Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 922 The Ultimatum

Chapter 922 The Ultimatum
Chapter 928 The Ultimatum
Even if Ran Zhi couldn't find all the fierce kerosene, the eleven counties of Wei County alone could get no less than 20 jin of fierce kerosene. Strong adhesion, others are not bad at all.

What Wang Meng immediately thought about was that Ran Zhi, who was at the end of his rope, was likely to carry out a devastating blow to Yecheng in a frenzy.Wang Meng hurriedly notified General Modao Xiongjian to prepare his Modao army to launch a counterattack.

Who would have thought that two quarters of an hour later, Xiong Jian received an order to come to Jingyang Gate with only a dozen generals to meet Wang Meng, and Xiong Jian said bluntly: "It is impossible to launch a counterattack immediately, and the soldiers and horses of the last general are scattered around Inside and outside of Ye City, it would take at least one hour to gather all the troops and launch an attack just by gathering all the troops!"

"How can an hour take an hour?" Wang Meng asked in puzzlement, "Isn't the Modao Army the most elite army in Wei? , head tong drum, Zhanfan made. Second tong drum, tight battle robe. Three tong drum, sword unsheathed. Four tong drum, hand over soldiers.) After the assembly is completed, and you have reached the designated combat position, why do you Mo Dao army do it instead? not?"

Xiong Jian's face was full of guilt, and he explained: "It's not because the late general is trying to shirk, but because of the special circumstances."

It turned out that when Ran Min knew that the deadline was approaching, he ordered Ran Ming to return to Yecheng.In order for Ran Ming to take over the power smoothly, Ran Min secretly ordered Xiong Jian's troops to sneak into Yecheng secretly.In order not to alert all forces and hidden enemies in Yecheng, the Modao army racked their brains when entering the city.The first Modao Army soldiers who entered the city were only more than [-] people, and all of them lived in the "Smile All Over the Country" under Ran Ming's banner. To conceal his purpose, Ran Min let Xiong Jian's team act as a sumo team.A series of wonderful sumo wrestling matches were staged in Yixiaoqing.

There is no way, the heavy army has strict requirements on the height and weight of the soldiers, not all people can be trained as soldiers of the Modao army wearing Mingguang armor and holding a Modao.All the soldiers of the Modao Army are generally more than eight feet tall, and they can easily hold the Modao with both hands, and can fight for at least an hour.Such physical requirements are all outstanding.

Letting the soldiers of the Modao Army disguise themselves as sumo wrestlers is also kind and reasonable.However, Mo Daojun pretended to be a sumo wrestler, entered the country with a smile, and soon attracted the attention of countless people.It's as if I'm used to eating big fish and meat, and occasionally eating some radish and green vegetables makes people feel happy.

The soldiers of the Modao Army performed very successfully in the gentle town of Yixiao Qingguo, and soon attracted the imitation of all the brothels and tile houses.Ran Min also ordered his confidants to drag the brave men of the middle base army into Yecheng for a martial arts competition, so that the strong men who slowly poured into Yecheng would not be noticed. The related brothels and tile houses began to follow the path of the army, looking for brave men from the army to perform as guest performers.

In this way, more than 1 people were mixed in throughout Yecheng, and there were more than 5000 brothels, tiles, and gambling houses in Yecheng.Of course, there are only so many Modao troops scattered in, and the second is to be placed in the mansion of Duke Wuxing and King Qin. The mansion of Lord Wuxing Ran Min was in the post-Zhao period. Then the basement was built. The underground palace of Duke Wuxing's mansion was very large, and the soil dug out from the ground alone was piled up into a hill about [-] feet high.In the basement of Wuxing Gong's mansion, at most ten thousand stones of grain and armor and weapons equipped by [-] horses and horses can be stored in it.

As for Prince Qin's Mansion, Ran Ming needless to say.Not only the Prince Qin's Mansion, but almost all of Ran Ming's properties in Ye City have basements. In these basements, there are many that can hide hundreds or thousands of people, and some that can hide tens or hundreds of people.There are more than 100 Modao soldiers in Yecheng scattered in more than [-] workshops, and almost every workshop has Tibetan soldiers from the Modao Army.But at this time, there is no telephone or telegram, and all the news can only be delivered by personnel, and it will not be possible to do it in a short while.What's more, these soldiers of the Modao Army also concealed their identities in various ways, and some were recruited by Wang Meng to assist in the city defense.

Knowing this situation, Wang Meng couldn't say anything more.He had to urge Xiong Jian to gather troops as soon as possible.

However, at this time, Wang Meng's real test came.

With the spread of Ran Zhi's arrow book in Yecheng, the morale of the defenders in Yecheng and the minds of the people began to change.There is a difference between fighting with one another and fighting against another.If at this time the alien army is surrounding the city.The soldiers and civilians in the city may be able to support Wang Meng and defend the city to the death because of a sense of righteousness, but now Ran Zhi outside the city has made it very clear that I am here to trouble the Ran Ming family and have nothing to do with others!In addition, during this period of time, the people in Yecheng also suffered a lot of losses, many civilians were killed or injured, and due to the siege of the city, supplies from outside the city could not come in. Wang Meng adopted the fighter plane supply system. Although no one died of starvation, but However, the people of Yecheng caused great inconvenience.

Originally forced by the oppression of Wang Meng's army, these people were dissatisfied and did not dare to express their opinions.But because of Ran Zhijian's book, this conflict broke out, especially ordinary people who had no interest in Ran Ming, who were trapped in Yecheng against Wang Meng, and Ran Ming's army did not come for a long time, they could not see the hope of victory, etc. For many reasons, this kind of general dissatisfaction with Wang Meng gradually gathered together, and an emotion that Wang Meng could not control began to surge continuously, and it penetrated from the people to the army.

Wang Meng found that his time was very tight. If the defenders whose morale was affected went out to fight, instead of destroying Ran Zhi's equipment troops and the fierce fire oil that Ran Zhi burned the city, it might cause the army to flee on a large scale.After all, most of Wang Meng's army are ordinary people, relying on the city wall or the formation of sabers and chariots, they still have the courage to fight Ran Zhijun, but once they lose these fortifications, will they still have the courage to fight?

The development of the situation is getting more and more out of Wang Meng's control. Now he can't use the defenders to fight back, he can only rely on the powerful Modao army, otherwise Yecheng will be over. Although Ran Zhi can't change the overall situation, it can make Ran Ming unbearable s consequence.

Wang Meng subconsciously thought of this problem when "starting the cattle prisoner" plan, but unfortunately at this time, there was too little time.Wang Meng is also one of the planners who participated in the formulation of the plan to imprison cattle, so Wang Meng is also very aware of the biggest drawback of this plan, which is time.Even if it is launched now, it will definitely not save Yecheng from the crisis.

In desperation, Wang Meng had no choice but to take three steps. First, he wrote a letter to Empress Dowager Dong. In the letter, Wang Meng and Empress Dowager Dong confided in each other, telling her that in this world, she is the only one who can make Ran Zhi change his mind, even if Ran Zhi refuses to submit. , as long as Empress Dowager Dong stands on the city wall, Ran Zhi will be wary.

Because China is a society where benevolence and filial piety come first, no matter how bad a person's moral character is, he cannot be unfilial.Otherwise, people will be criticized.Of course, those tyrants who were abolished are not counted, because they are all lunatics.Ran Zhi is not yet an emperor, and if he wants to become an emperor, he must be recognized by people, otherwise he will never be able to control the state power. No matter how big Ran Zhinai is, he will not be able to fight against all people in the world, unless he wants to be killed in his sleep.In history, when Ming Chengzu Zhu Di attacked Jinan, Jinan was bombarded by the Yan army's cannons. Tie Xuan, Shandong's political affairs secretary, used a portrait to force the Yan army to throw a mouse.It can be seen how important this issue of filial piety is.Of course, Yongzheng, the only emperor in history who can be called diligent and conscientious, was criticized mainly because he was unfilial, forced his biological mother to death, left behind the notoriety of killing his mother, and was disliked by literati and gentry.

Secondly, Wang Meng ordered Xiongjian to do his best and the fastest way to gather the Modao army to launch a counterattack.At the same time, Wang Meng will use the defenders and limited resources to launch a counterattack. Although there is no guarantee that Ran Zhi's equipment troops will be defeated, nor can he guarantee that the crisis in Yecheng can be resolved.


There were originally more than [-] troops in Yecheng, but now that the battle is full, there are only more than [-] people who can still move.It's these soldiers who are somewhat injured.Gathering all the key members, Wang Meng said in a voice of great grief: "I think everyone has heard the news. The rebels shot arrows into the city. The arrows stated that if the city of Ye did not surrender, they would use catapults to throw arrows into the city." With fierce fire and oil, destroy Yecheng and all the people of Yecheng together."

Wang Meng went on to say: "The influence of the arrow book is very great. Maybe many smart people will think, I don't care who is the emperor. Anyway, I am just a low-level citizen. No matter who becomes the emperor, he has to pay taxes. At worst, I surrender. In fact, this idea Very naive, but also very stupid. We have fought with the rebels in Yecheng for sixteen days, and we have already forged a deep blood feud. Can this feud be resolved? Aren’t you afraid of retribution after the fall?”

Wang Meng continued to deliver his impromptu speech: "Our Chinese family has never been short of money and wealth. With our hardworking hands, we have created wealth that is astonishing to the world. This has also brought a heavy disaster to our nation. The Huns When they like to rob, they will come to rob us, not only the Xiongnu, Donghu, Xianbei, Ding Ling, but also the Jie people who are thousands of miles away in the west. They were originally slaves sold to the Central Plains, but they dared to rob us and slaughter us. We, treat us as vegetable people, kill and eat when we want. This is not because we lack bravery, nor because we lack blood, but because we lack a real guide to defeat any enemy and lead us to prosperity and prosperity. Leader. Now our leader has finally appeared. He led us to defeat the Xianbei, Jie, and Huns, regained the lost homeland from the Hu people, and led us to live a good life. The Hu people rode on us The days of suffering above the head are finally in the past, and now this general wants to ask you, are we going to destroy this one-of-a-kind, wise and mighty leader with our own hands?"

"I don't want to, I don't want to!" All the defenders present waved their arms and shouted.The Han people do not lack heroes, nor do they lack heroism. As long as it is time for the genocide to perish, there will always be people with the soul of a leader who can turn the tide. As long as there are such leaders, no matter how poor and backward It is ordinary loose sand, but the Han people can unite together, defeat all enemies, and complete the rebirth from the ashes.

When the Hu people were killing the Han people like crazy, Ran Min appeared.Although he did not become the emperor who unified the world in history, the Hu people were awakened because of the resistance of the Han people he led.Let the Hu people realize that the Han people are no longer cattle and sheep at the mercy of others.In particular, Fu Jian's million-strong army returned in defeat, and Di Qin, which unified the north with millions of troops, fell apart.It made all the rulers of the Hu people feel afraid. At this time, the ethnic policy of the Hu people changed fundamentally, from the original focus on conquest and killing to cooperation.And Xianbei is still automatically sinicized. (Historians' theory of ethnic integration is actually based on the fact that Tuoba Xianbei took the initiative to change Hu surnames to Han surnames, and Yihu language to Chinese in the middle and late period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. However, this reason is also because of Ran Min's resistance. They felt fear. First, the Xiongnu in the north perished, the Jie tribe perished, and the Murong tribe of Xianbei also suffered a heavy blow.)
Apart from Ran Min, there have never been many national heroes of the Han people.When the Kingdom of Jin destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei stood up.It is easy to shake the mountain and difficult to shake the Yue family's army.After a large number of traitors surrendered to Mongolia, and the traitors wiped out the Southern Song Dynasty with their own hands, the Han people really fell into obsession. During a century of suffering that was not as good as pigs and dogs, they sang "I am a majestic man, why is a Hu Er a horse and an ox? Holding a steel Knife 99, kill all Hu Erfang." Directly drove the world-crossing Mongolia to Mobei.

In fact, what the Han people need most is just a reason, a reason to let themselves enter the role of a hero.Apparently Wang Meng gave them this reason. Now the generals of the Wei army have a reason to win, that is, to support heroes and leaders. With this reason, they also have a reason why they cannot lose.

Every nation has its own heroes. If a nation doesn't even have heroes, then even if this nation exists, it is nothing more than a humble group.

Well, as a powerful country, Wei State naturally has its own heroes, and there are many, many heroes.

"Although our strength is weak, we may not be able to defeat the rebels, but we have no choice. We need our leaders, and we need our leaders to lead us to live a good life." Wang Meng roared: "Even if it is a sea of ​​swords and fire, we You have to use your own chest to block it, for the sake of Wei, long live Your Majesty!"

Starting from Suzaku Street, Wang Meng brought all the elite backbones with him. He had only one goal, which was to completely destroy the equipment of Ran Zhijun in the direction of Nancheng.

"The smoke rises, the rivers and mountains look north, the dragon rises and the horse neighs, the sword is like frost, and the heart is like the Yellow River, who can resist in 20 years..." This song of loyalty and dedication to the country has already sounded, and the passionate song reverberates The sky above Yecheng.This makes those who have their own petty thoughts feel extremely ashamed.

At this moment, the defenders of Wei State became brave and fearless, and their morale became high.

"Swear to defend Your Majesty to the death, Long live Your Majesty, Great Wei Wansheng!" Among these slogans, the young and strong people who were full of guilt were a little excited.

A young man suddenly had hot tears in his eyes, knelt down on the ground with a common sound, and said to his parents who were holding on to his sleeves: "It has been difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety since ancient times, please forgive the child for being unfilial..."

The father didn't speak, but the mother was trembling, and said in disbelief: "You rebellious son, you want to be mad at your mother!"

Qing Zhuang said with tears in his voice: "The child will be your son in the next life, and he will serve his parents well in the next life!"

After saying this sentence, Qing Zhuang frantically ran back home, and then quickly took out a horizontal knife with blood stains on the scabbard.Silently joined the advancing team.

Courage can actually be mutually contagious. As long as there is a leader, a group of sheep can also become a group of tigers.Of course, even if it is a tiger, if there is a sheep as the leader, they will become a flock of sheep.


In the southern city of Yecheng, Ran Zhi sits on a stage built with a golden horse.Ran Zhi had no expression on his face, but he was very conflicted in his heart.He silently prayed: "Heaven bless you, surrender quickly, surrender quickly!"

It's just that with the passing of every minute and every second, Yecheng did not show any signs of loosening up.

"Your Majesty, the time is up in a moment! It seems that Yecheng has vowed not to surrender!" In fact, Zhang Yizhi also felt pressure in his heart. It is impossible for everyone to become a beast. He is also a person influenced by Confucianism. To do this The plan is actually based on threats. If it is not surrendered, this is also the last chance to break the deadlock.

Ran Zhi said indifferently: "Pass down this king's order, the whole army is ready, and launch an attack according to the plan in a quarter of an hour."

The soldiers who received Ran Zhi's order began to do the final inspection.The angles of the catapult and the catapult were corrected, and a large number of cans filled with fire oil began to be unloaded from the car, and then placed on the positions of the catapult and catapult firing handles.Everyone is heavy, because they all know that in their hands, tens of thousands of casualties will appear in the next moment, and perhaps within three or two days, the entire Yecheng City with a population of 70 million may become a city. demon.

It’s just that there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. When countless young and strong soldiers from Yecheng and soldiers from the new army joined Wang Meng’s counterattack army, this also delayed the speed of Wang Meng’s march. At this time, Wang Meng’s army was still three miles away from Ran Zhi’s army. It's time for Ran Zhi to issue an ultimatum.

The quicksand in the hourglass is flowing bit by bit, and it also symbolizes the passing of time every minute and every second.Ran Zhi quietly looked at the hourglass in front of him, seeing that the quicksand in the funnel was about to run dry.Ran Zhi slowly closed his eyes, using this method to attack the city, regardless of success or failure, Ran Zhi will fall behind.Even if he can use power to silence everyone, history will eventually nail him to the pillar of shame.

(End of this chapter)

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