Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 912 The Wrath of the Son of Heaven

Chapter 912 The Wrath of the Son of Heaven

Chapter 918 The Wrath of the Son of Heaven

The scouts of the State of Wei signed "action" sign language to their companions who were hiding in the distance. A group of scouts of the State of Wei bent forward quickly, quickly climbed over the trench of the Jin army, and then gently moved away. Ma, using the diffuse rain and fog, completed the siege of Yining Temple.

As far as the Jin army in Yining Temple is concerned, the security is actually not that tight.Although the Wei army launched a night attack, the Jin army's Huishan camp was killed and screamed.The Jin guards stationed at Yining Temple also got up urgently to prepare for the battle after hearing the order.It's just that until now, the large-scale defeat of the Jin army did not rush through their defense zone.Just when the scouts of the State of Wei were about to attack, they stopped suddenly, because a group of patrolling guard soldiers came over talking and laughing. The scouts didn't want to alarm the Jin army too early, so they jumped into Yining Temple quickly Hiding in the surrounding bushes.

In this patrol team of about ten people, suddenly a soldier walked out of the neat formation, walked towards the bushes, and unbuttoned his belt.It seems that they want to "open the gate and release the water" here.

For this unexpected situation, it is obviously not the best time to do it.The Wei State scouts had already received special training, let alone peeing, even fire reconnaissance, they would not be able to move.The Jin army soldier inserted the spear in his hand lightly into the ground, and opened the gate to release the water.However, just when the guard of the Jin army urinated on the head of a scout from the state of Wei, an accident happened.When the urinating soldier of the Jin army guard was wearing his trouser belt, he accidentally touched a spear stuck on the ground, and the spear fell sideways.The Jin army soldier didn't want his spear to get muddy, so he reached out to grab the spear that was about to fall to the ground. Due to the excessive movement and the slippery ground, his body lost his balance.The Jin army soldier couldn't help but rushed towards the bushes.

The soldiers of the Jin army who fell freely fell into the bushes, and naturally found the scouts of the state of Wei hidden below. At this time, the scouts of the state of Wei moved, and a dagger was inserted into the arm of the soldier of the Jin army without a sound. Eye sockets, and at this time he also let out a shrill scream.

It's just a pity that instead of arousing the vigilance of the Jin army patrol team, this scream caused a burst of laughter.

In terms of familiarity with the human body, the scouts of Wei State have already reached the point of perfection.The speed and method of their killing are probably inferior to professional killers. It may be difficult for him to assassinate the emperor of Jin, but it is really overkill to deal with the sentinels of the Jin army.

At this moment, the patrol laughed even more wildly.Some gloated and said, "Wang Biaozi, you are such a fucking stupid pig. You can urinate flowers."

Seeing that the soldier named Wang Biaozi was silent, someone laughed and scolded: "Wang Biaozi, you fucking fell to your death like this!"

It's just that the soldiers of the Jin army patrol team couldn't laugh immediately. Many Wei scouts quietly pulled out their daggers or horizontal knives. The coherent movements were like flowing water. In an instant, the patrol soldiers gradually turned into cold corpses. .

Five hundred scouts rushed towards the military station guarded by the guards of Yining Temple, and soon a cold voice came: "You are surrounded, surrender or die..."

Although the news of Sima Dan's kidnapping was blocked by Chu Suanzi's order, the secret did not last long.Soon the famous people in the whole city knew the news.

Some ministers were heartbroken, some sighed, and some were murderous.Most of them want to seek greater benefits for themselves through this accident.

Although the Sima family was the son of heaven in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in fact, in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, neither the gentry who moved south to the north nor the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River regarded the emperor as the real son of heaven.At the beginning of the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was the product of a compromise between the southern gentry and the northern soldiers.Even if Emperor Ming Sima Shao was emperor for two years, then the four-year-old baby Sima Yan became emperor, and Empress Dowager Yu assisted in the government.The role of Eastern Jin emperors in the court was very limited.

The Yu family in Yingchuan is a very small family among the gentry, but in the hands of Yu Liang, a big family has completed a qualitative leap.The rise of the Yu family in Yingchuan actually relied not on Wenzhi or martial arts, but on relatives.After Jin Yuan Emperor Sima Rui crossed the river, he established the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Yu Liang was the general of the town army, Xi Caozhu.Xi Caoyu is a subordinate official of the seventh rank, which is equivalent to the secretary-general of the division level in later generations.

This Yu Liang was very good at making camps, and in addition to the chaotic political situation at that time, there were many conflicts between the northern and southern gentry, neither the northern gentry nor the southern gentry would allow the child of a big family to become a queen.Therefore, the Yingchuan Yu family, whose family status is not prominent, became the product of the compromise between the northern and southern gentry.After Yu Wenjun gave birth to Sima Yan and Sima Yue, the Yu family in Yingchuan began to develop.The Yingchuan Yu family, which has no background, has become one of the four major political families after the Langya Wang family, and is on par with the Longkanghuan family and the Chenjun Xie family.

If Sima Dan died, the one who benefited the most was not the State of Wei, but the Lu family of Wu County.

In particular, there was a green light in Lu Na's eyes.Sima Dan was young and waited for the base, and Chu Suanzi temporarily listened to the government behind the curtain. If it weren't for the fact that the Chu family had no outstanding figures, and Chu Suanzi had very little desire for power, instead of supporting the Chu family, she suppressed the Chu family's children.Compared with the Chu family who has no outstanding children, the Lu family has much more resources.The Lu family has great influence in Wu County and even the eight counties of Xuyang, and there are many outstanding children.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Similarly, a family that does not dominate a first-class wealthy family is not a good family.When Lu Na heard the news that Sima Dan was being held hostage, he didn't panic, and he didn't try every means to rescue Sima Dan. Instead, he prepared for Sima Dan's accident and dealt with the aftermath.

As the current head of state, Lu Na has far more news than ordinary people. Even if it is Xiao Lezi's shocking plan, Lu Na is also one of the only insiders.He is very much in favor of Sima Dan's practice of exchanging space for time.This may be the only way out.Now Wei Guo does not think that the offensive is very fierce. As the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, let alone Yangzhou, Lu Na is also a person who understands military affairs.It's just that he has already seen that this sudden rainstorm will cause a lot of difficulties for Wei Guo.

Ran Ming, the emperor of Wei, will definitely withdraw his troops soon.Because Ran Ming couldn't afford to delay, even if Ran Ming wanted to gather and annihilate the Jin army in Huishan, the Jin army could continue to retreat southward.Ran Ming would suffer heavy losses because he missed the best opportunity to suppress the rebellion.

Once the Wei army retreats, it will not be possible to do it in a short time if they want to attack south.Because this involves the issue of national power, if Ran Ming wants to gather an army of millions, even if Ran Ming and Ran Zhi lose both sides, Ran Ming still has the ability to do it.It's just that it is not so easy to get the money and food to support the Wei army's southern expedition.

And the state of Jin passed the development of Lingnan, and has already explored a way of development.This road is to constantly encircle and suppress the Baiyue aborigines, and use the captured aboriginal slaves to develop the land, which not only develops financial resources for the gentry, but also trains the army.Even if this kind of development has been completed in the three prefectures of Guangzhou, Ningxia, and Hunan, they can still continue to develop, and if not, they can develop to Borneo.

Lu Na also wanted to be the savior of Jin State like Yu Liang, and use his ability to save the fate of Jin State.At least Lu Na can make the Lu family a super-rich family, like the Langya Wang family, sharing the world with the Sima family.Didn't Beijia always look down on herself?It's time to make you look good again.

However, Lu Na did not move.As an old politician, he knew very well that if Chu Suanzi got annoyed at this time, that old woman would go crazy.No one knows whether the crazy Chu Suanzi will expose the sky.

As for Wang Yun, the Marquis of Jianchang County at this time, he regretted it so much that he regretted it. If there is regret medicine, let him buy it without hesitation.

It's just a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

Just when the officials of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, the emperor Sima Dan did something that no one could have imagined.He ordered the two kings Sima Yu and Sima Xi to assist the young prince and wait for the foundation.Before he stopped for a long time, he shouted like a madman: "Since the first emperor, there has not been any emperor who has died without a whole body. Let me do this for the first time."

Poisonous Wolf also sensed that something was wrong, but he really didn't expect Sima Dan to pull the trigger string of the bomb by himself.

Looking at the smoking bomb, Poisonous Wolf was frightened out of his wits.

Seeing Sima Dan getting more and more agitated, Poisonous Wolf realized something was wrong.Under the watchful eyes of the group of enemies, even though Poisonous Wolf held Sima Dan as a heavyweight hostage, Poisonous Wolf still didn't dare to be careless.

Watching Sima Dan pull the fuse of the bomb by himself, Poisonous Wolf's heart jumped out of fright.This yellow explosive has not yet been officially put into mass production, of course because the chemical formula is not scientific.Although it is an experimental weapon, Poisonous Wolf is very aware of the power of this bomb.Because the delay is too short, there is only three breaths, so it is impossible to throw bombs made of yellow explosives with ballistas or trebuchets.Even if it is thrown manually, it needs to be a well-trained veteran to ensure that it will not blow itself up.

When the fuze was pulled, Murang growled like a wounded beast: "Don't!"

Without any consideration, Poisonous Wolf casually threw the unfused bomb at the window, and with a loud "boom", the bomb exploded.The entire window, made of hardwood, was immediately shattered.The shock wave of the bomb rolled up scattered fragments and swept down a group of soldiers of the Jin Kingdom Guards who were on guard around the windows.

A piece of broken masonry flew directly to Sima Dan's position, and Sima Dan, who had been in battle for a long time, was stunned by the tragic scene in front of him. He instinctively wanted to bend down to avoid it, but found that his The body seemed unable to move.Just as Sima Dan was waiting to die with his eyes closed, a black shadow rushed forward.This black shadow was none other than Mu Lang, a master of Jin State. Seeing that Sima Dan was in danger, Mu Lang no longer had any scruples.In the eyes of an extreme expert like him, it doesn't matter whether he has a weapon in his hand or not. Even with just his hands, he has more than a hundred ways to kill the poisonous wolf.

It's just that the poisonous wolf's life should not die. Just when Mu Lang's poisonous palm was about to touch the poisonous wolf's back, the poisonous wolf pulled Sima Dan's body, and Sima Dan bent down like a puppet. Passed over Sima Dan and Poisonous Wolf, and hit Mu Lang on the shoulder.

"My God, the assassin dared to detonate the bomb!" An officer of the Imperial Guard of the Jin Army shouted: "All soldiers, attack."

The imperial guards and the masters rushed towards Empress Lu's temporary bedroom. At this time, a man who looked like a school lieutenant yelled: "Everyone is forbidden to approach here! If there are any trespassers, they will be killed!"

The buzzing sound in Sima Dan's ears hadn't dissipated yet. He tried hard to get up, but found that he was being pressed down by someone, and it seemed that he had trouble even moving.He moved his arm and pushed away the poisonous wolf whose face was covered in blood.Only then did he realize that the poisonous wolf had already spit blood on his body. In fact, the poisonous wolf was not affected by the bomb, but Mu Lang shot with hatred, the power can be imagined.The bomb rolled up the masonry fragments, although Mu Lang was severely injured, but with Mu Lang's tenacious vitality, he only wanted to avenge Sima Dan, so why would he care about such a little injury?Almost with the intention of dying together, Poisonous Wolf couldn't dodge in time, so he had to slap Mu Lang hard.Fortunately, Mu Lang's actions were affected by the bomb fragments, and seeing that the poisonous wolf seemed to save Sima Dan, he withdrew his power in time, otherwise, the poisonous wolf would have died even if he had three lives.

Xiao Lezi, who heard the news, had just entered the bedroom when he saw Mu Lang, Sima Dan and the assassin collapsed together. "Come on! Come on! Call the doctor!" Xiao Lezi roared heart-piercingly: "Hurry up and save Your Majesty! Come quickly, Your Majesty!

In fact, Sima Dan didn't suffer much, but Poisonous Wolf was seriously injured.However, Mu Lang's injury was not serious. The masonry fragments rolled up by the bomb were no different from shrapnel. If he suffered this blow, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured and unconscious.But instead of being unconscious, Mu Lang was in good spirits.But even Xiao Lezi, who doesn't know martial arts, can tell that Mu Lang is at the end of his battle.

In fact, Xiao Lezi didn't pay too much attention to Mu Lang, but took a closer look at Sima Dan's injury.Since Dong Zhongshu proposed to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty the induction between heaven and man, adopted the exclusive Confucianism, and deposed all schools of thought.The only thing that Confucianism does not discriminate against is doctors.The ultimate goal of how many Confucianists is to be either a good look or a good doctor.So the Confucianists knew a little bit about medical principles, and Xiao Lezi also read some medical books. Even though he was not a qualified doctor, he could see that Sima Dan was fine.

After repeated examinations by the imperial physician, it was confirmed that Sima Dan was fine, so Xiao Lezi put his heart in his stomach.And Mu Lang, who was trying to resist being unconscious, couldn't hold on any longer, and fell directly to the ground.The anger in Sima Dan's heart could no longer be suppressed.Do these bastards think they are really a sick cat?

"Order to Secretary Huan, the leader of the Central Committee, to put the palace under martial law! Check every room and every room! If anyone finds someone they don't know, immediately arrest and confirm!" Sima Dan ordered Xiao Lezi: "Let the left General Wei Yin Kang immediately sealed off Wuxi. No one in Wuxi can leave!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty! We have already imposed martial law on the entire palace. After the leader of the Central Committee quelled the rebellion in Wuxi, they will return to the palace. The imperial guards are checking suspicious persons from room to room. All the deacons are under control."

"Catch them and keep them for me! I will torture them little by little, and make them regret coming to this world!" Sima Dan said through gritted teeth.

It's just a pity, seeing that the poisonous wolf lost the chance to escape, he bit the poison in the tooth socket and turned into a cold corpse.A guard soldier raised his ax and was about to chop off the head of the poisonous wolf, Sima Dan said angrily: "No need, if it wasn't for this person, I would have died long ago. He is also a chess piece that I can't help myself, let's bury him properly!"

At this moment, a little eunuch quietly whispered in Sima Dan's ear.

"I don't care, no matter who is involved in the case, let me investigate. This time I was lucky to escape, what about next time?" Sima Dan roared angrily.This time Sima Dan was really scared, death was so close to him for the first time.Even though there were many dangers in the past, he still did not face the threat of death directly like today.So this time Sima Dan was angry, he even had the urge to kill someone.

Not only was he angry, Chu Suanzi was actually even more angry.It's just that Chu Suanzi didn't know at all that Ran Ming's real purpose was not to kill Sima Dan, but to use her hands to dispose of such a giant as the Langya Wang family.When Ran Ming wins over Wang Yun, he paid a very high price.A Duke of the founding county of Wei State, fifteen marquises, a Dazhongzheng in Qingzhou, and the prefect of ten counties. Of course, what angered Ran Ming the most was that Wang Yun's appetite was too great.He actually wants to stay in Jiangzhou as the governor, general Yangwu, and Shizhen Jingkou.

However, if Ran Ming wants to deal with the Wang family, there are actually many difficulties and there is no way.The Wang family is one of the four major literary families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Not counting the direct descendants of the Wang family, they are their disciples and old officials, and they are all over the south of the Yangtze River.Wang Sima and Gong Tianxia are not just kidding.Wang's influence is too strong, like the calligrapher Wang Xizhi and his like, they have no bad deeds themselves, and their reputation is very good, killing them will have too much negative impact.

However, as a person of later generations, what Ran Ming can't tolerate the most is the idea that family is greater than country. He must reverse this unfavorable situation.So a bureau was set up, the purpose of assassinating Sima Dan was false, and the killing with a borrowed knife was real.In history, Sima Shao did not dare to suppress the Wang family in the face of Wang Dun's rebellion, because he had no strength himself.That's why he can use his relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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