Chapter 911
Chapter 917

Sima Dan was not reconciled, but also very helpless.What his father left him was a mess, with powerful officials inside and powerful enemies outside. In Sima Dan's heart, he gave everything for this country. Now he is very tired and wants to be relieved.

From Jianghuai to Bashu, from the beginning of the war to the present, cities and territories have been lost successively, teachers have been lost and the country has been humiliated successively.Sima Dan felt that he was an outcast from heaven.

Thinking of this, Sima Dan seemed a little indifferent.He suddenly said: "I am the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven has the way of death of the Son of Heaven. I am not a tyrant, and all the ministers listen to the decree. I have engraved an engraving on Prince Yun, Wang Yu of Jin Kuaiji is the Taifu of the King of Wu, and Wang Xi of Wuling is the King of Yue and Taiwei. Assisting the new king can ascend."

In terms of entanglement, no one is more entangled than Chu Suanzi at this time.On one side is the only biological son, on the other side is the family and country, the expectation of her husband.No matter what kind of choice it is, for Chu Suanzi, it is heartbreaking.

Chu Suanzi was frowning, not because she didn't make up her mind, but because she really didn't know how to choose.Sima Dan is the only son and only child of Chu Suanzi. As a mother, Chu Suanzi feels that he owes Sima Dan too much.Chu Suanzi didn't know when he heard the rumor that Jin Dan can strengthen the body, cure diseases, and keep fit without diseases.In this way, Sima Dan took a lot of elixir for Sima Dan's good Chu Suanzi since he was a child. Facts have proved that this elixir not only cannot cure diseases, but is a kind of poisonous poison.Almost killed Sima Dan, but fortunately Ran Ming appeared and avoided this tragedy in time.Chu Suanzi blamed himself very much for doing bad things with good intentions, and felt very guilty towards Sima Dan.

Sima Yue's time as emperor was too short, he only became emperor for one year and three months with all his efforts.There was no time to cultivate confidants and establish prestige. When the young Sima Dan came to the throne, he was basically a big mess.In fact, the only reason why Sima Yue became emperor was also related to Yu Bing, the power minister.Yu Bing is a powerful official in the Eastern Jin Dynasty after Wang Dao, and Sima Yue's uncle.At that time, Sima Pi and Sima Yi, the two sons of Emperor Cheng of Jin, were young and still in their infancy.Because his brother has been in charge of the government for a long time, Yu Bing is afraid that after the emperor changes, the relationship between himself and the emperor's relatives will become more distant, so he is alienated by others. Emperor Cheng of Jin asked Sima Yue to be the heir to the throne, and Emperor Cheng of Jin agreed, so he issued an imperial edict to make Sima Yue the heir to the throne.During Sima Yue's reign, the power of the imperial court was basically controlled by Yu's group.Fortunately, Sima Dan was still young, and Yu Bing died of illness, otherwise Sima Dan would definitely become a puppet like Sima Yue.

Although Yu Bing and Yu Yi died of illness one after another, the Yu family launched Yu Aizhi, the son of Yu Yi, to inherit the political legacy of the Yu family.The result was good. Although the Yu family's political influence was successfully eliminated, Huan Wen was troubled by raising tigers.

Sima Dan is also very smart. Since he took office, he has not only been diligent and studious, but also very pragmatic and rigorous.Faced with the overbearing and aggressive Wei He and powerful officials and gentry elites, Sima Dan was not fooled by these old foxes, although his political methods were relatively immature.It not only developed Lingnan, increased the fiscal revenue of the court, reduced the burden on the people, and trained new troops, all of which achieved gratifying results.You must know that since the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Emperor Sima had no elite troops directly under the imperial court.Sima Dan took advantage of the fact that the landlords of the common clan desperately needed political status to win over the landlords of the common clan to fight against the noble clan. At the same time, with the help of Chu Lianzi, Sima Dan gradually regained power and stabilized the imperial power.

Chu Suanzi is also very satisfied with this son. If it weren't for this sudden war, Sima Dan would definitely become the greatest emperor in the history of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Facing Sima Dan who was being held hostage, Chu Suanzi was very angry at this time. Chu Suanzi had already found out the factors that led to this war. Never die, so as to achieve Huan Wen's goal of dominating Bashu.It's just a pity that Huan Wen didn't expect Wei Guo's determination to be so strong, and Huan Wen could be regarded as lifting a rock and hitting his own foot at this moment.

At this moment, an eunuch quickly came to Chu Suanzi's side with his unique small steps, shattering Chu Suanzi's painful memories.

"Queen Mother, the slaves have already found out. These assassins used the carriage of the Marquis of Jianchang to successfully infiltrate the palace, and then sneaked into the Queen's temporary bedroom through the underground waterway of the stables of the Double Palace." Having said this, Chu Suanzi immediately called Decided: "You mean this matter is related to the Marquis of Jianchang County?"

The eunuch said: "It must be related. After the assassin succeeded, a large number of masters poured out from the marquis' mansion in Jianchang County, ready to meet the assassin. Now the right guard general Yin Kang has repelled them."

Chu Suanzi said: "Is it possible that the Marquis of Jianchang County was framed?"

The eunuch said: "I'm afraid this is impossible. You must know that the confidantes of the Marquis of Jianchang have often been in contact with mysterious people recently. If the shadow had no evidence, I'm afraid they would have done it long ago."

In fact, Suanzi didn't care about it, she already believed it.Even if the Marquis of Jianchang County was not the mastermind, he was at least an accomplice.Chu Suanzi considered it from a political point of view, and Wang Yun, Hou Wangyun of Jianchang County, had a motive for committing the crime.Since Director Wang, the Langya Wang Clan has actually begun to decline.Although it occupies the right general, the rear general and a large number of high-ranking officials.It's just that the Wang's children no longer check the government affairs.Like the great calligrapher Wang Youjun and Wang Xizhi, not only did he never fight a single battle, he didn't even have many repertoires of General You.The person with real power in the Wang family is none other than General Zuo, Jianchang County Marquis Wang Yun. At this time, Wang Yun's second son, Wang Gong, was the former general, and his third son, Wang Shuang, was the general of Ningshuo.

Wang Yun is very good at making money. When Sima Dan was not married, Wang Yun wanted to marry Sima Dan.In fact, Wang Yun had a daughter who became a queen in history, that is, Wang Fahui, the queen of Emperor Xiaowu of Jin Dynasty.However, Wang Yun was still not satisfied, and wanted to restore the prosperity of the Wang family during Wang Dao's period.

It is enough to have only one Wang Dao in history, and the major noble families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were also feared by the Wang family. If the Wang family wanted to stand up again, it would almost become a public enemy.If you want to be an official or a noble, you can give it, and you can give it especially.But the real power is not given.Chu Suanzi was also extremely angry at the moment, and said: "Why are you still standing there, arresting all the people in Jianchang County."

The eunuch said: "Reporting to the Empress Dowager, except for the Marquis of Jianchang County, no one else is in Wuxi City. Three days ago, the former general left Wuxi on the grounds of inspecting the military equipment and has not returned. Ning General Shuo Wang Shuang also brought his family members yesterday, bribed the captain of the city gate, and left Wuxi."

Just after saying this, the eunuch immediately felt the majesty of Chu Suanzi, and as a result, five bloody handprints appeared on the eunuch's face.

"Trash, wouldn't you be vigilant about this kind of thing?" Chu Suanzi said angrily, "Having a dog can bite people at a critical moment. You are even worse than a dog. I'm so angry and sad."

At this moment, the battle at the Huishan Camp came to an end.No matter how strong Liu Peng's troops are, they are at the end of their strength.They lost the ability to continue the attack, the soldiers were too tired and needed rest too much.At this time, He Qian, who had already received a shocking change in Wuxi, hurriedly led the army back to Wuxi City, and Captain Huben Mili almost made the same choice, but he was still a little bit conscientious, leaving behind the queen of the trilogy, so that Sima Xi had Time to calmly contain the caged troops.

Occupying the entire front battalion, Liu Peng has no chance to continue to expand his achievements.He only occupied one-third of the Jin army's camp in Huishan, guarding the key passage between the front camp and the middle camp, and then ordered his troops to clean up the battlefield, treat the wounded, count the battle damage and collect the equipment left over from the Jin army's front camp and supplies, the whole army rests.

However, what made Liu Peng feel unbelievable was that the successor troops of the Wei army had not followed up in time, which caused great losses to Liu Peng's troops.Almost [-] soldiers were killed in battle, and the battalion was almost full of wounded soldiers. There were more than [-] soldiers in the whole army. At this moment, only [-] people were unscathed.

Seeing the report of the battle damage, Liu Peng even wanted to die at this moment.Liu Peng said helplessly: "It seems that we have become abandoned children."

"How is it possible..." Hearing this, Jia Xin, the only surviving Lieutenant Quan of the three combat battalions under Liu Peng's command, almost jumped up. He was stunned by the news.

"Listen to what I have to say." Liu Peng waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty is actually worried about the situation in Yecheng, because he is afraid that our army will be followed by the Jin army when we retreat. You must know that the two armies face off, and the casualties are the heaviest. In fact, it is not the confrontation between the two armies, nor is it the attack on the fortified city, but in the process of pursuit. In this way, His Majesty and the General Staff Headquarters formulated a plan and ordered me to launch the attack overnight. If it succeeds, that is of course good. Even if it fails Now, the main force of the army can also retreat to Jingkou, and with the fortifications of Jingkou, even if the Jin army goes northward with all its strength, it will not be easy to win."

At this moment, Liu Peng smiled, looked at the battalion full of wounded soldiers with his hands behind his back, and looked at the rain that was gradually getting smaller: "Don't be angry, and don't be angry. In fact, this is the most important strategy. Our country of Wei Facing the best opportunity and the most favorable situation, they are about to win the final victory, unify the world, and give the people a stable life. It's just a pity that some people are just stubborn and just want to get out of the fire. Don't they I don’t know, because of their selfishness, the soldiers will shed more blood, and countless innocent people will die in vain.”

Jia Dao said, "Is there no other way?"

Liu Peng said: "Actually, it's not impossible. It's a mess now. We want to change, but our strength is too weak. Although the overall combat effectiveness of the Jin army is too weak, they still have tens of thousands of troops, as well as Guang, Hunan, and Ningxia. , and the fertile soil of the four prefectures, millions of people."

Jia Dao said: "Although we are abandoned by the General Staff, I am not willing to be such an abandoned child."

Liu Peng said: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Jia Dao said: "So many brothers have died, and there is no meaning for me to live. Your Majesty must suppress the rebellion in Yecheng as soon as possible, otherwise the Great Wei will be destroyed. But we can't take advantage of Jin for nothing. We will not retreat, not only will we not retreat, we will continue to attack. We are like a nail nailed to the south of the Yangtze River. If we win, we will be the great heroes of Wei, and the peace and prosperity will come one day sooner. If We lost, we are also the martyrs of Wei, His Majesty will not treat our family members badly."

"Okay, no matter whether we win or lose, the chances of us surviving will be very slim." Liu Peng said, "We still have 2000 remnants. Let's downsize the troops and take the [-] troops who are still fighting and some lightly wounded soldiers." Group them together to form a battalion, and you will be the captain, while other heavy casualties will be organized into a supply battalion, and I will also serve as the captain."

The vigorous reorganization began. Jia Xin and Liu Peng personally explained the real situation to the soldiers in the army, telling them that if they retreat at this time, they will be in vain for the Jin State, and those brothers who died in battle will die in vain.Anyone who is afraid of death can withdraw now, they are not considered deserters.

In fact, Liu Peng had already made up his mind. Although his trilogy suffered a lot of losses, he was not without the power to fight.In particular, almost all the soldiers are the elite of the Wei state, with excellent tactics and strong combat effectiveness.Perhaps in the face of the Jin army, it is not without the power to fight.If they avoided the main force of the Jin army and specifically attacked the Jin army's supply line, the Jin army's second-line army would definitely not be able to stop their offensive.Using the equipment and supplies of the Jin army, they can fight to support the battle.

The elite troops of the State of Wei are not only extremely powerful, but they have already been ideologically educated, and they are extremely loyal to the State of Wei and Ran Ming. Fortunately, the front camp of the Jin army was defeated too quickly, and most of the weapons were left on the front camp. The reason is that the grains burned by the gunpowder explosion and incendiary bombs were not completely burned. In this way, Liu Peng's troops can still collect a little grain.Although there is not much food, it is still possible to feed the soldiers in the troops.

After eating enough, the soldiers of the Wei Army began to reorganize. The soldiers of the Wei Army have always been led by officers in battle. Therefore, in the combat effectiveness of grassroots officers such as Corporal Chief, Shi Chief, Duizheng, Dubo, and Junwai, the death rate is extremely high. Losing these officers It is both a disadvantage and an advantage.At least those soldiers who have made meritorious service in the army have been promoted.Some were corporal leaders yesterday, but are Dubos now.The most outrageous thing is that after the reorganization, the Sima of the front department is only the original chief.Shichang is equivalent to the squad leader in the army of later generations, and Bu Sima is equivalent to the head of a field army commanding 1000 people.This speed of promotion can only appear in fierce battles.

After Jia Xin reorganized the troops, he immediately ordered the original uninjured and now recovered soldiers to form a reconnaissance song. These new forces carried out oppressive armed reconnaissance against the Jin army.Taking advantage of the Jin army's defeat, the army's morale was unstable, and prepared to disrupt the deployment of the Jin army.To confuse the Jin army, if the Jin army knows that they are just a lone army without backup, the Jin army will definitely eat them.If they did not retreat, but launched an offensive aggressively, the Jin army would not be able to know the true strength of the Wei army.

The southwest of Huishan is the main traffic road between Huishan Camp of the Jin Army and Wuxi, and Yining Temple is located here.The entire temple covers an area of ​​4380 square meters.The main buildings are Shanmen, Guodian, Daxiong Hall, and West flower arrangement building.Yining Temple is one of the oldest temples in China. It was originally Wang Xizhi's residence.Because Chu Suanzi destroyed Taoism and promoted Buddhism, Wang Xizhi donated this house.It's just that due to the war, the monks here ran away early, and the Jin army stationed an army at this time.

At the back gate of Yining Temple, a soldier of the Jin army was looking around. Since the Huishan camp had just suffered a major defeat and lost more than 1 troops, Yining Temple became a lot nervous.A sharp horizontal knife went around from behind and stuck to the Jin sentry's neck.The sentry who was looking around immediately widened his eyes, but he didn't dare to make any sound.He didn't know how the enemy got out from behind him.

Soon a scout from the state of Wei, who had smeared his face with dye to look like a ghost, stuck his head out from behind. He ignored the terrified expression of the sentry of the Jin army and asked directly, "Which part of the army do you belong to? how many people?"

"I am a soldier of Wang Liujun's guard army. I am stationed here on the left side of the guard army. There are a thousand soldiers in total. I will tell you everything I know! Please, don't kill me..." The young Jin The Chinese soldier cried and begged.

The so-called Wang Liujun actually refers to the army of the Son of Heaven in general, like the founding emperor of the Wei Kingdom, Ran Min, who placed Tunqi (heavy cavalry), Yueqi (light cavalry), Shesheng (bowmen) and Zhongba (heavy cavalry) among his direct descendants. Installed infantry) infantry, Changshui (water army) as the sixth army of the king of Wei.However, although the system of the Jin State also has six armies, it uses the leader, guard, left and right guards, Xiaoqi, and guerrilla as the "six armies".

As the emperor's pro-army of Wang Liujun, it is inevitable that there will be such a thing that has not been fought for a long time, and although the equipment is good, the combat effectiveness is low.The sentinel of the Wei army got the information he wanted, and with a slight force of his finger, the horizontal knife cut the throat of the Jin army soldier, and blood gushed out, but the Jin army guard soldier couldn't make any sound.Every breath and attempt to cry out caused more blood to spurt from the slit throat, and soon the armor on his chest was soaked with his own blood.

The soldier of the Jin State Guard covered his throat with his hands, struggling helplessly, his feet kept kicking, and the spear in his hand had been thrown aside.The scout from the state of Wei had no expression on his face, and wiped the sharp horizontal knife on the still struggling body of the guard of the Jin army.

(End of this chapter)

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