Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 926 Ran Mingzhang Comes

Chapter 926 Ran Ming is Back

Chapter 932 Ran Ming is Back
Luoyang Jinyong City, this is a small city built in the northwest corner of Luoyang City during the reign of Emperor Wei Ming of the Three Kingdoms.The city is small and solid, defending important areas for attack.In the early years of the Northern Wei Dynasty (Tuoba Wei), it was one of the "Four Towns in Henan".

In June of the fifth year of Yongjia (311 A.D.), Liu Cong, the chief situ of the Huns Han, launched a coup, killed his brother Liu He, and successfully usurped the throne.Unlike the Han regime, the general Han regime, the court was shaken and stabilized first.However, the nomads respect martial arts. Liu Cong needed to show his superiority. After the coup, he sent three troops to attack Luoyang, successfully captured the capital Luoyang, captured Emperor Huai of Jin, and killed more than [-] princes, officials and civilians.At the same time, they set fire to burn Luoyang into white ground.This was the first time in Chinese history that a regime established by the Han nationality was overthrown by a foreign nation, and the ruling group was almost wiped out.

After the disaster of Yongjia, almost all the buildings in Luoyang were restored and rebuilt, but there were exceptions. This Jinyong City had not been destroyed by the war.At this time, Ran Ming's temporary residence was set up in Jinyong City.Ran Ming stood in front of the huge sand table in Hanguang Palace, watching the deployment of Ran Zhijun and Ran Yujun.

At the same time, the royal special guards collected and sorted out the collusion between the counties, gentry, tyrants and Ran Zhi and Ran Yu in the Wei State.In fact, Ran Ming has clearly realized that Wei's court regime is not stable enough since he ascended the throne, and stubborn forces in many places, gentry clans and common clans are still resisting the court's rule.

Among them, there are not only ideological resistance, but also conflicts of interests.As far as ideology is concerned, it is the major difference between Lixian and Lichang in the eyes of ancient times. As for the conflict of interests, it is very obvious.Ran Ming is sparing no effort to promote the industrial modernization of Wei State. A large number of various factories have sprung up like mushrooms. It is inevitable that there will be a huge conflict with the big landlord class in Wei State, that is, the people would rather rent heavy rents. If Guan Tianhe didn't have Guan Tian, ​​they would rather go to work in a factory than rely on the sky for food and a precarious life of farming.

At this time, the shortage of human resources in Wei State became more and more obvious. In order to expand production and increase profits, factories did not hesitate to further increase workers' wages and various benefits, and at the same time increased the purchase of slaves.A large number of landlords have no one to cultivate their land. In order to retain tenants, these landlords have no choice but to gradually reduce tenants’ land rent and increase farmers’ income.However, the great gentry and powerful people know that if they want to change this reason, the only way to solve the problem is to overthrow the emperor Ran Ming. will be overthrown.

However, the heads of these smart gentry clans also knew that Wei's rule had already won the hearts of the people. No matter what kind of banner they played, they would not be able to succeed, and might instead implicate the family.Instead, they took advantage of what they were best at, corrupting the court of Wei State fundamentally, and turning the people against the government.However, Ran Ming was jealous of evil and did not give them a chance at all. After discovering the phenomenon of corruption in various counties and counties, he took decisive action to severely crack down on corruption, killed a group of officials, and dealt with a group severely. The disappointment of the rule of the Wei Dynasty made the royal family of the Wei State even more popular.

At this time, all the gentry families and gentry tyrants began to hibernate.This exactly corresponds to the sentence, the so-called loyalty, that is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.It is the so-called faith doctrine that a certain party has always advocated. In fact, there were not a few traitors in the Anti-Japanese War. For example, Wang Fengming, the head of the 115th Regiment of the 686th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the political commissar of the 4th Brigade of the Suluyu Detachment, followed him in February 1941 under the 2th Division. Became a traitor.Luo Baocheng, Political Counselor (regimental cadre) of the Political Department of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, voted in Japan in February 115.However, after Ran Ming ascended the throne, he had a huge army loyal to him, and the army of Wei State in this period was different from that of previous dynasties. All the children of the gentry could not get involved at all.Moreover, Ran Ming also used his interests to connect the generals of the various ministries with him, and he and Ran Ming were both prosperous and prosperous, and both were harmed.

Who would dare to rebel when he knew he was going to die?But at this time, Ran Ming just used Ran Zhi to lure out the causes of all unstable factors and manage them centrally.Of course, because Ran Ming's plan is too wishful thinking, the situation of Ran Ming being weak and strong will not change at all. If Ran Ming secretly instructs a group of generals to surrender to Ran Zhi, then it will definitely cause a large area of ​​the country to surrender. Ran Ming I was worried that the situation would be out of control, so I could only take this cover-up that was not too obvious.

"Your Majesty, the Royal Secret Service has secretly obtained information about those families involved in the rebellion, including 78 families including the Hedong Wei family, the Chenliu Cai family, and more than [-] people involved in the case!" Zhang Ping, the school captain of the Royal Secret Service, signed a The thick file was handed to Ran Ming.

Ran Ming looked at it, and couldn't help but sigh at the cleverness of these gentry children. They almost all adopted secret methods to convey their sincerity to Ran Zhi. More than 400 soldiers from Xiangyong set off from Changyuan under the banner of King Qin, passing through Baima (now Hua County, Henan Province) and crossing the Yellow River at night. The soldiers and horses actually carried about more than 800 large and small vehicles, more than [-] horses, and a large amount of grain, grass and equipment, which was completely a transport team.Cai Yan led his troops to surrender to Ran Zhijun before Cai's King Qin's army entered the territory of Tangyin in Weijun.The Hedong Wei family is a family from the east of the river, and has a high reputation there.Wei Qing, a famous general in the Han Dynasty, was established as the Queen's Wei Zifu.From that moment on, the Wei family made steady progress.Although the Hedong Wei family began to decline during the Three Kingdoms period, due to Cao Cao's bad reputation among officials, the Hedong Wei family sold themselves and took refuge in it, so it gradually improved.In particular, there were famous people such as Wei Yu, Wei Jie, and Mrs. Wei in the Hedong Jin Dynasty. Although they were not considered first-rate or second-rate wealthy families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Wei family had a good background and was also a famous family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.However, with the death of Mrs. Wei, the core character, the Wei family did not do well in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The declining Wei family did not come into Ran Ming's attention, but turned to Ran Zhi.

Since then, Wei Shao, a descendant of Hedong's direct branch (his father, Wei Zhan, courtesy name Shudao, the governor of Jiangzhou during the Jin Dynasty Huidi, and the father of the famous calligrapher Mrs. Wei Wei Shuo.) This old man is now 78 years old, and he is still wicked. Also under the banner of King Qin, he joined King Qin of Ye.As a result, more than [-] children of the Hedong Wei family, together with the tribe of Jia Ding, also descended to Ran Zhi.In order to appease people's hearts, Ran Zhi named Wei Shao a friend of the king of martial arts.

In fact, this friend of the king does not refer to the friend of the king, but an official position, whose function is roughly equivalent to the emperor's Sanqi Changshi (the emperor's senior adviser.) Wei Shao is very happy.

Not only Wei Shao, but almost all unsuccessful gentry and tyrants adopted various banners to show their loyalty to Ran Zhi, hoping to gain a fortune through Ran Zhi.In fact, at this time, the Hedong Wei clan was almost on the verge of extinction, and its prestige among the government and the public was not high. After Wei Shuo's death, even the fiefdom could not be kept.It's no wonder that Wei Shao is in a hurry, the Wei family who has been famous for 500 years, why is he willing to let the Wei family collapse in his hands?
After reading these materials, Ran Ming was filled with emotion.This is China's national conditions. As long as there is an opportunity for opportunism, they will not let it go. No wonder that although the Han nationality has no shortage of heroes in history, it also has no shortage of traitors.What made Ran Ming most distressed was that even Xue Tao, who had taken refuge in him, secretly ordered five of his nephews to serve Ran Zhi.

Xue Tao was joined by Ran Ming when he was a hostage in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Ran Ming also treated Xue Tao well. Unfortunately, people's desires are endless. He may be a general who promotes martial arts (the miscellaneous general is from the fourth rank) ) cannot satisfy Xue Tao.Ran Ming can only feel sorry for this insane Xue Tao.

In political contests, standing in line is very important.Generosity is one of the bosoms of being a master. It is said that Lao Jiang is actually such a person. He knows how to repay his kindness and is tolerant.For example, General Chen fought against Lao Jiang many times. After being captured, Lao Jiang saw that General Chen had saved his life when he was a company commander in the Northern Expedition, so he released him again and again.Similarly, there are more Huangpu generals, such as corruption, defeat and fleeing, Lao Jiang can do extrajudicial favors.However, it is precisely because of this kind of tolerance that it ruined the future of the Kuomintang.

In the face of big issues, Ran Ming has never been an indecisive person. Those who should be attacked must be attacked, and those who make mistakes must be punished. Don't think that being a trusted minister means that you can have no scruples. Although you can gain the name of tolerance, but the ruined ones is the basis of governance.Merit is merit, fault is fault, and the two must never be mixed up, nor can they cancel each other out.

While Ran Ming was viewing these materials, Wang Meng's emergency information also arrived.Ran Ming was shocked for a moment.You must know that Ran Ming's net is not well formed. Once Ran Zhijun retreats, especially by water at all costs, Ran Feng can't stop him at all.Some friends will also say that the protagonist's navy is so powerful in your book, why didn't you attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty from south to north?It is necessary to explain here that this question is actually very simple. First of all, Wei State did not expect this war. At the same time, almost all the main force of Wei State Navy is near Sumatra.

So here comes the question, how long does it take to get to Jiaozhou and Guangzhou in the Eastern Jin Dynasty if you have taken a ship?In the age of sailing, even the fastest clipper ship can reach seventeen knots per hour in a downwind situation, with an average of around fourteen knots, and it does not have the conditions for night sailing.Otherwise, accidents may occur.In this book, the author designed the voyage time to be two months at the fastest, from the time the protagonist returns to the throne immediately, and the battle occurs within one month, if there is no telegram?How to notify the Nanyang Navy?Well, it's just a matter of subsections.

Ran Zhijun has a huge transportation capacity at this time. Once tens of thousands of troops escape by water, no matter whether they are going south or north, they can ignite wars everywhere, making it hard to guard against.If Ran Zhi hadn't landed and fought along the coast of Wei State, the Nanyang Navy would not be able to destroy Ran so easily, even if they resorted to guerrilla warfare at sea.This is where Ran Ming has a headache. When designing the cattle prisoner plan, Ran Ming notified the Nanyang Fleet as quickly as possible, asking them to organize a light fleet to go north, land in Yizhou, and copy Ran Zhi's old lair in Yizhou .Calculated according to the speed, the Nanyang Navy may have just received the news, and even if it is mobilized the fastest, it may not be able to set off yet.

But Ran Ming really didn't dare to let Ran Zhi attack Yecheng. If Ran Zhi was really allowed to attack Yecheng, then it would be a lot of fun.Now the only way to pray is for the great general Ji Juan to be able to persuade the Anbei Army under Ji Polu's command to go anyway. If Ji Juan can successfully surrender the three main battalions of the Anbei Army and the subsequent surrender and expansion of the army, Ji Juan will be able to do so. Has more than [-] soldiers.

In this way, let Ji Li and Ran Feng play a scene again, pretending to be defeated by Ran Feng's army, retreat to Wei County, and join the main force of Ran Zhi's army.In this way, there is a chance to catch him by surprise and get the more than 100 huge warships of Ran Zhijun.It's just that the arrow is on Xuan, so I have to shoot it.

Ran Ming shouted coldly: "The decree has been passed, and the operation of imprisoning cattle will be implemented, and all ministries will act according to the plan without any mistakes.
In the Palace of Qianyang in Jinyong City, Ran Ming took the information of the Royal Guards and circulated it to all the ministers.Ran Ming pondered for a long time, and then said to Wang Jian: "How does Wang Qing see these capricious villains? How should I deal with them? Severely punish them according to the law? Or follow the law and not blame the public?"

"This information?..."

Before Wang Jian could finish speaking, Ran Ming said, "The information obtained by the Royal Secret Service is absolutely true and reliable."

With Ran Ming as the guarantor, Wang Jian couldn't help becoming cautious.Wang Jian frowned and thought for a while, and then said solemnly: "The imperial court must not tolerate this matter, otherwise, what is the court's prestige? At present, we are holding a wait-and-see attitude towards this matter. But it will encourage these unhealthy trends and evil spirits, and it will be detrimental to the country over time. For the long-term stability of the Great Wei, we must not cut the mess quickly. Killing, not killing is not enough for the people to be angry, not killing is not enough for strict discipline, and not killing is not enough for morality."

Ran Ming nodded silently, and after a while, he said again: "This involves more than 78 people from [-] families. Are they all going to be killed?"

Wang Jian said: "Many of the people involved in the case are people who have been deceived. These can be merciful outside the law, but the masterminds involved in the case will not only be sentenced to death, but also their nine clans."

"I'm afraid this is not good." Ran Ming said: "Almost none of these people supported the rebels on the surface, but under the banner of King Qin, they were defeated and captured as bandits. Convince me!"

"Your Majesty, don't be careless!" Wang Jian's expression changed: "There are so many troops, almost all of them marched into King Yeqin immediately, and then surrendered to the thief without firing an arrow. If they are really King Qin, then It is too small to underestimate the wisdom of the people in the world. For a careerist with ulterior motives, as long as there is a chance, they will be opportunistic. If His Majesty pretends to be generous, how will the world think of His Majesty? They will not say that His Majesty is tolerant, magnanimous and kind , On the contrary, it will maliciously slander His Majesty, saying that His Majesty does not distinguish between loyalty, virtue, good and evil."

Unexpectedly, all the ministers who accompanied him were almost unanimous in that they wanted to severely punish the gentry who took refuge in Ran Zhi.However, Ran Ming didn't know that since the establishment of the Wei Kingdom, it was full of conspiracy and betrayal, which made Wang Jian, one of the 48 founding heroes, fearful and angry.In November of the second year of Yongxing, Ran Min was defeated by Yao Xiang, Yue Wan, Shi Kun, and Shi Di, and Li Tekang, a Hu man who had surrendered, captured Ran Yin, Zuo Pu and Liu Qi. Shi Zhi gave them to Shi Zhi, and Shi Zhi killed them all.There were more than [-] dead, including Sikong Shipu, Shangshu Ling Xuji, Cheqi Humu, Shizhong Li Lin, Zhongshu Supervisor Lu Chen, Shaofu Wang Yu, Shangshu Liu Qin, Liu Xiu, etc., and other officers and men. All of a sudden.In fact, it was this betrayal that caused almost all the core figures of the Wei State to lose, and it also caused all states, counties and counties to surrender to the Eastern Jin Dynasty one after another, and the Wei State also turned from prosperity to decline.

Ran Ming is actually not very clear about these secrets.Regarding these behaviors of secretly relying on Ran Zhi, Ran Ming originally planned to uphold the law and not blame the public, hold it up high, and put it down gently.Then, in the form of amnesty, they were ordered to distribute the frontiers to dilute the ratio of Hu to Han in the frontiers.But I didn't expect that not only the upright Wang Jian yelled to be beaten and killed like a mad tiger, but even Wang Ning, the imperial historian, and Xi Chiuchi, the governor of Jingzhou, all shouted that Ran Ming didn't want the benevolence of women.

Ran Ming thought about it carefully, and finally understood what the ministers were thinking.In fact, these ministers are definitely not innocent. Apart from expressing their loyalty to Ran Ming with a strong stand, they also have the meaning of sharing benefits.In fact, the gentry is not monolithic. If the emperor wants to weaken the authority of all the gentry, they will definitely form a group to resist the emperor.However, in the past, Ran Ming almost had a principle for dealing with criminal gentry, that is, ransacking the family and exterminating the family, and then the court confiscated the floating wealth of the criminal gentry, and sold the land, shops and houses under their name publicly.In this way, it also gave other families the opportunity to grow their families.Anyway, dead friends don't die poor people, and they are willing to take a share of Ran Ming's death.

Ran Ming didn't point out the small thoughts of these ministers.

"Professional things should be done by professional people", this is Ran Ming's code of conduct.Ran Ming would not leapfrog to direct a song, perhaps a department, or even a battalion.Even for higher strategic units, such as the Anbei Army, the Northern Expedition Army, the Southern Expedition Army, the Zhennan Army, and the Zhenxi Army, Ran Ming's command only clearly stated his strategic goals, and the specific strategic layout and implementation were all All army commanders and their staff teams are responsible.

It's not that Ran Ming doesn't want to, but because he can't.In this era of fucked-up news transmission, there are too many accidental factors in large-scale strategic operations. Even if an army lags behind for various reasons, it will lead to the defeat of the entire army.Before the invention of the telegraph and the telephone, large-scale strategic operations were full of difficulties and supply problems. Ran Ming, through the successful logistics operation of later generations, scientifically and rationally allocated materials, could basically avoid the situation that the army was short of food and medicine.But there is no way to implement the meticulous art of directing.

In this era, whether it is attacking or retreating, it is impossible to be accurate to the minute.But Ran Ming's habit is to only talk about the result, not the process.What kind of strategic combat tasks to arrange is a matter for the staff to consider, and how to overcome difficulties and implement strategic operations is a matter for the leading generals.

In fact, many people have a misunderstanding, that is, the military thinking of later generations is advanced, and the ancient ones must be backward.Just like when Ran Ming was just reborn, he also thought about reorganizing the army according to squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, divisions, and group armies of later generations. War and cold weapon war are completely different things.Of course, the military establishment of later generations is not suitable for ancient cold weapon warfare.

(End of this chapter)

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