Chapter 908

Chapter 914

However, when Ran Ming reorganized the situation organization, he separated the action team at the sticky pole.There are no more than a hundred members of the action team. With such a small number of people, there must be no chance to touch Sima Dan's side.However, if there are large-scale troops to contain the army in Wuxi, it will be different.

The Jin army in the Huishan camp is Sima Dan's last family property, and he certainly doesn't want to see the Wei army wiped out in one fell swoop.So when Sima Dan in Wuxi City learned that Huishan was under attack and was about to collapse, he would definitely send all the troops around him to support Sima Xi.

This plan is the insurance measure taken by the staff department in response to Sima Dan's attack on Huishan.If the Huishan camp can mobilize the defenders in Wuxi City, or even Sima Dan's forbidden army to help, then there will be a short-term defense loophole around Sima Dan.In addition, Ran Ming had never resorted to assassination against Sima Dan, so Sima Dan would definitely be careless.

Even if there was a chance, Ran Ming didn't want to give up this opportunity.In Ran Ming's eyes, the battle between Jin and Wei was a civil war, not a national war at all, so if it can reduce casualties, try to reduce casualties as much as possible.Anyway, the Han people bleed too much, and they really can't stand the toss.

In fact, as early as five days ago, Ran Ming activated the secret work hidden in the Jin Dynasty.In addition to more than [-] members of the original action team at the stick, Ran Ming also mobilized three or four hundred heroes.Of course, Ran Ming has no idea how powerful these people are, and Ran Ming didn't order them to attack Sima Dan's palace, but ordered them to create chaos in the city and draw part of the Wuxi Jin army's energy, which is enough.

In the middle of the night, when Liu Peng's troops were still on the marching road, the action team at the sticky pole approached the west gate of Wuxi.

Wuxi is backed by Taihu Lake, has more than [-] naval troops to defend against water attacks, and nearly [-] Jin troops are in front. In this environment, it is no wonder that the Jin army guards are vigilant.At three o'clock, there was a sound of orderly footsteps from the water gate in the southwest of Wuxi.Of the fifty soldiers guarding the water gate, only two remained awake at their posts.

The two soldiers rubbed their astringent eyes and followed the voice, and were immediately frightened out of their wits.I saw a group of more than ten soldiers in silver armor, all dressed up as the Imperial Guards of the Jin Army, coming slowly.

The imperial guards of the Jin Dynasty were the emperor's personal guards, and they had the highest status among the armies. Even if it was a small soldier, his status was not necessarily worse than that of other troops.In particular, the county soldiers guarding the water gate have a lower status.This team of more than ten Imperial Guard soldiers hadn't arrived at the Shuimen sentry post, and the two defenders rushed to kowtow to salute.

The tall-looking man of the imperial guards has a very arrogant attitude. He directly said that he has a special mission and needs the cooperation of the guards of the water gate. Now let them gather the guards of the water gate.

The two uninformed defenders of the water gate didn't even look at the warrant, and ran directly to deliver the message.It's just that they just turned around when they suddenly felt a pain in their backs. When they turned their heads to look, they found that the long-looking man of the Imperial Guard had a murderous look on his face under the rain curtain.The dagger in his hand had been deeply inserted into the back of their hearts.After dealing with the two soldiers, they dispersed in battle formation and rushed towards the Water Gate garrison camp.

Needless to say, the dozen or so imperial guards are the secret work of Wei Guo, but the composition is relatively mixed.There are the "deaf and dumb" dead time in the past, and there are also the "sticky sticks" in detail. Naturally, they did not hesitate to expose in order to welcome the action team into the city and guide the target.

Unprepared for their mental calculations, more than a dozen secret agents dressed as Jin army imperial guards quietly killed the fifty guards guarding the water gate, and the heavy rain became their best cover.Just after the secret and clean assassination of the defenders, these secret workers turned the winch and raised the water gate.

Welcome the action team into the city.

Wu Laosan was secretly surprised when he saw that the people who welcomed the distinguished guests into the city were soldiers from the Imperial Guard.It seems that this distinguished guest's status is unusual, he can actually command the imperial guards, maybe his real identity is beyond words.

More than one hundred members of the action team gathered the secret workers in Wuxi City and quietly entered the city.Walking through the streets and alleys, I came to a very ordinary house, and there were three long and two short stinging sounds.After a while, the gate opened, and more than a hundred people entered quietly.

In the dimly lit room, an old man in a gorgeous Confucian shirt sat on the main seat.His gaze was a bit cold. Judging from the old man's demeanor, he was obviously well-educated. Judging from his calm but majestic demeanor, his status should not be low.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The old man looked at the captain of the action team, who didn't even know his name.The old man only knew that the code name of the person in charge of this operation was "Poisonous Wolf".The old man continued, "I can tell you responsibly that, as the most honorable person in the Jin Kingdom, his defense system is the strictest."

The poisonous wolf smiled lightly, playing with the knife in his hand, suddenly he thought of a sharp sword, and strode forward to approach the old man: "The difficulty is very high, and this is why we came to seek your cooperation at the risk of being exposed. If it was such an easy thing to do, you or we would have started it long ago, right? The reason why we are sitting here to talk about this cooperation is because we cannot complete this operation alone."

The old man said: "The old man can provide you with convenience, but there are not many opportunities to get close to him. Although the old man can see him, he can only meet him in person. Compared with it, it is much easier to act now. Wuxi Xinggong said yes The palace is just a bigger house. Compared with the real palace, this palace is full of loopholes. This is the blueprint of the palace and the location of the fixed sentries. Of course, the floating sentries and secret sentries are not within the reach of this old man. Something. This heavy rain will relax the vigilance in the palace. In half an hour, the old man will meet him. The old man can bring eight guards, a groom, and nine people into the stables of the palace. But this is only Perimeter, this is the closest distance that this old man can help you get close to him."

The old man pointed to the blueprint and said, "The stable is separated from the imperial garden by a wall. There is an underground water channel in the stable. This underground water channel is connected to the underground water channel of the imperial dining room."

Poisonous wolf said: "Everyone who comes to the imperial dining room is a worthless target, and it is impossible for us to do something in the imperial dining room." Poisonous wolf pointed to the blueprint and said: "From the imperial dining room to the imperial study room, you have to go through at least three checkpoints, and There are thirty guards in the imperial dining room. It is very difficult for us to guarantee that the guards will not be disturbed."

The old man smiled leisurely, pointed to the blueprint and said, "This is the exit of an underground waterway, and this is the pond in the back garden. The distance between the two is twenty steps. In such a heavy rain, quickly get out of the underground waterway and then dive into the water. The area of ​​this pond is about six or seven acres, isn’t it very big? However, the imperial study room is only thirty steps away from the pond, and the hall for the temporary court meeting is only fifty steps away. Only five steps away."

"As long as you successfully dive into the water, the matter will be more than half successful!" The old man said: "He has a very good relationship with Empress Lu. Except for staying overnight in the imperial study, he usually spends the night with Empress Lu, and he hardly visits other concubines. concubine."

"And then?" Poisonous Wolf said: "How can we enter the underground waterway without anyone noticing, without alerting the guards in the stables. There are no less than fifty people here."

Before the old man answered, a member of the action team wearing the uniform of the Imperial Guard said: "There is a hut here, and a low wall, which can block the guard's sight, quickly enter the haystack, and enter the underground waterway from the haystack."

The poisonous wolf said again: "Your bodyguards or grooms must go in and out there often, so they will be familiar with the people there. We are all new faces. I am afraid that if we are not close to the palace, it will arouse the suspicion of others! Even if Yirong, as long as he talks, he will show his feet. What's more, the guards will rest in the outer rooms according to the order, and the only one who can enter the stables is the groom."

The old man said: "The old man's carriage has a dark box, if you are short in stature, you can hide two people."

"Two people?" Poisonous Wolf gritted his teeth and said, "As long as we can sneak in, hold him as a hostage, and let the imperial guards attack the rats, we can succeed."

The old man said: "It will be very difficult for the two of you to control him! There are at least four masters around him, and that kind of Mu Lang, it's simply unfathomable. Anyway, the old man thinks it's too risky. There is only one chance, if you fail, you will have no chance to act again."

"This reflects the important role of the new secret weapon I brought." Poisonous Wolf put a small box on the table with a smile, pointed to it with a smile and said: "This time our plan is very detailed, Two people can get the job done."

"What is this?" The old man asked Poisonous Wolf with a puzzled expression.

Poisonous Wolf opened the small box, revealing a black sphere the size of an egg inside.Then he proudly picked up one and said with a smile: "This is the latest bomb we developed. Although it is small, its power is not small. The explosive power of one bomb is equivalent to a catty of black powder. The open flame is lit, and there is a fuse on it, as long as you pull it lightly, it will explode at most five breaths."

"It's so small, is this thing useful?"

Poisonous Wolf laughed and said, "This is a recent invention of the empire, and its power has long been tested."

This matter was obtained by accident.Ran Ming created a series of rainbow brocades by chemically dyeing cloth.The businessmen of this era saw that Ran Ming used the holding technique to obtain a lot of benefits through innovation, which made these businessmen very envious, so they began to recruit craftsmen themselves, and improved the formula while producing.Not unknowingly produced picric acid.Ran Ming accidentally found out that the merchants of Wei State used picric acid to dye cloth, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Ran Ming was most dissatisfied with the low power of black powder. He had long thought of making more powerful gunpowder.Although he knew that dynamite was composed of picric acid and mercuric, he was not as familiar with the specific ingredients as black powder.Lei Mercury is better, the Taoist has already made it out.Thunderbolt is formed by the action of mercury (mercury) and nitric acid to produce mercury nitrate, and then mercury nitrate is reacted with ethanol to produce gray mercury.When a small amount of hydrochloric acid and copper are added in the reaction process, the obtained erythromal is burry mercury.And thunder mercury is also applied to the grenade of black powder.

Now that picric acid has been discovered, the conditions for developing dynamite are ripe.Firearms can be further improved with the acquisition of TNT.I don't think it's a musket or a shotgun, but when facing a crossbow, it doesn't have any advantage.The only advantage is that you can use the sound to scare the enemy.This kind of thing was okay at first, but it didn't work when it encountered the Jin army or the Shu army in Huanwen.Without psychological deterrence, gunpowder weapons have become tasteless.

Ran Ming didn't equip cannons vigorously. In fact, he didn't like the power of cannons. Cannons that use black powder to launch stone-core bullets are not as powerful as heavy trebuchets and ballistas. They are too weak in terms of distance and power.But the manufacturing cost of artillery is very high.Even Ran Ming couldn't afford it, but it would be different if he had dynamite, especially if he mixed with dynamite, he could develop explosive bombs.Instead of using the method of igniting the fuze like black powder, at this time, whether it is the ballista shells or rockets, they have to face a very big problem.That is, the sensitivity of the fuze is too poor. It is not that the fuze is too long, and it will not explode when it hits the ground. The enemy can quickly escape the explosion range, thereby reducing losses.Otherwise, it explodes too fast, and explodes in the air, which is equivalent to giving the enemy a free firework.

When the dynamite is in a dry state, even the slightest friction or impact can cause an explosion.In this way, the development of flowering bullets and the reserve of metal bullets have matured. Although there are many difficulties to be overcome, Ran Ming has already seen the dawn of victory.

After the discussion, Poisonous Wolf still decided to act.If this operation is successful, the battle between Wei and Jin can be quickly ended, so that the unification of Wei can be completed and unnecessary casualties can be reduced.

In Huishan camp, the situation of Wei Jun's night attack troops is getting more and more dangerous.And He Qian finally breathed a sigh of relief, but just after He Qian breathed a sigh of relief, the situation on the scene suddenly changed.

Liu Peng was already fighting on the front line at this time, even as the general of the whole army, he even personally killed one of He Qian's dead soldiers, but the situation became more and more dangerous.Just when Liu Peng was about to despair, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head.He raised his voice and shouted: "Clouds follow dragons, wind follows tigers, fame and wealth, dust and earth!"

Seeing that Liu Peng actually sang the military song of the Wei army, the soldiers who followed Liu Peng couldn't help but sang, "Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and the fertile land for thousands of miles is barren."

The more Liu Peng sang, the more excited he became, and his voice became more and more loud.More and more soldiers of the Wei army sang along, "Look at the world, they are all barbarians, and the law of heaven is broken. Everyone makes up for it."

The generals and soldiers of the Wei army who were fighting hard heard this song and unknowingly perked up, and then they sang along.In fact, the creation background of the Red Scarf Army song is similar to that of the period of the Five Husbands and China. It is also the sinking of China and the rampage of Hulu.The Han people were reduced to horses and cattle, and they were slaughtered.The Yuan Dynasty was talked about by people in later generations, and they didn't know this history of blood and tears of the Han people.We don't know how serious the Yuan Dynasty oppressed the Han people and how cruel the Yuan Dynasty was.According to the "Yuan Decree" records: "When the Mongolians fight with the Han people, the Han people should not report back, and they are allowed to sue in the Yousi." When the Mongols killed the Han people, they were usually punished with several sticks or military service to pay for their crimes.Conversely, if the Han people beat the Mongols to death, they would all be executed to make up for their crimes, regardless of the reason, and their property would be confiscated and handed over to the Mongols.

"Good man, don't leave your parents, just for the common people and not for the Lord."

Singing here, everyone in the Wei army has a raging flame, and this fire is getting stronger and stronger.

"Kill!" Although the bodies of Wei Jun's soldiers are getting more and more tired, even though they desperately need rest, their fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger at this moment.

The loud and clear military songs sounded in the night sky, and the generals of the Wei Army remembered their responsibilities and missions in their heads, and began to fight desperately.Although extremely exhausted, it affected the combat effectiveness.But the soldiers of the Wei army did not hesitate to die with the enemy.

I saw the other party singing songs with weird tones, and his momentum changed drastically, and he showed more fearlessness. Several times, He Qian saw that even if the other party's soldiers suffered several wounds and broke their intestines, they would not be afraid of death. Still fighting endlessly.The weird song was easy to understand, and He Qian could easily understand the meaning, and he couldn't help feeling an inexplicable feeling and a little fear in his heart.

He Qian's troops are all He's begging army, and He Qian's ancestral home is Donghai County.Its jurisdiction is in the south of Linyi City, Shandong Province and the northeastern part of Jiangsu Province, and belongs to the Xuzhou Governor's Department.Of course, this is not important. What is important is that since Yongjia, this place has been the forefront of the fight against Hu.Wei Jun's singing evokes the memory buried deep in the heart of He Qian's troops.

"I am a masculine man, why is Hu Er a horse and an ox?"

Unexpectedly, soldiers from He Qian's tribe also sang along, and more and more soldiers retreated slowly.A dead man is not afraid of death, but only afraid of whether death is worth it.

All the dead soldiers of He Qian's tribe were from He's begging army.Although the Qihuo Army is a military group with no political opinions, it also participated in the melee of Sima Yue, Gou Xi, Wang Jun and other army town warlords at the beginning of its activity.With the passage of time, the social contradictions evolved from the original aristocratic family annexing the land to the contradiction between Hu and Han, and the begging army became the backbone of the resistance against Hu.

(End of this chapter)

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