Chapter 923

Chapter 929 The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of meat
Ran Zhi's heart also set off monstrous waves. As the planner and implementer of this plan, Zhang Yizhi was actually not calm.As Zhang Yizhi, who is proficient in Confucianism, tolerance, benevolence and justice have already penetrated into Zhang Yizhi's heart.

But Zhang Yanzhi had no choice, he stepped on Ran Zhi's boat, and started to compete with Ran Ming for the country. In this one-way line, he either wins and enjoys great glory, or dies and is crowned with all kinds of infamy.

"Your Majesty, the time is up!" Seeing that Ran Zhi did not respond, Zhang Yanzhi reminded softly: "Yecheng seems to be too bewitched by the enemy, and will not yield in the face of death. It will not be used by the king!"

Ran Zhi raised the telescope, which was given to him by Ran Yu.As soon as he got the telescope, Ran Zhi realized its military role.Once this kind of equipment is equipped to the scouts and battlefield commanders, it will allow the scouts to detect the enemy first, and it will also allow the commander to preemptively and calmly arrange.It's just a pity that Ran Zhi doesn't know how to make it, and the value of the telescope polished by natural colorless crystal is very high. After all, there are not many natural colorless crystals in nature. To be able to make lenses, not only need to be big enough, But also to overcome the hardness of the crystal.Even if Ran Yu was in the army, only the school lieutenant and scout dubo were eligible to have it, so Ran Yu still gave Ran Zhi five binoculars.

However, Ran Zhi was disappointed in the end, Yecheng still had no intention of surrendering, and now he had to launch a plan to burn the city.Ran Zhiqiang said calmly: "Since it is not used by the lonely king, it is the enemy of the lonely king. If you follow it, you will prosper, and if you go against it, you will perish. Order all troops to carry out indiscriminate attacks according to the plan. Other troops on foot and cavalry are ready to attack at any time." follow up!"

"Yes!" The combat staff officer took the written order, and then asked Ran Zhi to stamp his king's seal, and then handed it over to the messenger.The messenger who received the order quickly ran out of the tent.Through layer-by-layer communication, it was finally communicated to all front-line equipment troops, and each ballista and trebuchet began to operate, and finally corrected the firing angles.

At this time, Wang Meng's counterattack troops were still a thousand steps away from Ran Zhijun's forward. If it was cavalry, the distance of a thousand steps would only be a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, all of Wang Meng's troops were cavalry.Wang Meng had already passed the forward observation post and found that all the command flags of Ran Zhijun had been raised, which obviously meant to launch fierce incendiary bombs.However, Wang Meng had no choice at this time, he put aside the unrealistic thoughts in his head.Encouraging morale: "Now Yecheng is in crisis, and Great Wei is in crisis. I am the only one who can turn the tide!"

"I would like to die for His Majesty!"

"Big Wei Wansheng!"

Wang Meng knew that the soldiers in full armor were running fast for seven or eight miles, and their physical strength was exhausted. At this time, the most correct way is to stop the whole army and take a rest. It will take at least half an hour for the soldiers to recover their physical strength. Otherwise, if you just rush forward like this, even if you win, it will be a tragic victory.But Wang Meng obviously had no choice.

"Now, the time has come to test us. The rebels are about to launch incendiary bombs. All the officers and men know the power of incendiary bombs. If the crazy attacks of the rebels are not stopped, Yecheng will be completely burned by incendiary bombs. Seventy More than ten thousand soldiers and civilians will burn their lives." Wang Meng said: "Can we retreat now?"

"Can't, can't, can't..."

There were more than [-] troops in the army, and the roar was like thunder, soaring straight into the sky.

At this moment, the captain of Ran Zhi's military equipment battalion shouted loudly: "Everyone, get ready..."

However, before the Lieutenant of the Equipment Battalion finally gave the order to attack, he saw the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Army calling a semaphore to stop the attack immediately.Because of paying close attention to Yecheng, Ran Zhi, who longed for a miracle discovery, finally discovered the abnormality, and saw two figures appearing on the horizon. These two women were both dressed in white clothes and had flowing hair.No matter how cruel Ran Zhi was, he ordered the attack because he found that these two women were people he knew very well. A young woman who is also his half-sister.

However, Ran Zhi's face was livid with anger.He roared with a ferocious face: "You are all forcing the lonely king, queen mother, you are so partial!"

But when Ran Zhi was in such a state of despair, Zhang Yanzhi was overjoyed and said, "Your Majesty, things have turned around!"

"Oh!" Ran Zhi said puzzledly: "With the queen mother here, the lonely king must not order the attack anyway, otherwise how will the people of the world treat the lonely king? The younger brother of the lonely king is actually the most emotional, as long as the lonely king If he controls the family members of the second child in Yecheng, he will compromise. But once his mother dies in the hands of the lonely king, he will definitely go crazy, and he will use any means. Death."

In fact, Ran Zhi only attacked Yecheng and did not occupy other territories, nor did he replace Ran Ming.There is only one real purpose, and that is to force Ran Ming to compromise and rule with him. Whether it is Liaodong, Guanzhong, Qin, Liang, or even Xuzhou or Yangzhou, it is also within the scope of Ran Zhi's acceptance. .Because Ran Zhi also understands that Ran Ming controls almost all the troops of Wei State, and it is absolutely impossible for Ran Ming to abdicate. Only in this way can Ran Zhi get the chance to defeat Ran Ming in the future.In the current land of Yizhou, the population of Xiuwu Kingdom is too small. Even if all the people are soldiers and all the young and strong are armed, he can barely arm hundreds of thousands of troops. However, in this way, the overall quality of the army will decline, and the combat effectiveness will also decrease. thus lowered.Ran Zhi needs a population and a righteous name for stable development.After all, Ran Ming is a person who cherishes his feathers, and if he denies that he was in Yecheng, he would not let him live.

Zhang Yuzhi whispered in Ran Zhi's ear: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is also your biological mother. The palm of your hand is flesh, and the back of your hand is also flesh. Why should you treat one more favorably than the other? As long as the King behaves like this, the Empress Dowager will definitely be persuaded. As long as the Empress Dowager nods , our plan has succeeded."

After hearing what Zhang Yin said, Ran Zhi was immediately overjoyed, and ordered the middle gate of the front camp gate, and all the ministries lined up in turn to welcome the arrival of Queen Mother Dong and Princess Dachang.

A melodious horn sounded, and a luxuriously decorated carriage arrived in front of Empress Dowager Dong and Princess Qianyun, and the driver of the carriage respectfully invited the two Empress Dowager Dong to mount.The carriage turned around and slowly headed towards Ran Zhi's Chinese military camp.

At this time, Yecheng was very calm on the surface, but there were no disturbances. Wang Meng's control of Yecheng was not too bad.If you just observe carefully, you will find that there are some majestic men in all the workshops of Yecheng. These majestic men in black armor make people dare not look directly at them, because the murderous aura emanating from them makes them more timid. People can be scared to pee directly.

Since Ran Zhi shot arrows into the city last night, Yecheng is like a flat boat in the vast ocean, which can capsize at any time.This point can be seen from the fact that a large number of recruited young men fled back home.Tianjia's affairs are handled by Tianjia.What the common people should do, will still be as usual.It's just that under this tranquility, how many murderous intentions and undercurrents are hidden?

At this time, Dong Run, the former great general who seemed to be forgotten by others, picked up a chess piece and gently landed on the chessboard.Then he picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, looking extremely relaxed.

Opposite Dong Run, an old man sat upright.Judging from his appearance, he is about forty or fifty years old.The body is slightly thin, but there is a killing spirit.The long dial under his chin did not vibrate, showing that his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.Finally, with a long sigh, he threw the chess piece on the board. "Dong Taiwei has arrived at this time, what are your plans?"

It seems that since the failure of the last exercise, Dong Run lost his military power and became Wei Guo's Taiwei.Theoretically speaking, the official position of Taiwei is the commander-in-chief who controls the world's soldiers and horses. If it is converted into an official position in later generations, no matter how you say it, he is a second-ranking figure in the army. It can be said to be the first vice chairman of the Military Commission, or it can be said It's the Minister of Defense, the Chief of the General Staff.It's just that, under normal circumstances, the Taiwei is a vacant position with a position but no power, unless he is a powerful minister like Huan Wen, but as a powerful minister, he can only control his own troops, and the emperor still tries to drag the Taiwei's hind legs .

Dong Run in Wei State lost the opportunity to directly control the army. He was only a captain in name. The Taifu shogunate has been completely emptied. It is very likely that Ran Ming will abolish the official position and organization of Taiwei in the future.

Dong Run put down his teacup, twirled his beard and smiled, "Teacher Zhong, the outcome has not yet been decided, so why are you rushing to surrender?"

"You know I'm not talking about this game of chess!"

"But what I'm talking about now is this game of chess..." The old man is none other than the former Taiwei of Wei Guo and the current Taifu Zhongshen.

Zhong Shen looked at Dong Run in a daze, and said softly, "Ran Zhi has gone crazy. He wants to drag the whole Yecheng people to be buried with him. Why are you in no hurry? People in Yecheng are fluctuating now, and the road ahead How exactly should we proceed? You and I need to make early plans... If it drags on for a long time, I'm afraid the situation will become more serious. This foundation, which was built with great difficulty, will disappear in smoke."

"So what?" Dong Run said indifferently: "What can we do? Now the two chess players are not you and me. It is up to the chess player to decide how to make a move and how to make a move." Yes. No matter how urgent we are, what can we change?"

Zhong Shen couldn't help but shut his mouth, and was speechless for a long time.

At this embarrassing moment, suddenly there was a light knock on the door outside the house.Dong Run gestured, and a burly man wrapped in black clothes lightly handed a note to Dong Run.Dong Run took the note and waved the man in black away.The man in black didn't say a word from beginning to end.Dong Run looked at the things on the note, and said with a leisurely smile: "Our emperor is really not simple. I have suspected it for a long time. Almost none of his direct descendants participated in the Southern Expedition, but instead stationed at the same place. This in itself It’s a huge doubt. Now that I finally figured it out, he actually secretly hid all 3 troops of the Modao Army in Yecheng.”

"What, Mo Daojun?" Zhong Shen couldn't help exclaiming: "How is this possible?"

"Hehe, how is this impossible!" Dong Run said with a relaxed smile, "Don't look at your Majesty, who has been wandering outside for many years, and seems to have no foundation in Yecheng. But Run knows that His Majesty's life in Yecheng Forces, beyond your imagination, [-] soldiers and horses have been concealed from all forces, and all of them are meticulously used as eyeliners. How does this ability compare with the late emperor?"

In fact, Dong Run's guess was wrong. The Modao army's 3 elite troops entered Yecheng. This had nothing to do with Ran Ming at all, but Ran Min wanted to ensure that Ran Ming could safely ascend the throne.Ran Min established the Wei State, initially it was only a loose alliance, and all beggars from all over the world respected Ran Min as the leader of the alliance. Don’t look at the beginning of the establishment of the Wei State, which had more than [-] troops, almost killing the Xiongnu, Jie, and Di. Hu's coalition forces were defeated, but in fact, the commanders of these begging army all had their own political opinions and territory, which is why in history, a single envoy and a single conferment can bring over [-] troops from Ranmin's six prefectures. The real reason for the collapse.The prefects and governors of these places obeyed Ran Min's orders in name, but in fact, if they repeated them again, Ran Min would have no choice.

It's like Zhang Yu's rebellion, which can only be suppressed passively.But the Modao Army is different. This is an army formed by Ran Ming. From equipment to training, Ran Ming's disciples have always been doing it.Ran Ming is the person who supplies money and food to the Modao Army, and most of the generals in the army are from the Jiaodong National Lecture Hall opened by Ran Ming in Qingzhou. Ran Ming.

Zhong Shen sighed and said, "Shen has already experienced His Majesty's tricks of turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain. Now that His Majesty's trump card has been played, I am afraid that the outcome will be decided soon."

"This is very natural. Did Mr. Zhong forget that His Majesty ordered General Anbei to leave the Anbei Army and be promoted to the position of the so-called chief of staff?" Dong Run said: "Mr. Zhong can see that General Ji has no resistance? Why? No way? I wish, but I can't. Polu, the youngest son of the great general Ji, has already raised the flag of rebellion, but the hundreds of thousands of Anbei army elites have not seen any movement, so you can see the clue. The Anbei army has long been out of the control of the great general Ji, and they have already Secretly pledged allegiance to His Majesty. At that time, as long as the general had the slightest dissatisfaction, he would lay his dead body on the spot. This time, Ran Zhibing surrounded Ye City. This city seemed to be precarious, but in fact it was as stable as Mount Tai. Now the Mo Dao Army has appeared , Your Majesty's direct lineage is more than one Modao army, there are Canglang Camp, Tiger Roaring Camp, Shengjie, Sujie, Gale, Tiger Ben, etc. These troops are the core of His Majesty's direct lineage. We lost a lot, but with His Majesty's financial resources, would there be any problem in supplementing these troops?"

"Shen also understands now that this city of Ye is simply a game." Zhong Shen sighed: "This is a game where His Majesty lures those who are secretly dissatisfied with him to surface. Those who have ulterior motives, jump The faster they go, the more fun they jump, the worse they die!"

"That's right!" Dong Run said with a smile, "Didn't Mr. Zhong see that Mrs. Zhang has always been loyal to His Majesty without reservation? Are Zhang Wen, Zhang Ai, Zhang Yi, Zhang Ju and others honest and loyal to His Majesty? Because The Zhang family is a capable person, and he must have seen through His Majesty's situation early in the morning. It is also fortunate that we have not made any changes, denying it must be the end of the family's ruin."

Zhong Shen said: "There is no such thing as a simple person in the Son of Heaven. I really don't know how their heads grow."

"Haha!" Dong Run laughed loudly when he heard the words: "This is the butt decides the head, what kind of considerations you will have when you sit on it."

Zhong Shen said, "Then we..."

"Now, we don't have to do anything."

"Do nothing?"

"Yes, just wait!" Dong Run said: "We have to wait for the final result, the final judgment of fate. I hope our two nephews are not short-sighted, otherwise there will be endless disasters!"


Ran Zhi took off his royal clothes, and exposed his upper body, revealing the shocking, criss-crossing and terrifying scars on his body.In this world, there is never a free lunch. Ran Zhi led more than a thousand people to Yizhou, and gradually unified Yizhou, which also paid an amazing effort.In particular, in order to prevent Yang Yunchen from bullying the master, Ran Zhi imitated Ran Min. He took the lead in every battle, took the lead in every battle, and shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. Through Ran Zhi's unremitting efforts, he finally followed the " Ran's Art of War has created an army that is completely loyal to him and has a very strong combat effectiveness.

Ran Zhi suffered more than [-] large and small wounds, and the arrow he hit at the most dangerous time was less than an inch away from his heart. Fortunately, Ran Zhi's enemies did not have strong crossbows, otherwise the gods would not be able to save him.Ran Zhi tied the thorns, pleaded guilty with the thorns, and kowtowed to Empress Dowager Dong's car step by step, just like an ascetic.Because the bound thorns are very tight, every time Ran Zhi's body moves, the barbs on the thorns will be deeply inserted into the flesh. In just a few dozen steps, the blood on Ran Zhi's back will not stop. His shocking wound made Ran Zhi win Empress Dowager Dong's sympathy at the first step.

"The unfilial son Zhizhi pays homage to his mother!"

Only then did Empress Dowager Dong realize that this ugly man was actually Ran Zhi.But looking carefully, Empress Dowager Dong still found a long-lost shadow in Ran Zhi's eyes.

"Are you Zhier?"

"The child is right!" Ran Zhi's tears gushed like a spring, but Ran Zhi ignored her, hugged Empress Dowager Dong's thigh in front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and howled loudly.This cry is like crying from heaven and earth to ghosts and gods.All of a sudden, Empress Dowager Dong's heart softened.Empress Dowager Dong was originally very angry with Ran Zhi. This child is nothing at all. Not only did she murder Ran Min, but she was also planning to kill Ran Ming. This time, taking advantage of the emptiness of Yecheng, she attacked Yecheng and made Yecheng pay more than 1 yuan. The heavy cost of human casualties.When she heard that the troops attacking Yecheng were actually Ran Zhi's soldiers, Empress Dowager Dong wanted to strangle Ran Zhi to death, but seeing Ran Zhi's "miserable" image, Empress Dowager Dong's resentment disappeared instantly. What was replaced was deep sympathy and guilt.

Every mother dotes on her son very much, even if the son is a heinous villain.Seeing Ran Zhi's disfigured face and those shocking wounds and scars on his body, Empress Dowager Dong didn't need to ask, but she could guess that Ran Zhi must have suffered too much these years.

When Empress Dowager Dong and Ran Zhi were hugging their heads in pain, Ran Zhi choked up and said, "Please be merciful, Queen Mother, and save Zhi'er."

Empress Dowager Dong did not forget her original intention of this trip, and asked Ran Zhi to stop his plan of burning and attacking Yecheng, and Ran Zhi agreed to Empress Dowager Dong's request without hesitation.Empress Dowager Dong was also stunned, she looked at Ran Zhi puzzled, and wanted to hear his explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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