Chapter 928

Chapter 934

At this time, the State of Wei will appear in the Gupta Empire. Of course, the State of Wei will not appear as an invader, but as a savior in the Gupta Empire. Because the Buddha hated the righteous god of the Ministry of Plague, so the divine punishment was sent down.In this way, under the absolute threat of death, the belief and god system established by the Gupta Empire will quickly collapse, and the Wei State will annex the Gupta Empire at the smallest cost, more than doubling its territory.

Therefore, for Ji Li, the meaning of a soldier can be the highest expression. Although it is the duty of a soldier to guard the frontier, the highest honor of a soldier is to break the ground and open up the border like Wei Huo.Ji Li would never allow a estrangement between himself and Ran Ming, thus losing the opportunity to be famous in history.No one can stand in his way, not even his own son.

"It's not that you are cruel for the father, it's just that you have done too much. No one can save you without His Majesty's imperial decree." Ji Li said: "everyone does something, there will be a price, but you launched a rebellion , you must be mentally prepared to bear the consequences.”

Looking at the background of Ji Li's disappearance, Ji Polu despaired.

Just when Ji Li walked out of the house, he said to his confidant retainers: "Pay out a lot of money, select some good-looking women from good families who are suitable for childbearing, and send them to Saburo. If he can leave a little blood within three days, this is his If it is not possible, it is God's will, and there is nothing I can do!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, the vassals already understood what Ji Li meant. This was to sacrifice Ji Ruolu to protect the family. Although he was reluctant in his heart, this was the best way at present.Because he also understands that any attempt to provoke His Majesty will be a dead end.


In the tent of the central commander of the Ran Zhi Army in Yecheng, Ran stared at the three-point report on the table with a bloodless face, and remembered a proverb—blessings come without pairs, and misfortunes never come singly.One thing he can be sure of now is very simple, this time it is really over.

The first report was simple and clear. Ran Feng received reinforcements from Qingzhou, and Ran Ming's direct army, the Beifu Army (which is not the same as in history, the name is the same as the Back Cub Army, is a bit of a spoof) to cooperate with Ran Feng's troops. At this time, the Beifu army was divided into seven armies: Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, all named after the Big Dipper. Each army governed two infantry battalions, one cavalry department, one The ballista support department, a rocket support department, and the directly affiliated security department each have more than 10 people in the entire army, and all the troops of the Beifu Department are added together, a total of 14 horses.Among the 14 Beifu Army and Ran Feng's troops, there were [-] cavalry troops urgently dispatched from You, Ying, and Ping states, of which there were more than [-] cavalry.These [-] troops conquered Dongming County, Changyuan County, Puyang County, Qingfeng County, and Guixiang County (Daming County) in one fell swoop, and encircled Nanle County, where the Jipolu Division was located, in a fan shape. .The two sides fought fiercely in Nanle City for two and a half hours. Ji Polu lost to Ran Feng's troops and was forced to withdraw from Nanle.

The second report is a bit interesting, Guantao County fell.The geographical location of Guantao County is actually not important, just because the Weihe River flows through here, and through the Weihe River, you can reach the mouth of Tianjin today.This is the back route reserved by Ran Zhi. It is obviously impossible to return from Qingzhou in case of loss or accident.Ran Ming will definitely deploy a large number of troops in Qingzhou to intercept Ran Zhi's retreat.Therefore, Ran Zhishe chose to retreat from Guantao County and go out to sea from Tianjin via the Weihe River.Now all the ferries at Weihe Ferry have been robbed, and Ran Zhi lost the opportunity to retreat by water.

Ran Zhi didn't care too much about the loss of Guantao County. If it was lost, it would be lost, and it would not be possible to regain it anyway.Even if Ran Ming anticipated his retreat, and Ran Zhi now has the support of Queen Mother Dong, could it be that Ran Ming doesn't cherish his feathers and is willing to be a rebellious son?
The third piece of information was the last blow that made Ran Zhi desperate. Zhongshan Su Lin actually dispatched. Su Lin led a total of 3 troops and horses and had already arrived at Chuqiu County (now Cheng'an) in Yecheng. At this time, Su Lin It is less than 140 miles away from Yecheng. Even if all the troops are infantry, they can reach the city of Yecheng in one day.

Regarding Su Lin, Ran Zhi is not as ignorant as Ran Ming.Ran Zhi knew very well how powerful Su Lin was at the beginning of Ran Min's establishment of the Wei Kingdom. Seven thousand miscellaneous soldiers set out from Zhongshan to attack all the way, and conquered 160 and eight cities in the three prefectures of Merger, Hebei, and You in half a year. , Ji Wei, Zhang Wenchai, even fiercer than Zhou Cheng, this man is still an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, he hardly shows any signs of fighting, has no rules, and often relies on his keen intuition to attack the enemy's weakest defense. Attack its vitals.

For such a person, if he was in the imperial court, Ran Zhi would never dare to despise him anyway, but he had already retired bravely and returned home.Now that he suddenly appeared and led an army to suppress the situation, one can imagine the fear in Ran Zhi's heart.Even if there is no Mo Dao Army, Su Lin alone can easily deal with him.What's more, the Modao Army is not a noodle army, and all the prestige is based on real fighting.

As the saying goes, the leaky house was hit by continuous rain all night, and the boat was late and hit the headwind. At this time, Ran Zhi was in a terrible mood.Not surprisingly, he will fall into the mortal world.

If there is a heaven in this world, then in Ran Zhi's eyes, he is an outcast of heaven.But Ran Ming is just the opposite, he is the darling of heaven.On April 27th, Ran Zhi's camp master Huang Hao had an accident while making gunpowder. More than [-] craftsmen including Huang Hao were killed and more than [-] people were injured.

Huang Hao was originally the head of the Military Weapons Supervisor (equivalent to the director of the production factory). Although he didn't know the real formula of gunpowder, he had never seen pork, hadn't he seen a pig run?As a hostage being held hostage, Huang Hao resisted Ran Zhi very much at the beginning, but under Ran Zhi's strong coercion, he sent beauties and rewarded officials with gold. Under this golden bullet offensive, Huang Hao quickly compromised up.

The thing that can show Huang Hao's value is to make gunpowder for Ran Zhi. Huang Hao knows a little about the detailed manufacturing process of gunpowder, but he doesn't know the real formula.However, as the director of the gunpowder production factory, he is in charge of the consumption of various materials in the factory every day. Through the consumption of a large amount of materials, it is not difficult for Huang Hao to guess that the main ingredients of gunpowder are Glauber's salt, sulfur and willow branches. carbon.According to the consumption of these three bulk materials, Huang Hao can easily calculate the true ratio of the gunpowder.

At any time, the fortress is easy to conquer from the inside, and the gunpowder formula that Ran Ming thought was extremely secret was easily leaked like this.After confirming the formula of the gunpowder, Huang Hao began to organize manpower experiments. Although Huang Hao didn't know how to purify Glauber's salt, he could get that kind of black gunpowder with good lethality after testing.

Especially when Ran Ming's ambush was exhausted and Ran Zhi's retreat was cut off, Ran Zhi's desire to break through Yecheng was even more urgent.But now that the Mo Dao Army appeared where it shouldn't be, this became Ran Zhi's biggest headache.Now that the fierce fire oil has been destroyed by Wang Meng, Ran Zhi has no way to get a large amount of fierce fire oil from other places in a short period of time, and the abnormal defensive ability of the Mo Dao army is recognized by the world.There are really not many ways to break through the defense of the Modao army. The eight-ox crossbow is definitely one way. In fact, it is a trebuchet, fierce fire oil, and gunpowder.

So Ran Zhi ordered Huang Hao to produce gunpowder with the greatest capacity. The continuous production of gunpowder made the craftsmen extremely tired, and bad luck soon came.A tired craftsman fell asleep while working and accidentally knocked over the lantern next to him. As a result, the gunpowder was accidentally detonated, thousands of catties of finished products, and more than [-] catties of thenardite were lost in the explosion.The loss of valuable materials was within Ran Zhi's psychological tolerance, but the casualties made Ran Zhi want to cry.

In order to completely control the gunpowder in his own hands, Ran Zhi ordered Wu Qubing to pick out more than [-] bright young people, all of whom were the original descendants of Ran Zhi's direct descendant Xiuwu Kingdom.As a result, in this explosion, more than [-] people died, eighteen were killed, and four were disabled. This price caught Ran Zhi a little off guard.

Ran Zhi's face was full of exhaustion, and Ran Ming's attack came later than expected.However, although the people didn't arrive, the news spread all over the world, spreading so violently and intensively, that almost everyone knew that Ran Zhi had fallen into Ran Ming's trap, and their retreat was cut off, except for a deadly battle, the only way left was to surrender up.These news did not have much impact on Ran Zhi's direct lineage. They were abandoned citizens with bloody hands, and they made money every day they lived.Of course, they believed more in Ran Zhi who led them to create countless myths, and Ran Zhi must have led them to defeat one strong enemy after another as before.As far as Ran Zhijun's direct line troops are concerned, they have fought real vicious battles. When Ran Zhi established himself in Yizhou, there was no battle where the weak defeated the strong, and no battle where the enemy was several times or even tens of times superior.But such powerful enemies were defeated one by one by them, so they were not afraid.

Ran Zhi's expansion of troops near Ye City is not calm, just like the legend of Ran Zhi's undefeated myth spread everywhere in Yizhou, and the undefeated legend of Wei State is also circulated everywhere in Ye City, but the protagonist of this story It wasn't Ran Zhi, but Ran Ming.Ran Zhi has always been defeated again and again against Ran Ming, will Ran Zhi be an exception this time?
Just after Huang Hao's gunpowder exploded, they had lunch at Modao Army in the afternoon, and after an hour's rest, they finally appeared in Yecheng.Although the pitch-black Mingguang armor is not painted silver like in history, the pitch-black armor is more likely to give people a sense of oppression.The Modao army did not shout like other troops when they attacked. They were silent, like a group of machines that could not speak, and they marched towards Ran Zhijun oppressively step by step, like a group of machines that could not speak. The wide and broad Mo Dao is raised obliquely to the sky.

With the sound of the heavy steps of the [-] soldiers of the Modao Army, a black torrent appeared on the ground. The speed of this torrent was not fast, but its momentum was indomitable, like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Ran Zhi stood on the nest cart, and the raised nest cart allowed Ran Zhi to look down at the Modao Army. The 3 soldiers of the Modao Army were like a black ocean, and they could not be seen at a glance. They were all made of elite black bright armor , the shining Mo Dao, the team of [-] horses did not make the slightest noise, as if there was only one person.

Ran Zhi looked at this army with a complicated expression, filled with endless helplessness and loss in his heart.This army has spent Ran Ming's endless energy. From the very beginning of selection, it has been under Ran Ming's secret control, and no news has been leaked.It wasn't until the formation of the army that Ran Zhi knew that there was an additional army called the Modao Army in the Wei Guojun, which was just a unit whose combat effectiveness was no less than that of the middle base heavy infantry.

Although the two armies have not yet fought, Ran Zhi knows very well how powerful the middle base infantry is.Even in history, when Ran Minshan was in poverty, the 14 middle-base heavy infantry won ten battles and ten battles with the [-] Yan army cavalry. .The equipment of the middle base heavy infantry is actually far inferior to that of the Modao Army. They can ignore the bows and arrows of the Yan Army cavalry. The heavy infantry of the middle base used the sharp spears in their hands to wantonly harvest their lives.

April 27th was a very unlucky day for Ran Zhijun. First, there was an accidental explosion of gunpowder (absolutely no function of royal guards, a real accident). The Modao army in Yecheng actually launched their attack.

Of course, under Wang Meng's attack, Ran Zhijun's bow and crossbow troops also suffered heavy losses, and the surviving crossbowmen frantically poured arrow rain at Mo Dao's army. "咻咻咻......" The sound of piercing through the air was endless, and the arrows hit the Mingguang armor like raindrops hitting a banana leaf, making a crackling sound.

Although the Modao Army is also equipped with Mingguang armor, this kind of Mingguang armor is different from the general standard armor. First of all, it is all made of stainless steel cold-rolled technology. The helmet has abandoned the standard armor and the open helmet, and adopted a style similar to the motorcycle helmets of later generations. In addition to the eyes, even the neck is woven into a net with steel locks. This soft chain net armor can not only Anti-arrow, that is, it also has a certain defensive ability against attacks such as knives and axes.Unless it hits the eye, it cannot cause damage to Mo Dao Shou. (except the eight-ox crossbow)
"I was shot, I was shot!" A Mo Daoist in the first row was hit in the chest by arrows from three horse male crossbows, and the powerful arrows hit his chest like a hammer. Can't help shouting loudly.

At this time, Dubo Modaojun yelled loudly: "Shut up, calm down for me, look carefully, the crossbow arrows can't hurt you!"

Because the helmet sacrificed the vision, although it increased the defensive ability, Mo Dao Shou could only look straight ahead, unable to take care of himself. The Mo Dao Shou who was hit by the arrow stretched out his hand and pulled out the arrow with a grin. , looking at the completely deformed arrow and found that there was no trace of blood on it, he finally believed that he was not injured.

After a while, the Modao army entered the range of Ran Zhijun's crossbowmen, and countless arrows hit the target accurately.

Commanding the Modao army to fight, General Modao said vigorously: "Qingqi will protect the wings of the Modao army at all costs. The weakest link of our Modao army is our back. We must not let the rebels take advantage of the loopholes. Follow up in time."

In fact, any arm is not inherently disadvantaged or superior, just like the Modao Army. At the beginning of the formation of the Modao Army, Ran Ming allocated light cavalry and crossbowmen to the Modao Army according to the successful examples of the Tang Dynasty in history.In fact, the Modao army is like tanks and armored vehicles in the era of cold weapons. If they are used scattered, of course, anti-tank guns and rockets in the infantry must be taken into account. Anti-tank guns are meaningless. Even if anti-tank guns can destroy dozens of tanks, they are of no benefit to the overall battle situation.

In fact, the same is true for Modao. Once the scale of the Modao army is large enough, the covering crossbowmen can be cancelled, because they are not afraid of arrow attacks, and they are not afraid of light cavalry flank raids, because their line is deep and wide enough, completely Can resist enemies in all directions.Attacks can also be launched from all directions.

Now is the time to reap the harvest. This army was formed seven or eight years ago. In fact, not to mention the equipment, the cost of money and food is an astronomical figure.The money and food consumed by each soldier of the Modao Army is sixteen times that of ordinary light infantry, and twice that of cavalry. Now it is officially unveiled in front of everyone, which is so shocking.

Especially Wang Meng, shouting in his heart, making a hysterical voice, Great Wei will surely stand on top of the world and dance the wind and clouds.This army is the sharp sword in His Majesty's hands, and it will help him overcome obstacles and open up a prosperous Wei Dynasty.This army is an invincible sharp blade, and all enemies that stand in front of Wei are his targets of destruction.

Wang Meng firmly believes that there is no army in this world that can match this well-trained Modao army. When this army appears in front of the world again, it will definitely be a ground-breaking shock, and the whole world will tremble.

The archers of Ran Zhijun finally despaired, because the light infantry who were not equipped with anti-tank weapons had no way to take the tanks. Except for retreating, the death battle could only end in annihilation.When the two armies advanced to more than fifty steps, Ran Zhijun's crossbowmen finally loosened, because the crossbowmen did not have any advantage when facing infantry, let alone this kind of iron bumps armed to the teeth?

"Retreat quickly!" Zhang Yizhi saw this scene and said: "Your Majesty, our crossbowmen can no longer be lost in vain. The cost of bows and crossbows is high, easy to lose, and difficult to replenish. In fact, we can use clean guns, daggers, Spearmen go to consume the strength of the Modao army, and when their strength is exhausted, we will launch a counterattack across the board."

(End of this chapter)

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