Chapter 906
Chapter 912
Just after Shi Chang led the five soldiers out of the hut, the others were enjoying the fire and drinking wine.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. As long as you step into the officialdom, you will inevitably face various complicated political struggles, but there are also differences between superiors and inferiors.Although it is only a small Shi, with ten soldiers, the chief is also close and distant. Of course, the people who followed the chief on patrol are not direct descendants of the chief. The four people who stayed in the hut to warm up the fire are the closest relatives personnel.

The four soldiers were talking nonsensical dirty jokes around the fire when four scouts from the Wei Army appeared in the hut.The four of them slowly approached the four sentinels of the Jin army who were warming up around the fire, and suddenly jumped up, each rushing towards their respective targets.The first step is to cover your mouth to avoid making a sound, and the second is to insert the dagger into the opponent's heart fiercely.

"Target cleared, safe!"

As the news came from more than a dozen checkpoints, the Wei army's night raid team began to rush towards the Jin army's camp like a tide.

The leader of the Huishan camp of the Jin army is Sima Xi, the king of Wuling. Sima Xi, who is already 50 years old, is not as energetic as before. The situation on the battlefield is not good recently, and he has also taken on a lot of pressure.Fortunately, when this rain came, Sima Xi is a man who knows how to fight. He knows how difficult it is to launch a night attack in this heavy rain.

Therefore, Sima Xi slept very deeply.

At this time, the night attack team of the Wei army had reached the trench in front of the Jin army camp in Huishan. In order to transport these heavy shields, it took only [-] miles to exhaust hundreds of horses.Fortunately, it was worth the money. These heavy shields were formed into a simple bridge deck by members of the Wei Army night raid team. Those soldiers consciously protected the vital points with the shields and jumped into the ditch full of sharp knives.Then he lifted up the spliced ​​shields, and dozens of passages were formed immediately.

At this time, some soldiers began to untie the black packages from the horses. Naturally, the packages contained weapons such as incendiary bombs and gunpowder bombs. Of course, the gunpowder would be greatly affected by the heavy rain, but it was not impossible use.These gunpowder bombs and incendiary bombs have already been tightly wrapped in three layers of oilcloth, and sealed with paraffin. Even if they are placed in water, the gunpowder will not get wet.

Of course, in this rainy night, it is obviously impossible to transport ballistas or trebuchets.However, in addition to ballistas and trebuchets, these weapons can also be delivered by manpower.After being approached by scouts, hundreds of incendiary bombs and gunpowder bombs were scattered and placed in the Jin army camp that stretched for tens of miles.

After arranging these, the sky is already getting a little brighter, which is a sign that dawn is about to dawn, and it may not take half an hour for the sky to dawn.Liu Peng heard the news that the preparations were completed one by one from the scouts.

Liu Peng took a deep breath and said, "Then prepare to release it!"

"Boom boom boom"... A series of explosions sounded in the Huishan camp of the Jin army, and hundreds of fireballs rose in the Huishan camp at once.Especially the incendiary bomb, which was mixed with some coal and wood, and detonated with gunpowder. After the incendiary bomb exploded, hundreds of sparks were splashed out, and at the same time, the huge impact blasted the fireball into pieces. The coal dust inside flew away, and the gunpowder burned even more quickly after it touched the sparks. When an incendiary bomb exploded, it ignited a big fire!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

A shrill howl sounded in the Jin army's Huishan camp.Liu Peng said: "Brothers, it's time to make achievements. Go!"

As he spoke, he took the lead and rushed to Sima Xi's main camp first.

The British army has a famous gun designer named Patrick Ferguson, who is also an excellent sniper.Once Ferguson was ambushing the enemy and found an American officer turning away on horseback. He quickly aimed at the back of the officer's head.At this time, the distance between the two people is only 114 meters, and one hit is sure to hit.Unexpectedly, Ferguson suddenly retracted his gun and ordered the troops to retreat.Do you know?This officer is called George Washington, who is the founding president of the most powerful United States in the world.

If Ferguson shot, he was 100% sure that he could kill Washington with one shot, and it was also possible that the American Revolutionary War would face defeat.But there are not so many ifs in history.

According to Ran Ming's plan, taking advantage of the torrential rain and bad weather this time, his night raid should achieve astonishing results.It's just that Ran Ming didn't realize that history has already been changed beyond recognition because of the influence of him, a butterfly from another world.He Qian, who had just made his debut in the Beifu Army, actually stepped onto the stage of history 11 years ahead of schedule.This variable was unexpected by Ran Ming.

Anyone who is familiar with He Qian knows his character.Under He Qian's simple and honest appearance, there is actually a cunning heart hidden like a fox.When dealing with trilogy, He Qian can treat each other as Chicheng.But for the enemy, as long as he has the opportunity, he will deceive the opponent.

The Wei and Jin countries did not recognize whether it was military strength or economic strength, and Jin was at an absolute disadvantage.In this battle of life and death, He Qian is not as optimistic as Xiao Lezi.In He Qian's view, if the Jin State wants to win, even if the grandson Wu Qi is brought back to life, the Jin State has no hope.But He Qian is not in despair. He knows that there is a way to turn the situation around, and that is to conduct a surprise attack on the Jingkou where Ran Ming is. Even if Ran Ming cannot be killed, he can repel Ran Ming. If Cao Cao retreats like this, the aggressive offensive of Wei's army will naturally disintegrate, thus giving Jin a chance to survive.

Now He Qian has a good hand to deceive his opponent.First of all, after the start of Wei's southern expedition, the Jin army retreated all the way, passively defending, and never took the initiative to attack the Wei army.This formed a kind of inertial thinking for the Wei army, that is, the Jin army lacked offensive awareness and lacked offensive strength.As one of the eight generals of Beifu, He Qian is the only general who doesn't understand politics. The vulgar strategic overall view.As a pure soldier, general, in fact, there is no natural soil in this land of China.

He Qian doesn't like passive defense. He loves offense. At this time, if he can turn the situation around with an unexpected attack, that would be great.In sports competitions, the players who are truly world champions have their own passionate side, and the generals on the battlefield often have their own will and tendencies. The kind of mediocre generals without distinctive personalities can defend well, but attack slightly insufficient up.And a passionate general like He Qian is undoubtedly a hero created by the current situation.

After asking the local elders many times, He Qian came to a conclusion that this abnormal rainstorm will not end for at least three days.In this case, the firearms, ballistas, and ballistas in the Wei army will be weakened to the extreme by weather factors.And He Qian's headquarters, which are poorly equipped and good at raiding, will give full play to their advantages in field combat.

When He Qian made up his mind to carry out this kind of raid plan, he adopted old-fashioned methods. First, he selected soldiers who were only sons, or those who had no marriage and children, and gave birth to sons, and those who had at least one brother. There will be more than two people, or old soldiers born with sons will gather together, and then distribute the fields and money rewarded by Sima Dan to the dead soldiers, thus eliminating the worries of the soldiers.

In a nation with more than 5000 years of agricultural cultural heritage, no nation in the world loves the fields as much as the Han people.He Qian's first step plan was successful, and he successfully recruited [-] dead soldiers.Unfortunately, if He Qian had more land and more money, he could even recruit more dead soldiers.

In the second stage, He Qian was tactically deceiving.At this time, the state of Jin was in turmoil, and He Qian didn't know how many soldiers of the Jin army were trustworthy.Anyway, at this time Wei Guo's Royal Secret Service activities were very rampant, and he, He Qian, was responsible for instigating rebellion, wooing, and even work.Now He Qian is not sure, how many generals of the Jin army can keep their hearts unwavering like him.

For such a large operation, once the news leaks, it means that the operation has failed.Although He Qian summoned the dead soldiers under the banner of recruiting family soldiers, having family soldiers is the unspoken rule of every general. If there is no family soldier general, it is an alternative.The family soldiers only obey the orders of the chief general, and the laws of the country and the imperial decree of the emperor are not easy to use in the family soldiers.The chief generals of these family soldiers chose to rebel, and they would follow the rebellion.Jia Dingbing has the best equipment and the best benefits, and of course the combat effectiveness is also very strong.

After drawing out [-] dead soldiers, He Qian asked Buqu to recruit strong men in the area controlled by the Jin State. Even Sima Xi, the leader of the Huishan Camp, didn't know what He Qian was doing.I just know that He Qian was crazy about recruiting strong men to expand his army during this period. At this time, Sima Xi didn't think there were too many people, but was afraid that there were few people. If He Qian could raise an army of [-], Sima Xi would not blame him, but might Give He Qian a great credit.

Just as Liu Peng touched off the sentinel of the Jin army, He Qian was also about to order the trilogy to set off.Because He Qian's attack not only had to hide the Wei army, but also the Jin army, so it was more difficult than Liu Peng's troops in the Wei state.Before dawn is the most exhausting time for people. Of course, at this time, He Qian can leave without anyone noticing through the sentinels that He Qian has bought.

Under the rain, He Qian showed a habitual and confident smile: "Now the Jin State Building is about to fall, and its potential danger is like a pile of eggs. Someone once advised this general, why not join Qiang Wei and seek a rich and noble background. A man has something To do something, not to do something. I will receive the kindness of Your Majesty, and I will repay it when I die. This general wants to be the pillar of the Jin Dynasty, and the entire Great Jin Dynasty, which is three thousand miles away, is in our hands."

The three thousand dead men were silent in the rain, He Qian's tone was light, but there was something in it.But it is self-confidence and domineering... "Strong Wei is like a tiger, and everyone in the world is afraid. Others are afraid of them, but I am not afraid of them. His Ran family has fought thousands of miles of rivers and mountains with three thousand tigers. Today, I will also have three thousand tigers. I don’t want To be king and hegemony, but to find a place for the brothers to live in. To make contributions and achievements, right now, where the military flag points, our army is powerful."

"May I die for the Lord!" A deep echoing voice echoed from below.He Qian smiled.Take a deep breath.

At this moment, there was an explosion in the camp. If there was an explosion occasionally, it might be an accident, but when He Qian saw that the fireball rising from the explosion point was actually a land of food and grass, his expression changed drastically.It's no accident, it's definitely not an accident.

He Qian didn't care about any surprise attack, he coldly suppressed the smile on his face, waved his hand, and roared vigorously: "Attack!"

Liu Peng watched the trilogy successfully invade the Jin army camp. When encountering resistance, the warriors of the Wei army stepped forward and hacked to death.

At this time, chaos had begun in the Jin army camp. The first reaction of countless Jin army soldiers was not to take up arms to resist, but to run to the rear camp immediately.The entire front battalion and even most of them didn't even see the faces of the soldiers of the Wei army, so they lost their positions.But it's not all chaos, at least one torrent is swimming against the current.

Because the night was dark at this time, even if there were fires, the visibility in the heavy rain was very low.After about a quarter of an hour, He Qian suddenly encountered a large number of routs of the Jin army. These routs, naked and gnashing their teeth, ran forward with bare hands, and they suddenly bumped into He Qian's forward.

Of course He Qian knew the danger of these routs, they might break up their parts and even cause unnecessary casualties.He Qian shouted coldly: "Kill!"

The fully equipped He Qian dead soldier raised his horizontal knife without hesitation in the face of these routs, and a burst of slashing finally killed this group of about five or 600 routs.Of course, it is impossible to kill all these rout soldiers, but they are just killed so that they dare not charge forward.Before He Qian could breathe a sigh of relief, he vaguely saw the sound of chaotic footsteps on the opposite side.

When He Qian was about to do the same, he suddenly felt something was wrong. The number of this group of defeated troops was very small.There were about three to 40 people, all of them were wearing black strong clothes, and all of them held horizontal knives.There was a smell of blood from a distance.


"Southern raccoon dog?"

In fact, ever since the Han people crossed south, there has been a huge rift between the southerners and the northerners.Southerners can't get used to the northern Han people, so they call the northern Han people Beijiao.Beijia is a barbarian in the Northland, which is a derogatory term for northerners.Of course, the Han people in the north also dislike the Han people who migrated to the south, as well as the southerners. The so-called raccoon dog refers to the local dog.Southerners call northerners northern savages, and northerners call southerners native dogs of the south.Perhaps regional discrimination began to form from the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Wei Jun was just a dissatisfied team, and the leader's eyes were distorted in an instant.He Qian who was opposite him also widened his eyes.The two horizontal knives with similar styles were pulled out at the same time.


It has to be said that Wei Jun's reaction was very fast.It's just a pity that they walked for thirty miles in the rain all the way, and charged for a while. Almost all the soldiers gritted their teeth and persisted.However, He Qian's team is a newcomer, and they have the advantage of the home field.The slashing without tricks began.

With dozens of times the advantage over the enemy, these thirty or forty soldiers of the Wei army were like a small stone thrown into the sea, and they were submerged in an instant.

This is an almost face-to-face encounter, no tactics, no tactics.Except for one of the thirty or forty soldiers of the Wei army who turned his head and ran back to report the news, all the other soldiers, without exception, drew their knives and launched a desperate assault on the dead men under He Qian's command.

It's just that in the case of an absolute disadvantage in numbers, although these soldiers of the Wei army were extremely brave, unfortunately, they were powerless to change the result of the battle.With the sound of the knife piercing into the flesh, the scene was full of blood and flesh.With a "click", the last Wei soldier fell in the rain.

"Young commander, these people are so strong!" One of He Qian's confidants said with lingering fear: "Under such unfavorable circumstances, they managed to fight off our five brothers!"

He Qian couldn't see any expression on his face, but he still admired them as opponents.Facing the enemy is strong and we are weak, their first choice is not to retreat and preserve their strength, but to fight desperately.Although the time they can win for the main force is very short, the battlefield is changing rapidly, even if it is just half a stick of incense, it is obviously enough to control the situation of a battle.

He Qian felt something was wrong. Although these soldiers of the Wei army were very tenacious, they did not show the strength that matched the elite troops of the Wei army.Doesn't it need to dispatch the elite of the Wei army to carry out such a large-scale raid?Although he didn't figure out the secrets inside, He Qian still gritted his teeth and said, "Come out."

However, when He Qian's troops launched an attack on Liu Peng's troops, the Wei State's night attack army led by Liu Peng also achieved good results.The former battalion soldiers of the Jin army who had no unified command were instantly killed to pieces, and many unlucky soldiers of the Jin army were trampled into flesh by their own robes.

After being attacked at night, the entire Huishan Front Battalion of the Jin Army collapsed.However, the soldiers of the Wei army did not let them go. Teams of Wei army soldiers strangled back and forth in the rain, screaming one after another.As long as the Jin army starts to gather, even if there are only a few hundred people in the area, the soldiers of the Wei army will kill them and disperse them.

Looking at the soldiers of the Wei army who were running back and forth between the light and the dark with murderous aura, looking at the blood and cold light reflected by the raging fire, and listening to the screams that kept ringing in their ears, the soldiers of the Jin army did not have the slightest will to resist. The soldiers of the Jin army were all frightened and pale, and fled towards the rear camp in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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