Chapter 931

Chapter 937

Thinking of this, Xie Daoyun said: "Should I represent His Majesty to reward General Su and his subordinates?"

"Rewards should be given. Since the founding of our great Wei with martial arts, we have always been rewarded for meritorious deeds and punished for demerit." The eunuch said: "It's just how the reward should be rewarded, and it's not something eunuchs like slaves can say. Your Majesty should call General Wang or important court officials to discuss this matter."

Xie Daoyun said: "Forget it."


At this time, with this great victory, Yecheng fell into a carnival.The dawn of victory has arrived, and Ran Zhi should not think about how to break through Yecheng now, but how to get out of trouble.

It is true that this is the case. In Ran Zhi's large tent of the Chinese army in the south of Yecheng, Ran Zhi and all the civil and military ministers are in a state of mourning.Looking at the heads that were about to wilt like frost-beating eggplants in the room, Ran Zhi shouted anxiously: "My loves, the situation is so critical, why do you teach me?"

Linlu County, formerly known as Longli County, was renamed Linlu County because of avoiding the taboo of the name of Liu Long, Emperor Yang of the Eastern Han Dynasty.You may not be familiar with Linlu County, but everyone must know about Hongqi Canal.No Linlu County is actually the Linzhou City of later generations, the birthplace of the spirit of Hongqi Canal.

In the northern valley of Sifangnao, it seems that spring here comes later.The grassland in the valley is like an ugly sheep that has been ravaged. The ice and snow here have melted, and the grass has drilled out of the ground. It starts to melt, and stepping on it is a deep footprint.

A roe deer jumped onto the snow, bent down and dug in the snow for a while, looking for food.Suddenly, it stopped its movements vigilantly, pricked up its ears to look around, and suddenly ran forward with all its strength.

At this moment, an arrow shot out of the air.The arrows of the crossbow made a rainbow and flew towards the roe deer. Although the animals in the wild are very sensitive, it is a pity that they still did not escape the fate of being slaughtered.The strength of the crossbow bolt was very strong. Not only did the crossbow bolt penetrate the hard skull of the roe deer, but it was also stuck firmly on the ground. The roe deer's limbs twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

The valley seemed to return to tranquility, and after a while there was a rush of horseshoes on the ground, and a swallow picked up the roe deer stuck on the ground as soon as it rode quickly.

As the knight raised the roe deer in his hand and drank loudly on the horse, the valley began to be lively.A group of black-armored knights, the neat steel armors were all painted black, and immediately the strong and burly warriors turned into steel-like sculptures. Roaring, the orderly charging formation is like a raging wave, sweeping forward with the momentum to smash everything that cannot be done. This is the most elite army of the Wei State, the Special Forces against Rebels.

The rebellious army is an alternative in the Wei state. In order to develop business, Ran Ming discovered that bandits and robbers from all over the country interfered with the normal operation of business. an army.This army does not defend the city, nor does it fight externally. Its main duty is to wipe out bandits, robbers and bullies everywhere.

After Kaiyuan, the rule of Wei State gradually became popular, and the bandits and robbers everywhere were either wiped out by the rebel army, or they voluntarily surrendered down the mountain, but the rebel army disappeared from people's sight.

Because the nature of this army is different from that of Wei's major regular armies, and it obviously has the style characteristics of mountain and jungle warfare.And the Taihang Mountains in Linlu County became a paradise for the rebels.The characteristic of the rebellious army is that they can run very well. Even if they are fully armed on foot, they can run [-] kilometers in a hundred days without delaying normal combat. Secondly, all members are versatile. They are elite cavalry when they ride horses, and naval warfare when they board battleships. soldier.Holding a bow and crossbow is a crossbowman, equipped with a sword and shield is a sword and shield soldier, and holding a spear and spear is an elite pioneer.Thirdly, the self-sufficiency of the rebel army is very strong. When they wiped out bandits and robbers, in order to prevent the bandits from colluding with the government and the local government, they reported the bandits and alerted the bandits.Therefore, in general battles, the rebellious army never asks for supplies from the local area.

In addition to the supplies you carry, you can find supplies by yourself in any environment and conditions.Although the ability to survive in the wild is not as terrifying as the special forces of later generations, in this era, food in the wild is still quite abundant, especially after several years of development, the people of Wei State are basically out of the danger of starvation, and no one goes to the forest anymore Dig wild vegetables and hunt prey.Because if you do something casually, the income is not low.Except for a very small number of hunters who are still hunting, most of them have come out of the jungle.

Moreover, there was no Hongqi Canal in Linlu County at this time, and agricultural irrigation was blank, basically relying on the sky for food, and the county had a very small population.Most of them are concentrated in the county seat and the banks of Zhangshui River.The more than [-] soldiers of the rebel army were not found in the valley north of Sifangnao, Linlu County.

At this time, Hu Guang was serving as the lieutenant of the Koni Army. He was a veteran who had participated in the Battle of Luoyang. An iron-blooded warrior.In order to avoid exposure of their whereabouts, the rebellious army was in the valley of Sifangnao for nearly a month without lighting a fire for cooking. They could only eat some canned or dry food heated with quicklime and water. However, canned food was as early as seven or eight days old. I ate it up a few days ago, and these days it's those fried noodles that are hard to swallow.This chow mein is not the kind of chow mein that is fried with noodles in the later generations, but is ground into powder with fried wheat grains, and salt and seasoning are added to it. In order to supplement the nutrition of soldiers, lard or butter is also added to it. , every time I eat noisy noodles, I use a bowl to fill half a bowl, and then pour in the kind of warm water heated with quicklime, the yellowed fried noodles are thick, and it looks like a pile of stool, let alone eat it I lost my appetite after reading it.

However, it is this kind of unappetizing fried noodles, and there are not many of them now.If there is no order to launch an attack, they all need to continue to lurk in the valley. If it doesn't work, they will kill horses to satisfy their hunger.

"Although the roe deer is good, it's a pity that we don't have the conditions to enjoy it right now!" A rough-looking general said to Hu Guang: "Lieutenant, when we live like ghosts like this, when will we end!"

"When will the order be issued, and when will we end the latent, we must catch it unprepared, take it by surprise, and make great achievements."Hu Guang said in a deep voice: "Once the State of Wei conquers the Southern Jin Dynasty and unifies the world, it will definitely abolish its army. If you don't want to be abolished, then you should perform well in battle."

There was a sinister smile on the face of the rough general, and he shouted: "The last general's saber is already hungry and thirsty."

Hu Guang smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you raise soldiers for a thousand days, if you use them for a while, we will be able to make great achievements in no time!"

The cheeks of the rough and mad general, who were getting thinner due to malnutrition, pale and protruding eyes, looked like a ghost, and tremblingly said: "How long will we have to wait? How long will we have to wait? How long can we last?" ?”

Hu Guang was also secretly worried. At this moment, the supplies they had prepared had been exhausted. Now the original three meals had become two meals and then one meal.

However, there is no unparalleled road, and when Hu Guang was about to eat roe deer meat raw, suddenly there was a mournful bird song in the sky.A hawk circled and began to land in the valley.Not surprisingly, as Hu Guang had imagined, it was a kite hawk carrying a letter ordering it to attack Shuiye Town in the west of Yecheng.

Pearl Spring is one of the main water sources of the Huan River, the mother river of Yecheng. The clever craftsmen of Wei State used the spring water of Pearl Spring to make a water-powered blower, which is several times stronger than human power.Not only hydraulic blowers, clever craftsmen of Wei State also made full use of the hydraulic resources of Pearl Spring and invented hydraulic impact machines, hydraulic forging machines and hydraulic lathes.This town, which was originally called Qiankou Town, was located in the northwest of Yecheng, so it was renamed Shuiye Town.

Shuiya Town not only has a pig iron factory with an annual output of [-] tons, but also more than a dozen supporting Bingjia workshops.Ran Zhi surrounded Ye City, and naturally took this strategic material as his own.In order to protect the steel factory and produce the necessary armor and weapons, Ran Zhi still stationed a troop of more than [-] people here.It is not only to protect the steel factory, but also to guard the craftsmen to prevent them from escaping.

On the outskirts of Shuiye Town, Ran Zhijun set up three "zigzag" lines of defense here, and each line of defense has camps, trenches, horse repelling, arrow towers, eight-ox crossbows, and trebuchet positions.On the road from Shuiye to Yecheng, Ran Zhijun also set up three caves for Tibetan soldiers and more than ten dark forts here.Although this town does not have a city wall, its defense ability is not weak at all compared with ordinary city walls.

At this time, the Shuiye garrison of Ran Zhi's army was three divisions of Ran Zhi's Imperial Guard Army C Battalion, and the leading general was Congjun Sima Ruan Ling.Ruan Ling also has a lot of background, his ancestor is Ruan Yu, the Linhai Taijun of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.However, Ruan Ling is a concubine, and Ruan Ling's grandmother was the cook who was given to Ruan Yu by Linhai's powerful Wang Ji.Once when Ruan Yu was drunk, he dragged Ruan Ling's grandmother to accomplish a good deed, but the womb secretly gave birth to a son whose father, Ruan Yin, was named Ruan Yin because his father was born on the second day of the first lunar month.Ordinarily, Ruan Yu wouldn't abandon his concubine, but Ruan Ling's grandmother was dark and ugly with freckles, which made Ruan Yu extremely displeased, and Ruan Yin happened to be very similar to his mother.Since Ruan Yin was born, Ruan Yu returned to Dongyang and served as the prefect of Dongyang, leaving Ruan Yin and his mother in Linhai.

It's just that Ruan Yu doesn't recognize Ruan Yin, and Ruan Yin's mother has worked very hard to raise Ruan Yin.In the Ruan Ling era, Ruan Ling's grandmother and Ruan Yin passed away one after another. As the eldest son, Ruan Ling had a younger brother and two younger sisters, relying on the more than 300 mu of fertile land left by Ruan Yu, and living well.It's just that the influence of the Ruan family in Linhai is limited, and the relationship between Ruan Ling and the Ruan family is very stiff, which gives Linhai bullies an opportunity. Everyone is innocent, but he is guilty of the crime. A mere 15-year-old boy, without the protection of his family , he is a piece of fat.The bullies in Linhai colluded with the government and worked hand in hand, causing their families to be destroyed.

At that time, Ran Zhi sent troops to plunder Linhai, and Ruan Ling was captured. He then joined Ran Zhi's army and studied in the martial arts lecture hall for a year. Ruan Ling became Ran Zhi's disciple. He was promoted to captain, Du Bo, military marquis, and now he is Sima in the army.Congjun Sima is also the third person in the battalion school lieutenant after the lieutenant lieutenant.Asking Ruan Ling to lead the soldiers of the three ministries to defend Shuiya Town was actually to provide Ruan Ling with a chance to be promoted. After a while, once there was a vacancy, he could be promoted to the rank of captain in a legitimate way.

Ran Zhi is very good to his disciples and generals. Every general has fertile land in Yizhou. For example, Ruan Ling himself owns more than [-] acres of fine paddy fields, and he also has [-] slaves plundered from Goguryeo for him. farming.Since Ruan Ling's life changed due to Ran Zhi, Ruan Ling has a high sense of identification with Ran Zhi and is also very loyal.

When Su Lin launched a surprise attack on Ran Zhi's army in the early morning, Wang Meng also organized an army to attack Shui Ye, preparing to take Shui Zhi in one fell swoop. In this way, Ran Zhi lost the capital to arm more troops.Without armor and equipment, it would be useless for Ran Zhi to confuse people's hearts.It's just a pity that Ruan Ling's defense is very tight and resolute.The thirteen raids organized by Wang Meng were all blocked by Ruan Ling, and thousands of people were lost.

At this time, Ruan Ling of Shuiye Town was sweating profusely. From the night raid in the early morning, all the news he detected was bad news for Ran Zhijun's troops, especially the Xi Daying and Bei Daying camps. The loss of more than [-] people alone made Ruan feel like the world was falling apart.

However, there was no way around this. Ruan Ling's troops were limited, and he also lost a lot when resisting Wang Meng's surprise attack.Although occupying a favorable terrain and waiting for work, as long as he participates in the battle, there will always be casualties. This makes Ruan Ling very helpless. At this time, he still has more than [-] soldiers capable of fighting. Unfortunately, he dare not leave easily Shui Ye, because Shui Ye is too important to Ran Zhi.There is a large amount of steel here. In ancient times, steel can almost be compared with money, because iron is a strategic material, which is very much needed by both the government and the people, and the price is very high.With only the iron and steel from Shuiye in hand, Ran Zhi can exchange for an endless supply of money, food or armor.

Generally speaking, as long as Ran Zhi receives his own emergency information, he will definitely send someone to support Shuiye, but the matter is beyond Ruan Ling's imagination. Ran Zhi has never sent reinforcements or messengers, as if he had forgotten .

The rebellious army was ordered not to hide their whereabouts anymore. They went straight to Linli County, almost forcing the county magistrate to open the treasury with knives. After having a full meal in the county seat and feeding the horses with refined grains and eggs, and recharging their energy, they headed towards Yecheng the next day.

The sound of horseshoes is urgent, and the sound of horns is urgent. With the sound of horseshoes like a war drum, everyone's heart beats faster.

Ruan Ling's guess was right, Ran Zhi had indeed forgotten about Shui Ye.Because Ran Zhi was discussing how to deal with the situation in front of him, he forgot it in Shuiye Town.

When Ran Zhi was asking everyone for advice, Fang Yucheng, the second disciple in charge of Ran Zhi's information management, handed the information to Ran Zhi.

When Ran Zhi opened it, he felt dizzy and nearly passed out.Because not only the banner of the rebel army appeared in the west of Yecheng, but also in the south of the Yellow River, Zhang Ai's troops also marched eastward.Now there are Ran Feng's Youzhou cavalry, Pingzhou cavalry, and the Seventh Army of Beifu in the east, with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, while in the north is the 6000 infantry cavalry of the Zhen Guojun under Su Lin's troops, and the west is relatively weak. The rebellious army had [-] troops.But to the west of Yecheng is Shangdang and Huguan, one of the great passes through the ages, and to the south is the main force of the Luoyang garrison and Zhang Ai's Shesheng army.Once the siege is complete, Ran Zhi will be unable to escape.

Since the formation of the rebel army, the largest battle it has fought is in the Zhou to Yangling Department of Fufeng County.Yang Ling was the nephew of Yang Chu, the former ruler of the Qiuchi Kingdom. Later, Fu Jian annexed the Qiuchi Kingdom. Yang Ling refused to surrender to Fu Jian.

Later, after a long period of development, Yangling kidnapped thousands of people as bandits and plundered the Guanzhong Plain.Because Zhouzhi County is only less than 130 miles away from Chang'an, the area east of Zhouzhi is the Guanzhong Plain, and there is no danger to defend, which makes Yangling's troops feel like a fish in water.When Yangling's troops faced encirclement and suppression by large forces, they retreated into the Taibai Peak of the Qinling Mountains, or went around in circles with the officers and soldiers in the Qinling Mountains.Later, the rebellious army went out, and it took one and a half months to chase Yangling's troops to the sky, and there was no way to enter the earth, so they had to surrender.

This battle is the largest battle of the rebellious army. The rebellious army and the cooperating volunteers, a total of ten thousand people participated in the battle. Finally, the rebellious army crossed the Taibai Peak with an altitude of 670 meters, and made a surprise attack The former site of the Li Palace in the Han Dynasty captured the grain, grass and weapons stored in the palace city of the Li Palace by Yang Ling.

When the rebel army received the order to attack Shuiya Town, the whole army quickly attacked and arrived near Shuiya Town overnight.But Hu Guang did not attack rashly, but scouted the defense situation of Shuiya Town.In fact, the defense of Shuiya Town can be said to be watertight, with almost no loopholes to take advantage of. In addition to frontal attacks, only by using powerful siege equipment can they conquer Shuiya Town in one fell swoop.

As the only mobile strike force at the tactical level in the Wei state, the rebellious army was not equipped with bulky siege equipment, not even eight-ox crossbows and crossbows. The only firearms were forty tigers that could be disassembled and assembled. Let's go to the rocket together.After the scouts of the rebellious army scouted the defense situation of Shuiye Town, the staff deduced it on paper, and finally came to a conclusion that if they stormed Shuiye Town, at least 3000 casualties would be paid, and it would take at least three days to win the Shuiye Town. Ye Town, and the defenders of Shuiya Town cannot receive support within these three days, otherwise they will have no chance of conquering Shuiya Town.

Hu Guang thought for a while and said, "What if we attack from the waterway? The only defensive weakness in Shuiya Town is the waterway. Attack from the Huan River?"

(End of this chapter)

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