Chapter 904

Chapter 910
Ran Ming listened quietly to the soldiers denouncing the meritorious man surnamed Liu, obviously wanting to flatter Captain Wang.In fact, this is also human nature. Many courtiers in Wei State are actually corrupt and corrupt. Some are lustful, and some drink too much.Ran Ming still needs these people to govern the world, so he can only take their major points, not their small points.Often people who are disadvantaged in small details have very great abilities, and those noble and extraordinary moral gentlemen are useless.Of course, Ran Ming has never been soft on those officials who are both greedy and incompetent.Catch one and kill one, catch two and kill one.Slowly form an unspoken rule in the ministers, then there is a bottom line, there is no problem in taking care of relatives, but you must do the things you confessed well.Without this bottom line, there is only one dead end.

The Donglin Party in the late Ming Dynasty was a group of moral gentlemen, but they couldn't do anything other than political struggle.In fact, later generations had mixed opinions on Chongzhen. Cheng Zhi believed that the only thing Chongzhen did wrong was to clean up Wei Zhongxian and let the Donglin Party dominate.If all the wolves on the grassland are killed, the rabbits will also cause disasters.

However, at this moment, the host said: "Brother Zhang Liuyan, stand up and say something. You are the person involved, and they are all greedy for your military achievements!"

At this time, Ran Ming noticed a young soldier who was a bit simple and honest.He waved his hand and said: "Director Chen, you are too serious. Liu Gongcao didn't deliberately suppress me. I am also ranked second in terms of merit. Besides, Liu Gongcao acts according to the rules. Besides, there is a difference between being killed by gunpowder and being hacked to death by a knife." The obvious difference, he will not open his eyes and talk nonsense, the Military Law Department is not a display"!
Zhang Liuyan's team was patting Zhang Liuyan on the shoulder and said, "My boy, I did not misunderstand you. You have such a heart, and a lot of future is waiting for you in the past."

At this time, Ran Ming went out to the front desk. At this time, a large number of members of the soldier committee found Ran Ming.

"See Your Majesty!"

Ran Ming said: "Soldiers, I am going out in modest clothes today, so there is no need to be polite!"

Only then did all the soldiers sit on the ground respectfully.Ran Ming smiled and said, "Soldiers, don't be nervous."

Ran Ming suddenly pointed to a team and said, "What's your name, and what wish do you have?"

The team who was named said rightly: "Report to Your Majesty, Liu Fugui. The biggest wish of the humble rank is to be promoted to a higher level and become a Dubo. Of course, it would be even better if he can be promoted to a military rank!"

Ran Ming said: "If you don't want to be a general's soldier, you are not a good soldier. Your wish is not too much. I believe you will be able to fulfill your wish. In our army, there is no distinction of family background. I was the same back then. Starting from a small soldier. Of course Ran Ming went on to brag about himself.

"Kacha" A bolt of lightning like a silver snake streaked across the sky, and after a while, the dark clouds lowered down, and the bean-sized raindrops fell
Dark clouds enveloped the sky, and the eyes were dim.Only when there is lightning, a ray of light is drawn, sweeping away the dullness caused by darkness.But after the lightning, there was rumbling thunder, which seemed to roll over the head, and then exploded with a loud bang.Bean-sized raindrops fell on the ground, splashing water like small fountains.When the water splash fell on the ground, it turned into small blisters again, and the small blisters looked like small transparent hats.

Ran Ming spoke very quickly, and he said a shocking thing lightly, which did not have much credibility in itself, even he thought so, but he gradually realized that something was wrong. On the surface, the soldiers representatives below had solemn expressions, and even trembled a little.

Seeing this situation, Ran Ming sighed silently.Hierarchy and privilege have been with us since the dawn of human society.Hierarchy is the system that divides social groups from slave society to feudal society.Its division is based on class differentiation and is a form of class distinction.This system was sublimated in feudal society.Whether it is the socialism of the Chinese Empire or the democracy of Western capitalism, it is a fact or a class distinction. The so-called equality is empty talk.Ran Ming was the emperor of Wei, and in the hearts of ordinary soldiers, that was sacred and inviolable.

From the eyes of the soldier representatives, Ran Ming saw their awe, or fear, of Ran Ming.This made Ran Ming a little frustrated. In fact, what Ran Ming is best at is not turning stones into gold to help the world, nor is he planning strategies to win thousands of miles.He was originally just a gangster, and the field he is best at is actually bewitching people's hearts, bewitching the younger brothers, and fighting for him.

Although Ran Ming's current status is different from before, but Ran Ming is still familiar with how to deal with this kind of situation.

The Soldiers Committee does not have a dedicated office space. Even if a soldiers representative meeting is held, it can only choose an empty warehouse, and other soldiers will sit on the ground.Ran Ming laughed, patted his stomach and said: "The emperor is not afraid of starving soldiers, how can the soldiers' committee have no working meals."

Upon hearing this, Zhong Chang Shi Youyi hurried to make arrangements.In feudal times, the whole country was for one person.Of course, Ran Ming was no exception. Under the negotiation between You Yi and Zhengnan Supply Camp, the various gang leaders soon sent a large amount of meat.Of course, it is definitely too late to do it now, after all, the meals for 600-[-] people are not a small amount.It's not the time for meals now, but there are canned food in Wei's supply, such as canned beef, braised pork, fish, fruit, and some drinks, which can be regarded as the working meal of the soldiers' committee.

Ran Ming knew that if he wanted to get along with the soldiers, he had to put down his airs. When he saw the wine, meat and food being served, Ran Ming laughed, stepped off the stage, and came among the soldiers.Ran Ming knew that it was not difficult to get along with these soldiers, as long as he had a drink with them and opened up the embarrassing situation in front of him, he would succeed.

A bowl of cloudy wine was poured into the bowl, and Ran Ming didn't mind whether the bowl was clean or not. Just now, Ran Ming wanted to pretend to be a booze, and shouted good wine, which attracted the favor of these rough men.However, Ran Ming did not expect that the wine was not only cloudy, but also had a strong sour smell, which was as unpalatable as vinegar.Then Ran Ming threw the bowl on the ground with a "snap" and it shattered. "Damn it, this wine is so bad, how can you drink it? Someone, bring those immortals from my camp to drink, and I invite the soldiers to drink."

In fact, Xianrenzui mellow liquor usually costs three catties of grain to produce a catty of wine. Based on the price of grain at five renminbi, the cost of a catty of wine plus packaging and transportation is actually less than [-] renminbi.But Ran Ming's brewing method consumes a lot of food. During the war, food was in short supply, so naturally it couldn't be supplied openly.What's more, in order to treat the wounded, a large amount of alcohol needs to be extracted, which makes the steamed wine even more scarce.Anyway, for ordinary people, even the most conscientious price of a hundred yuan a catty of liquor is beyond their affordability.In addition, the price of baijiu has always been high due to the fact that things are rare and expensive. Ordinary people and low-level soldiers prefer to drink those fermented wines. There is no other reason but because it is cheap.

Following Ran Ming's order, some followers went to Ran Ming's camp to fetch wine.There is no way to open the supply of this kind of liquor to the soldiers, but Ran Ming's consumption will definitely not be less.Hit the horse back quickly, and within a moment, there will be tanks of "immortal drunk" brought by the carriage.But as soon as the seal was opened, the aroma of the wine spread throughout the entire barracks like its substance: "Brothers just drink it, don't give it to me!"

These baijiu are all pure grain loose wine made by a winemaker after Ran Ming came to this era.Don't look at this wine making. Although it is not very complicated, it is actually a layman's view.The purified alcohol is almost the same, but only after blending can it become a liquor with an excellent taste.Although the name is not as good as those big-name manufacturers, Ran Ming can guarantee that the quality and taste of this wine are much better than those of Maotai and Wuliangye in later generations.

Under the smell of wine, all the soldiers could bear it no longer, cheered and went to grab the wine.But director Chen yelled with a dark face: "Your Majesty rewarded you with royal wine, are you ungrateful? Don't you know how to thank you?"

These soldiers came to their senses and knelt on the ground to thank Dade one by one.Don't underestimate these small favors, they are actually more deceptive than any welfare policy, just like the famous hypocrite Kang Mazi, who held a feast for a thousand old people, and was promoted as a sage who has never been seen before, and who will never come after.

With Ran Ming gaining the real favor of the soldier representative instead of fear and awe, it was much easier to open the topic.At this time, Ran Ming, in the eyes of the soldiers, was no longer a high-ranking emperor, but amiable and amiable like a big brother next door.Then Ran Ming drank a whole big bowl, equivalent to almost half a catty of liquor, Ran Ming got up and let out a long sigh.

Zhang Liuyan, who happened to be sitting opposite to Ran Ming, was also drunk, and his courage grew unknowingly: "Your Majesty, you are the supreme being in the world. Is there anything in this world that bothers you? You can do whatever you want. La."

Ran Ming shook his head and said, "Zhang Liuyan, you know that this world is not for me alone, but for all of us. There is a folk proverb that if you don't grow crops well, you will waste a season. If you don't marry a wife well, you will waste your whole life. What did you imagine? It's simple. To tell you the truth, I've encountered difficulties now."

"Perhaps you have also heard rumors that Yecheng is surrounded by rebels. I can now tell you responsibly that this news is true. But I can also tell you responsibly that it is impossible for the rebels to capture Yecheng. There is not even a chance. It will only take a month at most, and the siege of Yecheng will be resolved." Ran Ming continued: "Soldiers, you are all excellent soldiers of our Wei Dynasty. You should be most aware that our army is facing pollution. What an advantage the Hezhong has. Yecheng does not have a large number of elite troops now, but there are more than 1 elite imperial guards guarding Yecheng. These more than [-] elite imperial guards may not be able to defeat the [-] hastily armed soldiers. Hey people, but is it difficult for them to defend Yecheng? You know it best. Now Jin deliberately expands the danger of Yecheng in order to neglect the morale of our army. Once our army retreats to the north, they will definitely follow. Not to mention that Yecheng does not need rescue at all, even if rescue is needed, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to rush to Yecheng."

Director Chen said: "Your Majesty, there are family members of all the soldiers in Ye City, so if all the soldiers care about it, it will cause chaos!"

Ran Ming laughed loudly and said: "My mother, queen, princes and princesses are all in Yecheng, and I am not worried about the safety of Yecheng, don't you worry unnecessarily?"

Director Chen looked at Ran Ming and suddenly came to his senses.The royal blood, golden branches and jade leaves are all in Yecheng, which shows that Yecheng is safe and secure, but waiting for him is a villain in vain.

At this time, a representative of the soldiers said loudly: "Your Majesty, but the parents of humble positions are all in Yecheng..."

Ran Ming said coldly: "Yecheng will never be breached. If Yecheng is breached, I would like to die and thank the world!"

Facing the silent representative of the soldiers at this time, Ran Ming continued: "I need all the soldiers now, try my best to reassure the soldiers for me after I go back, and tell the soldiers that I will soon order the entire army to retreat, and you need to be warned Other soldiers, this is not a retreat, it is just to lure the enemy to take the initiative to attack, I will wait in Jingkou for all the soldiers to build an indelible feat together!"

At this time, Director Chen said: "Your Majesty's warehouse is leaking, please move it."

Ran Ming said to Director Chen: "A little rain is nothing, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I have never been afraid of it."

As he spoke, Ran Ming pushed away the umbrella You Yi brought, and let the rain hit his face and body, and slowly disappeared into the rain curtain.In the camp of the Southern Conquest Army, Shi Yue and all the soldiers of the Southern Conquest Army were having a heated debate about whether to fight or retreat.At this time, the Confederate Army was divided into two factions, the main battle group and the main group, and the two sides argued fiercely and endlessly.

At this moment, Ran Ming, accompanied by Lin Heishan, directly broke into the handsome tent.Hearing that the two parties insisted on their own words and did not want to give in to each other, Ran Ming signaled Lin Heishan to speak up.Lin Heishan's voice is notoriously loud, he was very angry in his dantian, and shouted: "Shut up, be quiet!"

Those generals who were blushing and thick-necked were also extremely angry when they were drunk for no reason, but when they saw Ran Ming's gloomy face, they were so frightened that they kept silent.

Ran Ming smiled and said, "General Shi, what is a taboo for military strategists?"

Shi Yue's face turned pale, and then he said word by word: "A big taboo in military strategists, the first choice is not knowing the enemy and ourselves, and the second is to look forward and backward..."

"Oh, so you, General Shi, know!" Ran Ming shouted, "Then why are you still arguing here? Is it wartime? There is only one voice in the army, and that is your voice, General Shi. Don't you know?"

When Shi Yue heard this, he was overjoyed. "Your Majesty, I know what to do."

Ran Ming frowned and said, "Forbidden by the order, the seventeenth ban, 54 beheading is just a display?"

When the masters and generals heard this, their hearts sank.In fact, they are not timid to fight, they are just speculating on what they want. Once the capital is besieged and the rear changes suddenly, they all speculate that Ran Ming will definitely choose to retreat. At this time, they support the retreat to let the emperor have a step down, even if he is a scapegoat. , How could the emperor treat them badly?But they didn't expect that the development of the matter was not as written in the script, but it was beyond their expectations.

There was thunder in the sky, and lightning also illuminated the sky, and even more so, Ran Ming's face.At this time, although there was no sadness or joy on Ran Ming's face, all the generals felt a chill.

Shi Yue was keenly aware of what Ran Ming was angry about, and the debate had unknowingly drifted away, and now the debate was not military but political.Among the generals of the South Army, except for Shi Yue, most of the generals were just in their early twenties, and most of them were born in the lecture hall.These generals who were born in the martial arts hall put themselves in the position of Ran Ming's direct line, for fear of running counter to Ran Ming's opinion.They are all in their 20s, and they are not educated. They must like to point out the world, and they have never been soaked in the big dye tank of officialdom. The edges and corners of their characters have not been smoothed out. discuss aggressively.

Before they knew it, they had strayed from the point. Before they could kill the geese, they were arguing over how to cook and eat.

Originally, it was just a matter of arguing about the retreat from the war, but it turned out to be related to the issue of local governance for some reason. Some people proposed to move the southern gentry to the north, let them leave the south, and avoid the formation of a big tail in the south.Then someone actually brought up the issue of Wei Guowei's crown prince, but Ran Ming heard it rightly again.

Ran Ming looked at all the generals, and suddenly found an acquaintance, Wang Sheng.Ran Ming actually didn't know that Wang Sheng was the Xiaowei Wang mentioned by Director Chen and the others. In fact, this Wang Sheng was from Ju County, Beihai County (southeast of today's Shouguang, Shandong Province), and Wang Meng's fellow townsman.Although Wang Sheng is one of Ran Ming's students, his identity is not considered to be Ran Ming's direct descendant.When Duan Kan occupied Qingzhou and claimed to be the Duke of Qi, Wang Sheng, as the landlord of the common clan, led the township party to join Duan Kan and became a grassroots officer.Later, Ran Ming left Qingzhou and went to Jiankang as a hostage, and Wang Meng became the prime minister of Jiaodong. This Wang Sheng relied on Wang Meng's relationship.

In this country party plot is very important, just like during the Three Kingdoms period, Li Su came forward and said to surrender Lu Bu, although Li Su and Lu Bu did not know each other at first, but because they are from the same hometown, Lu Bu believed Li Su.Of course, there are many other examples like this. In the Northern Expedition, there was Zu Ti, who led more than 1000 township parties.Liu Kun also used the township party to surround and defend Jinyang for more than ten years.It is said that there are people in the court who are good officials. Wang Meng's official position was not high at that time, but because of Ran Ming's trust, he had great power.Especially because Ran Min felt guilty about Ran Ming being a hostage, so there was no one in Wei Guo who was not open-eyed to seek Wang Meng's fault.

That's it, Wang Sheng's official career went very smoothly, he was promoted from Du Zheng to Cheng Bo, from Du Bo to Qu Hou, and then to Marching Sima and Dongping Deputy Lieutenant.At the beginning of the Southern Expedition, Wang Sheng became the commander of an army and a dignified captain.

(End of this chapter)

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