Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 914 Mission Impossible

Chapter 914 Mission Impossible
Chapter 920 Mission Impossible

This is also because none of the princes of the Sima clan wanted to be emperor, and this was not fabricated by Cheng Zhi.But in real history, Sima Dan died of illness in history, and Chu Suanzi asked Langya King Sima Pi to wait for him, and Sima Pi howled and cried.It was Chu Suanzi who coaxed Sima Pi to the throne like a child. Even Huan Wen supported Sima Yu as emperor, and Sima Yu was so frightened that he almost lost his nerve.In a word, in the final analysis, the emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty cannot be an emperor without a strong heart.What's more, at this time, Sima Dan's proposal to abdicate is itself a big pit, and whoever dares to stand up will be charged with murdering the emperor.

Like generals, Sima Xi, the general of the town army, He Qian, the governor of Jiangzhou, Mi Li, the captain of Huben, Yu He, the guard of the middle, Huan Mi, the leader of the middle, Yin Kang of the left guard, Xie Shi, the general of the navy, and the general of Ningzhou. Governor Zhou Zhongsun and others all supported Sima Dan.

As for those middle- and lower-level officials, both civil and military, they were all furious and expressed their support for Sima Dan and severely punished the murderer behind the scenes.Seeing this situation, Sima Dan of course knew that the iron should be struck while the iron is hot, so he said loudly: "My dear friends, if you still choose to support me, then I will punish anyone who does not obey my orders and obeys my orders. Eliminate them as enemies of Dajin! Not for me alone, but for our country! I don’t want our country to end up in the hands of a few bedbugs because of the destruction of a few bedbugs.”

Then, Sima Dan presented the evidence in person. Of course, some of these evidences were true and some were false.Like the confession of the assassin Poison Wolf, in fact Poison Wolf has died long ago, so naturally there is no testimony left. This is all evidence concocted by Sima Dan, as well as evidence from Wang Yun's groom, and witnesses. At this time, Wang Yun's confidantes also He was arrested and interrogated harshly, and the testimony and evidence are all in hand.In particular, Wang Yun's confidant is definitely a smart person. He was afraid of being silenced by Wang Yun, so he privately withheld the copy of the agreement between Wang Yun and the royal guards, as well as the imperial decree of Wei Guo.

With these evidences and key witnesses, Wang Yun was at a loss for words.Sima Dan's actions against the Wang family of Jinyang had no legal and moral pressure, reaching the point of recklessness.On this day, the imperial guards bloodbathed the private mansion of the Wang family in Jinyang, and confiscated hundreds of thousands of gold in property, as well as title deeds of tens of thousands of acres of land, more than 30 manors, and more than 2000 shops. The act of robbing is no different, and it has won the support and encouragement of everyone.

Sima Dan only wanted the floating wealth and food of the Wang family in Jinyang, but the real estate and official titles were shared by other families.Since then, Sima Dan distributed rice grains in Wuxi City, treated the casualties, and collected the corpses of the dead.Sima Dan was generous to others, and in just one day, he actually gained a very high popular support.Through a series of actions to buy people's hearts, Sima Dan easily recruited a large number of young and strong soldiers.

Ran Ming left and returned to Yecheng.With endless regrets.Not only Ran Ming, but even Shi Yue, Ji Wei and others felt very regretful. Ran Ming felt unwilling, very unwilling.Especially Liu Peng and more than [-] soldiers were abandoned as abandoned sons. For Ran Ming, this was more uncomfortable than stabbing him in the heart.

In the original plan, after Zhang Wen of the Central Route Army took Jingzhou lightly, swept Ningzhou, and then copied Sima Dan's back route to the north to attack Guangzhou.However, if the East Route Army retreated, Zhang Wen's troops might not be worth the loss if they copied Sima Dan's back route.Don't look at Zhang Wen's troops are strong and powerful.In fact, Ran Ming understood that the biggest enemy of Zhang Wen's troops was not the soldiers of the Jin army, but the climate and geography.

In the eyes of later generations, Guangzhou and Fujian are like heaven, where the economy is highly developed, the climate is suitable, and the products are rich.In fact, at this time in the Jin Dynasty, this place was still a wild area.Even Yueyang and other places still have fewer people and more wild animals, let alone areas further south.

The time when the south really prospered was during the Southern Song Dynasty. There were basically no decent roads in this area. Marching and fighting were more like paving roads to open up wasteland.Not to mention supporting war with war, there is no such condition.The farther away from the hinterland of Wei State, the weaker Zhang Wen's supply line was. Even if Huan Wen didn't send out a large army, only one surprise soldier, 5000 troops, could block Zhang Wen's retreat.

Once the supply line is interrupted, the Jingzhou gentry who are forced to surrender due to the power of Wei State are likely to relapse. Since the mountains and rivers can change color overnight, it is not impossible for them to become enemies overnight.

Ji Li said to Ran Ming who was out of his mind: "Your Majesty, did you issue an imperial edict ordering Zhang Wen to retreat?"

"No!" Ran Ming said, "It can't be so cheap, Sima Dan, a monkey boy. Zhang Wen's troops don't need to retreat, and Zhang Wen ordered the forward Zhang Zhao to immediately organize the Jingzhou navy army, organize all available transportation forces, transport The main force of Zhang Wen's troops went upstream along the river, and attacked Huan Wen with Xie Ai. Zhang Zha's troops marched westward, went south and north along Yi, and attacked Huan Wen with Zhang Wen's water, land, southeast. According to this idea, the staff headquarters should complete the battle plan as soon as possible. .

There are four pure white horses in the middle, and three white horses on the left and right. There are a total of ten top-quality horses, pulling a huge jade wheel, and moving forward slowly.Ran Ming finally found out why the ancients didn't make four-wheeled carriages.This is not at all that the ancients were not smart enough, but because of road restrictions.The quality of the official roads in ancient times was too poor, and the carriages had too strict requirements on the road conditions.What Ran Ming brings to this era is not only carriage technology, but also a road close to the specifications of later generations.If you want to pursue speed, Ran Ming will definitely not ride a jade rudder.However, at this time Ran Ming obviously regarded Yu Ren as the headquarters of his operation.

Chief of the General Staff Ji Ba, Shang Shu Ling Wang Jian, Yu Shi Doctor Wang Ning, and Zhong Shu Zhong Liu Qi sat kneeling in the jade chair.Apart from Ran Ming, these four people represent Wei's military, government affairs and supervision respectively.In Ran Ming's future power organization structure, this is Wei Guo's troika.

Ran Ming sat high on the main seat, and looked at the four big brothers of Wei with his unique scrutiny.After a long silence, Ran Ming said in a somewhat rambunctious tone: "Although I ordered the retreat, I was not afraid of any mistakes in Ye City. In fact, if I hadn't wanted to see how many people there are in the Wei Kingdom, who would dare to attack me? The positive and the negative. Now the game is almost over. Those who should jump out have jumped out. Those who didn’t jump out, whether it’s because of fear or awe of me, it doesn’t matter. The key is that they let I have seen their attitude. The thing we Han people like to do most is internal fighting. They shouldn’t provoke my dignity too much at this time. At least when the unification war is at the most critical moment, it’s not only me who are angered by them. It’s still those soldiers who were on the bloody battlefield.”

"Your Majesty, Wei's subjects are not as bad as they imagined. Except for a very few people with wolf hearts and dog lungs, the other ministers are sticking to their duties. They are maintaining local law and order, maintaining the operation of local government affairs, and working for you. They are fulfilling their duties above the law and stabilizing national production." Wang Jian said: "They are all using their actions to show their loyalty to His Majesty and to serve you—my Majesty."

"I don't like killing people, especially killing Han people, our own relatives." Ran Ming said: "But sometimes, some people, not killing people is not enough to anger the people, not killing people is not enough to enforce the strict laws of the country."

"Wei soldiers are not allowed to interfere in politics, let alone participate in political struggles. This is the established policy after I came to power! It cannot be shaken!" Ran Ming frowned and stared at Ji Wei, emphasizing: "However, some people have water in their heads. , They actually want to rely on political speculation to gain high positions, this is a blatant provocation to me, I think you should know what this means?"

Ji Lu felt very bitter at this moment, but he had no choice, sometimes he couldn't help himself.Ji Li can guarantee his loyalty to the Ran family, but unfortunately he is not alone, but represents the huge group of the Anbei Army.Representing the tens of thousands of step cavalry elite of the Anbei Army.Although Ji Li would not betray, those generals and beneficiaries of the Anbei Army were not satisfied with their adherence to the frontiers of the Northern Kingdom. They wanted more resources, more benefits, and greater power.

Just like that Zhao Kuangyin of Chenqiao, he controlled the largest field military force in Houzhou at that time. Those generals wanted to gain more power and greater benefits, and they were unwilling to obey the command of a baby emperor.So the Chenqiao mutiny was launched, pushing Zhao Kuangyin to the pinnacle of power.Of course, it is impossible for the Anbei Army Group formed by Ran Min's direct lineage to betray the Ran family. They have more integrity than Zhao Kuangyin's trilogy, at least they are unwilling to pull the Ran family down from the throne.It's just another way to encourage Ran Yu to get the power they want.

Ran Ming said slowly: "I said a long time ago that anyone of you who can't keep up with me is doomed to be ruthlessly abandoned by me. This is not because I am ruthless, but because of the general trend. Think back to the time when Jinwu Emperor Sima Yan established the Jin Kingdom The Jin army is not as useless as it is now. They also have a glorious history and have established extraordinary achievements. More than [-] Jin troops went south to destroy Wu, and they destroyed Wu in only three months? Will the Jin army be vulnerable? In the third year of Taikang ([-] A.D.), Murong Shegui of Xianbei rebelled against Jin. Yan Xun, then general of Jin State Anbei, led more than [-] troops on foot and cavalry. Defeated Xianbei and killed tens of thousands of people, so he accepted the old and the new, Rong Xia Huaizhi, the Dongyi, Mahan, and Xinmi countries were surrounded by mountains and seas, and went to the state for more than [-] miles. So far away, the barbarians serve, the four lands are safe, the age is rich, and the soldiers and horses are strong. Is such a Jin army weak in combat effectiveness?"

All four were silent for a long time, in fact, everyone knew it well.The demise of the Jin State was not because the Hu people were too powerful, but that the vassal kings of the Jin State all commanded their own tribes to participate in the power struggle.The war lasted for 16 years, and the strong Jin army that could fight was basically consumed by the civil war.In the end, Sima Yue led the last [-] troops of the Jin Dynasty, and was besieged and killed by Shile's [-] cavalry in Xiangcheng.When the Jin army was strong, not to mention that Shi Le did not dare to oppose Jin, even Liu Cong's father Liu Yuan and Liu Yuan's father Liu Bao had to obediently go to Luoyang as hostages.

Ran Mingyu said earnestly: "Political struggle is inevitable, and I'm not trying to put an end to it. If there is no struggle, how can I know which of these princes is worthy of a heavy responsibility? Because of struggle, can arouse positive struggle. It's just that struggle must It must be controlled within a certain range, that is, the army is not allowed to participate. If the princes of the Jin Dynasty did not start wars, but only used political means to fight for the throne, and used their own abilities to express their own policies, would the Jin Dynasty still be weakened? The answer is yes, this is definitely not the case. If this method is adopted, the Jin Dynasty will produce the best emperor in the internal struggle, leading the Jin country to prosperity and prosperity. Of course, there will be no red land, ten rooms and nine blank It's a bone-strewn tragedy."

Ji Li said: "Your Majesty, I will try my best to persuade them. Please believe that the Anbei Army is still loyal to you."

"There is no doubt about it. If you are no longer loyal to me, then you will have no chance to walk within three feet of me." Ran Ming looked at the man who was single-handedly raised by Ran Min in the past, and now he has become the leader of the Wei army. , said: "Remember, no matter how influential others are, they are still your subordinates, but I am your master! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know what to do!" Ji Wei said.

Ran Ming said: "There is a saying that the law is nothing more than human feelings. Some of the troops participating in the rebellion may be due to the habit of soldiers obeying orders. But I don't think so. It is right for soldiers to obey orders, but it is obvious that they cannot obey. Wrong orders, surrendering to the enemy, and starting a civil war are all unforgivable. I don’t want to kill too many people and deal with these officers who participated in the rebellion. They must be severely punished by the laws of the country. As for those troops, they all went to Nanyang, and I will give them a chance to make meritorious deeds and atone for their crimes, and let them use their actions to atone for their sins."

Ji Wei said: "The minister obeys the order"

Ran Ming nodded and said: "Status makes people seem to forget the process of their own rise and who gave him such monstrous power. I have always followed a principle, what I can give to a person, I can also take it away."

I was sweating profusely when I said this.Ji Wei seemed to have a little understanding. As the chief of staff of the Wei State, the mobilization and deployment of all Wei State troops were under his control.But he just remembered now that Ran Ming's five major disciples and direct line troops did not seem to participate in this nationwide crusade against Jin, so now is the problem?Ran Ming's five major disciples, and those elite troops who accounted for nearly half of the Wei state, where are they now?what are you doing?The answer is just around the corner.

Ji Li understood that Ran Ming was so calm because of his confidence.In this era, all loyalty and means are futile, and the most fundamental and direct thing is strength.decisive force.He and Ran Ming are not rivals at the same level. Even if the Anbei Army can obey his command, he still has no chance of defeating Ran Ming.From Mo Dao, Ba Niu Crossbow, Ma Gong Crossbow, Gunpowder, Ballista, Xiangyang Cannon, to Mingguang Armor, Stainless Steel Folding Shield, Ji Li still doesn't know now, what is Ran Ming's real backhand now?
If it was said that Ran Ming was not prepared, even if he was killed, he would not believe it.Ran Zhi lost, I am afraid that this opportunity was prepared by Ran Ming early for Ran Zhi, the real purpose was to catch those people who were half-hearted towards him.

"I understand, Your Majesty! I have always been your most loyal minion. I used to be, I am now... and I will always be in the future." After understanding the key point, Ji Lian quickly nodded and replied.

"It's useless just to understand! Keep it in your heart!" Ran Ming stretched out a finger, pointed at Ji Li's chest, and said slowly: "Remember what I said, and treat them as Your creed is like breathing, use every beat of your heart to remember and remember! Otherwise, I will find someone who can do it instead of you, understand?"

It's been a long time since I felt that kind of trembling from the bottom of my heart when I saw Ran Min for the first time.The desire to look up to the strong and follow them to the death.Ji Li thought of that gloomy world, of Ran Min looking at Shi Hu's background, and said viciously: "Sooner or later, I will screw his head off. Since then, Ran Min has taken the most elite of the Ran family Giving the power to Ji Rong, the incomparable sense of oppression that Ji Ren gave him when standing in front of Ran Min. Now he actually found that long-lost sense of oppression in Ran Ming. Ji Rong thought of Ran Min, and thought of How wise Ran Min is. The successor Ran Min is looking for is much better than that Ran Zhi. Although Ran Zhi is extraordinary, at best it only makes people feel close. But Ran Ming feels oppressed, awe-inspiring and fear.

Ran Ming said again: "Order the Zhennan Army's plan to attack Huan Wen's back route unchanged, and the staff headquarters must come up with a real plan as soon as possible. Of course, while the military attack on Huan Wen is suspended, the military attack on Jin is suspended, but the political offensive cannot be stopped. .”

Wang Jian was a little puzzled and said, "Your Majesty means to have peace talks with Jin?"

Ran Ming said: "Peace talks are possible, but they can't really achieve peace talks."

If the people present here couldn't hear what Ran Ming meant, they would have lived on dogs all these years.This is to stabilize the state of Jin so that the state of Wei can have time to deal with Huan Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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