Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 929 I Can Forgive You

Chapter 929 I Can Forgive You
Chapter 935 I Can Forgive You

Ran Zhi said: "The heavy infantry at the middle base can ignore the attacks of knives, guns and arrows. The lonely king thinks that this Modao army, which the second child has high hopes for, is probably stronger than the middle base army. In this kind of heavy armor, only the rich and powerful second can do it." Let's play, now our army has no way to restrain the Modao army. Once it engages in battle, it will be an unmanageable defeat. The battle will be useless, and the defeat will cause heavy losses. Order the troops to retreat. Although the Modao army is strong, their equipment is good. Like an iron tortoise, but this also limits their movement speed, ordering the troops to retreat twenty miles, the lonely king thought, this is probably the limit of the strength of the soldiers of the Modao army. At the same time, order the generals of the army to select the brave and healthy However, all warriors who can lift two hundred catties are equipped with blunt weapons such as halberds, axes, and maces, and are ready to launch a counterattack when the Modao army retreats!"

Fortunately, Ran Zhi's order to retreat was given in a timely manner, and Ran Zhijun avoided major losses.Whenever Ran Zhi's army retreated, Wang Meng also took the opportunity to launch a full-line counterattack in Yecheng. After more than an hour of bloody battle, by sunset, all the outer walls of Yecheng occupied by Ran Zhi's troops were lost.


When Yecheng ushered in the night, Yecheng fell into madness.Although this counterattack did not achieve any results, Yecheng's passive defense became active. As Su Lin's troops quickly forced Yecheng, the troops of the surrounding Qin Kings also concentrated on Yecheng at high speed, and deployed around Yecheng. A big net was set up, and the net was waiting, only waiting for Ran Zhi to throw himself into the net.

The people of Yecheng held a grand celebration. Empress Xie issued a special decree to cancel the curfew, and hosted a banquet in the Danxia Hall of Yecheng Imperial Palace.Madam Gaoming is an imperial edict issued by various feudal dynasties after the Tang Dynasty to the wives and mothers of officials.Under normal circumstances, not all wives and mothers of officials have imperial orders.The imperial wife must meet several conditions. First of all, her husband or son must be an official of the fifth rank or above, with outstanding political achievements and excellent reputation. Of course, she must be simple in the emperor's heart.

Ran Ming conferred this honor in advance. In fact, Mrs. Gao Ming did not have any special privileges, she just received an extra salary.At this time, the state of Wei carried out reforms to officials at all levels, and all staff, coachmen, guards, scribes, petty officials, and miscellaneous servants who were originally paid by officials at all levels enjoyed state wages. Reduced local control.What's more, Ran Ming is not short of money at the moment.

The melodious sound of music reverberates in the magnificent banquet hall of the Danxia Palace. All the royal ladies in noble dresses sit together. The traditional meal sharing system is also adopted, especially when women's status is low, and women's political status is raised in an appropriate amount. Status, which almost won the favor of all women.Although the political status of women in ancient times was low, their power was not small. Throughout the ages, the role of pillow wind is still quite high.

"The empress is here, the concubine is here, the concubine is here, the concubine is here!" As the eunuch's unique voice sounded, all the wives hurriedly got up, left their seats, and kowtowed towards the main hall gate.

Xie Daoyun, Liu Wei and other women walked into the hall slowly with smiles on their faces.

"Empress Empress Sheng Gong'an"

Xie Daoyun and Liu Wei walked hand in hand to the main seat and the second seat, Xie Daoyun pressed his hands down: "You don't have to be cautious, just like in your home, please sit down!"

Xie Daoyun was the first to kneel and sit on the seat, and only then did the wives dare to sit down.These imperial wives are all honorable persons of the Wei State, including Wang Cui, the wife of Wang Ning, the Yushi doctor, Wang Lu, the wife of Shang Shuling Wang Jian, Wang Yang, the wife of Wang Meng, and Dong Li, the wife of Dong Run. In addition to the wives, of course, many of the prostitutes who were younger than ten years old before leaving the court also came to the banquet.

As for why these little kids are here, smart people actually know.Due to the limited life span of ancient people, especially during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the average life expectancy of men was only 35 years old, so both men and women matured very early.When we were still in middle school in later generations, people at that time had already married wives and had children and assumed the heavy responsibility of the family.As for the plots written in many romance novels, young men and women in ancient times are completely blank in terms of love, so they can only respond with hehe.

Since Ran Min passed away, Xie Daoyun only wore a very simple skirt. In fact, the ancient Hanfu was the same as the later generations. The ancient men's clothing was very simple, either a shirt or a robe.Unlike women's clothing, there are various styles and colors of jackets, jackets, skirts, furs, clothes, and skirts.Xie Daoyun's white skirt under the moon looks a bit compact, but it is because of this compactness that she appears to be curvaceous.As the queen of the dynasty, Xie Daoyun's attire is enough to lead the trend.There is no phoenix crown and Xiapei, no gold and silver decorations, it is that kind of simplicity to the extreme, but it has another kind of indescribable temperament.On Xie Daoyun's beautiful face, a pair of charming big eyes looked at everyone, looking graceful and luxurious, rich and powerful.

Xie Daoyun's beauty is a complex, making it impossible to describe her in words. You say she has the right to be noble for a while, but sometimes she is so beautiful that she is charming.And if you say she is charming, sometimes she has the kind of dominance similar to a successful man.But if you say she is the kind of strong woman, she can exude the unique style of mature women.

Xie Daoyun doesn't seem to have any distinctive personality. She is not as shrewd and wise as Liu Wei, nor is she as heroic as Wang Zhilei, Wang Baobao, and Bai Feng.It's not like Li Jingshu, who makes me feel pitiful, and I can't help but want to take care of her.It is not as charming and charming as the Kezuhun family, which makes people unable to control themselves and easily loses themselves.It's not as glamorous and noble as Helena, which makes people afraid to touch her.Xie Daoyun is not as amiable as Li Shi.Xie Daoyun, or women, are inherently fickle.Not just the heart, but also the face.Every gesture they make, every smile or word they say can exude a different temperament.It's stupid to want to be restrained and fixed.

As the interrupted music sounded again, the palace ladies and eunuchs serving the banquet put wine, rice wine, rice wine, white wine, fruit wine and other refreshments on the table in turn.Of course, the styles of dishes are also very rich, not only chicken, duck, fish, but also vegetables that are very rare in Yecheng.With Ran Zhi's rebel army besieging Yecheng, Yecheng's connection with the outside world was interrupted, and the supply of green vegetables in Yecheng had already been cut off, and even food was limited in supply, let alone vegetables and meat.In fact, Xie Daoyun is not a luxury person, she just uses this method to tell everyone that the crisis in Yecheng has been resolved.Actual actions are often more convincing than any words.

"Recently, the country's affairs are difficult, and I know that it's not easy for you all." Xie Daoyun held up his wine glass and said, "We are all lucky people, because we have a wise and wise emperor, and countless loyal and brave soldiers. The crisis in Yecheng has been resolved. Now, we will usher in a happy life."

Xie Daoyun's voice is very pleasant, and she is also from Chenjun, belonging to the Central Plains. Her voice is not soft like that of the southerners. Instead, it seems to have a sound of gold and stone, which can pass through all obstacles and reach people's hearts.This is Xie Daoyun, this is the Xie Daoyun who talks and laughs in front of hundreds of civil and military officials and hundreds of millions of people. Just this small detail makes Liu Wei sigh in his heart.

In this world, there are very, very few people who are lucky enough to stand by Xie Daoyun's side.Liu Wei is also lamenting the impermanence of the world. Originally, Ran Ming had three wives, one of whom was in charge, the other was flat, and one had the support of Liu Qun, a business chaebol.Of course, Xie Daoyun, who is shrewd and capable and has the reputation of the Xie family and Shilin Ruoda, and the stripes who control the direction of public opinion and have an unparalleled affinity, are really a wonderful Romance of the Three Kingdoms. If the pattern is like this, it may also give Ran Ming a headache. endlessly.However, because Ran Zhi suddenly launched a coup d'état, killing Stripe's backer Tiaoyou and seizing the financial support behind Liu Mo, Xie Daoyun became the mother of a country with little hindrance.

when?Fate?Liu Mo couldn't tell.

Mao Zedong once said: "Women can also hold up half the sky." Although the status of women in ancient China was not high, it is undeniable that sometimes the role of women is irreplaceable.For example, after the death of Gaozu, Empress Lv came to the court to proclaim the system. Sima Qian commented on her in "Historical Records: The Chronicle of Empress Lv" as "the government does not leave the house, and the world is peaceful; ”Give Empress Lu a great affirmation of her administration.

You must know that Sima Qian wrote "Historical Records" very rigorously, but when he was writing Empress Lu, he actually wrote this record for her.Ji is abbreviated as Ji, which is also a special term for the biography of emperors. Although Empress Lu does not have the name of emperor, in Sima Qian's eyes, she has leadership like an emperor.In addition to Empress Lu, there are also many women who have left their names in history. Of course, in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Empress Dowager Chu Suanzi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty must be mentioned.She has been in charge of the court three times, and supported six emperors behind the curtain. She ruled the Eastern Jin Dynasty for more than [-] years.

Of course, the Empress of Wei State Xie Daoyun was not a weak person at this time. As a representative of ancient talented women in history, she left her reputation as Ruoda.The most commendable thing is her responsibility. During the Sun En Rebellion, Wang Ningzhi, the second son of Xie Daoyun’s husband, Wang Youjun, served as the internal historian of Kuaiji (because Sima Yu was named the king of Kuaiji in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Kuaiji was not a county, but a feudal country. The country has an internal history and a state minister. The internal history of Kuaiji is on the same level as the prefect, and he controls the highest chief executive of a county or country.) However, when the city was destroyed, Wang Ningzhi fled in embarrassment. Sun Enbu caught and killed him.At this time, Xie Daoyun heard that the enemy was coming, and acted freely, and went out with a knife to kill several enemies before being arrested. (Xie Daoyun knew martial arts, and his younger brother Xie Xuan was also a famous kung fu master during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and his martial arts were not weaker than Liu Laozhi.) Sun En pardoned Daoyun and his clan because of his righteousness.After Wang Ningzhi's death, Xie Daoyun lived alone in Kuaiji and never remarried all his life.

"Recently, my palace is having trouble sleeping and eating, and after much deliberation, I finally ask for your help!" Xie Daoyun finally expressed her original intention: "Your Majesty has a righteous daughter, who has been regarded as a married woman for many years, and is loved by thousands of people. Now Jingwen Yejiji (jiji: 笄[jī]) originally refers to the hairpin used for binding hair in ancient times. In ancient times, after the age of 15, women usually put their hair up and tie it up with hairpins, indicating that they have grown up. "Jiji" means the age A woman who has reached the age of 15.) I don’t have a husband and son-in-law now, so I wonder if you have any young talents to recommend?”

Wang Cui, the wife of Wang Ning, the doctor of imperial history, said: "I will report to the empress, I have a nephew from my natal family, who was born in a famous family in the Guandong family. His name is Hong, and his style is Xuanbo. Feng Yi is beautiful and talented. I don't know the queen when I am young. What do you think, ma'am?"

Wang Cuishi seemed to have been prepared, and immediately took out a picture scroll, handed it to the eunuch beside him, and then handed it to Xie Daoyun.Before Xie Daoyun opened the picture scroll, he said: "It turns out to be Cui Xuanbo, I have already heard about this person."

Seeing Xie Daoyun's attitude, Wang Jian's wife, Wang Lushi, became anxious.Wang Lu's family is also Fanyang Lu's, a famous family in Shandong, and Lu Chen (both the prime minister) who was the 48th founding father of the country and the supervisor of Zhongshu (both the prime minister).What is even more tragic is that Lu Yan, the son of Lu Chen, was on the wrong side of the political team, and became more and more alienated from Ran Ming. As Wang Meng was reused by Ran Ming, the Taiyuan Wang family planned to rebuild the family tree and reincorporate Wang Meng into the Taiyuan Wang family. family.If Wang Meng returns to the Wang family of Taiyuan, with the support of the older generation Wang Ning and the continued efforts of the new generation Wang Meng, the Taiyuan Wang family can at least keep their wealth for three generations.

Although the Seven Schools and Five Watches is a huge interest group, this interest group has both cooperation and competition.As the Wang family grows stronger, the interests of other families will inevitably be damaged, so it is very important to repair the relationship with Ran Ming.Although one of Ran Ming's adopted daughters came from a humble background, and the seven schools and five schools who thought they had a noble blood didn't like her, but this happened to be a very good time.You must know that the members of the Ran family are thin, except for Ran Min, not only do they not have a direct princess, even Ran Ming's princess is too young, and the marriage is not known when it happened.

The wives of the imperial courts have been trained by the family since they were young. They are very experienced in financial management, controlling the family, and raising children. Of course, the women cultivated in this environment have outstanding political vision and strategies.This is the first time that Ran Ming has released his goodwill towards the famous noble family. If the famous noble family has high self-esteem, they will probably be hit by Ran Ming.Ran Ming has more means than Ran Min, especially in financial management. It can be said that he is the God of Wealth who can turn stone into gold. No matter which family they belong to, no matter what political ideas they have, they will never make things difficult for God of Wealth.

After Xie Daoyun threw out the news that Ran Jingwen was going to choose a husband-in-law, all the wives, whether prepared or unprepared, swarmed like flies that had seen blood.With a gun and a tongue, the fight was exhilarating.

However, at the time when the interior of Yecheng was peaceful on the surface, but thunder was rolling in the dark.Su Lin's attack started, and Su Lin's attack came faster than expected.Due to the counterattack of the Mo Dao Army, Ran Zhi's troops had to withdraw from the attack range of the Mo Dao Army. Although Ran Zhi's army suffered little loss, its morale was seriously frustrated.

A forward battalion of [-] infantry from the Su Lin Division originally stationed in Chuqiu (now Cheng'an) suddenly broke out under the leadership of Su Lin.Originally, this battalion was actually a cavalry battalion, but it was deliberately pretended to be an infantry battalion. After entering the dark night, the cavalry battalion of the Surin Department untied all the horses from the vehicles, put on saddles and double-sided stirrups, and rode the horses with whips. , roaring towards Yecheng.

Although Ran Zhijun retreated, he left a full circle of riding posts around Yecheng and at various intersections.Especially outside the city of Chiqiu, Ran Zhi played a cavalry song (scout cavalry). Since the front of Su Lin was full of infantry, and after repeated trials of this cavalry song, the army of Chiqiu saw that Ran Zhijun had only a mere song, so they immediately Boldly go out of town and fight back.It's just that the infantry attacking the cavalry is a bit funny, no matter how fast the infantry can't catch up with the four-legged beast.This jerk went away with one blow, and didn't get entangled with their infantry at all.Rebuking Qiu Jun's repeated attacks to no avail, he stopped going out of the city to fight back.In this case, this jerk is a little careless.Chiqiu is 140 miles away from Yecheng. If they are elite infantry, they can rush to the city of Ye overnight. However, infantry has no speed advantage against cavalry. Discover their actions and tell Ran Zhi in time.

However, Su Lin, who was unprepared for mental arithmetic, did not give this cavalry a chance at all.Just when Ranger Qu made a tentative attack after nightfall, the city gate of Chiqiu opened wide, and five thousand well-equipped cavalry battalions of the Surin Department rushed forward.There was a rain of arrows covering the head and face, and they shot arrows while running, which fully demonstrated the riding and archery kung fu.

This time the ranger suddenly panicked. This sudden attack was no different from a massacre. The rangers of the Ran Zhi Army in the two villages were shot into a sieve by the frenzied rain of crossbow arrows. While avoiding the rain of arrows, they blindly shot arrows everywhere, and Surin's troops took down the rangers in these two villages with almost no loss.

However, this round of blows came and went quickly, and it stopped abruptly after only half a stick of incense, which almost gave the Rangers an illusion that nothing had happened, but the dense numbers of people or horses who fell in front of them The corpse reminded him clearly and unmistakably that this was real, and they had indeed suffered a terrible blow.

(End of this chapter)

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