Chapter 916
Chapter 922

In fact, there were very few Japanese slaves in Ran Zhi's servant army at this time, and the Xianbei people had the largest number at this time.When Ran Ming liberated the slaves of the Xianbei tribes, he also harmed the interests of those nobles and slave owners. These Xianbei slave owners and veteran nobles hated Ran Ming for releasing their privileges and interests. revenge.

Dozens of Xianbei Duanbu soldiers wore extremely compact armor. There was no way. The Duanbu Xianbei warriors were generally taller than the Han people. Even the largest Mingguang armor made by the Wei State made the Duanbu Xianbei wear it a size smaller. .These armor stripped from the corpses of Wei Jun who died in battle were dressed in a mess like this.Some of the capes were torn, some had a large dented breastplate, and some had charred knee skirts.

However, these Duanbu Xianbei in nondescript armor, holding heavy shields, holding their favorite battle axes, hammers, and maces, flailed and attacked Wei's defenders.

During the actual combat, Ran Zhijun discovered the fatal flaw of Mingguang armor. This kind of Mingguang armor has excellent defense ability, and it has a very good protective effect against chopping and chopping with horizontal knives or stabbing and picking with long spears.Especially the light bow and crossbow, which can basically be ignored.

However, Mingguang armor is a bit powerless against heavy blunt weapons such as heavy warhammers and battle axes. Such a blunt weapon only needs one blow. Although the headgear can block the force of the blow, the neck cannot withstand such a heavy blow. Under normal circumstances, as long as a Wei warrior wearing bright armor is hit on the head, he will die at most A dent was left on the top of the headgear, but the soldiers were knocked out or their necks were broken.

Fortunately, this kind of weapon, which weighs tens of hundreds of catties, cannot be handled by ordinary Han soldiers, unless a very few particularly brave generals can use it flexibly.But Duanbu Xianbei warriors almost everyone can afford a mace, and can use heavy hammers and battle axes.This group of Duanbu Xianbei soldiers are all nobles in the direct line of Duan Kan's subordinates. In history, Duan Kan was defeated in battle, and Duan Kan's subordinates were all buried alive by Murong Jun.

However, when Ran Ming occupied Qingzhou and defeated Duan Kan, he only included his trilogy and suppressed some nobles.At this time, the disadvantage of cutting the weeds and not eradicating the roots appeared. When Ran Zhi sent troops to surround Yecheng, the Duanbu Xianbei people who usually hid in no corners, brought their own dry food and weapons, and took refuge in Ran Zhi.

Naturally, Ran Zhi would not refuse anyone who came, not to mention Duanbu Xianbei, even Yuwen Xianbei and Tuoba Xianbei from the original Yan Kingdom.The task of these Duanbu Xianbei warriors is very simple, that is, to break through a small alley guarded by [-] to [-] Wei soldiers.

A Duanbu Xianbei general roared loudly in Xianbei language: "Go up, go up and kill all the Han dogs!"

Just as this Duanbu Xianbei general was frantically cheering up, an armor-piercing heavy crossbow bolt pierced through the air, with a scream of death, and slammed into the Duanbu Xianbei general's mouth, powerful kinetic energy It easily penetrated the hard skull, and the sound of agitation stopped abruptly.

Seeing the death of the general, these Duanbu Xianbei's expressions showed a brief moment of astonishment, but they did not dare to run, because they all knew clearly that the vicious supervising team behind them would kill them mercilessly.Another Duan general took over the command, and he also discovered the bed crossbow placed on the roof by Wei Guo's defenders.

It's just a pity that although the bed crossbows used to defend the city are cheap, they are wound too slowly. Wei Guo's defenders obviously knew this problem, and they retreated immediately after a successful blow. The bed crossbows on the roof became countless sections of Xianbei. The target of the archers, a dense rain of arrows shot the bed crossbow into a hedgehog.

"Build a ladder, climb up to the roof, and shoot the enemy from the height!"

The shieldman Ran Zhijun who received the order quickly set up the ladder, but no one noticed the white smoke rising from the corner of the wall, and there was a chirping sound.With a loud bang, the rammed-earth buildings collapsed. Dozens of people, including archers who were about to climb the roof and shield players who were building human ladders, were surrounded by the rising dust and smoke from the gunpowder explosion.

"Attack, attack!" A Ran Zhi army supervisor roared, punching and kicking the servant soldiers from time to time, forcing them to go forward.Of course, the temptation of huge interests made these servant soldiers launch an unhesitating attack on Wei Guo's defenders.

These servant soldiers had to do two things well before they went to the battlefield. After listening to Ran Zhi's major reward order, their families could live a happy life after being allocated fields.Another thing is to collectively look back on the miserable life that the people of Wei lived during the reign of the people of Wei.Now it's time for them to take revenge. As long as they kill all the Wei people, they can give the whole tribe a better future.

It was very close to the saber cart, just when they still imagined that they could rush to the front of the saber cart, block the blade on the saber cart with a shield, climb over the wall of the saber cart, and kill the enemies behind the saber cart. At this time, the sound of a heavy-duty car tire bursting sounded, and a fire dragon as thick as a bucket swept towards them, enveloping dozens of servant soldiers participating in the frontal attack.

The working principle of the fierce oil tank is actually the same as that of the later gasoline solidification bombs, but it is not as powerful as the gasoline solidification bomb. As long as it is touched by the fire dragon of the fierce oil tank, the burning fire cannot be extinguished anyway.Even a little sticking can set the fire into the bones.Unless the heart is hard enough, use a knife to cut off the skin attached to the kerosene when the kerosene is just stuck.The shrill screams resounded from the sky and shook over the battlefield. The members of the supervisory team were expressionless. They have seen this kind of situation a lot. In order to avoid affecting morale, they would use crossbows to shoot soldiers who were burned by the oil tanks, no? They are cruel, because there is no way to heal such burns.Besides, it is impossible for Ran Zhi to use this precious medicine on these cheap servant soldiers.

Ran Zhijun's servant army has grown rapidly in these days of street fighting. In fact, there is no need for the supervising team to shoot arrows. These servant soldiers who are not on fire will also shoot or hack to death their comrades who are on fire. There is no way, the burning man wrapped in kerosene Running around will not only affect morale, but will ignite more soldiers.

... Ran Zhi was very helpless when he received the news that there were no unexpected failures.In just three days, he had already lost more than 7000 soldiers. Of course, less than 2000 of them belonged to his direct descendants, and more were cheap servant soldiers. 5 troops are nothing to Ran Zhi's huge army of tens of thousands of troops.But Ran Zhi knew very well that his direct lineage was very small, only more than 15 horses. During the siege of Yecheng, although many powerful and noble families took refuge in him, donated money and food to him, and also sent young and strong for Ran Wisdom drives.The Han army in Ran Ming's hands has already exceeded 2000 horses, but it is a pity that these more than [-] troops are all recruits, and they can also be described as a mob.Even if [-] people were killed in battle, the loss was a bit heavy for Ran Zhi.

According to the conclusion drawn by Ran Zhi's staff, it will take at least half a year to break through Yecheng, and at least 10 casualties will be paid.This does not seem to be a good ending. It took Wei Guo 12 years to recover a little bit of vitality. If the room is empty again, it is impossible to recover the vitality without the accumulation of ten or even 20 years. Can do it.Over ten or 20 years, there are too many variables.Jin State Sima Dan is also an ambitious person, and these times are enough for Sima Dan to accumulate stronger strength.

What will Ran Zhi use to unify the world?What's more, he has been in Yizhou for so many years now, and his vision has been broadened when he goes out. He knows that the world is not what he used to understand. In the vast sea, there are countless islands and vast land. It is amazing. wealth.Regarding the naval battle between the Wei State and the Gupta Empire, Ran Zhi also collected relevant information and intelligence. What made Ran Zhi very painful was that Ran Ming had established a powerful enemy for the Wei State. Now Wei State and the Gupta Empire have forged a blood feud However, when the Wei State remained strong, they did not dare to start a war lightly, but once the strength weakened, would the Gupta Empire be polite to him?
However, Ran Zhi knows very well that he is not naive enough to use diplomatic means to resolve military conflicts, and he does not want to cede Wei's interests in Nanyang, because Ran Zhi knows very well that Nanyang's interests are too rich, even more powerful than Wei's. The fiscal revenue of all territories combined is large.If this source of wealth is lost, not only the elite of the gentry will not support him, but even the generals in the army will turn their backs on him.

There is also Ran Ming's million-strong army outside, and he sent many waves of envoys, carrying a large amount of gold and silver treasures, to contact Xie Ai, Zhang Wen, Zhang Ai, Murong Ke, Murong Chui, Shi Yue, Xu Yuan and other generals supporting the army. However, Ran Zhi didn't expect them all to take refuge under his command. As long as these generals could stand on a neutral position, Ran Zhi might have a [-]% chance of winning.

However, due to the distance, apart from Zhang Ai from Luoyang who received money, he said that he would only be loyal to the Emperor Wei, which made Ran Zhi feel at ease.Ran Zhi didn't know that Zhang Ai accepted a large amount of bribes from Ran Zhi, or he accepted them under Ran Ming's instructions.Not only Zhang Ai, but even Xie Ai, Shi Yue, Xu Yuan and other generals have received Ran Ming's secret decree that they must stabilize Ran Zhi, open their mouths to Ran Zhi Lion as much as possible, and propose more money and more important official positions, Power made Ran Zhi careless.

Of course, these are not the issues that Ran Zhi has considered. Now the issue before him is simpler, whether Yecheng can be conquered in the end.Although this is a very simple question, it is really difficult to answer.Ran Zhi convened an emergency meeting to brainstorm and find a way to solve the problem of the Saimen knife cart in street fighting.

Luo Yuhu has matured a lot, he said to Ran Zhi: "Master, this disciple has been observing the saber cart for the past few days, and I have also thought of a way to crack it, but whether it will work or not still needs to be verified!"

When Ran Zhi heard this, he was overjoyed.

Luo Yuhu didn't explain what his method was, but took out a small wooden box, which was placed on Ran Zhi's desk. Door car model.

Luo Yuhu said: "I found that this Saimen saber cart is very difficult to overcome with a single method. Only by taking a coordinated approach can we solve this problem. First of all, let's fight fire with fire. The defenders are at the Saimen The fierce fire oil tank is used on the knife car, which increases the problem that the plug car cannot be attacked from a long distance, and it seems to make the plug car invulnerable. However, the range of the fierce fire oil tank is too short, only thirty to fifty steps away According to the fragments of the ballista that were destroyed on the city wall, our general battalion succeeded in imitating the ballista, but the range and power of our general battalion's ballista were not as powerful as those of the defenders. Heavy stone bullets can be fired accurately to a distance of [-] steps. The disciples have already done experiments. The knife wall of Wei Guo's Saimen knife cart will be deformed under the impact of ballista shells, and it can be smashed after three shots. Crooked. As long as our army is attacking, we can use ballistas to cooperate with infantry and cavalry to fight, and we can break this sword formation."

Luo Yuhu said: "Except for a few small alleys that can be blocked by a knife cart, most streets in Yecheng require a huge combination of vehicles to completely block our army. Take Zhuque Street as an example. This Zhuque Street is [-] feet wide. It takes seven to eight corkscrews side by side to completely stop our army. As long as we smash the wall of the corkscrew with a ballista, the fierce oil tank can no longer be used and placed on the wall The kerosene nozzle will point to the sky. If they fire the oil tank again, they will no longer be able to burn our army, but they will burn themselves. After the ballista smashed the knife wall, the cavalry stepped forward and hooked the car with a noose Pull the knife forward. In this way, the juxtaposed knife car array will create a gap, and our infantry can use this gap to make a quick surprise attack!

Ran Zhi seemed unwilling to wait for a moment, and immediately arranged troops to attack according to Luo Yuhu's method.In the contest of spear and shield, no spear is invulnerable, nor is any shield invulnerable.

Wang Meng soon received the report: "General, Ran Zhi's rebels have found a way to restrain our saber carts. According to the news from the front line, our army lost 27 saber carts in the half-hour battle."

Wang Meng asked calmly now, "What measures did Ran Zhi take?"

"It is to adopt the method of ballista and cavalry to cooperate with each other. First, the ballista bombards, and then the cavalry pulls the sword carts forward, staggers the sword cart formations, and then they adopt the method of infantry assault!"

Wang Meng sighed and said, "This is just a very simple question. The general didn't expect a formation of swords and carts to stop Ran Zhi's rebels. I didn't expect such a simple question. Ran Zhi insisted on thinking about it." It took three days to figure it out. This is the gap, if you let His Majesty deal with this kind of knife and car formation, believe it or not, His Majesty didn't even need half an hour to find a way to break it. There is no need to waste nearly [-] troops!"

The staff officer said: "But what measures should we take to deal with it?"

Wang Meng said: "It's very simple, let all the tigers rush forward and let go, and see how many soldiers Ran Zhi has brought to death."

According to Huan Wen's previous strategic layout, the fundamental purpose of provoking the war between Wei and Jin was to force Wei to attack Jin, so that the two countries fell into endless wars and consumed each other.But this time Wei Guo did not fall into exhaustion, and the two armies from Xuzhou and Jingzhou marched south, almost all of them looked down.It was Huan Wen himself who was really consumed.

Since Xie Ai led a partial division to attack the ancient Yinping Road, attacked Motianling by surprise, and took Fucheng lightly.The Shu army led by Huan Wen fell into a passive position across the board.In Luocheng, a small city in the northeast of Chengdu, the attackers and defenders of this small city successively invested more than [-] troops. After the entire small city was turned into ruins, Huan Wen did not defend the last barrier to the northeast of Chengdu.

When almost all of Jingzhou and Jiangbei changed flags, Xie Ai led the various ministries in the west of the town to complete the siege of Huanwen Chengdu.

Chengdu entered a brutal offensive and defensive battle, which made Huan Wen tortured.Since Huan Wen became a vassal of Shu, Huan Wen has also strengthened the construction of city defense while vigorously developing Chengdu's economy.Huan Wen should be thankful that Chengdu has solid city defense facilities.However, Huan Wen was not happy. With the completion of the Jinniu Ancient Road, the Xie Ai Department could transport various military supplies from Chang'an and Hanzhong to the city of Chengdu, so that the siege of the attached ants in Huan Wen's imagination did not appear.Huan Wen discovered Xie Ai's intentions, and Xie Ai wanted to use explosives to break through Chengdu City.It's just a pity that Huan Wen didn't defend passively.

There are many caves for Tibetan soldiers on the city wall of Chengdu. The caves for Tibetan soldiers are ancient military facilities, similar to underground passages in bunkers, where soldiers can be ambushed and attacked by surprise. Most of them were built on the city walls or passes of ancient cities.In Chengdu's Tibetan Army Cave, it was built by Li Xiong, Emperor Taizong of the Han Dynasty.In 303 AD, Li Te, the leader of the Di clan, rebelled and was killed by Luo Shang, the governor of Yizhou.Li Xiong took over the Li tribe of the Di tribe and fought against Luo Shang. Luo Shang was short of food and grass, and was cut off by Li Ji from Li Xiong's tribe.Although Luo Shang was defeated, his strength still remained.Later, Luo Shang received the support of Gong Hui, the prefect of Qianwei, Liu Hong, the general of Zhennan in the Western Jin Dynasty, and Li Yi, the governor of Ningzhou and the general of Longxiang. He and Li Yi attacked Li Xiong from the north to the south. The prefect Gong Hui attacked Luo County, and Li Yi, the governor of Yafu, and the prefect of Guanghan Zhang Zhengjin approached Guangdu (which is now near Chengdu Shuangliu Airport). , Prepare to resist the north-south attack of the Jin army.

It's just a pity that Li Yi died of illness in the army, and the court of the Western Jin Dynasty was also in turmoil. Instead of killing Li Xiong when he was weakest, it made him grow bigger and stronger slowly.In the battle of Huanwen's destruction of Shu, luck played a huge part in it. Seeing that Huanwen attacked Chengdu and sent all the troops to meet the enemy, Li Shi didn't use the city wall defense facilities of Chengdu at all.

(End of this chapter)

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