Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 932 Death's Smile

Chapter 932 Death's Smile

Chapter 938 Death's Smile
"The staff department has also considered this situation. Attacking by water is a bit ideal!" The staff said: "There are three arrow towers and five sentry towers on the north bank of the Huan River. Within a range of [-] steps, there is almost no gap. It can be drilled. Moreover, there is a stone bridge about [-] steps west of Shuiya Town in Huan River, which is one of the key defensive areas of the defenders. There are also three eight-ox crossbows, which can shoot at the water surface or underwater. The threat to the attackers is very great. Moreover, the Shuiye garrison has four inland river fleets of centipede ships. Once the sneak attack is discovered, they will be surrounded by layers of enemies."

"Can a living person be suffocated by urine?" Hu Guang said angrily, "I didn't believe that Shuiye Town was a tortoise shell. Even if it was a tortoise shell, I would smash it to pieces."

At this time, the staff officer of the rebel army suddenly said: "If we go around the north bank of Huan River and launch a feint attack on Shuiye Bridge and the suspension bridge downstream to attract the attention of the defenders, then our water ghosts will carry bombs from the waterway and sneak into the area. In Shuiya Town, wait for the opportunity to decapitate the defenders. Once the enemy defenders are killed, the defenders will definitely be in chaos. We will use the advantage of strong troops to launch a strong attack from three directions: the north bank of Huanshui, the west and south of Shuiya Town. It might work."

Hu Guang said, "What are the chances of winning?"

"If it's nighttime, of course our chances of success are higher, but it's daytime now." The staff officer said timidly: "If the beheading tactic can be successfully implemented, there is only a [-]% chance of winning. If the beheading fails, there is not even a [-]% chance of winning!"

"Suppress the bold, starve the timid, I've done it!" Hu Guang said: "The staff should improve the action plan as soon as possible, and minimize mistakes as much as possible."

At this time, Shuiya Town was extremely quiet. Although Wang Meng launched thirteen strong attacks in the dark night, all of them failed without exception, but this consumed too much energy of the defenders. Lingbu began to lick the wound.Shuiye Town is the Jiafang and Nufang of the Military Weapons Supervisor, the original Bingjia production workshop in Yecheng. , Yimagong crossbow, eight oxen crossbow, crossbow cannon and other miscellaneous works with crossbow bolts.Since Ran Zhi occupied this place, the supervisors, officials, officials, and officials of Jiafang and Nufang all refused to cooperate with Ran Zhi, and production was at a standstill.

Later, under Ran Zhi's division and win over, the officials and craftsmen at all levels of the military department who were originally united began to waver, and turned to produce the required military supplies for Ran Zhi.Originally, Shuiya Town had a daily output of 140 tons of iron, [-] tons of steel, [-] sets of armour, [-] pieces of crossbows (horse male crossbows), [-] crossbow bolts, and five ballistas or ten eight-ox crossbows. The output of Hengdao is also [-].This Shuiya Town is almost [-]% of the military production capacity of Wei State controlled by Ran Min.However, after Ran Zhi got Shuiye Town, he only got [-]% of the craftsmen and cooperation, and even less than [-]% of the production capacity was restored.

After fighting at night, nearly 2000 people were killed and wounded around the town by both sides, and the whole town exudes a strong smell of blood.At this time, more than a dozen factories in Shuiye Town, such as the iron factory, steel factory, Jiafang, and Nufang, all stopped production, and nearly [-] craftsmen were locked in barracks and were not allowed to come and go freely.

However, a sudden rain left Shuiye Town in mist.However, in the thin rain and mist, there was a strong murderous intent.Standing on an arrow tower, Ruan Ling looked at the rebellious army that was slowly gathering on the north bank of Huanshui, his brows were frowned, and his expression was heavy.

At this time, a young general came over and reported: "Ruan Sima, enemy troops have been found in the west, south, and north of the town. According to visual observations, the enemy is more than ten thousand. I am afraid that it is beyond my power to resist. If there is no king I'm afraid we won't be able to defend this town of Shuiya!"

"If you can't defend it, you have to defend it!" Ruan Ling scolded angrily: "Our army was attacked by the enemy at night and suffered heavy losses. We need reinforcements everywhere. The king's troops are limited, so how can we cover everything? If we are all panicked and in chaos, Wouldn't it be more embarrassing for the king? We have to overcome difficulties when we have difficulties. If our troops are not enough, we will arm the craftsmen in the town. Anyway, these craftsmen are strong and strong, and Wei Guo adopts militarized management. The weapon is the army. You go to choose a few people with a sharp tongue, tell them the king's policy, and join our army to divide the land equally. Our king is much more generous than the emperor of Wei. His army has 25 acres of land each. But one hundred acres per person, and ten acres for each level of military merit, there is no upper limit. With great profits, there will definitely be people who are tempted."

As the rainwater flowed into Huanshui, the water in Huanshui began to change from clear to turbid, which made Ma Jianwu, the captain of the rebel army with excellent water quality, very excited.Ma Jianwu was originally a water bandit on the Jishui River in Zeguo (now Liangshan County). He was fierce and brutal, but his skills on the water were excellent. The troops were organized into a team.Ma Jianwu served as the captain of the team, and later made meritorious deeds, and was promoted to the governor of the other division of the Naval Warfare Army.

In this battle, Ma Jianwu personally led four soldiers to fight.Originally, diving during the daytime was very dangerous, especially in the clear Huan water, where one foot below the surface of Huan water, people could be seen faintly. Under such circumstances, trying to rely on a reed tube to breathe and dive is simply suicidal road.

Fortunately, this very timely rain made the Huan water turbid. Ma Jianwujun was naked to the waist and smeared beeswax on his body. At this time, no diving suit was invented. Once the river water is too cold, the body's heat will be lost quickly. , gradually become sluggish, or lose consciousness.The wise ancient people (it is said that they were pearl divers) painted their bodies with beeswax to keep them lubricated and warm.

In fact, when the line of sight is wide, even if the river is turbid, you can still find the underwater sneakers, because reed tube breathing is almost an open secret, as long as you see the kind of reed tube in the river that can move forward slowly, you must know There are people below, and the powerful crossbow can shoot and kill the water ghost.The role of water ghosts in water warfare is actually far less powerful than in ancient romance novels (Water Margin).

This rain was timely for Ma Jianwu, but it was not good for Hu Guang's infantry and cavalry soldiers.Despite the difficulties, the cavalry of the rebellious army still formed a formation. They rode their horses and advanced slowly. The distance between the cavalry is almost ten feet apart, and only five cavalry can be lined up in sequence on the wide official road.A row of five cavalry slowly accelerated, and with a roar, the cavalry raised their red iron tire bows one after another, nocked arrows, and pointed at the sky.The knights behind held the round shield tightly with one hand, and tied the handle of the round shield with his own arm firmly with the linen cloth. Then they drew out their sabers one after another, and raised them obliquely to the air. The gleaming sword seemed to pass through the rain and fog , piercing people's hearts.

Although the enemy has not yet launched, Ruan Ling swallowed hard and exclaimed, "The enemy is really strong."

There was another sudden sound of war drums, and the cavalry in the front line quickly fired arrows.The armor-piercing arrow fired with the three-stone strong bow soared into the sky.The cavalry who shot an arrow didn't care about the effect. They put their legs between the horse's belly and gently pulled the horse's rein, and the horse deftly circled to the rear.

In fact, there is also a well-known trick in cavalry tactics for this move, which is called running shot.The Huns used this trick to invade China for nearly 2000 years.Due to the fast speed of war horses, large space and convenient rotation, the lethality of the defenders' bows and crossbows is greatly reduced.As for who has the advantage in shooting moving targets and fixed targets, it is actually easy to distinguish.Although the arrow tower is defended by a wooden mud wall, it is a pity that the arrows fired by the cavalry are not the target person, but block the shooting port of the arrow tower. When the defenders just raised their heads, the armor-piercing arrow came with the greeting of death up.The arrow tower located on the north bank of Shuiye Bridge was the first and second, with five rows and five rows. A total of 25 armor-piercing arrows came to the nine shooting ports of the arrow tower. Almost one time they met each other, seven or eight defenders fell down.With the powerful lethality of the three-edged armor-piercing arrow, there is no possibility of fighting with injuries, because the grooves of the armor-piercing arrow can quickly bleed, and if it is not treated in time, it will bleed to death.

This is also the real reason why the Xianbei Yan army became weaker and weaker against the Wei army.Historically, when bows and arrows were fired at each other, some generals were wounded by as many arrows as they were shot.This is not an exaggeration, but a factual situation.Especially the nomads, they have no metallurgical technology, and their arrows are self-made hunting bows, good and bad.Some are made of bone arrows, stone arrows and iron arrows are very expensive, as for the steel arrows made of fine steel, that is too extravagant.

The gallop of the cavalry has been launched, like a roulette wheel of death, spinning continuously.The cavalry who fired in the first wave automatically gave way to the space in front, and then the second and third waves continued to shoot.The continuous rain of arrows greatly suppressed the performance of the defenders' arrow towers.Very superior archery, very useful in battle.During the War of Resistance Against Japan, almost one-third of the soldiers in the Japanese army could be called quasi-snipers, and the hit rate within 200 meters was as high as [-]%. Such a terrifying hit rate, even without powerful artillery fire , The Chinese defenders will also be shot and killed in large numbers.

Since the establishment of the rebellious army, they have never fought a frontal battle on the frontal battlefield. They are basically all tough battles. Therefore, they pay special attention to the use of archery in battle, which is different from the standard equipment of the general Wei army. The rebel army is equipped with nearly half of the red iron tire bows, because in terms of firing rate, the crossbows are actually far less fast than skilled archers.It's just that crossbows are easy to train, but archers are not easy to train.

"Kill! Those who take a step back will be killed without mercy." Ruan Ling sent more than fifty people to the arrow tower in succession, all of them were shot to death within a quarter of an hour.This frightened the follow-up reinforcements.Hu Guang, the lieutenant of the Koni Military Academy, was also very surprised. He didn't expect that he could suppress the arrow tower just by adopting the tentative tactic of running and shooting.If you knew this earlier, why bother to go to such great lengths?
It’s just that Hu Guang didn’t know that the enemies that Ran Zhi’s army faced were almost all equipped with primitive aborigines. These aborigines were equipped with less than [-]% of their leather armor, not to mention bows and arrows. It will soon be defeated.For these one-in-a-million archery masters, their combat experience is too little.

Ruan Ling knew that he couldn't retreat, and Shuiye Town was too important to Ran Zhi.They must fight resolutely and try their best to block the advancing horseshoes. Only Ruba can give Ran Zhi enough capital.In Ruan Ling's view, human life is the least valuable thing in this world. As long as there is food and equipment, you can recruit as many troops as you want at any time.

It's just that Ruan Ling didn't know that he had already been booked by the god of death at this time.The ferocious face of the god of death showed a ferocious smile to him.

Under the calm Huan River, there was a turbulent undercurrent. This was something that Ma Jianwu did not expect. According to the action plan, he needed to land in Shuiye Town from the gap between the hydraulic section compressor and the waterwheel of Huan River.Just when he was in the water, especially when he was close to the waterwheel, Ma Jianwu encountered big troubles. The undercurrent in the Huan Shui Shuiye Town section was too strong, and the undercurrent was too powerful. matter.

A water ghost was caught off guard by the undercurrent of the Huan water, and was pulled under the wheel of the water wheel.One can imagine the consequences of the intimate contact between the human body and the solid steel wheel.Of course, the water ghost was also stubborn, and was cut off by the water wheel, but he didn't make any sound. Fortunately, the main energy of the Shuiya guards were attracted by Hu Guang's feint attack, and no one paid attention to the Shuiya workshop. Area.

Ma Jianwu was a bit unacceptable to die before leaving the division.Half an hour later, after Ma Jianwu and the other four had survived a narrow escape, they finally landed.However, due to trying to break free from the undercurrent in the Huan water, all four of them were exhausted.Fortunately, due to the influence of rain and fog, none of the seven intersecting arrow towers in the workshop area found Ma Jianwu's whereabouts, allowing the four of them to hide in an unknown wooden house in the workshop area.

The wooden house was a boxy one. Ma Jianwu signaled to a water ghost behind him. This water ghost who used to be a thief didn't build the lock when he unlocked it.Just a few breaths (every breath in ancient times, approximately equal to the current second), the heavy iron lock was opened with a light click.The four entered in a file. In the dark space of the wooden house, Ma Jianwu was very surprised. It turned out that the room was full of various blueprints, from Magong crossbow to eight-ox crossbow, ballista, horizontal knife, chain mail, Mingguang Jia has almost everything. If Sima Dan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty got the blueprints in this room and asked Sima Dan to exchange the gold piled up in this room, Sima Dan probably wouldn't even blink his eyes.

It's just a pity that Ma Jianwu didn't realize the real value of this house.Take out a small bamboo tube from the neck, then remove the sealing wax on it, and take out a thin piece of paper from the bamboo tube.Ma Jianwu pointed to the schematic diagram of Shuiya Town on the piece of paper and said to the other three people: "We are probably at this position on the map, about two thousand steps away from the enemy headquarters. Whether it is the dark fort or the arrow tower, they are all fortifications for external defense. For us who sneaked into Shuiye Town, the threat is not too great. Of course, it is difficult for us to get close to the enemy's headquarters like this, and we will implement beheading tactics against the enemy's general. Now let me arrange the task. First of all, if we want to complete the mission goal, we must rely on external forces. According to intelligence, there are nearly [-] craftsmen in Shuiya Town. They were all locked up because they refused to cooperate with the rebels. There is no special prison in the town. These [-] craftsmen are basically locked up in empty warehouses near the waterfront. Xiao Wu and Heizi, you two see the opportunity and approach this warehouse area, and take the opportunity to take these [-] craftsmen who are loyal to the court. Released, these craftsmen are all strong and strong, and they have all undergone military training. As long as we open the arsenal, we will have the support of an additional [-] troops."

The water ghosts named Xiaowu and Heizi nodded silently.

Ma Jianwu said to another water ghost who also opened the lock: "Liangzi, I know that you and Xizi are brothers. Now that Xizi is dead, I can't let you avenge Xizi. If Xiaowu and Heizi want to touch the warehouse, open it and release the craftsman." It is estimated that the difficulty is not small. Now you must create chaos in the workshop area to distract the defenders, so as to create opportunities for Xiaowu Heizi and the others. Therefore, you must sneak into the cafeteria area as soon as possible. There are vegetable oil and firewood there. Go set fire and create chaos while the chaos is in motion."

The four of them split up, and about fifteen minutes later, a fire broke out in the cafeteria area. A large plume of smoke rose into the sky, and the flames became less and less intense.It seems that in this situation, Ruan Ling didn't realize that the enemy had sneaked into Shuiya Town. He thought it was just an accident, but since the staff canteen stored more than half of the food for all craftsmen and the entire army, Ruan Ling didn't dare main idea.But if he wanted to put out the fire, Ruan Ling's troops were very limited. After repeated testing, the rebellious army found that the defenders were not as strong as they imagined, and a full-scale feint attack might turn into a real attack.In this way, Ruan Ling was under great pressure, but the fire had to be saved. For this reason, Ruan Ling ordered the three villages that supervised the craftsmen to take out two villages to fight the fire.

You must know that Shuiya Town is not only a steel production base, but also a weapons processing factory for the Military Weapons Supervisor. The soldiers in these three villages not only have more than 300 craftsmen, but are also responsible for guarding more than 1000 prisoners of the Wei army.Ran Zhi's siege of Yecheng was too sudden, and the defenders of Shuiye Town had no time to organize a retreat, and they were completely surrounded. In the situation of the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, in order to avoid Ran Zhi's anger, he massacred the precious craftsmen of Wei State. After a little resistance, he was caught without a fight.Now the more than [-] Wei Jun Shuiye Town Guards who have been disarmed will also be imprisoned together with uncooperative craftsmen.

In the wharf area near the Huanshui River in Shuiye Town, more than 200 huge warehouses with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters were built at one time. Two of the three villages are stationed here.Of course, there is also the staff dormitory area of ​​the craftsmen, and a garrison of troops is also stationed.One can imagine the difficulty of defending an area of ​​more than [-] million square meters with only [-] people.

(End of this chapter)

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