Chapter 903
Chapter 909
Although Xiao Lezi pretended to be panicked and frightened, in fact he was extremely calm in his head, and there was no confusion.His mind was running quickly, filtering things through one after another, and finally found the problem.That is, Sima Dan's patience is running out. An emperor like Sima Dan who has never experienced any setbacks in the greenhouse is likely to be devastated once he encounters setbacks.Although the situation in front of him did not make Sima Dan despair, at least he did not see the hope of victory.

Thinking of this level, Xiao Lezi smiled inwardly, but he still pretended to be terrified and crawled, moved to Sima Dan's feet, and said in a low voice without raising his head: "Your Majesty, I respect you But there is no dissent in the slightest, if His Majesty does not believe it, I will feel sorry for you."

Seeing Xiao Lezi's attitude, Sima Dan was very satisfied, and smiled lightly: "Xiao Qing doesn't have to be like this, I believe you are, now you can tell me, what chance do we have."

Xiao Lezi said: "King Xiuwu has dispatched troops, he has already surrounded Ye City and conquered the periphery of Jingyang Gate in Ye City."

"King Xiuwu?" Except for Sima Dan, none of the civil and military officials in the room knew who King Xiuwu was.Seeing the surprised expression of Manchao Wenwu, Sima Dan was complacent.But Xiao Lezi said in a timely manner: "All the ministers don't know, the King Xiuwu is Wei Guoyin Crown Prince Zhi."

"Prince Hidden Wisdom? Ran Zhi?" Wang Shu suddenly realized that he didn't understand why he didn't defend the front line of the Huaihe River and the natural danger of the Yangtze River. I'm afraid the real intention was to lure the Wei army to go south and leave the heart of Yecheng. In the gap, let Ran Zhi play.

Wang Tanzhi said: "Dare to ask Xiao Canjun, what is the current strength of the martial arts king?"

Wang Tanzhi didn't care about fame and righteousness in a pedantic way, it was all false.In this era, Confucianism is not as pedantic as Neo-Confucianism, they are also pragmatic.In this era of fist supremacy, only strength is the only thing that is convincing.

Xiao Lezi said: "In October of the third year of Kaiyuan in the Wei Kingdom, and in the third year of the Jin Kingdom's rise to peace, Prince Yin Ran Zhi led three thousand old troops to the sea, and finally arrived in Yizhou. He unified Yizhou in just one year and established the Xiuwu Kingdom. , established three counties and [-] counties in Yizhou. After six years of operation, King Xiuwu already has [-] elite troops. By purchasing pig iron and armor from our Jin State, the Xiuwu National Army is well equipped, not weaker than Wei State at all, even It is three points more sophisticated than our Jin army. In the past six years, the Xiuwu National Army has crossed the sea seven times to conquer Mahan, Jinhan and Bihan, Silla, Baekje, and Yingzhou in the south of Goguryeo on a large scale. "

The ministers present are all good people, and they will soon think of the more than [-] common people and gentry who were looted in Linhai County of Jin State. I am afraid that those people have filled the Xiuwu Kingdom in Yizhou.Of course politicians and politicians don't care about the process, what they care about most is the interests.

Wang Tanzhi said: "Even if King Xiuwu has more than ten elite troops, it may not be easy to overturn the sky, right?"

Wang Tanzhi considered it from the perspective of people's hearts. Although Ran Zhi was the crown prince, he usurped the throne by himself and tried to kill his father and brother. If he succeeded, since the history books were written by the victors anyway, it would be fine.However, Ran Zhi is a loser, and now his reputation in Wei State has long been rotten, and I am afraid that there are not many people who are willing to respond to him.

"If only King Xiuwu is alone, then he is definitely not Ran Ming's opponent, but what if he adds Boluo King Ranyu?" Xiao Lezi said: "Since ancient times, the entrustment of the kings of various vassals is nothing more than one-word king or two-word king. Among them, Qin, Jin, Wei, Yan, Qi, Chu, Zhao, and Han are respected, and the second is the king of each county. However, Ran Ming, the leader of Wei, abolished the title of Wuxing King, who was entrusted to Ranyu by Ran Min, the former leader of Wei State. It was changed to the King of Borneo. Do you know where is the fiefdom of the King of Borneo? Hehe, the King of Borneo was sealed in Borneo, and he went south from Jiaozhou to the south. This distance is [-] miles, and even the dispatch is only [-] miles. A royal family member of Wei Guozong was exiled for thousands of miles, I am afraid there is no more cruel and ruthless emperor!"

Xiao Lezi continued: "That Ran Silang is quite like Ran Min, the first emperor of the Wei Kingdom. He is equally brave, powerful in his hands, and unparalleled in riding and shooting. He is also deeply loved by Ran Min, so he was named Wuxing King when he was Qianlong. Granted to Ran Yu, it can be seen that Ran Min placed high hopes on Ran Yu. However, Ran Ming went against the grain..."

Anyway, Xiao Lezi was trying his best to discredit Ran Ming, describing Ran Ming as a big villain with sores on his head and pus on the soles of his feet.This passionate speech lasted for nearly an hour, and all the civil and military ministers of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were drowsy.Even Sima Dan couldn't listen anymore, so he had to interrupt Xiao Lezi and asked: "According to what Xiao Qing said, Wei Guo'an's Northern Army has more than [-] elite troops and then rebelled. But there are only more than two hundred thousand troops, can they beat Ran Ming's one million troops?"

Xiao Lezi said: "Well, I'm afraid we can't. Even if we can't defeat Ran Ming, it won't be a short-term success if Ran Ming wants to defeat Ran Zhi. You must know that the Anbei Army has more than half of Wei's cavalry. You can retreat to the north."

Sima Dan's mood finally improved a little, he announced the news, and the Jin army's morale was boosted when they heard the shocking changes in Wei's city of Ye.

At the same time, Ran Ming convened a meeting of more than [-] people, including Shi Yue, the chief general of the Southern Conquest Army, and generals above the school lieutenant, in Jingkou, Jinling County (now Zhenjiang).Generals including Chief of General Staff Ji Wei, Deputy Chief of General Staff Sarus, and Severus all attended the meeting, and secretary Lang Xi Pijiang served as the meeting recorder.

Ran Ming said bluntly: "All the generals must have heard that Ran Zhi's rebellion has already appeared in Ye City. Now I want to know what your opinions are!"

Ji Wei said: "Your Majesty, when you advocated a fierce attack on the Jin State, the ministers opposed it. The Western Jin Dynasty was established for 54 years, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty was established for nearly 50 years. The Sima clan of the two Jins has ruled the world for nearly a hundred years. They are deeply rooted. How can it be so easy to overthrow them? If we take it easy, we will be able to secure the victory, but now it is very difficult. The opponent is the master, and our army is the guest. The rivers and water networks in the south are dense, and it is inconvenient for the cavalry to rush to fight. The county surrendered, but only two counties in the south of the Yangtze River surrendered. It can be seen that the hearts of the people are still in the Jin Dynasty. Now that there is a sudden change in the rear, even if the news can be concealed, the news will not be hidden for long. Even if we want to conceal it, the Jin Dynasty will probably get the news , they will spread the news to us. If so, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be damaged. I am afraid that Ran Zhi's rebel army will form a north-south attack with the Jin army. If they complete the encirclement, our army will be in a very dangerous situation. Anyway, Jin is not It can fly, and we may have a chance to take the land in the south of the Yangtze River in the future."

Ran Ming always attached great importance to Ji Wei's opinion, and felt that his analysis was good, but obviously he didn't get to the real point.

Shi Yue was just a little unwilling. If he retreated like this, all his hard work would be in vain.Shi Yue said: "Your Majesty, generals, if there is no surprise in our rear, we can retreat smoothly, but now that there is a change in the rear, and now we are retreating, I am afraid that the morale of the army will be affected. Back then, Shi Hu led an army of 12 to attack the country of Yan in three ways. Thorn City (according to historical research, this place is in Yixian County, Liaoning Province) is more than 140 miles away from Longcheng City (Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province). The cavalry can reach the foot of Longcheng City in two hours. , was almost wiped out by the Yan army. There is a saying that never forgetting the past is the guide of the future. The defeat of Shihu can also be repeated on our army. Even if we want to retreat now, I am afraid it will be difficult to retreat completely."

Ran Ming said: "Is it really a dilemma?"

"Your Majesty, no matter whether you want to retreat or fight, you need to make a decision early, or you will change later!" Ji Li was very worried. Ji Polu rebelled with Ran Yu and was doomed to die.But if it gets involved too deeply, it may bring disaster to the family.As the chief of the general staff, Ji Wei actually had a vague feeling that Ran Ming seemed to have a backhand, but he didn't know what Ran Ming's backhand really was.

However, as a general of the Wei State, Ji Wei knew very well that Ran Ming contributed a lot to Wei Guo being able to get to where he is today.As far as the territory of Wei State is concerned, more than half of it was conquered by Ran Ming and his direct troops.During the battle of the Southern Expedition, very few of Ran Ming's direct descendants were used. Ran Ming's direct descendants, Duan Qin, Hu Yanqun, Jing Zhan, Xue Tao, Xiong Jian, etc., did not know where they were, anyway, they would not be hidden forever.Maybe these are Ran Ming's backhands, and the purpose is to guard against Ran Zhi.

Ran Ming said indifferently: "If I don't retreat, what will happen? Will the army mutiny?"

Facing Ran Ming's question, all the generals were at a loss.

The military meeting held by Ran Ming did not decide whether to retreat or fight in the end. This is a difficult choice.In many cases, non-professional ancient armies simply cannot implement current strategies and tactics.Even if it was a very simple question, Ran Ming had his own considerations and pre-arranged plans for Yecheng, but when the news of Yecheng's attack came, the morale of the army, whether it was the Conquering South Army or the Zhennan Army, was greatly affected by it. Big.

An army without morale, no matter how many people there are, will have no other result except failure in the end.In the battle between the Jin Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom, the Jin Army had only 2 horses, while the Liao Army had more than 35 horses. The ratio of the two armies was 70:[-]. Even in human history, there is such a huge disparity in strength. The war is also not inconceivable.What is even more incredible is the result of the war. The weaker Jin country actually won. No matter how fierce and brave the Jin army is, [-] people stand still and let the Jin army kill them. I am afraid that the Jin army will be exhausted to death.

However, the demoralized Liao army scrambled to flee, and even fled to fight each other in order to seize the road. The casualties were several times more than the Jin army's kills.Even during the battle of Feishui, the same was true. The 95 Beifu army fought against the [-] Diqin army. The strength of the Diqin army was [-]:[-], but the Diqin army was defeated by thousands of miles.

Now Ran Ming is facing a difficult choice. The morale of the Wei army has been shaken. If the fight continues, it is likely to follow in the footsteps of Fu Jian and even Emperor Tianzuo.

It was very late at night, but Ran Ming didn't feel sleepy.Like Shi Yue, he would be very unwilling to retreat like this.Ran Min has been preparing for the unification of the world for five years, consuming a lot of materials and equipment. If the southern expedition fails, and he wants to organize such a large-scale southern expedition, I am afraid that he will encounter great resistance in the court.Moreover, Ran Ming is not only an enemy of the Jin Dynasty, but also the Gupta Empire, which is Ran Ming's serious trouble.In history, although the Gupta Empire did not attack the Jin State, it sent a caravan to Guangzhou. I am afraid that the Jin State survived because of the aftermath of the Battle of Feishui. This is the real reason why the Gupta Empire did not dare to go north along the Indochina Peninsula.Unable to figure out the true strength of the Jin Dynasty, the Gupta Empire did not dare to act. Since the death of King Chaori, the Gupta Empire began to decline from strength to strength. This is a factor of luck.Ran Ming did not dare to pin the fate of Wei and the entire Chinese nation on the luck of the Gupta Empire not attacking.

When necessary, he must lead the entire Wei State and the Chinese nation to resist the attack of the Gupta Empire. This is a struggle related to the survival status of the nation. The Gupta Empire is different from those nomads in that they have a sound political system and religious beliefs. The country has a huge population base that is even more troublesome.

Ran Ming looked up at the sky, the wind and clouds were changing, when the spring day was coming and the autumn day was coming, the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if it was going to rain.The air seems to be getting heavier, there is an illusion that the whole sky is going to be pressed down, but the wind is still strong, and the wind with the moisture of the river hits people's faces, and there are occasional thunderbolts in the clouds, as if the rain of this rain will not be small,

Ran Ming suddenly felt a sense of absurdity. The lower reaches of the Yangtze River are still more than two months away from the rainy season. Although there will be light rain at this time, there will be no heavy rain.

There will be turmoil in his own army, Sima Dan has a chance to turn around, Ran Zhi has conquered the southern part of the Korean peninsula and the Japanese slave country, and the even more absurd feeling is: a quarter of an hour ago he was still sure of victory, but now it seems like Trapped by death.

Ran Ming is not a god either, he didn't know that just when he was anxious and struggling to retreat, the entire Jin army was going all out to wipe out the southern army and capture him, the emperor of Wei, alive.

Xiao Lezi, who was standing beside Sima Dan, felt a little uneasy when he saw the generals filled with confidence.Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and said: "Your Majesty, if the Wei army does not retreat at this time, but fights with its back, and destroys our army first and then returns to aid Ye, our situation may be very bad."

Sima Dan is no longer the novice at the beginning, he has some military ideas and knowledge, he also nodded and said: "At this time, it is not easy to organize more than [-] troops to retreat, even if the entire army does not mutiny , then there will definitely be chaos. However, if he attacks Huishan Camp and even goes on to capture Wuxi, it will be another situation." Thinking of this, Sima Dan turned to Sima Xi and said, "Uncle Emperor, the Huishan Camp is guarded. Three days, no problem?"

"I will fight to the death, and I will definitely take a step back!" Sima Xilang said, "I withdrew from Huai'an to Yangzhou, and then retreated to Jingkou. Now I have arrived in Huitong. I don't plan to retreat any more. Huishan is the place where I will die!"

Seeing Sima Xi expressing his loyalty to Sima Dan, Zhou Zhongsun also said loudly: "Your Majesty, I will fight to the death in Xishan, and I will never retreat half a step. I will carry the coffin to Xishan camp today, and fight to the death!"

Xiao Lezi said: "Your Majesty, in fact, we still have [-] catties of gunpowder in Wuxi City. If we use it properly, it may have unexpected effects."

Sima Dan said: "Uncle Emperor, General Zhou, I will give each of you another [-] catties of gunpowder. When necessary, I can repay you in the same way as you did."

The power of gunpowder was very clear to everyone present.Zhou Zhongsun, in particular, seemed extremely excited.

At the same time, Ran Ming suddenly thought of a way to liberate morale, and he quietly went to the soldiers' committee.The Soldiers Committee is a grass-roots organization in the army established by Ran Ming, with the purpose of preventing the formation of Tang Dynasty's feudal towns.Wei State's territory is getting bigger and bigger. Although the border town generals don't care about the civil affairs, they still have the soil to form a feudal town. In order to monitor the generals' malpractice and embezzlement of military pay, this is the real motivation for Ran Ming to form the Army Soldiers Committee.

However, Ran Ming had no intention of establishing a two-tier leadership mechanism or having a branch in the company.Because Ran Ming knew that this could not fundamentally solve the problem. There are still many factions in the army of later generations. Even Taizu could not fully control the army, he could only control Dayi.

Ran Ming came to the headquarters of the South Soldiers Committee. This headquarters is actually a material warehouse of the logistics and supply battalion. In the large warehouse that has been consumed for more than half, there are densely packed with five or six hundred soldiers.A soldier holding a tin trumpet gave a speech on the stage, while four soldiers quickly recorded on the stage.

"Lieutenant Wang has cheated, and I have enough evidence for this." The host on the stage shouted: "Lieutenant Wang is in the army against fellow soldiers Wang Liuyi, Wang Fucun, and Yang Erhui, etc. When the 13 people discussed meritorious service, there was a phenomenon of partiality. Among them, the credit for the five enemies who were killed by a ballista ballista was attributed to Wang Liuyi. In the battle, Wang Liuyi actually only killed An enemy captured three captives, but the credit book says beheading rank five, wounding one enemy, and taking three captives, ranks first in terms of merit. There is also Wang Fucun, who just came out for a small night when the enemy attacked the camp. It happened that the enemy attacked the camp, but the meritorious service gave him a credit for luring the enemy..."

(End of this chapter)

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