Chapter 927
Chapter 933

After the reform of Shang Yang in Qin State, the grassroots regime of Qin State was established.The Shiwulian law is implemented, and neighbors supervise and picket each other. If a family is guilty, Shiwulian is guilty of the same crime.During wartime, each family draws a penny to form an army. This is also the military system in ancient China.

First of all, this way of forming an army is that the soldiers are more familiar with each other, and can better exert the spirit of teamwork.As for the setting of higher levels, the Wushi is the team, and the two teams are the village. This village is equivalent to the company level of later generations, the Qu is equivalent to the battalion, the department is equivalent to the regiment, and the battalion is equivalent to the brigade.In fact, the military system of ancient China was very suitable for fighting with cold weapons, and it also represented the most advanced military thinking.Since the Qin Dynasty began to implement it, even if it was changed to the Fubing system in the Tang Dynasty, and the grassroots officers were renamed team leaders, regiment leaders, and group leaders (the reason for the origin of the gangs) is also a two-to-five system.In the Ming Dynasty's Weisuo military, although it was renamed Xiaoqi, Zongqi and Hundred Households.In fact, it is also a dual system.

At this time, Ran Ming realized that there was a reason for existence.Therefore, the military system of later generations has not been changed.The superiority of the ancient military system is not only at the grassroots level, but also at higher levels.For example, the four towns and four conquests of General Si'an's mansion are in fact equivalent to the large military region of later generations, responsible for the offense and defense of two to three states.

The order Ran Ming issued to the generals of each army was actually very simple, with only one word attack.As for how to fight, how to fight, and what to fight, all the leading generals are responsible for the implementation of the plan.This allowed Ran Ming to also give the commanding general a strong sense of autonomy in combat.It can also make it easier to spot talent.


Since the state of Wei occupied most of the Mongolian Plateau, the mighty Wei State took a strong and oppressive offensive against the Northern Han and the Hus. In the area south of the Lebow, they prefer to hide from the cold in the valley of Hangai.

In Chinese history, Hangai Mountain is known as Yanran Mountain. It is about [-] kilometers away from the Yanmen Pass. It is the northern limit of ancient China's control of grassland nomads. Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang border guards built the pass here. , control the grassland peoples, and defend the barbarians in the "extreme north" from encroaching on the grasslands and the Central Plains.But in this era, Wei State's border has not advanced to the Hang'ai Mountains.The Jebe Valley in Hang'ai Mountain became the most stringent defense zone in the Northern Han Dynasty.

The so-called Jebe Valley is actually a long gully with a length of 280 kilometers in the Hangai Mountains. It is estimated that the nearby geological structure is special, with volcanoes and hot springs distributed. Suddenly, the hillsides on both sides of the road were covered with weeds.Especially at the bottom of the ditch, there are dense bushes and weeds. It is hard to believe that there are such places in this bitter cold place in Mobei.Of course, this is also the real reason why the Northern Han Dynasty can persevere in the extremely cold place. Except for the Jebe Valley, other places on the Mongolian Plateau are about minus [-] degrees in winter, but here it is minus [-] to [-] degrees. The annual temperature exceeds [-] days above zero.

If compared to the Central Plains, this place is of course also a place of bitter cold.However, in the bitter cold place in the north, this place is like Jiangnan outside the Great Wall.Jebe Valley not only has water sources and lush vegetation, but also is a natural place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.Most of the soldiers and civilians of the Northern Han Dynasty lived here.

Through the news from all parties and the secret work hidden among the Han people, the Northern Han Kingdom also learned of a series of accidents in the Wei Kingdom. The Wei Emperor Ran Min, who made all the soldiers and civilians of the Northern Han Kingdom extremely fearful, was dead. Definitely very good news.Moreover, the state of Wei and the state of Jin in the south fought fiercely, and the two sides gathered millions of troops to fight fiercely.Even better news came. The former prince of Wei and the current emperor Ran Ming also fought. The former prince Ran Zhi unexpectedly surrounded Yecheng when Ran Ming's army was marching to Jin.This series of news is simply good news for the Northern Han Dynasty, and it sounds like a spring breeze.

Liu Kuren of the Dugu Ministry of the Northern Han Kingdom summoned the leaders and kings of the Northern Han Kingdom to discuss the matter of going south.While the leaders and ministers of various ministries were discussing politics in the Jebe Valley, several people in the flank camp under Gongsun Xi were also discussing secretly.

"It seems that the Northern Han Dynasty has the intention to go south, what should we do now?" A centurion looked expectantly at the general who was snoring and drinking mutton soup in his tent.

"We can't expose it!" The general put down the bowl and looked around. After confirming that it was safe, he said cautiously: "Our Heavenly Eyes worked hard to break into a few people in the Northern Han Kingdom."

"If we don't do anything, I will feel bad for the humble!" The centurion sighed and said, "It seems that there are still a lot of scum among us Han people. They even secretly communicated with the enemy country and betrayed the great Wei. I don't know if Wei Guo has Take precautions, if you don't take precautions, once the Northern Han Dynasty goes south, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"I'm not afraid of death. As the person in charge of the Mobei Branch of the Royal Guard of the State of Wei, I can die for the State of Wei, but I can't die meaninglessly!" The general said: "You are too impulsive. What you do must not be like a normal war. In addition to all the parts controlled by our special guards, there are only a few hundred people. What is this enough? Are you still thinking of pointing at us and rushing into Liu Kuren The Golden Tent, can you kill all the leaders of the Northern Han Kingdom?"

"That's better than doing nothing?" The centurion said angrily, "Should we just sit back and watch the Northern Han Kingdom complete ideological unification, and finally gather troops and horses to go south to attack our Dawei county?"

"Of course it's not doing nothing. But we must pay attention to strategies and methods when we do it!" The general said: "Liu Xian, the crown prince of the Northern Han Dynasty, has many conflicts with his uncle Liu's family. There was a political storm between them. In a short period of time, the Northern Han Dynasty would have no chance to go south. This matter has to take us all out. We can only do this at the moment. We order the submerged personnel of all ministries not to be exposed without orders. .”


In Nanle City, Changle County, Ji Wei approached the Anbei Army's garrison with dozens of guards. Facing the head of the Ji family, these three battalions loyal to the Ji family and established by Ji's Ding soldiers as the backbone, did not If there is any resistance, they will go straight to Ji Po Lu's residence with Ji Li.

As soon as he approached the yard, Ji Li could smell the pungent smell of alcohol.Ji Li pushed open the room and found that Ji Polu had actually held an unobstructed meeting. The drunken Ji Polu had his head on a woman's lap and his face was covered with a woman's bellyband, sleeping soundly.Seeing this scene, Ji Lu was so angry that his face turned green.

Ji Li said: "Come here, take all these foxes out and find a place to bury them."

At this moment, Ji Polu was snoring, drooling and sleeping soundly, and he didn't know what sweet dreams Jilu was having, but there was a sweet smile on his face.Looking at this son whom he had placed high hopes on, Ji Wei felt a little disappointed.The Han nationality is the nation that pays the most attention to the inheritance of incense in the world. Whether they are poor or noble, in the face of death and inheritance, almost [-]% of people will face death calmly and choose to continue the inheritance.

But seeing Ji Polu's performance, in Ji Wei's eyes, Ji Polu is completely a stupid pig.Behind the infinite scenery of Wei State is actually facing a serious crisis.Ran Ming can quickly improve the combat effectiveness of the army, and can also quickly develop economic strength.But Ran Ming is not an omnipotent god, there are still many things he cannot do.That is to use proficient means to bridge the various conflicts and rifts within the entire Wei State.Ran Ming is strong, he can suppress all disharmonious voices within Wei, but he cannot eradicate these hidden dangers in the future.

Just like the Nine-rank Zhongzheng System, this system can be said to be a fucking monopoly system, but after more than 100 years of development, the Ninth-rank official law has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no matter whether they are ordinary people or poor scholars, they dare not challenge this Ninth-rank official Law.No matter how loudly these common people shouted, in fact they were not willing to break the ninth-rank official law, but tried their best to squeeze in and become a member of the gentry class.

The only way to break the monopoly of the noble families is to let the noble families split themselves and dilute the cohesion and strength of the noble families.As for the so-called creation of the imperial examination system, it is entirely a scholar's opinion.Ran Ming selected talents through the imperial examination. After experiments, he discovered that almost [-]% of the officials selected by the imperial examination quickly degenerated. This kind of habit, people who have been poor for a long time suddenly become rich can easily lose themselves. What makes Ran Ming very helpless is that the poor family that Ran Ming places high hopes on is really a mud that cannot be supported.

As the chief of staff of the Wei State, Ji Wei knew a lot of information.Faced with this increasingly serious hidden danger, Ran Ming adopted the method of inducing, and with the help of the Ran Zhi Rebellion, internal conflicts erupted in advance.Then Ran Ming used the hidden army to encircle the rebels and nip this hidden danger in the bud.All dynasties have spared no effort to fight against the rebellion, and this kind of rebellion has to get the support of the people at all.

The news from the General Staff Headquarters has already spread, and the reserve troops organized urgently around the country have begun to gather. If Ran Ming hadn't deliberately suppressed them and strictly ordered them not to serve as the king, Ran Zhi would have been overwhelmed by the sea of ​​angry people by now.This era is not the era of hot weapons. In this era, the Han people have endless potential for war. Every strong man can be pulled out to be a craftsman, build bridges and roads, build cities and embankments, and can do almost anything.Of course, weapons are issued, and they can be used as a regular army. After three months of running-in at most, it will be an elite army.Therefore, the gap between the combat effectiveness of the army and the people in this era is not too big.

Based on all kinds of information, Ji Li came to the conclusion that Ran Zhi had no chance of winning anyway. From the moment he jumped out to surround Yecheng, Ran Zhi entered the countdown to death.If Ran Ming doesn't order the navy to copy Ran Zhi's lair, Yizhou, Ji Li would rather believe that sows can climb trees.

But at this time, Ji Polu is naive and joins forces with Ran Zhi.Every time he thinks of this, Ji Lian gets angry.He became angry at this time, and shouted outside the door: "Come here."

"My lord, please show me!" The person who came was Ji Li's retainer, and he had always been loyal to him.

"Let Saburo wake up!" Ji Li originally thought of kicking him, but he thought that his foot was too heavy, and if he kicked him badly, he would regret it, so he changed the order.

"Yes!" The retainer went out quickly, and after a while, came in with a bucket of water, without saying a word, and poured it directly on Ji Polu's head.After being poured by the cold well water, Ji Polu gave a shock and woke up immediately. Before he opened his eyes, he started to curse.

Ji Li shook his hands with two big mouths, making Ji Polu dizzy.

" are you here!" Ji Polu stammered timidly when he saw who was coming.Looking at Ji Polu's appearance, he knew that Ji Wei had accumulated a lot of prestige in Ji Polu's heart.

"Huh..." Ji Li snorted coldly: "You still have me as your father in your eyes. I don't know, but you really think you are my father. Since you know that I am my father, why don't you ask about such a big matter?" Father, just decide for yourself? Do you know what you are doing? You are burying our whole family together."

"Father, you worry too much about this matter!" Speaking of this matter, Ji Polu regained his self-confidence, and he said with a very serious attitude, "Although this matter is a bit hasty, it cannot be denied that this is our responsibility." The best opportunity for the Ji family. Now most of the soldiers and horses of our Great Wei are distributed in Xu, Yang, Jing, Liang, and Yi prefectures, each of which is not subordinate to each other. Once Ran Zhi breaks through Yecheng, he can control the center. Set up another imperial court. No matter how unfavorable it is, Ran Zhi can still fight against Ran Ming. Ran Zhi has no generals who can stand alone. In terms of military strategy, he has to rely on our family. Jishi can take the opportunity to strengthen himself."

"Stupid, naive, ridiculous. You don't know when your death is imminent." Before Ji Polu finished speaking, Ji Li shouted: "Really think your majesty is as simple as you imagined? You are too naive. You really think The tens of thousands of elite troops of the Anbei Army belong to our family? Now, I can tell you clearly that the Anbei Army will always be surnamed Ran, not Ji. Do you really think that His Majesty has nothing to do with Ran Zhi’s rebel army? Only in the hands of my father There are as many as 760 memorials to the war that were suppressed by His Majesty, and almost all the generals above the school lieutenant have secretly played the memorial to His Majesty. Among them are the prefects of the 29 towns of our Anbei Army and 37 school lieutenants. I know that I saw these for my father What is the intention of the memorial? It is an absolute fear. If the father did not go to Yecheng in Jinyang, as long as the father dared to show a little dissatisfaction with His Majesty, the father's head would have been placed on His Majesty's desk long ago. "

Hearing what Ji Li said, Ji Polu really felt scared at this time.He thought that the Anbei Army didn't respond to Ran Zhi because he didn't have enough prestige. As long as his father stood up and raised his arms, the remaining 37 regular battalions and 28 reserve battalions of the Anbei Army with more than [-] to [-] troops going south can be done in one fell swoop. Overwhelm the will to resist the defenders of Yecheng.Nowhere did he think that his father was willing, but he couldn't command the Anbei Army at all.The Anbei Army's army is full of confidence and confidence. I heard that at this time, the Anbei Army has already fallen to Ran Ming, how could he not panic.

"Papa" slapped himself so hard that he grinned in pain.But Ji Polu still insisted in his heart: "How can this gang of white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with them betray, what should we do?"

Say what you say, curse what you curse, but it doesn't change the facts.Ji Li said: "How could they be betrayed? They ate food from Ran's family and were sent by Ran's family. They were loyal and loyal soldiers of Wei from the beginning to the end, but you led them to a dead end. .”

"Father, the child doesn't want to die, you must save the child." Ji Polu knew that his doomsday was coming, he was already in a state of confusion, and his heart and soul were lost.

Ji Li looked at Ji Polu with disappointment in his eyes.With this political vision, he dared to rebel. I really admire his courage. Perhaps this is the so-called fearlessness of ignorance.In fact, the rebellion by breaking the barbarians is tantamount to setting the barracks on fire.It's not an easy thing to play against the emperor who has exhausted all the tricks and has all the geniuses in the sky.Ran Ming now shows that he has good trust in Ji Wei, and he also put Ji Wei in the position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff Department. In Ran Ming's reform, the Chief of Staff will replace the Taiwei as the de facto Marshal of the World. The well-deserved No. [-] figure in the army.

However, the army is a place that pays attention to strength. If there were no elite troops of the tens of thousands of regular troops of the Anbei Army, Ji Li would still be able to work in the position of chief of staff for at most half a year, because after half a year, Ran Ming would have enough time to put down the chaos of Ran Zhi. At this time, whether it is Zhang Wen or Xie Ai, their meritorious service is not inferior to their own, and they will probably look at their position as the number two in the army, and they will start a struggle against Ji Wei.Xie Ai, who has the backing of the Zhenxi Army, and Zhang Wen, who has the backing of the Zhennan Army, will become Ji Wei's biggest opponents.Ji Wei had no choice but to resign and return to the farm.

But as a general, especially a general who is about to become a general at the peak, how could he retreat bravely at this time?Ran Ming's strategic layout has already begun to be outlined, that is, non-stop conquest, unifying the world is only the first step, and in the future, he will swallow the Indochina Peninsula and the South Asian subcontinent.Ji Li even read that the General Staff has a "Reaper" plan about the Gupta Empire. In this plan, Wei Guo will adopt one of the branches of Taoism to create a plague, and put it on the South Asian subcontinent. The essence of the Gupta Empire Part of the middle and lower reaches of the Huan River became dead places.In this plan, as long as enough plagues are put in, the Gupta Empire will become a deadly place, and the population of the Gupta Empire will quickly shrink from more than 600 million to less than [-] million, which will greatly weaken the Gupta Empire war potential.

(End of this chapter)

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