Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 930 The Empress Is Overjoyed

Chapter 930 The Empress Is Overjoyed
Chapter 936

Su Lin's troops actually came from the Han people who were rescued from the Xianbei Yan army in the battles of Fangfang County, Anxi, and Liantai.When they regained their lives, they were most grateful to Ran Min and Ran Ming and his son.At that time, Ran Min was defeated in Zhongshan, and the people of Zhongshan were also looted by the Yan army. At that time, Ran Min dispersed these rescued people in Zhongshan County.

According to Su Lin's resettlement plan, he actually adopted the farming system invented by Cao Cao. The Su family in Zhongshan provided seeds and agricultural tools to help these refugees develop production. According to a [-]-[-] split, the common people monopolize [-]% of the income, and all taxes are exempted for the first three years. These people developed very fast and soon got rid of poverty and became rich.Youdao is to drink water without forgetting the well diggers. These troops trained in addition to farming have a very high loyalty to the state of Wei.When receiving the news that the rebels were besieging Yecheng, all men, women and children in Zhongshan rushed to join the army. If it wasn't for Ran Ming's secret decree in advance, Su Lin alone could raise at least [-] troops in Zhongshan.

These troops are peasants at the lowest level, and they paid for the pain of being slaves after the country was ruined and their families were ruined, so they cherished this hard-won chance of survival. Under the leadership of Su Lin, they worked hard to kill the enemy. During the daily training, there were quite a few people who were disabled or even died. In terms of training intensity, the most elite troops in the Wei Kingdom would be willing to bow down.This is a group of tigers raised in captivity by Su Lin. Once out of the cage, the power can be imagined.

Five thousand beat five hundred, with a tenfold advantage, Su Lin's troops won with almost no losses.Although this victory was insignificant, it directly knocked out Ran Zhi's eyes placed along the line of Chiqiu.With almost no pause, Su Lin and his [-] cavalry roared towards Yecheng with the power of victory.

A distance of 140 miles, although it can be done by infantry forcibly marching, but the soldiers' physical strength will be exhausted.If you can only barely launch an attack or defense, your combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened.But the cavalry was different. Surin's troops roared away with torches.In Xiqiu of Yecheng (Cao Cao's Gaoling), Su Lin's troops stopped to recover their strength, feed their horses, and save their horsepower.

In the early morning of April 28th, the [-] elite cavalry of Su Lin, who had recharged their batteries, launched an attack. First, the more than [-] soldiers of Ran Zhijun who were stationed at Ximen Leopard Temple about five miles away from Xiqiu were rushed into disorder. .More than [-] people were killed, more than [-] people were captured, and the rest fled.After that, Su Lin didn't stop, and drove the defeated soldiers of Ran Zhi's army to continue to attack Ran Zhi's camp located on the north and west sides of Yecheng.

Ran Zhijun, who was caught off guard, was beaten to the ground, with no fighting spirit, and broke up one after another. The unreasonable and unforgiving Su Lin cavalry was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, trampling and biting frantically, and devouring the lives of the rebels by all means.

Two quarters of an hour later, Ran Zhi, who was located in the south of Yecheng, finally got the news that Su Lin had smashed his west and north camps, and a large number of defeated soldiers were driven by Su Lin's cavalry to the center of Ran Zhi's army. rushed.Ran Zhi almost vomited blood when he heard the news.Fortunately, Ran Zhi learned from Ran Ming and used the method of direct disciples to rule the army. Most of the generals in the army are very reliable, and in the battle of besieging Yecheng, Ran Zhi's direct descendants did not suffer any losses.In fact, the heaviest losses were neither the defenders of Yecheng nor Ran Zhi's direct descendants, but the servants that Ran Zhi acquired from the Japanese slave country and the Korean peninsula.

In fact, Ran Zhi didn't care about the loss of these servants and horses. Ran Zhi had captured a lot of armor and weapons, and he could arm more servants at any time. Moreover, because the Japanese Nu Kingdom was not slaughtered by the Five Hus, the population was also small. Few, the least lack of people.Ran Zhi can loot more minions if needed.

However, the Luo Yuhu Department of the West Camp and Zhang Zhiqiang of the North Camp have more than 2 direct descendants of Ran Zhijun. Of these 2 horses, I am afraid there will not be many left.

Su Lin's cavalry launched an attack by surprise, breaking through Ran Zhijun's positions almost without resistance.Just when Ran Zhijun hit all the mobile troops of the Zhongjun Army and got ready, combining guns, daggers, spears, shields, and crossbows, he designed a trap to lure Su Lin's troops to attack.If the light cavalry rushing at high speed encounters a well-arranged infantry with long weapons, it can almost be said to be suicide.

However, Su Lin led the cavalry when Ran Zhi's central army camp was only a hundred steps away, and suddenly stopped and continued to attack deeply, then turned a corner and rushed to cut Ran Zhi's position horizontally like a sickle. Ma Qian, who was composed of hundreds of personal guards, rushed forward along the moat road all the way to the right, killing many of the scattered Ran Zhijun troops on the moat road along the way.

The horse lance occupies an important position among the eighteen kinds of weapons in ancient China. It is almost a heavy weapon for good riders. The horse lance is not only light, but also tough enough, and its hardness is also very high. A qualified horse lance can be used to chop with a knife Constantly, Ma Chan can either hold his hand straight to charge with horsepower, or swing it up for melee combat.It's just that it takes three years to complete the whole branch, and the success rate is only [-]%, so the cost is astonishingly high.Therefore, since the Han and Tang Dynasties, Ma Chan has always been a symbol of generals from aristocratic families.

With the financial resources of the Su family in Zhongshan, Su Lin could barely build two or three hundred horses. Apart from the generals' own use, they also armed two guard cavalry.Neither Ran Min nor Ran Ming spent a lot of money to build a heavy-armored army of horse lances, and his financial resources were limited. In the considerable expenditure, the whole body equipment of Mo Dao soldiers was only slightly more expensive than that of Ma lance, and Mo Whether it is a knife or a bright armor, these can all be manufactured in large quantities, but Ma Qian must be made by skilled senior craftsmen, which is neither possible for mass production, but also consumes too many resources.

The advantages of the horse lance are also very prominent, especially in the cavalry charge. Due to the excellent toughness of the horse lance, it can exert the greatest results with the minimum physical strength just like using the Overlord Spear.What's more, all of Su Lin's more than [-] personal guards are masters, and each of them has spent several years or even ten years practicing horse lance.The more than [-] cavalry led by Su Lin have a very high combat effectiveness. Not to mention that ordinary soldiers have no enemies in one round, even General Ran Zhi is no match for their sharp blows.

Su Lin, who was charging, turned his head to look at the direction of Ran Zhi's central army, with a playful smile on his face.As early as when Su Lin was charging, he felt something was wrong through the sudden excitement of the war horse.When the war horse is tired, it will only abandon the tiredness when it encounters similar opponents, and it will appear extraordinarily energetic.Su Lin didn't need to look to know that there must be a considerable number of cavalry in Ran Zhi's camp.Sure enough, in the binoculars, the shadow of the cavalry unit who was in the middle of Ran Zhi's army appeared.Those cavalry were vaguely distributed on the two wings, and there were quite a few of them. According to the vague visual inspection, there were at least ten thousand cavalry.These cavalry are ready for battle, all in saddle and armor.It turned out to be the natural nemesis of light cavalry, heavy cavalry.

Suddenly finding these heavy cavalry, Su Lin also saw what was behind the surface.Due to the dense hills and water network in the south, it is not a paradise for cavalry.As for the heavy cavalry, there was no stage for them to play their role, and there was no cavalry battalion in Ran Ming's southern expedition army sequence.There are not many heavy cavalry troops in the entire Wei State, and there is only one heavy cavalry in the Tun Cavalry Battalion in the whole country.Obviously, Ran Zhi got the equipment of the riding camp, or the allegiance of the riding camp.

"Now we will focus on dealing with the disbanded rebels. Tell them to put down their weapons and surrender. They will never be spared." Under Su Lin's roar, five thousand elite cavalry shouted in unison: "Surrender or die!"

The roar of the five thousand fine riders resounded through the sky, making the soldiers of Ran Zhijun who were scared out of their wits by the night attack not know how to deal with it.Su Lin didn't have Ran Ming's rigidity of not wanting to fight a civil war. In his eyes, all rebels deserved to die.Now that Ran Min chose Ran Ming as his successor, he absolutely supported him. Anyone who provoked Ran Min deserved to die.

"Since they want to die, let them be fulfilled!" Su Lin hardly paused, and led his troops to continue the attack.

At this moment, one of Ran Zhi's confidants raised the crossbow and aimed at Su Lin. With a sound of "咻", the crossbow shot out of the air, Su Lin didn't care about the crossbow, and swung the spear to fly the crossbow.In fact, it is very difficult for a single bow or crossbow to snipe and kill the enemy on the battlefield.Crossbows are different from rifles or sniper rifles. Crossbows and bows have very slow shooting speeds. As long as they are not the kind of recruits who are scared and stupid, their chances of surviving under cold arrows are very high.But once a dense rain of arrows is formed, it is inevitable.Moreover, this kind of horse crossbow is not an ideal weapon for sniping, because this kind of crossbow has a long range. For the convenience of loading, it does not have a stabilized tail like a bow and arrow. In order to stabilize the flight trajectory, the crossbow adopts increased air resistance. The way to stabilize the flight.A number of dents are added to the crossbow bolts, so that the Magong crossbow bolts make a loud sound during shooting, and unless they are deaf, they can definitely hear them.Moreover, this kind of screaming crossbow bolt sound can also damage the morale of the enemy in frontal combat.

Although Su Lin didn't care about this despicable enemy who stabbed people in the back, he was annoyed by Su Lin's personal guards. Almost at the same time as the crossbow arrows were shot, five or six arrows flew from the guards, killing the attacker in no particular order. Shot into a hedgehog.The cavalry continued to charge, whether it was the soldiers who put down their weapons or the soldiers of Ran Zhijun who turned around and fled, they were all mercilessly killed by Su Lin's troops.

The horse lance is mainly used to kill infantry.Except for those well-trained heavy armored pikemen, when faced with thousands of cavalry charging into the formation, almost none of them failed to collapse immediately.At this time, the more than [-] horse guards of Su Lin's department had simple combat methods, just holding the horse and lifting it up-flattening-lifting-leveling. It's as simple as breathing.If you encounter cavalry with horses on the other side, you will consider yourself unlucky. The two cars collide at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, and the result can be imagined.

It's a pity that there are very few cavalry in Ran Zhi's army. Except for the Chinese army, there are no organized cavalry. All of Ran Zhi's cavalry are used scattered, as rangers or messengers. Since then, there will be no Ran Zhi army. Ways to counter cavalry.If they are not defeated, they can use long-handled weapons to block the cavalry impact, but unfortunately there are not so many ifs.

Su Lin is a well-known warrior in the state of Wei, and he is best at using cavalry. If Ji Lian hadn't served as General Anbei, he would not be an opponent of Su Lin who was good at cavalry.Under Su Lin's training, the cavalry of Su Lin's department has gained the essence of cavalry warfare. He is the most reliable arrow front, while other cavalry use crossbow strikes to kill the enemy and expand the attack range.As for the rout of Ran Zhijun, who were basically infantry, they were completely passively beaten. There were shadows flying up and down everywhere, crossbow arrows flying everywhere, and flesh and blood flying corpses everywhere.

It was a one-sided massacre, a bloody massacre without mercy or humanity.The neighing of war horses, the screams of dying people, the sound of cutting horses, sabers, and horizontal knives into flesh, the crackling of horseshoes smashing through people's heads, all kinds of sounds are intertwined to form a death song .

There is no mercy, no slack, this is also the true portrayal of Su Lin's troops. The cavalry under Su Lin's troops is an efficient killing machine.In fact, who would have thought that Su Lin would break away from the main force at this time and only lead [-] light cavalry to raid Yecheng?Even if Ran Zhi's troops were poorly trained and equipped, but there were hundreds of thousands of people, and it would only be possible for a lunatic to use [-] cavalry to attack hundreds of thousands of horses.

Yes, the battlefield is actually a stage for madmen.If Bai Qi hadn't been a lunatic, he wouldn't have used Qin's 40 cavalry who didn't even have stirrups to block the retreat of Zhao's more than [-] troops, and then forced the Zhao army's [-] troops to surrender. in the name of Ren Tu.Of course, if Huo Qubing was not a lunatic, how dare he lead [-] cavalry deep into the enemy's rear, killing the Huns and fleeing everywhere?If he is not a lunatic, how can he succeed in riding on the Huns.Le Shi Yanran's great achievements?If Cao Cao was not a lunatic, how could he easily defeat Wuchao and win the battle of Guandu? Of course, if Xie Xuan was not a lunatic, how could he defeat Fu Jian and create a military miracle of winning more with less?If Chen Qingzhi hadn't been crazy, how could he have launched an attack on Er Zhurong's million-strong army with [-] troops, thus creating the myth of "great generals and famous teachers should not be imprisoned, and thousands of troops and horses should avoid white robes"?Of course, Ran Min is indispensable in the field of lunatics.Only a lunatic can achieve such an exaggerated record of chasing and killing Baili with three thousand riders and beheading [-] ranks.

This night, Su Lin continued this myth.Ran Zhi, who had an army of tens of thousands, was almost half defeated.In this desperate battle, the rout of Ran Zhijun finally remembered Su Lin's words, that is surrender or die.Yes!Surrender or die!Surrender, the hypothetical word or is not used, is it?A Ran Zhijun soldier who was facing Su Lin dropped the weapon in his hand, and threw the long gun into the soil under his feet. With a loud crash, the surrounding Ran Zhijun soldiers who were still in a daze were awakened.

"We surrender! We surrender!" Everyone dropped their weapons as if the knives and guns in their hands were burning and burning their palms. Same, fluent and skilled.The hero who was willing to fight to the last moment for Ran Zhi shed tears of unwillingness and regret.Desire to kill the enemy, but powerless.Some were loyal to Ran Zhi and didn't want to surrender, so they killed themselves, and some took weapons and launched suicide attacks on the cavalry, but these were a minority, and more people just lived in ignorance, even if they were humble and humiliated. Still living helplessly.

The sky was gradually getting brighter, and in the west and north directions of Yecheng, there were chaotic formations of prisoners everywhere. These prisoners looked anxiously at the cavalry soldiers around them, speculating about their future.

At this time, Yecheng also sent troops to help Su Lin's troops take care of the prisoners, treat the wounded, and clean up the battlefield.

A feast almost came to an end with a perfect admiration. Queen Wei Xie Daoyun passed the banner of choosing a husband-in-law for her righteous daughter Ran Jingwen to convey the kindness that Ran Ming wanted to express to the gentry.There is no shortage of smart people in the noble family, and they can definitely think of her intentions.Xie Daoyun, who drank a few more glasses, still didn't wake up until the sun was bright.

While Xie Daoyun was still smiling sweetly in his sleep, an eunuch quickly ran towards the palace with small steps.While running, he sang: "The empress is overjoyed, the empress is overjoyed."

Xie Daoyun was woken up by the loud noise, it is not a happy thing for anyone to be disturbed in sleep.Xie Daoyun rubbed his eyes and said, "Why do I like it?"

"Tell the empress, the general of the town has sent troops. Just last night, the general of the town led a cavalry battalion of the town's army to attack the two camps of the rebel army in the west and north. They killed and wounded more than [-] enemies and captured [-]. There are more than [-] people, all kinds of seizures are worthless!"

Although Xie Daoyun doesn't understand military affairs, at least she is very proficient in arithmetic, and since she was in charge of the country during this period, she has also acquired military knowledge.Wei Guo's military system is actually very simple. The battalion is almost a permanent basic establishment. Each battalion has [-] soldiers, with one captain and two Sima.The two battalions form one army, with one leading general, one deputy general, and one joining the army, who are divided into seven staff members for intelligence analysis, campaign planning, material allocation, military training, combat guidance, ideological education, and communication and coordination.The formation above the army is not permanent, such as Zhennan Army, Zhengnan Army, Anbei Army, Zhengbei Army, Zhendong Army, Zhengdong Army, Andong Army, Anxi Army, Zhengxi Army, etc. They all belong to the establishment similar to the front army of the later generations, and each side has multiple military states of different sizes.Like Zhenxi General Xie Ai belongs to, including Qinzhou Army, Liangzhou Army, Guanzhong Army, and Hanzhong Army.The Zhennan Army includes Luozhou Army, Henan Army, Hanoi Army, Hongnong Army, Nanyang Army and Jingzhou Army.

The Zhen Guojun belongs to the front army that has no jurisdiction over the border defense area and is directly under the central government. There are similarly the middle base army (heavy infantry), the imperial guards, the guards, the Yue cavalry (light cavalry), and the garrison cavalry (heavy cavalry). cavalry).The Shesheng Army, the Modao Army, the Beifu Army, and the Changshui Army fought against the rebellious army.Canglang Battalion, Back Cub Army, Gale Wind Battalion, Shengjie Army, etc.Although the formation of this kind of army is an army in name, the size and formation of the army are not equal. For example, the Modao Army has only six battalions, while the Beifu Army has seven armies and [-] battalions.The Canglang Battalion has only one battalion, and the Cub Army has also been reduced to two battalions.

Xie Daoyun said: "How is this possible? Is there a mistake in the information? Is it a mistake?"

"Returning to your lord, the servants are also worried that the servants below have got the news wrong." The eunuch said solemnly: "But the servants have repeatedly confirmed that the news is accurate after being confirmed by General Wang (Wang Meng). Screening, just the seized food, grass, soldiers, armour, staff and supplies are like hills."

Hearing this, Xie Daoyun smiled heartily.She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and thought to herself that Ran Ming did not abandon her and treat her as a pawn.In fact, smart women are often paranoid. Xie Daoyun is a famous talented woman in history, so naturally she becomes overthinking.Since ancient times, the royal family has no family ties, and there have been many incidents of father and son killing each other, so she couldn't help but not care about it.It is absolutely impossible to say that Xie Daoyun is not caring about defending Yecheng with no hope of victory.But at this time, Xie Daoyun was also secretly angry, as if Ran Ming was defending her against outsiders. Since the Modao Army was in the city to support him, and there was the Zhenguo General Su Lin outside, shouldn't he tell her the news in advance?

Would he still betray Ran Ming?You must know that you are already a queen now, and as a woman, you have reached your limit, even if you betray Ran Ming, what benefits will you get?However, maybe Ran Ming is worried that the people around him are unreliable?Could it be that someone in the palace really hooked up with Ran Zhi outside the city?

(End of this chapter)

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