Chapter 913
Chapter 919

But in this time and space, Sima Dan's power itself is not weak. Although it is impossible to unify the government and orders, he has the capital to deal with the Wang family.

The army in the hands of Sima Xi, the central leader, the central guard, the left guard, the right guard, the Xiaoqi, and the huben army in Wang Liu's army all belong to Sima Dan's direct lineage, using the income from the development of Lingnan and the financial support of the four great families in the south of the Yangtze River , Sima Dan has already carried out a large-scale change of Wang Liujun.

The unified standard horizontal knife, bright light armor, crossbow machine, regardless of light and heavy weapons, are all the same as the standard equipment of the Wei army.The difference is that the cavalry is the shortcoming of the Jin army, while the cavalry is precisely the strength of the Wei State.Secondly, Wei Jun's firearms and equipment should be more mature and more.

This kind of equipment will make the Jin army and the Wei army fight. With the same number of people, the Jin army has no chance of winning.But to deal with the private soldiers of the aristocratic family, the Jin army is still capable of doing it.

As the head of a country, Sima Dan came to a dungeon regardless of his image.There are various instruments of torture in the dungeon. A shirtless man was tortured to the brink of death.

Sima Dan was looking at the man in front of him with a frosty expression. He was Wang Yun's groom and also Wang Yun's confidant.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wang Yun to let him become his groom.The few wounds on his face looked so hideous, and his face, which was even paler because of fright, carried a suffocating coldness.

"Tell me, tell me everything you know. On the way to hell, it's good to have someone to accompany you." Sima Danpi was not hysterical or furious, he just spoke calmly, but the people around him couldn't help but chills.

It was a kind of coercion that could only be formed by being in a superior position for a long time, it was a kind of aura that could only be bred in the palm of one's hand, it was a kind of anger that could only be filled by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. At this moment, Sima Dan finally transformed. Flowers, become the all-powerful pinnacle emperor.

"It's my lord. My lord colluded with the royal guards of the Wei Kingdom. They discussed all night last night. This morning, they used the carriage's camera obscura to transport the two assassins into the stables of the palace. From the underground waterway of the stables Sneaked into the bedroom." The groom shouted loudly while struggling: "Let me go! Please let me go! I was persecuted! I was wronged! I was wronged!"

Hearing this, Sima Dan didn't need to listen anymore.As for Wang Yun's motives, a fool could tell if he said it. It was nothing more than seeing that the wrecked ship of Jin State was about to sink, and they were anxious to find a new master.

Sima Dan took a deep breath, with a devilish smile on his face. At this moment, he was no longer a high-ranking emperor, but the incarnation of a devil.The wrath of a man, blood spattered five steps, the wrath of the emperor, a million dead bodies.Sima Dana stared at Xiao Lezi with blood-red eyes due to blood congestion, and said in a chilling tone: "Send Captain Huben Mi Li, prepare to do it. You are also ready to prepare... In this world, don't let me Looking at the records about the Langya Wang Clan,...the Langya Wang Clan will become dust that has never existed in history."

"But will this arouse the resistance of other aristocratic families? After all, the enemy is now!" Xiao Lezi said cautiously: "Your Majesty, should you reconsider this matter?"

"Don't think about it anymore!" Sima Dan said in an unquestionable tone: "The matter is actually very simple. I only eradicate the Langya Wang family and seize the floating wealth of the Langya Wang family. Prepare yourself and meet the masters and tell them , Langya Wang’s lands, shops, houses, and vacant official positions belong to them.”

"Minister Zunzhi!" Xiao Lezi seemed to see the endless darkness from Sima Dan's back, which made his eyes brighter. The little emperor who used to be more than wise and domineering finally became flawless at this moment. The god he had always yearned for in his heart.

There is a saying that everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.Although the Wang clan of Langya created the myth of the elite of the gentry, in fact they have stood on the cusp since then.The children of the Wang family held a large number of official positions and nobles.In fact, the plate is only that big, and if the Langya Wang family occupies more, the other families naturally occupy less.Do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.In the situation where Wang Sima shared the world, the Langya Wang family was actually roasting on the fire.

From Sima Shao onwards, weakening the Langya Wang family has been a national policy, no matter who becomes the emperor, he will not ignore this national policy.In fact, when they did not have absolute power, the emperors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty all adopted the strategy of driving away wolves and tigers, and successively supported the Yu family in Yingchuan, the Huan family in Longkang, and the Xie family in Chenjun.Due to the influence of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world, especially Sima Dan who accidentally became Ran Ming's student. Sima Dan, a student, definitely lived up to Ran Ming's expectations and had a thorough understanding of Ran Ming's various thoughts.

In the city of Wuxi, it was naturally a sleepless night, destined to be a bloody night.

However, although Xiao Lezi agreed well, his body did not move.Sima Dan looked at the motionless Xiao Lezi, frowned, and said displeasedly: "Is Xiao Qing going to betray me too?"

Xiao Lezi sighed softly and said, "Your Majesty Wang's family has great influence both inside and outside the court. If they attack him, I'm afraid they will slander His Majesty's name."

"Don't they deserve to die, should I die?" Sima Dan was still a young man after all, and of course he couldn't escape his youthful shortcomings.At this time, he felt very wronged, and he also knew that it was not a wise choice to take revenge on the Wang family at this time, after all, the Wang family and the Sima family were almost one.Their strength was weakened, and in the end they could only take advantage of the Wei people.

"The Wang family deserves to die!" Xiao Lezi said: "It's not impossible to take revenge, but you have to pay attention to methods and strategies, otherwise you will definitely make others deliberately turn right and wrong."

Sima Dan was also silent at this time, he was stunned for a long time before he said: "Xiao Qing, what should I do?"

Xiao Lezi said: "Immediately inform Wuxi's civil and military officials from the seventh rank and above to hold a grand court meeting. And retreat as an advance, first occupy the highest position of morality, so that you can be unscrupulous."

Then, Xiao Lezi began to organize the language, and let Sima Dan deal with the courtiers and officials.As Sima Dan was kidnapped, the news quickly spread throughout Wuxi, not to mention the city of Wuxi, even Sima Xi, Zhou Zhongsun, Xie Shi and other generals abroad received the news.However, this news did not spread to the point where everyone knew it, it was only spread in a specific circle.This sudden bad news made all civil and military officials of the Eastern Jin Dynasty panic, and even Wang Wendu, who was unique in Jiangdong, was in chaos.Even if Sima Dan didn't convene the Great Court Meeting, they would all gather outside the cordon of the imperial guards in the palace, begging to see Sima Dan again and again.

Xie Shi learned the news that Sima Dan was being held hostage, and hurried back to Wuxi, but like other ministers, he was blocked from the palace.However, Xie Shi saw Yu He, the central guard, who was the husband of Xie Shang's eldest daughter, Xie Seng Yao.She can also be regarded as Xie Shi's niece and son-in-law.With this relationship, the relationship between the two is naturally close.

Xie Shi whispered to Yu He, "Dao Ji (Yu He's name), how is your Majesty doing?"

Yu He said: "I don't know the specific situation, Da Changqiu Mulang shot and killed the assassin. Fortunately, His Majesty was only slightly frightened, and his body is not seriously injured!"

Hearing this, Xie Shi breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, fortunately, Dayou is promoted."

But Yu He said in a low voice: "I'm afraid that Uncle Wu is too lucky to rejoice too early. Although His Majesty is fine, the court is going to be in turmoil."

Xie Shi wondered in a low voice: "Why is this? Didn't I hear that the King of Wuling had repelled the Wei army, and although the Huishan camp was heavy, it managed to maintain the situation? I heard that the general of the Fu army, Wang Ke, had compiled [-] troops. The new army is rushing to help Wuxi, and it is only three days away from Wuxi. With the addition of [-] new troops, Wuxi will be unbreakable. Coupled with the shocking changes in the rear of Wei, the Great Jin will be able to turn the crisis into safety."

Yu He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he said in a low voice: "He heard that, according to rumors, the assassin entered the palace with the help of Wubing Shangshu and Sanqi Changshi Wang Yun's carriage..."

Hearing this, Xie Shi laughed and said, "What is this? An assassin can hold His Majesty hostage, and his skills are naturally good. It should be easy to hold Wang Yun hostage or sneak into Wang Shangshu's carriage! What's the matter with Shang Shu, he was completely unreasonable."

Yu He said: "I'm afraid that things are not that simple, Wang Yun is probably doomed?"

"How is this possible?" Xie Shi asked in disbelief.But when he said this, Xie Shi himself felt a little guilty.In fact, when the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the State of Wei launched a life-and-death battle, it was also the time when the royal special guards of the State of Wei were most active. The State of Jin had already taken precautions against the infiltration of the State of Jin by the State of Wei.Although not all the details were leaked, a considerable part of the intelligence bases were detected by Jin.Wei State's Royal Secret Service was formed through the integration of multiple intelligence organizations, and the sticky part is to use various local companies as a cover to carry out intelligence collection work.Of course, this method has a certain degree of convenience, and it is also easier to leak secrets.

However, no matter the officials or gentry from all over the state of Jin, they chose to ignore this situation.Moreover, when the army of Wei State was approaching, these gentry all adopted this exposed intelligence point to communicate with the royal special guard of Wei State to carry out a series of cooperation matters.Xie Shi, as an important son of the Xie family in Chenjun, made some decisions in the family very clearly.Even Xie An sent his confidants and wrote a heart-to-heart letter. Xie An told the Xie family that there was no hope for the state of Jin, and they had to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise, with Ran Ming's behavior style, the children of the Xie family in the state of Jin would be killed in the future. , It is difficult to gain a foothold in the court.

With Xie Shi's intelligence, he can naturally tell the difference.When Yu He said that Wang Yun participated in the assassination of Sima Dan, Xie Shi's first reaction was not not to believe it, but to believe it very much.Because the Langya Wang clan is different from the Xie clan, the Xie clan started hedging their bets a few years ago.But the Wang family is different. They have a deep foundation in the state of Jin, but on the contrary, their power in the state of Wei is very weak.Even if Wang wanted to imitate Xie and bet on both sides, Wei Guo would not believe it.In this way, the Wang family will definitely try to win the trust of the Wei State, and the assassination of Sima Dan is probably the name of the Wang family.

It's just that Xie Shi is a little absent-minded now. As a family leader who can be as famous as the Langya Wang family in history, the Xie family also adopted the method of marriage and made good friends with the major families.Like Xie Shi's elder brother who married Ruan Rong, he was a member of Ruan Ji and Ruan Xian's tribe.The second elder brother, Xie Ju, married Wang Sui, the daughter of Wang Tao.For example, the third brother Xie An married the sister of Liu Yan, a famous scholar in Peiguo. Xie An’s daughter also married Wang Min, the grandson of Wang Dao, and Wang Guobao, the son of Wang Tanzhi in Taiyuan, respectively, and Xie Wan married the queen of Wang Shuzhi. Quan was his wife, while Xie Shi married Zhuge Wenxiong, the daughter of Zhuge Hui in Langya.If Xie Shang is counted, then Xie's in-law relationship is even more complicated.Xie Shang's elder sister Xie Zhenshi is the mother of Chu Suanzi.

If you just make a small mistake, you can be dismissed from office or go to the noble.Xie Shi would not be worried, but Wang Yun was involved in the treason case, which would have a greater impact, and the Xie family was also related by marriage to Wang Yun's family.If it is because of the case of treason, it is likely that many children of the Xie family will be involved.Although during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, many sons and daughters of aristocratic families were tools for family marriages, and most marriages were not free.But the Xie family is different. Wang Xun, Wang Dao's grandson, married Xie Wan's daughter, and Wang Min married Xie An's daughter.Xie An despised Wang Xun as a human being, and he did not hesitate to have an antagonism with the Langya Wang family's direct line, so he let his niece and daughter divorce and remarry.The two sides were therefore disconnected for many years.So Mrs. Xie will not treat his children as pawns, but real family members.Because of this humanized culture, the Xie family's children are more united and cohesive.

However, although Wang Yun is not from the Langya Wang family, he is still one of the great clans.Wang Yun's father, Wang Meng, used to be Sima Yu's Zuo Changshi of Situ's Mansion, and also Sima Yu's confidant. With the help of Sima Yu's trust, he was quickly promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Division, typical bit height weight.The Xie family also married Wang Yun for the benefit of the family.If Wang Yun is unlucky, the women of the Xie family will definitely bring disaster to Yuchi as well.

For a while, Xie Shi was also very helpless. Since Xie Shang and Xie Yi died of illness, the entire Xie family lacked a mainstay.Xie An is capable of taking on the important task of revitalizing the family, but Xie An went to the north to serve in Wei, and this burden had to be placed on Xie Shi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

When Xie Shi was extremely distressed, Xiao Lezi launched an emergency consultation with the major families on behalf of Sima Dan. There was only one core issue, and that was to share the cake.Xiao Lezi was very eloquent, and under Xiao Lezi's lobbying, these families expressed their support for Sima Dan.

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wanan!"

After all the ministers saw the ceremony, Sima Dan sat on the throne like a fool, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.After Zhong Changshi repeatedly reminded, Sima Dan hadn't spoken yet.Finally, when all the ministers were discussing, Sima Dan began to say in a low voice: "Just an hour ago, I was murdered by an assassin in the bedroom. 23 soldiers of the Imperial Guard were killed and more than [-] people were injured. Da Changqiu He was also seriously injured for rescuing him. The assassin who participated in the attack on me has been caught, and the black hand behind the scenes has also surfaced."

Hearing this, Wang Yun's face turned pale first.He knew what was going on in his family. Ever since his groom was arrested, he realized that something was wrong, but he didn't have time to escape.Soon he was put under house arrest by the Janissaries in the name of protection.All the ministers were about to express their loyalty to Sima Dan, but Sima Dan continued: "I am really confused now, because this time the people who assassinated me are not only from Wei, but also from Jin. Wei and Jin are at war, and you can assassinate me." There is nothing wrong with doing this to hit the morale of the army, but what makes me extremely sad is that this time, people from the Jin country participated in the assassination of me, and many, many people from the Jin country participated in it. My power, and then no longer care about anything, abdicate to the virtuous."

Sima Dan's speech speed was getting faster and faster, and the ministers who participated in the court were not allowed to speak at all, and said directly: "You are all important ministers of the Jin Dynasty, and you know it best. Although we are fighting against the powerful Wei State, you also It should be understood that this war was not provoked by me. This war could have been avoided, but some people just couldn't see Da Jin having two days of peace. The war, without the authorization of the imperial decree and the tiger talisman, launched an attack on the Wei State wantonly. These people did not want to bring Dajin a hearty victory, but a catastrophe. Since the beginning of the war, we Successive failures, lost all of Xu and Jingzhou, most of Jiangzhou and Yangzhou, tens of thousands of soldiers were killed, and hundreds of cities were lost. Now is the critical moment for our Jin country to face life and death. It is a very irresponsible performance. But I really need courage and your support. If you support the real culprit behind the scenes and support them to continue to murder me, I have nothing to say. I will immediately, immediately, abdicate and make way for the worthy."

Hearing this, all the ministers in the audience were extremely shocked.Sanqi Changshi and Shang Shuling Wang Shu took the lead to stand up and said: "I unconditionally support any decision of Your Majesty!"

Sima Yu, Sima Xi and a large number of Sima's clan also stood up to express their support for any decision of Sima Dan.There is no way, these Zong clans of the Sima family are not the generation of great talents, they all know that the position of emperor is not so easy to do, if they can be an emperor who holds the power of the world, then it must be good.Everyone wants to be emperor even if they squeeze their heads.But the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was originally a puppet of the noble family, and no one could gain real power.Not to mention the lack of real power, but it is very easy to die.

At the beginning, Sima Chi was pushed out by Sima Yue to be the puppet emperor. As a result, Luoyang City was destroyed and Sima Chi was captured. Not only was Sima Chi treated by Liu Cong as a servant serving wine at the banquet, but he was also poisoned.Sima Ye was proclaimed emperor by Sima Bao and others, but Liu Cong also insulted him. First, he asked Sima Ye to wear a military uniform and hold a halberd in front of him. When going to the toilet, Emperor Jin Min took the toilet lid.

(End of this chapter)

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