Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 915 The real gap

Chapter 915 The real gap

Chapter 921 The Real Gap
At this time, Wang Jian, Wang Ning, and Liu Qi started to talk together. They negotiated a bottom line for the peace talks together and exposed Jin's old background. Then the lion opened his mouth, making it impossible for Jin to agree to the joint talks.In this way, even the common people cannot forgive the state of Jin.

A carrier pigeon flew to the sky, and flew to Yecheng with its own mission.Its final destination is Yecheng, where Chang Wei, the gold medalist diplomat of Wei State, will receive a task that he cannot complete at all.

The Han people have no shortage of heroes who sacrificed for the country and the nation at any time. The traitors and scum who betray the interests of the country and the nation are not exclusive to this nation. At least in the ancient Han nationality, there has never been a lack of consciousness to die generously.

Especially in a country of Wei that has just emerged from the difficulties of being besieged on all sides, the torture like ants under the fence of the past is an indelible memory deep in the hearts of every Wei countryman.It is precisely because of this painful memory that everyone in Wei State cherishes this new country very much.

It has been No. 13 days since Yecheng was besieged. On the seventh day, the outer city walls were lost.Now two-thirds of most of the Wengcheng has fallen into the enemy's hands.At this time, the people of Yecheng had already been terrified of being besieged by Ran Zhibing at the beginning. Under the baptism of war, all Yecheng people's nerves became rough.Looking at the bloody corpses and the shocking stumps and broken arms, those soldiers seemed to have no emotion in their eyes, and they ate bowls of braised pork with relish.

A general with the appearance of a school lieutenant said to an old man: "I have told you many times, Your Majesty has a strict order. Only sons and young adults who have not left incense are not allowed to join the army, and even if they join the army, they are not allowed to participate in the bloody battle on the front line. Enough seeds."

"What are you talking about, little general? Could it be that my son is fate, and other people's sons are worthless?" Hearing the captain's refusal, the old man's face became very ugly.He turned his head to look at the two teenagers in front of him.The two teenagers are not very old, the older one is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the younger one is only eleven or thirteen years old.The old man suddenly pulled out the two daggers stuck in his waist, and gave them to the two teenagers instead: "Are you afraid?"

The two teenagers said in unison: "Not afraid."

The old man said: "Since the general doesn't want you to join the army, then we have to do our best. I am too old to be useful. But you are still young and energetic. If you hold this dagger, if the rebels rush over Wengcheng, give me a way to stab one of them to death, if you stab one of the rebels to death, I will recognize you as my grandson in the next life."

"Weng Weng, what if I stabbed two of them to death?"

"Then I'll be your grandson in my next life!" The old man laughed loudly when he heard this, and burst into tears.Said: "When I was your age, it was still in the state of Jin, and we were all Jin people. We also encountered the capital being besieged. At that time, our family was from Luoyang, and there were more than 70 people in our family. My Weng Weng told that no matter who is in charge of the country, we just need to pay taxes according to the regulations. When the Xiongnu army entered Luoyang City, my Weng Weng, your ancestors, brought the neighbors of Fangcheng and made ten A few carts of grain, more than 100 catties of wine, four pigs, and a dozen sheep went to reward the army. But the Huns are not human, they eat our grain and drink our wine. Massacres started in the city. Our big family had more than 70 people, old and young, but after half a day, the gang of animals killed nine people. Killed. Later, I fled to Yecheng and joined my uncle in Yecheng. After more than 30 years, the population of our family has gradually increased. Although it is not as good as when we were in Luoyang, we finally have There are more than 40 people, but when the Jie people entered Yecheng, there was another massacre, which almost wiped out our family. At this time, I finally understood that people are good at being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others. Your sixth uncle and seventh uncle joined the army of the late emperor and killed many barbarians and finally avenged our family. Even if we don’t resist, when the rebels enter the city, we will die. It’s a death anyway. Words, even if you die, you have to pull a back."

The old man talked in a long-winded manner, which made the people around him cry.

The old man's older grandson said: "Weng Weng, doesn't Your Majesty want us?"

"Why would Your Majesty not want us? Yesterday I saw the Empress and the two princes!" The old man said: "Even if Your Majesty is held back by the rebels and won't be able to return to Yecheng for a while, this Yecheng is not what they want. You can come in."

The test of a nation's resilience depends on its performance in the face of the crisis of extinction, and the test of a city's strength depends on its attitude in the face of war!The city of Ye in the state of Wei is not Luoyang in the state of Jin, nor Jiankang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, nor Kaifeng when the descendants of Jin soldiers forced the city!It was not Chengdu under Liu Chan, nor Nanjing in the Republic of China.

This is a national flag against the Hu, an eternal monument, a sacred place in the hearts of Han people in Wei State, just like the heaven in the hearts of devout Christians.After countless Wei counties learned that Yecheng was besieged, they began to mobilize for war, organizing the guards, county soldiers, and village braves. They gradually gathered around Yecheng like streams.


"Ran Zhi doesn't seem to give up yet!" Wang Meng looked at the information and saw that Ran Zhi's army was fighting more and more like eating balloons, and many families who were watching secretly gave Ran Zhi blood transfusions.At this time, Wang Meng suddenly remembered what Ran Ming once said, if you want to destroy him first, you must first make him crazy.In fact, Wang Meng has been carrying out Ran Ming's fishing plan. Otherwise, with the level of city defense in Ye City, Ran Zhi's army would have no possibility of occupying the outer city walls without siege equipment.

Of course, this is not in line with Ran Ming's plan.The reason why Ran Ming initiated this fishing plan was not that Ran Ming was afraid of the retaliation of the elites of the gentry. With Wei's political and military power, these elites must be like the founding period of the past dynasties.The reason why this vicious plan was formulated is mainly related to immigration.The Chinese people are very attached to their hometown. Unless it is absolutely necessary, under normal circumstances, no one is willing to immigrate.Even those merchants who do business plan to return home after making money.

Although the state of Wei is not under the pressure of population explosion for the time being, people without long-term considerations must have near-term worries.As a person of later generations, Ran Ming is very aware of the Han people's ability to reproduce, which seems to be almost fearful.Whether it was through the struggle for hegemony at the end of the Qin Dynasty or the melee between warlords at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the population of Han people has been reduced to within the warning line. For example, in the early Tang and early Han Dynasties, the Han population was only more than 500 million households, less than 2000 million.The Han and Tang dynasties were similar. It took decades for the population to double, and it broke through the 5000 million mark in just a hundred years.

Unlike in ancient times and later generations, there was no highly prosperous industrial economy, and it was impossible to feed so many people only by relying on the output value of land.Then the confusion brought about by the increase in population will affect the normal operation of the country.The 5000-year history of China is a tragic song from prosperity to decline, and the main factor is land.It is very difficult to fundamentally solve this problem, but when the problem erupts, it will be too late to solve it.So Ran Ming wanted to solve the problem at this time, so as not to cause trouble for future generations.

As long as conspiracy and rebellion were involved, all dynasties used iron and blood methods to slaughter bloody.Ran Ming wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to send all the families and soldiers involved in the rebellion to the border area.Let them develop Liaodong and the Western Regions, and even Siberia.Although the Han people are not cold-resistant, they can avoid the tragedy of freezing to death with down jackets and coal earth dragons.As long as the Han people gain a foothold in these places and truly realize the preciousness of these places, no one can drive the Han people out of these lands.

"Actually, I don't think it's that troublesome at all!" A tall general roared like thunder: "I believe my subordinates, they can definitely penetrate Ran Zhi's central army, as long as the two wings take a certain amount of cover, Ran Zhi will be defeated. The rebels are just around the corner!"

In fact, this tall man was none other than Ran Ming's disciple, General Modao Xiongjian.Ran Ming put his wife and children in Yecheng as bait. He doesn't have such a strong heart as Liu Bang.In order to reverse the situation at a critical juncture, Ran Ming has a powerful [-] Mo Dao army.In fact, the Mo Dao Army was not secretly transferred by Ran Ming, but when Ran Min felt unwell and the deadline was approaching, he transferred the Mo Dao Army to Ye to ensure that Ran Ming could take over the position smoothly.Most of Ran Ming's disciples and trusted direct line troops followed Ran Ming to the Gupta Empire, and the only one who made Ran Min feel at ease was the Modao Army.

Although the Modao Army is also under the control of the Anbei Army, it was the army that Ran Min was directly under at the beginning, and it was also the strategic reserve of the Anbei Army.When the Mo Dao Army was in use, Ran Min's requirement was that he could only join the elite Mo Dao Army in a battle of the scale of a campaign.Ran Min and Ran Ming placed high hopes on Mo Daojun.Ran Ming did not separate the Modao army and use them scattered like the Tang army. In each army, the Modao army was mixed with crossbowmen, horizontal sword shield soldiers, and light cavalry.

If the light cavalry is compared to light tanks in the ancient cold weapon era, then the Modao army is undoubtedly the heavy armored force in the cold weapon era, especially when defending, the Modao army is almost invincible.Of course, the Modao army is not invincible, at least under the blows of incendiary bombs, ballistas and heavy crossbows, the Modao army will also suffer heavy losses.

"General Xiong, don't worry. Your Majesty hasn't returned to Yecheng yet, nor has he ordered a counterattack. Obviously, the fish caught now are not big enough to satisfy His Majesty." Wang Meng said with a sneer, "Ran Zhi is really naive, even if he If he can occupy Yecheng, so what? His Majesty now controls the million-strong army of the Wei State, and he can return to help at any time. Even if he occupies Yecheng, His Majesty can take it back at any time. If he wants to rely on controlling Yecheng, he can force His Majesty to submit , that is a big joke!"

"What about us, are we willing to wait like this?" Xiong Jian said: "Looking at the slaughter on the battlefield, I will act as a bystander, just like putting a pot of fragrant braised pork in front of me. I can't eat it, it's really helpless!"

Wang Meng laughed loudly when he heard the words: "General Xiong, stay calm and don't be impatient, do our own thing well, and use Yecheng to slowly bleed Ran Zhijun. Now the number of Ran Zhijun's army continues to increase, but the combat power has not increased. The casualties of the elite veterans, the new recruits have diluted the combat effectiveness of the veterans, and their combat effectiveness has been weakened. As long as His Majesty does not order a counterattack, and Ran Zhi shows no signs of retreating, we can only wait in pain!"

Yecheng is the pride of Wei State. 11 years ago, they raised their sabers and drove away the Jie people who were riding on their heads from Yecheng. Since then, they turned over and became their own masters.In this city, not only witnessed the birth of Wei State, from weak to strong, but also witnessed the prosperity of Wei State.But now, the periphery of this city has been completely reduced to hell-like ruins.And in the ruins, there are countless soldiers from both sides fighting fiercely.Every minute or even every second, soldiers die here just to fight for the ruined city under their feet.

Since Ran Zhi captured the outer city walls, fierce street fighting broke out.Ran Zhi originally thought that if he occupied the city wall, he would win the war and the war would be over.With hundreds of thousands of troops regardless of priority, they launched a tide-like offensive towards Yecheng.

But the crazy meat grinder in Yecheng started to work, and the defenders of the Wei army in Yecheng stubbornly resisted Ran Zhi's crazy offensive with four or five thousand sieve carts.Countless generals and soldiers of Ran Zhijun were blocked by the Saimen knife cart and couldn't move an inch.

The gate knife cart is a defensive tool used to block the city when the city gate is breached.There are 24 steel knives installed on the front wall of the knife. When in use, push the cart to the gap of the city gate, which can not only kill the enemy, but also block the enemy's arrows and stones.In this way, it is difficult for the other party to climb, forming a barrier to activity.The knife cart is an extremely sturdy two-wheeled cart. The body of the cart is almost as wide as the city gate, usually between three and four feet; There is a long shaft; the enemy broke through the city gate, and tens of hundreds of soldiers slammed their sword carts to block the city gate. "Mozi" records the use of this kind of plug car.For the long-term vicious battle of defending the city, it is difficult to guarantee that the city gate will not be lost once. This gate knife cart is the most useful emergency weapon.

Due to the breakthrough in the production of fine steel in Wei State, this kind of plug car is not made of wood as in history, but the knife wall is made of fine steel, and the structure is all steel. The whole vehicle weighs [-] Yu Jin, if it weren't for the fact that most of the streets in Yecheng were cement-hardened roads, such a heavy knife cart would not be able to move quickly in the wild.At the same time, this kind of knife car also changed the two-wheel structure, but adopted four wheels, two front wheels are large, and the rear two wheels are small.And under the design of the craftsman, this kind of knife cart has another feature, it can only move forward, not backward.Unlike the original knife cart, as long as a long-handled weapon is inserted into the wall of the knife, the knife cart can be pushed back and become a tool for killing and wounding the defenders.

Facing this kind of knife car, Ran Zhijun's generals thought of many ways.Like fire, fine steel is not a thin iron sheet, and it is not afraid of fire at all. The burning saber carts became accomplices in killing Ran Zhijun. Injury, even if you avoid the blade.

Since the fire failed, Ran Zhijun adopted the method of jumping and swinging. The so-called jumping and swinging is a method in naval battles.In the battle of jumping and swinging, Ran Zhi adopted two methods. The first one is to use shield soldiers to adopt four methods of lying, squatting, standing, and lifting, and raise the shield to form a four-step platform. The selected warriors Step on the shield and jump behind the Semen knife cart.

It's just a pity that behind the Saimen knife cart were the dense spearmen of the Wei army, and the spearheads were tilted at [-] degrees, stabbing Ran Zhijun's jumping soldiers one by one in the air.Moreover, the advancing knife cart will also cause a large number of casualties to Ran Zhijun's shield soldiers.When one plan failed, Ran Zhi made another plan. He used a siege ladder car to deal with this kind of siege car.

The siege aerial ladder vehicle is like the firefighting vehicle of later generations, it can send soldiers to the city wall, and this kind of aerial ladder vehicle has protective armor specially designed to block arrows, and the aerial ladder vehicle is not afraid of the impact of the door knife car at all, the door knife car moves forward, The ladder car retreated, and the two vehicles kept a safe distance, which could not only prevent the blade from killing the soldiers on the attacking side, but also use the advantage of the ladder car to shoot and kill the driver of the saber car and the spearmen behind it.

This trick did cause a lot of losses to the defenders, but the clever Wang Meng quickly thought of countermeasures.Wang Meng ordered the Menghuo oil tank to accompany the Saimen knife trolley, and removed a few knives, and installed the flame nozzle of the Menghuo oil tank on the knife wall of the Semen knife trolley. The flamethrower sprays the fire dragon thirty steps away, which can prevent the enemy from approaching.

In this way, Ran Zhi has nothing to do with this plug-in knife cart.After three days of hard work, there was no progress.This made Ran Zhi very angry.But Ran Zhi didn't know that there were many things that made him angry, this was just the beginning.

Although Ran Zhi took various measures, such as the street fighting after breaking through the outer walls of Yecheng, he tried his best to avoid the participation of direct troops in the war, and handed over the most tragic attrition war to Ran Yuanjie's troops and the servant army.People like Wo Nu Kingdom, Ye Ji, Chen Han, Ma Han, Bian Han, Goguryeo, Buyeo and even Karasuma, and even the Xianbei Army also joined this tragic war of attrition.

(End of this chapter)

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