Chapter 924

Chapter 930
"Mother, you are so biased, you are the same as father, you prefer the second child!" Ran Zhi cried with snot and tears running down his face: "Look at the scars on the child's body, you can know that if the child can live until now, seeing the mother's queen is the most important thing!" How difficult it is."

Speaking of which, Ran Zhi is actually not easy.Although Ran Min was the founding emperor of the Wei Kingdom, since Ran Zhi was appointed as the crown prince by Ran Min, from the first year of Qinglong to the third year of Yongxing, during these three years, Ran Min spent most of the time leading the army to fight , and the internal affairs of the Wei State are all managed by Ran Zhi, who bears the title of Prince Jian.

Although the establishment of the Wei State represented the interests of the vast majority of people, there were gains and losses. The newly born Wei State first violated the interests of the powerful gentry from all over the country. Although there was no such thing as a traitor in that era, their actions were real traitors.These stubborn local forces, attached to the shelter of the post-Zhao Jie nationality regime, they sucked the bones of the Han people. When it comes to killing Han people, they are sometimes more ruthless than the Jie people.

After expelling Jie, Xiongnu, and Xianbei Zhuhu, Ran Min launched a liquidation of the stubborn traitor forces. These traitor forces colluded with the Eastern Jin court. They used money offensives to divide and disintegrate most of the Wei army.At this time, Ran Zhi began to establish his own team to attack, divide and appease the stubborn forces.Three years before Yongxing, the situation in Wei State was turbulent, and it can be said that it was gradually stabilized because of Ran Zhi.

Unlike Ran Ming, a later generation, no matter how outstanding Ran Zhi is, his vision and way of thinking will never keep up with Ran Ming's pace.In particular, Ran Ming is good at managing money and developing the economy, which makes the gentry and common people who suffer from the war and yearn for peace support Ran Ming.At the same time, Ran Zhi's shortcomings are also magnified.This kind of situation can be seen in detail in later generations of European and American countries targeting anti-Chinese and anti-Chinese incidents. As long as Chinese people are involved, they will use a magnifying glass to publicize.

Of course, Ran Ming's strong appearance posed a great threat to Ran Zhi.In particular, Ran Ming is very good at fighting and making money.Throughout the ages, the essence of fighting for money has never changed.With the money he earned, Ran Ming expanded his army crazily, reaching nearly half of Wei's elite force, which made Ran Zhi feel threatened.In Ran Zhi's mind, even if he doesn't fight back against Ran Ming, I'm afraid that after Ran Min's death, Ran Ming, who is self-respecting, will not allow Ran Zhi to take the position smoothly. Needless to say.That's why there have been a series of assassinations and persecutions.

After Ran Zhi cried like this, Empress Dowager Dong also felt uncomfortable.Ran Zhi secretly looked at Empress Dowager Dong, and seeing that she had listened to his words, he secretly exclaimed that it was a fluke.

"The queen mother, please save the child!" Ran Zhi said, "If the queen mother refuses to save the child, next year today will be the memorial day for the child."

Empress Dowager Dong wiped her tears, choked with sobs and said: "But Zhi'er, you have disappointed Ai's family so much. You actually want to destroy Yecheng. How will you see your father in the future?"

In fact, Empress Dowager Dong was also very disappointed with Ran Zhi. Ran Zhi not only assassinated Ran Min, but also assassinated Ran Ming many times, and even staged a coup, overthrowing Ran Min's rule for a time.Regarding the struggle between Ran Zhi, Ran Min, and Ran Ming, Empress Dowager Dong felt very painful, because the three parties in these struggles were all her closest relatives. Faced with the endless war between her son and her husband, Empress Dowager Dong often burst into tears.What's more, at this time, Ran Zhi actually raised an army of tens of thousands, occupied Wei County and surrounded Yecheng, and fought a fierce battle against Yecheng. Empress Dowager Dong also heard about Ran Zhi's evil deeds many times.When she didn't see Ran Zhi, Empress Dowager Dong even wanted to strangle Ran Zhi to death, but when she saw Ran Zhi's miserable scene, her heart softened again.However, Empress Dowager Dong is Ran Min's first wife, and she also knows about politics.Ran Ming has already controlled Wei Guo and won the approval of Wei Guo's important ministers with his actions.Ran Zhi can't beat Ran Ming, because up to now, there has been no response to Ran Zhi's actions in all parts of Wei State, and even Ji Wei, who has the most military power in Wei State, has to accept Ran Ming's order to rise up and down secretly.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother!" Empress Dowager Dong said, "Before His Majesty's army returns to Yecheng, you should lead your troops to escape, the farther the better."

"The whole world is the king's land, the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers. Now our country of Wei has unified the world. Where can the sons and ministers escape?" Ran Zhi cried bitterly: "Mother, you are so cruel. Is it? Now that you have lost the third child (formerly Wang Ranyin from Taiyuan.) Now you want to watch me and the fourth child also be killed by the second child?"

After hearing this, Empress Dowager Dong remembered that this time it was not Ran Zhi himself who rebelled, and the fourth eldest Ran Yu was among them. All dynasties and dynasties have treated rebellion very cruelly. Even the fourth son, Ran Yu, may be executed.For a mother, three of her six sons were killed, and the white-haired one gave away the black-haired one, how cruel it was.At this moment, Empress Dowager Dong's maternal love overflowed.She lost her voice: "No way, the matter will be so serious?"

It's just that Empress Dowager Dong's tone has no confidence, and if she can't say it, she probably won't believe it herself.

"The Tian family has no kinship!" Ran Zhi said: "I don't want to be the emperor, but just want to survive. The real purpose of attacking Yecheng this time is to hold the second family's family as hostages and force the second child to compromise. If there is no hostage that the second child cares about, I am afraid that the child will definitely die."

Empress Dowager Dong sighed deeply. Of course, Empress Dowager Dong was not a strong political woman like Empress Dowager Chu, and she couldn't even see through such a simple deception as Ran Zhi.If Ran Zhi only wanted to survive and used the cover of a teacher in Shengquan Town, Ran Ming would definitely not deal with Ran Zhi.However, Ran Zhi still couldn't bear the loneliness, organized a group of troops to go to sea, occupied Yizhou, and established the Xiuwu Kingdom.Of course, if Ran Zhi just occupied Yizhou and made himself king, Ran Ming would let it go. As long as Ran Zhi didn't steal land and divide the territory, Ran Ming would definitely acquiesce in the fact that Ran Zhi was the king of martial arts.It's just that Ran Zhi tried his best to take advantage of the opportunity of the battle between Jin and Wei to raid Yecheng. The purpose is definitely not just to survive.

Being able to occupy Yecheng, control the center of the Wei state, adopt the method of entrusting an official to make a wish, even at the expense of local autonomy, to obtain the support of the feudal officials, and start the final battle with Ran Ming for the throne.Even if it fails, with more than [-] hostages in Yecheng, Ran Ming will definitely agree with Ran Zhi's strategy of enfeoffment. Ran Zhi can be said to be able to attack when he advances, and he can defend when he retreats, occupying an absolute strategic advantage.

Empress Dowager Dong is still in the trap, because not all women have sharp political vision like Empress Lu, Empress Chu, Empress Dou, and Wu Zetian. In terms of politics, Empress Dowager Dong is actually like an ordinary mother. In the country, the most important thing is the son, the family.

It's just that Ran Zhi's plan was very good, but he met Wang Meng as an opponent. You must know that in history, Fu Jian was able to become Emperor Diqin from a patriarchal vassal, and unified the north, defeating Yan, Dai, and Liang. The separatist regimes such as China, Qiuchi State, and local tyrants in various places actually rely on Wang Meng's own strength.

Just when Ran Zhi invited Queen Mother Dong into the tent of the Chinese army for secret discussions.Wang Meng is also ready for the final preparations to raid Ran Zhi's equipment troops.The biggest difference between incendiary bombs and fierce fire oil is one point, adhesion.If it is the kerosene fired from the fierce fire oil tank, it will be ignited wherever it sticks, just like the incendiary bombs of later generations.But fierce kerosene is not the same. This is primary refined kerosene, the main purpose of which is to prevent poisonous gas and black smoke from burning and damage the eyes.After being heated in a large urn, the oil will produce primary separation of impurities and oil. Although the burning effect of this water-like fierce fire oil is better than that of oil, it does not have tenacious adhesion. In this way, in addition to burning fixed objects, it is flammable. Objects, the effect of sustained burning is not good.

At this time, in order to avoid heavy casualties, Wang Meng ordered a death squad of more than [-] people to be selected from the counterattack force.Although facing the rain of arrows will cause heavy casualties, once you encounter a fierce fire oil attack, you can take off your clothes in time to reduce casualties.

In order to reduce casualties, Wang Meng also increased the use of Baihu Qiben rockets to suppress the archers of Ran Zhijun's defensive equipment troops.

Empress Dowager Dong stabilized Ran Zhi, and at the same time gave Wang Meng a chance.The urgently mobilized 150 Hundred Tigers Launching Vehicles were intensively dispatched to the direction of Nancheng. The [-] Hundred Tigers Launching Vehicles could launch [-] rockets at one time, equivalent to a salvo of [-] archers.In addition to the hundred tigers rushing to shoot, Wang Meng also mobilized [-] rockets with a single-shot range of more than [-] steps.More than forty ballistas deployed in the direction of the south city also joined the attack.

Many friends may wonder, since Wang Meng has such a strong strength, why did he launch a fatal blow to Ran Zhijun in the southeast of Yecheng now?The reason is actually very simple. With the plan to retreat to the outer city walls, the rockets, rockets, and crossbows under Wang Meng's command are scattered in Yecheng, so the combat power will be naturally diluted.

The rocket launch vehicle secretly arrived at the combat position, tore off the camouflage net, and quickly adjusted the launch angle with a single command.

"Boom..." There was an earth-shattering explosion sound. In fact, the sound of the rockets fired by Hundred Tigers was not loud, but as many as [-] rockets were ignited. The sound was loud, as one can imagine.Earth-shattering bombing sounds came one after another, and the entire southeast of Yecheng was quickly illuminated by the flames set off by earth-shattering explosions.Forty thousand rockets with orange tail flames flew towards the crossbowman camp in front of Ran Zhi's equipment camp with a scream of death.

Ran Zhijun's crossbowmen turned pale with fright. Regardless of the fact that the crossbowmen were equipped with armor and protective shields, the role of armor was very limited in the face of such covering rocket strikes.Black gunpowder is the power source of the reaction rocket, and this kind of kinetic energy cannot tear apart the protection of the armor, but no matter how strong the armor is, it cannot withstand such intensive blows.Because the reason is very simple, just like body armor, even if it can prevent the body armor from being broken, the kinetic energy of the bullet can still cause damage to the human body. In the mild case, a bone fractures, and in the severe case, it directly shatters the spleen.

More than a thousand members of the death squad almost followed the tail flames of the arrows of the hundred tigers, and launched a desperate attack.After the thousand death squads, there are two full battalions of [-] light infantry attacking formation.

Just as Qianyun, the eldest princess in Ran Zhizhong's tent, was bored, she suddenly saw bursts of light unexpectedly.Qian Yun said: "Queen, what do you think is that?"

Empress Dowager Dong was at a loss, but unfortunately it was only daytime, if it was night, the meteor fire rain would be much more spectacular than it is now.However, the well-informed Ran Zhi showed a look of panic when he saw this scene.I saw the overwhelming rain of meteors and fire flying towards Ran Zhijun's crossbowmen position.No need to ask the result, Ran Zhi already knew that his crossbowmen must have suffered heavy losses.You must know that this kind of rocket with hundreds of tigers rushing together has a very poor accuracy rate, and some may be more than ten steps away from the target, but it can't support enough arrows of this kind. "Despicable, shameless, obscene." A series of vicious curses came out of Ran Zhi's mouth, but Ran Zhi, who was in a hurry, was so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma.Facing a rocket strike of this scale, his crossbowmen had no chance of counterattacking at all.


In the vast night, in a place where he couldn't see his fingers, Surin was so bold that he couldn't help but arouse goose bumps all over his body.At this time, the murderous aura around him was getting stronger and stronger, Su Lin tightly held the spear in his hand, and carefully hid the main parts of his body in the shield held in his left hand.

With a dozen servants, Su Lin searched cautiously, and finally he found the source of the murderous aura.Su Lin couldn't help holding his breath, holding the spear tightly, and slowly moved forward. Finally, the orange torch lit up the night sky.This hazy group of torches started to ignite the torches of all the servants, and dozens of torches lit up the night sky, making Su Lin's vision clear.Su Lin saw a man with disheveled hair, this man was very young, his handsome cheeks looked childish.But what surprised Surin was that this young man's face, hair, body, hands, and the spears and halberds scattered around him were all stained with mottled blood.

Just when a servant saw the young man's upper body full of arrows and shocking wounds, he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise. At this moment, the young man suddenly woke up, holding a spear and a halberd in each hand and roaring. Said: "Kill!"

On the belly skirt of the armor, a wound that was almost a foot long was exposed. As the young man struggled like this, the blood was like a river breaking its embankment.The beige war robe was completely stained red with blood. Under the weak light, the bloodstains were not so glaring, but they were shocking because of his pale face and the bloodstains all over his body.

This was the first time Su Lin and Ran Min met. Even Su Lin did not expect that Ran Min could survive such injuries.Ran Min first appeared in historical records because of the battle of Zhaoyan Changli in the fourth year of Zhao Jianwu (AD 338). Shihu was defeated in the battle of Changli. One of his troops was not traumatized, and Ran Min became famous.

Many historians also infer that the reason why Ran Min was able to keep all the songs was because the partial division of the [-] Han army was not chased by the Yan army, which implied that Ran Min was lucky.But history is a little whore, let the victors dress up as they please.In fact, this is not the case, because the so-called Battle of Changli was just a carefully planned scam. Zhao Jun.At that time, Emperor Zhao Shihu had sent generals Ma Qiu and Sima Yangyu to accept the surrender with [-] troops.The former king of Yan, Murong Hao, led an army to meet Duan Liao, and sent Murong Ke to lead seven thousand cavalry to ambush in Miyun Mountain.Unprepared, the Zhao army entered the ambush circle of the Yan army. At Sanzangkou (now Chengde, Hebei), [-] cavalry besieged the Zhao army with [-] cavalry. The Zhao army was caught off guard, and more than half of the casualties were defeated.It was a battle, and Ma Qiu, the then general of Zhengdong in Later Zhao, fled on foot, and Sima Yangyu was captured.

The 110 infantry of the Han army under Ran Min were lagging behind, so they were prepared when the Yan army's ambush was exhausted. Ran Min ordered his troops to build a defense line with rough horses and heavy vehicles, and resisted layer by layer.In fact, the Hu people have the same characteristics of any ethnic group, that is, their discipline is lax, their formation is loose, and they are brave if they are brave, but they do not have the tenacity of the Han army.In fact, everyone knows that when the infantry encounters a cavalry raid on the way, it is actually a situation of life and death.But once the infantry is prepared, using cavalry, especially light cavalry, to attack the infantry and establish a complete position is a tragic battle in which both sides suffer.Since the cavalry is on horseback, the bows and arrows equipped by the cavalry in this era generally refer to the seven-dou bow (one stone is ten dou, which is about 91 catties. The pulling force of the seven-dou bow is equivalent to [-] pounds in later generations.)
However, the foot crossbow equipped by Ran Min's Han army belongs to the category of three-stone strong bow. This kind of foot crossbow has extremely strong penetrating power and a very long range. to cheap.Moreover, Ran Min did not defend passively, but fired with crossbows. When repelling the Yan army, he led a small number of cavalry to counterattack.The more than [-] iron guards of the Ran's begging army under Ran Min's department finally made Yan's army terrified, so Ran Min had to retreat calmly.Unfortunately, all of Ran Min's more than [-] iron guards were killed, and Ran Min himself was also severely injured and almost died tragically.

Every time he recalled the past, Su Lin felt an indescribable pain in his heart.At that time, Su Lin saw Ran Min's extraordinary temperament, so he made him a friend and gave him great support.Of course, according to historical records, Ran Min's troops are well-equipped with excellent armor, and they also have a great relationship with the Su family in Zhongshan. There is no way, the Su family started their business by selling horses and smelting iron.Su Lin is also an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, and made indelible contributions to the founding period of the Wei State, but then Su Lin faded out of the court of the Wei State. Of course, there is also a very big secret in this.

(End of this chapter)

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