Chapter 925
Chapter 931

The Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties were a period of great change in ancient China. At this time, because a large number of Hu people moved to the Central Plains, the diet, clothing, and living habits of the Hu people deeply affected the Han people.Especially the well-known Tang Dynasty, the true characteristics of Tang suits are tight fit, round neck, and slits. In fact, they all obviously have the style of Hu people's clothing.

Not only Hu Bing entered the dining table of thousands of households, but also the social atmosphere developed by Hu people.In general, the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties have been disturbed for nearly 400 years. Due to the implementation of the nine-rank Zhongzheng system, there are no poor families in the upper rank and no powerful families in the lower rank.This is a lifeless era. Everyone seems to decide your future status and destiny at the moment of birth (unless you rebel and become emperor, it is difficult to change your fate. Even if you rebel and become a general, you will definitely be killed This is the custom of that era). "Those who have acquired talents since ancient times have a prosperous country", in such a lifeless era, talent is not valued, but birth is valued.This is similar to our later generations. Talent is not the key to entering a good unit or getting promoted, but family background and connections are the key. It is similar to the Jiupin Zhongzheng System.Under such a political situation, if reforms are not carried out, there will be no long-term reason.But we don’t need to worry, even if there is another chaos in the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, as long as our nation rises after decades of chaos, our nation will definitely rise again—this is the most lovely and most worthy of our Han nation. Respect.

The children of the gentry in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties also had some behavior habits that seem unbelievable today. For example, men like to put on powder and wear sachets, and from an aesthetic point of view, morbid thinness is considered beautiful.This is not a criticism, the most bizarre thing is that it is popular in the whole society to raise male pets, twins, and child lovers.In fact, this kind of ethos is not influenced by the Hu people. It has been this ethos since ancient times. It was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who first saw twin children in history, and there were not a few emperors who were gay.In fact, Su Lin is also a homosexual, but he is not like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty or Fu Jian, who can take all men and women. He is a staunch homosexual patient like Lord Longyang, who is good at Longyang, and Emperor Ai, who is addicted to broken sleeves.

When Su Lin saw Ran Min's handsome appearance for the first time, especially his sword eyebrows and tiger eyes, which was so heroic, he fell in love with him very much.For this reason, Su Lin spared no effort to subsidize Ran Min. Not only did he give Ran Min a pair of iron armor worth tens of thousands of gold, but he also gave Ran Min more than 120 catties of iron, fifty war horses, [-] rough horses, and five hundred horses. More than [-] catties of gold and grain.Speaking of iron, it was recorded in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In fact, the earliest iron appeared in the Three Kingdoms period. In the first chapter of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it was written that Liu Guanzhang was married, and Su Shuang offered a thousand catties of iron to Liu Bei. The "double-strand sword" used by Liu Bei, the "Qinglong Yanyue Sword (also known as 'Lengyan Saw')" used by Guan Yu, and the "Zhangba Point Steel Spear (also known as 'Zhangba Snake Spear')" used by Zhang Fei All are made of this thousand catties of high-quality iron.

The Su family in Zhongshan is a wealthy family that runs the salt and iron business. In particular, they created the double fat dipping method. In this way, the steel produced by the Su family is extremely sharp and hard.Of course, due to the limitation of technological level, Su's iron production still adopts the traditional steel infiltration method, which is made by forging after repeated quenching and low temperature tempering.This kind of steel has high hardness, but unfortunately the production cost is very high and it cannot be applied on a large scale.The price of 镔铁 was ridiculously high, about 140 yuan per catty of pig iron in that era, while the price of 镔铝 was as high as more than [-] yuan.

Of course, Su Lin did not express his feelings to Ran Min. When Ran Min saw Su Lin, he was very forthright and regarded him as a confidant and friend.In the ensuing war, Ran Min gradually made meritorious service and was gradually promoted.Of course, among the high-quality steel that Zhongshan Su's Su Lin contributed to Ran Min, the armor and weapons made of high-quality steel, at least Ran Min's troops are not weaker than the Hu coalition forces in the slightest in terms of technology.If the standard ring first knife of this era is adopted, it is impossible to achieve such a great record.The general standard ring head knife can only cut seven blades without curling the blade, or ten blades without curling the blade, but a sword that can be made of iron can easily reach more than thirty blades.Of course, in the first battle, Ran Min used Han cavalry for three thousand nights to break through the Xiongnu camp, killed several enemy generals, chased hundreds of miles, and beheaded [-] murderous slaves; many historical experts concluded that this is nonsense, because even if the physical strength of the soldiers is not counted, Also calculate the durability of the blade. (Cheng Zhi would like to give historical experts a brick. If Ran Min’s troops are not good at weapons and their armor is not strong, how can they break through Xianbei’s heavy cavalry (with armor?) In Ran Min’s final battle, many It is also recorded in the version of the historical data that Ran Min broke through the armor and attacked Murong Ke's central army. Even Murong Ke's own army, Gao Kai, was severely injured and died. Ran Min's ages are almost the same, they are all in the prime of life, moreover, in this battle, the essence of the Murong tribe of Xianbei has been concentrated, Murong De, Murong Chui, Murong Biao and dozens of powerful generals are all in the battle.)
As Ran Min's status rose higher and higher, the distance between Su Lin and Ran Min became wider and wider. Moreover, with the appearance of Ran Ming, he adopted the method of filling steel and mass-produced steel, which made Su Lin feel that he could no longer help him. I couldn't reach Ran Min anymore, so I sadly chose to quit.However, although Su Lin withdrew from the Wei court, a large number of Su's children continued to be loyal to Ran Min, such as Zhongshan prefect Su Hai, general Su Wei, school captain Su Jue, etc.

However, although Su Jue withdrew from the Wei court, according to Su Lin's words, he had no intention of official career and was intoxicated with mountains and rivers.Ran Min tried to persuade him to stay, but seeing Su Lin's firm attitude, he had no choice but to give up.However, Ran Min did not let Su Lin relax. Instead, he handed over to Su Lin the people who Ran Min had rescued from the Xieyan army in Zhongshan in the third year of Yongxing, and ordered him to organize these people to farm and choose young and strong to train them. Into the army.At this moment, it is secretly hanging that the town general Su Lin has four town army infantry battalions and two cavalry battalions.There are a total of six battalions with [-] soldiers and horses. The soldiers in these six battalions are all equipped with first-class equipment, all of which are iron armor, sabers, swords, spears, daggers, and shields.In the establishment of Su Lin's troops, the ratio of swords and shields, spears, spears, and swords is two, one, one, one, that is, each infantry battalion has two swords and shields, and one department each with spears, spears, and swords. .The proportion of crossbowmen is [-]%. Except for sword and shield soldiers, all long-bladed pioneers are part-time crossbowmen.

The two cavalry battalions are a mix of light and heavy cavalry, but the number of heavy cavalry is obviously small. Each battalion has only one troop, five hundred soldiers and horses, and all the heavy cavalry only contracts one thousand cavalry.If you want to talk about shortcomings, the troops of the Zhen Guojun have little contact with gunpowder weapons, basically none.

Due to the existence of this army of soldiers and horses based on the people in Zhongshan, the court of Wei State neither provided supplies nor provided soldiers and armor. Therefore, in various materials of Wei State, this army and horses do not exist.It is also one of the backups reserved by Ran Min. This is why Ran Min dared to attack Guanzhong with all his troops and leave all the southern lines to Jin. Arrived in Yecheng.Of course, Ran Min didn't have time to use his reserved second hand in the end.This time, Su Lin became Ran Ming's backup.It can also be said that Ran Zhi set his eyes on the Anbei army in the north, but he didn't know that there was such a tiger nesting in his north.

In front of the equipment army of Ranzhi Army in the south of Yecheng, an observer suddenly said: "General, what do you think is that?"

Lieutenant Zhou Xiaoquan of the Equipment Battalion raised his head and saw a huge object slowly rising into the air in the city about a thousand steps away under the sunlight.Zhou Xiaoquan said, "Hey, what is that? Why does it feel weird?"

Zhou Xiaoquan is from Yiyang, and also a clan member of Zhou Chu, a famous patriotic general in history who eradicated the three evils.During the Western Jin Dynasty, Zhou Chu died in battle while suppressing the Qi Wannian Rebellion, and was presented as General Pingxi.With the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Zhou Zha, the third son of Zhou Chu, quelled Xu Fu's rebellion, appointed General You, and supervised Shitou's navy and army affairs.The development of the Zhou family's power aroused Wang Dun's suspicion. Wang Dun joined forces with Shen Chong, another Jiangnan gentry, to destroy Zhou Zha's power.The Zhou family in Shi Yiyang suffered a catastrophe. Fortunately, the Zhou Xiaoquan clan was only a trilogy of Zhou Zha. The fleeing people moved to Linhai County (now Fujian), where they were looted by Ran Zhi.Relying on his ancestral equipment manufacturing and use technology, Zhou Xiaoquan was quickly reused by Ran Zhi. From a trebuchet maker at the beginning, he was gradually promoted to the current captain of the equipment battalion.It's just that Zhou Xiaoquan had never seen a hot air balloon before, so he didn't know that what he saw was the hot air balloon that Wang Meng used for observation.

However, with the launch of the observation hot air balloon, Wang Meng's counterattack began.150 Hundred Tigers galloping rockets, [-] rockets, and [-] ballistas launched an intensive attack.

For the Hundred Tigers rushing rocket, because the range is too short, the focus is on the shield soldiers and crossbowmen who are in charge of suppressing and covering in front of the equipment battalion. Earth-shattering explosions and clusters of orange fireballs soared into the air near the [-]-step-long position of Ran Zhijun's equipment battalion.As soon as the rockets and ballista shells fell into the equipment battalion, they exploded with a bang, mixed with continuous screams, lumps of sand, gravel and soil flew up one after another, and the fragile flesh and blood were swept into the air by the huge shock wave, and then It turned into a rain of mud and rocks mixed with blood mist, and fell to the ground.

The attack by Wang Meng's troops did not stop, and the one-off 150 Hundred Tigers vehicles were abandoned, but the [-] rockets launched on fixed orbits were quickly loaded and fired one by one.The ballista gunner also threw off his arms and worked hard. As long as the ballista has just been fired, the ballista shells will be loaded immediately, and then fired immediately without any pause.

There were obvious loopholes in the position of Ran Zhijun's equipment battalion. Their catapults and ballistas were placed too densely. Although it looked majestic, it was a dead end.It might be better if it was just a stone heart bomb, but what Ran Zhijun fired was an incendiary bomb.

The entire position of the Ran Zhi Army Equipment Battalion was trembling horribly, the sound of thunderous explosions was continuous and undulating, and every section was shrouded in billowing smoke and flames, and the entire ground was plunged into a raging sea of ​​flames.The crazily raging air waves rolled around, pieces of rockets and bombs roared and fell, and orange flames rose up on the ground. Flying, devouring all targets within the killing range, yellow-red fires shot up into the sky, and the sky was illuminated with blood red.

Continuous explosions, waves of invisible sound waves stacked one after another, were like hammers, smashing all of Ran Zhijun's trebuchets and ballistas into pieces one by one.Many officers and soldiers of Ran Zhijun who were in the middle of the explosion suddenly had bloodshot eyes, dizziness, and the body was even more violently ravaged by invisible sound waves, like invisible big hands, rubbing them back and forth in the air, bouncing them back and forth, and finally The ground was pressed to the ground, unable to move, and some soldiers even began to bleed all over their faces, eyes, and ears!

What's more frightening is that Ran Zhijun's kerosene was ignited, and the kerosene stored in each container caused a secondary explosion, which increased Ran Zhijun's casualties.

An explosion of this scale, in fact, is not even considered a tactical level in later generations, and its power is so small that there is nothing to say, but it is unparalleled in this era.There was a violent explosion, and the soldiers of Ran Zhijun who were around the explosion site didn't even have time to scream, they were instantly torn into pieces, and some were directly hit by rockets, and were blown into blood rain and meat, flying in all directions shoot.Burning catapults and trebuchet parts, bits of flesh and blood, and many charred corpses were strewn all over the position.

This storm-like blow made Zhou Xiaoquan feel devastated.Whether Ran Zhijun's crossbowmen or equipment soldiers, they didn't even last for half a stick of incense. When Wang Meng's more than a thousand members of the death squad rushed to the front of Ran Zhijun's crossbowmen with shouts and roars, these Ran Zhijun crossbowmen Shouting loudly, they quickly dropped the crossbow in their hands, and then ran away without looking back.At this time, they only hated their parents for losing two legs, and what's more, they ran into the sea of ​​fire in a panic and were burned to death.

In fact, Wang Meng was also wrong, as long as he concentrated these Hundred Tigers rushing rockets, ballistas, and rockets, he could eliminate these enemies and perfectly eliminate these potential threats without launching an infantry charge.It's just that Wang Meng is also afraid. He is afraid that Ran Zhijun will burn the city with fire, so if Wang Meng doesn't make a move, he will rush to beat him to death.

Members of Wang Meng's death squad bypassed the sea of ​​fire and continued to attack. Only when Ran Zhijun broke into their camp and used various fortifications in the camp did they resist the death squad's pursuit.The members of the Death Squad, which consisted of only a thousand people, actually chased 3 to [-] people and fled in front of them.

With the information of observing the hot air balloon, Wang Meng learned that not only all the equipment of Ran Zhijun was destroyed, but also most of the fire oil in the stockpile was burned. The fire did not go out until sunset. Moat, otherwise, once this kind of fire spreads in Yecheng, the consequences will be disastrous.

Now Wang Meng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ran Zhijun's equipment battalion was destroyed. Even if he wanted to build it again, it would be impossible to complete this arduous task in less than three days.Even if Ran Zhizhi built these ballistas and trebuchets, there was no way to replenish the fire oil in time.This gave Ran Ming enough time to launch the "Prisoner Cattle Project".

More than a thousand members of the death squad organized by Wang Meng suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the crossbows defended by Ran Zhijun's camp. Ba Niu crossbow, Ma Gong crossbow, foot board crossbow and even the bed crossbow on the arrow tower also joined the attack.Not to mention the more than 1000 members of the Death Squad who don't wear armor, even a well-prepared army will find it very difficult to make a breakthrough in the face of the fortified barriers that are waiting for work.The result was good. Of the more than 200 members of the Death Squad, less than [-] escaped successfully, and more than half of them were wounded. More than [-] people were burned by the fire, and their bodies were pierced by bed crossbows and eight-ox crossbows. They faced the tragedy of being disabled for the rest of their lives. career.

However, this is not important. What is important is that the results obtained at such a high price are very brilliant.At least Ran Zhi's army's morale has been severely hit, and it is impossible for Ran Zhi to launch a large-scale attack in a short period of time.

"General, this raid was very successful. It not only destroyed the equipment of the rebel army, but also burned the enemy's fire oil, and also won a precious opportunity for the Modao army to gather." The staff officer excitedly said to Wang Meng: "According to the Modao General Xiong means that now that Mo Dao is ready, his morale is like a rainbow, and he can launch a counterattack at any time."

"Heaven bless Wei, we have completed the task His Majesty gave us." Wang Meng laughed and said, "The Mo Dao Army has appeared in the city. I think it won't be long before Ran Zhi outside the city will get the news. Send a secret letter to Your Majesty." , Tell Your Majesty that the time is ripe for the implementation of the Cattle Imprisonment Plan.”

In the mythology and legend system of the Han nationality, there is a saying that the dragon gave birth to nine sons.Of course, the so-called nine does not just refer to the nine sons of the dragon. Nine is an imaginary number here, and it is also a noble number, such as Jiuwu Supreme, Jiuding, Jiutian and so on.Among the nine sons of the dragon, the eldest is named Prison Niu, who is shaped like a small yellow dragon with scales and horns. He likes music and squats on the head of the piano.

(End of this chapter)

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