Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 907 As a teacher, I will teach you a good boy today

Chapter 907 As a teacher, I will teach you a good boy today
Chapter 913 As a teacher, I will teach you a good boy today
In fact, when the ancient non-professional army encountered a night attack, it was very slow to respond and deal with it. "Hundred Riders Robbing Cao Ying", also known as "Hundred Riders Robbing Wei Ying", is a story in the historical novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which can be seen in No. 60 and eight chapters of the novel.

This story fully reveals the bravery and courage of Gan Ning, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and has become Gan Ning's peak moment in the minds of many fans of the Three Kingdoms.Of course, many people will say that Romance is a lie.Although Mr. Luo wrote a lot of fictional plots in the book to attract readers, the plot of Baiqi robbing the camp still has historical basis.If you are interested, you can check "Three Kingdoms Wu Shu Volume Ten".Although Gan Ning's record in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is only dozens of beheads, which is not as exaggerated as in the Romance, it is a fact that he is fully recovered.

Liu Peng also knew the essentials of the night attack. His troops were very scattered, making the momentum very large, so that the Jin army didn't know the truth at all.But Liu Peng didn't make any mistakes, on the contrary, he still executed it as well as he wanted.However, neither the Wei State Staff Headquarters nor Liu Peng himself had expected He Qian, a guy who didn't play cards according to common sense.

The frontline headquarters established by Liu Peng at the front.It is said to be the headquarters, but it is actually just a half-collapsed straw shed.However, due to the high terrain, it is more convenient to observe the battlefield.There were four horizontal knives stuck in the ground, supporting a shield, and a map was spread on the shield. This was all the belongings of Liu Peng's frontline headquarters.At this time, Liu Peng suddenly said: "Where is the Division A of the Second Battalion advancing now?"

A staff officer quickly marked it on the map: "Report to the captain, half a quarter of an hour ago, the First Division of the Second Battalion wiped out the remnants of the No. 13 area of ​​the enemy's front battalion, and is going to detour to the No. 19 area of ​​the [-]th as planned. "

This is the stupid method adopted when the conditions were backward in ancient times.If it is a soldier of later generations, he can accurately find any battlefield target.However, the quality of soldiers in ancient times was not good, so they used the situation obtained in advance to compile several districts on the map, and then issued combat orders to each division.In this case, it is possible to effectively avoid confusion in the troops.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Liu Peng and Liu Yunfei naturally want to be a general.After finally meeting this opportunity, he is now honored to be Captain Quan. Liu Peng really wants to be a captain, keep this captain, and even become a higher-ranking general.So Liu Peng cherishes this hard-won opportunity very much.Liu Peng naturally understood that he was no longer a marching commander, and he was not needed to go into battle, but to command the battle.In order to win this night attack, and to show himself well in front of Ran Ming, Liu Peng moved his headquarters forward as much as possible, in order to be afraid of making mistakes and give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

At this time, Liu Peng's frontline headquarters was only a hundred steps away from the fiercely fought battlefield. If the weather and visibility were good, a three-stone strong archer would have killed him.But Liu Peng wasn't worried about his safety at all, he was a little excited instead.

At this moment, an orderly came running quickly and whispered softly in front of a staff officer.

"Report to the general, news just came in. A team from Division C of the Third Battalion encountered a large number of enemies in area 47." The staff quickly marked the location on the map and said: "The team from Division C of the Third Battalion is completely wiped out! "

"Order C to organize the divisions to fight down that group of enemies. We must block the enemy's counterattack. The attack must be fierce and fast, and Sima Xi's dream must be completely shattered!" Liu Peng frowned and said, "In addition, let me The general's guards are transferred over. Repel the invading enemy, there is no need for guards here, and an order is issued immediately."

"It's the general!"

When Liu Peng's guards arrived on the battlefield, the third battalion had already been engaged with the enemy for a quarter of an hour.Liu Peng's guard officer saw that the third battalion had fallen into a disadvantage, and shouted in confusion, "Where is the Sima of Division C?"

A sturdy man covered his shoulders and said, "Captain Liu is here."

Team Liu of the guard said, "What the hell is this!"

Sima C stomped his feet and said, "I don't know either, these grandsons seem to be desperate, and the brothers suffered a lot of casualties."

Liu Dui was yelling: "Don't worry about it, let's talk about it! Brothers, follow me and chop up these bastards!"

A melee broke out immediately, and what puzzled He Qian was that the elite Wei army, known for their bravery, did not seem to be as powerful as the rumors said.In the melee, his own trilogy unexpectedly gained the upper hand.Even with the addition of Wei Jun's new force, He Qian's advantage is getting bigger and bigger.

Although the soldiers of the Wei army were as imposing and murderous as a rainbow, they seemed to be powerless in the fight. One by one, the soldiers of the Wei army were good at fighting and could slash and fall to the ground.The eyes of the dead soldiers of Wei Junfeng still retain a strong color of unwillingness.

On the entire battlefield, the only ones who could suppress the opponent were Liu Duzheng and his group of guards. At least they would not lose in a one-on-one battle.Liu Duzheng was brave enough, his horizontal knife danced like a windmill, and he slashed like lightning. No one who came close to the dead, whether they were soldiers or generals, could survive a single move.Liu Dui was yelling and massacring in the crowd frantically, and He Qian's soldiers were terrified of being killed.

It's just that the battlefield is not a place to pretend to be a hero. Just when Liu Dui was showing his might, suddenly a person rushed out from He Qian's side.He didn't have a horizontal knife in his hand, but a few hatchets hanging from his waist.The two hatchets twirled gently in his hands, and suddenly flew towards Liu Duizheng.Liu Dui was not aware of the approaching danger. It was too late when he found the danger and tried to avoid it.

The two handles hit Liu Duizheng's neck and back one by one, and Liu Duizheng also fell to the ground unwillingly.As Team Liu fell to his death, the situation on the entire battlefield continued to deteriorate towards the unfavorable situation of Wei Jun.

Liu Peng only realized the seriousness of the problem when he received the news that Department C had lost all casualties.Liu Peng couldn't help frowning. He knew that he had overlooked a problem, that is, the opponent was waiting for work, while his own was a tired army. Although Wei Jun was the best in the world, it was difficult to defeat the opponent under such circumstances.

What's more serious is that the most fundamental reason for the strong combat effectiveness of Wei's army is that the Wei's army is equipped with fine steel and bright armor. Seventy percent, a considerable part of which is leather armor.As for the troops with 100% Mingguang armor, in the Tang Dynasty, apart from the Modao Army, they were the Xuanjia Heavenly Soldiers, but the total number of the Modao Army and the Xuanjia Heavenly Soldiers was less than [-], which was already the limit of the national power of the Tang Dynasty.

Without the protection of armor, the defense ability of the Wei army is the same as that of the Jin army. It will hurt you if you get hit by an arrow, and you will die if you get hacked.

Fortunately, it was also the torrential rain, and the Jin army's crossbow machine was also unable to exert its power, otherwise the Wei army's end would definitely be even worse.Liu Peng quickly ordered the parts to shrink, but a more unfavorable situation reappeared.Under the leadership of Mi Li, the elite force of the Jin army, the Huben Army, came out.More and more Jin army generals killed at all costs, using death threats to control the panic situation.

"General, what should I do?"

Liu Peng's expression turned grim, "The Wei army only has generals who died in battle, and there are no generals who escaped."

Ran Ming's walking shaft, Ran Ming was wearing a light tunic, sitting in front of the desk.Ran Ming quietly stirred the tea soup in front of him, the fragrance of the tea fluttered faintly, changing gracefully in front of him.There was no expression on his face, as if there was nothing worthy of his attention.

However, those who are familiar with Ran Ming can definitely know.At this moment, Ran Ming only left behind a shell.His heart had already flown to Yecheng thousands of miles away.Although the war in Wuxi concerns the hearts of countless people, the north is still not peaceful, which is even more worrying.

Ran Ming raised his teacup, smelling the tempting fragrance of tea, he murmured: "Sima Dan will teach you how to be good today!"

Ran Ming was actually making two-handed preparations. First, he ordered the troops to attack the Jin army camp at night. It is gratifying to achieve a breakthrough, even if it fails, it can still attract the attention of Sima Dan in Wuxi City.Even if the professional army of later generations will suffer from a night attack, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.It's not bad to be able to display three or four achievements in normal combat power.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, our army did not take the form of night battles to defeat the strong with the weak.Based on the paper deduction of the General Staff Headquarters, the Jin army will collapse 100% if it is unprepared.Of course, Ran Ming and the staff headquarters did not fail to consider the Jin army's defenses. It's just that in that kind of weather, even if Sima Xi would not relax his vigilance, orders to reach the grassroots troops would probably be ignored.

It's just that Ran Ming and the staff headquarters never thought that the Wei army wanted to use the rainstorm to attack the Jin army at night.But He Qian also thought of this method.It can be said that it coincides with the plan of Ran Ming and the staff headquarters.Of course, this may be God's pity for Sima Dan.

However, Ran Mingke did not expect that the night attack troops could decide the fate of the two countries in one battle.Ran Ming's real ultimate move is the special operations team.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Helu, King of Wu, ordered Wu Zixu to dig a canal to transport the grain used for the conquest of Chu, leading to the Taihu Lake in the east and the Yangtze River in the west.In fact, the Xu River is also the earliest artificial canal in the world, more than 300 years earlier than the Daguo River, the earliest artificial river in Europe.The waterway transportation connecting the Qinhuai River to Taihu Lake and Nanjing was used from the Spring and Autumn Period to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was not until Sun Quan established his capital in Jiankang that the Xu River was manually dredged and reused.

In fact, the transportation capacity of the Xu River at this time is not as good as before. At this time, it can barely pass a thousand-stone boat, but this waterway is not deserted.Wu Laosan was originally a boatman on the Xudang River. He owned a black boat and usually carried some goods and merchants, but his life was decent.However, Wu Laosan was hired by a big wealthy businessman six days ago, and paid 20 yuan to hire him and his poncho boat. Although 20 yuan is not a large amount, it is enough to buy Wu Laosan's boat .According to the usual practice, Wu Laosan collected a deposit of [-] yuan, and then spent the money to renovate the boat. He was also afraid that something would happen halfway and delay the important affairs of the distinguished guests.

I finally got the news of the guest's trip today, but to Wu Laosan's surprise, the guest didn't seem like a merchant traveling north and south.Although this distinguished guest was also wearing a blue gown, he was also carrying four heavy suitcases.However, Wu Laosan is a veteran boatman who has been on the ship for more than 30 years after all, and his eyes are poisonous.First of all, this honored guest walks briskly and is extremely flexible.In addition, the dozen or so attendants around him were obviously ruthless characters. Although they tried their best to cover up, they couldn't avoid Wu Laosan's eyes.

What made Wu Laosan even more strange was that in such a heavy rain, ordinary merchants would not choose to travel. Even if the delivery date was too tight, it would be much safer to travel by land than by water.After all, the distinguished guests don't carry much goods, and at most two carriages can pull them all.However, Mr. Wu made so much money, he was a little bit sorry, and specially reminded the distinguished guest, "Guest officer, the weather is not easy, and the speed is also slow. Although it is only more than 100 miles, it is estimated that it may not be possible to reach the place in a day or two."

"Don't be afraid, we have plenty of time!"

Wu Laosan said: "If the guest officer is not in a hurry, then wait for the rain to stop before leaving. The little old man can't guarantee that nothing will go wrong when sailing in such weather!"

The distinguished guest said with a smile, "Let's sail in the rain and enjoy the scenery on both sides of Taihu Lake."

Wu Laosan was depressed. He really couldn't figure out what scenery there would be if he couldn't even see the shore of the lake under this kind of heavy rain.

However, Wu Laosan saw that the distinguished guest did not listen to persuasion, so he sailed on his own.At night, Wu Laosan found that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and his vision became more blurred. Although there were no hidden reefs or dangerous areas in Taihu Lake, sailing under such conditions would still be full of variables.Wu Laosan asked cautiously: "Guest officer, why don't we stop before we go!"

The guest suddenly asked, "How far is it from Wuxi now?"

Wu Laosan said: "From our Yixing (that is, Yixing in later generations), the Western Jin Dynasty established Yixing County in order to commend Zhou Qi (Zhou Chu's eldest son) Sanxing's contribution to suppress the chaos. But in the Song Dynasty, because Zhao Guangyi was taboo It was renamed the current Yixing.) There are still more than 120 miles away from Wuxi. If the wind is smooth, it will not be a problem to reach Wuxi in one day and one night. It’s just that the little old man is getting old and his physical strength is not good. I’m afraid he won’t be able to go overnight. It’s a hundred miles away.”

The distinguished guest said: "How about this, if we can reach Wuxi before dawn tomorrow, we will add more money, one hundred thousand more."

As soon as Wu Laosan heard this, he made up his mind.Now he still has four sons who are not married. In fact, they are already engaged, but the future in-laws want a gift, three sets of prestige.If he earns another [-] yuan, he will have these three heads, and it is possible to marry his fourth daughter-in-law into the family within this year.

Wu Laosan said: "But we have already agreed on the price. It is a bit unreasonable to add more money at this time."

A follower said: "My master is a rich man. I don't want to go to Wuxi to see the young master, so I am a little anxious. If the boatman can fulfill our master's wish, money is not a problem."

When Wu Laosan heard this, he felt better.He gritted his teeth secretly, and said to himself: "Fight!"

In fact, sailing a boat was a heavy physical activity in ancient times, and the older you get, the worse your physical strength will be. However, Wu Laosan worked hard, and his speed suddenly became much faster.But no matter how fast he is, he is no longer a young man. It is obviously impossible to rush a hundred miles away overnight.At this moment, the dozen or so attendants were also divided into two groups, and they helped Wu Laosan row the boat at one time.Although Wu Laosan is old, he has a lot of social experience, and gradually feels something is wrong.

Wuxi is now the emperor's temporary driving location, and martial law has already been imposed.And I heard that there is a war going on, so those who want to go to Wuxi at this time are obviously not doing business.Looking at the dozen or so attendants, it is obvious that they all have kung fu, and this is even less likely to be a peddler. If the peddlers all find such a good escort, they will definitely not make a profit.Wu Laosan thought about it again, and suddenly understood the intention of the distinguished guest.The distinguished guest must be because his son is trapped in Wuxi and cannot get out, and he is worried about his safety, so he sent a team to prepare for his son to leave Wuxi.

Thinking of this, Wu Laosan also felt relieved, feeling sorry for the parents of the world.

In fact, since Ran Ming was reborn, he had thought about forming a special team.It was only after getting familiar with the environment of this era that I discovered that the formation of special forces was far from achieving the strategic goals of future generations.After training, special forces members can be stronger than ordinary troops, and they can also adopt a solitary and in-depth combat method to attack mobile operations.But it is a bit of a joke to implement the strategic goal.What decapitation is simply a joke. Even after three or five years of training, special forces members can reach unimaginable heights, even more terrifying than the well-known special forces in later generations, but it is wild to think of any decapitation.First of all, let's talk about the emperor. Basically, he stays in the palace and doesn't come out.Unless it is a person with a confidant, there is no chance of getting close to a stone's throw.As for generals and officials, most of them are like this, not to mention that personal martial arts in this era are also very abnormal.Martial arts like Ran Min's is actually not an exception. Generals who can reach Ran Min's height in this time and space, Deng Xia and Zhou Chu in the Huan Wen camp, Zhang Su, Liang Cheng, Yang Ding, Deng Qiang in the Fu Jian camp, Jin The ugly Zhou Zhongsun under the command of emperor Sima Dan, and the guardian Tian Biao under the command of Xie Shi are all invincible.

It's not that such people can't be assassinated, it's just that it's very difficult to assassinate them.Instead of spending a lot of money to form such an army, it is better to directly recruit quack assassins.

(End of this chapter)

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