lost his troops and was beaten to disgrace by Wei Jun.

As far as Sima Dan's character is concerned, he is also very similar to Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty.If you trust someone, you want to take out your heart, but once this person lives up to his trust, the end will be tragic, just like Yuan Chonghuan.Xiao Lezi's series of plans were all approved by Sima Dan, but for Xiao Lezi's plan, the Jin Dynasty gave up the Huaihe River defense line, the Yangtze River defense line, and even lost thousands of miles of land, almost all the territory of the Jianghuai River Basin.But when he couldn't see any hope of victory, Sima Dan gradually felt dissatisfied with Xiao Lezi.

When Xiao Lezi mentioned that our opportunity has come, Sima Dan didn't have the slightest interest, but said indifferently: "Xiao Qing, what good opportunity is there, do you want to tie me up and offer it to Lord Wei? In exchange for a big fortune?"

To say this, Sima Dan said it extremely cruelly.Even Xiao Lezi was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and fell to his knees in front of Sima Dan with a plop.

"Your Majesty, how could I do such a heartless thing?"

"Hmph, no, I dare not!" Sima Dan said: "I and Master Wei are also masters and apprentices. My student is disobedient, and the master can beat and scold, but I don't see him." He must kill me. If you want to take credit for my head, I am afraid that you have miscalculated. Whoever wants to take credit for my big head, I am afraid that if the credit is not invited, it will lead to the disaster of killing."

This made not only Xiao Lezi sweat profusely, but even the other civil and military ministers in the tent trembled.To say that taking credit for Sima Dan's head, it is not uncommon for the civil and military ministers of the Jin Dynasty to have such an idea, just like Zhou Zhongsun, the governor of Ningzhou and General Zhenwu, had this idea.However, what Sima Dan said was half threatening and half intimidating, and Zhou Zhongsun suddenly remembered the relationship between Ran Ming and Sima Dan.As far as Ran Ming is concerned, he is also a very protective person, especially Liu Ke. Liu Ke was the one who betrayed Ran Ming. As Ran Ming's apprentice, he first betrayed Ran Ming and took refuge in Ran Zhi, but Ran Ming Instead of killing Liu Ke, he regarded him as a staff officer and kept him idle.Sima Dan is also Ran Ming's apprentice, and his relationship was irreversible in the past. Even if he unifies the world in the future, Ran Ming will definitely keep Sima Dan idle like Liu Houzhu.

(End of this chapter)

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