Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 936 The end of an era

Chapter 936 The end of an era
Chapter 942 The End of an Era
For this group of iron-blooded warriors who have just come off the battlefield, this kind of maid outfit, which is so compact that it can show the beautiful curves of the body, is simply more eye-catching than a naked body.In particular, Gao Chuankui didn't know that he had spilled the wine at the moment, and the saliva from his mouth wet the skirt of his clothes, he was like a pig brother.

Fang Yucheng quietly told Ran Zhi that after inspection, there was no ambush nearby, and the wine and food were also inspected and found to be non-toxic.Then Ran Zhi picked up the wine glass and pretended to say: "My dear brother, drink to win!"

"Drink wins!"

It's just that Ran Zhi didn't see the woman in a beautiful dress dancing on the stage with a light veil, and there was a strong murderous look in her eyes.This woman is none other than Huo Rui, the captain of the former Tianyan Fenghun Operation Team and now the commander of the Royal Secret Service Division.

The food and wine are indeed not poisonous, and there is no ambush for swordsmen, because such a simple strategy cannot deal with Ran Zhi at all.But Ran Zhi never thought that almost all of those delicate maids were female killers of other troops.These killers are actually women who have been rescued by Ran Min and Ran Ming. Most of these women who have suffered so much torture and humiliation choose to marry and have children, but a considerable number of them cannot let go of their demons.

Because Ran Ming's words that shame must be washed away with blood penetrated into their hearts. In this life, they gave up being a husband and raising children, and being a good wife and mother, but prepared to use killing to realize the only meaning of life.These women who have been abused are almost stunned. How to kill people is in their heads every day.

In fact, if a woman wants to kill, there are too many opportunities.For example, the five-step snake venom was smeared on the tips of the nails, and those generals who took the opportunity to eat their tofu were more or less "unintentionally" scratched by them.The snake venom enters the blood along the wound, and under the promotion of alcohol, the onset of poison is accelerated.Even if the general pretended to be a gentleman and didn't look sideways, those maids accidentally inserted their fingers into the wine or dishes when they were pouring wine.

Fang Yucheng didn't know at all that before these dishes and drinks were served on the table, they were all non-toxic, no matter how they checked, it would have the same effect.Of course, some people were not poisoned, such as Zhang Yizhi and Wu Qubing who were extremely sober, including Ran Zhi and Fang Yucheng.It's just that they are only a minority after all, and their fighting power is extremely low, so they can't change the overall situation.

"clang clang"

The sound of the piano was sonorous and powerful, and the aura of killing loomed. Everyone couldn't help but cheer up when they heard it.Especially those generals, just listening to this passage, as if they felt that they had returned to the battlefield to fight, and the blood in their bodies began to surge.

Ran Zhi is also a person who knows the rhythm. Hearing this piece of music has a strong killing spirit, which is different from the general melodious piano music. Now it sounds special.It's just that Ran Zhi is not a person of later generations, so he didn't even know that this song was the very famous "House of Flying Daggers".

Zhang Yanzhi was infected by the qin music, he stroked his hands excitedly and said with a smile: "Good music, good qin!"

The sound of the piano continued, from "Lieying" to "Chui Da" to "Arranging", the sound of the piano was wave after wave, and the wave was higher than the wave.When the qin music reached the section of "Ambush", the sound of the qin remained the same, and as the qin music entered the section of "Small Battle on Jiming Mountain", the killing spirit became more and more intense.

Ran Zhi also became more and more excited, stood up and shouted: "Who dares to dance the sword alone to help the fun?"

As soon as Ran Zhi finished speaking, Huo Rui suddenly said, "Come here, slave! But slave has no sword!"

Ran Zhi's smile became stronger and he said: "You don't have a sword, but the lonely king has a sword. If you enjoy dancing with the sword, the lonely king will not hesitate to reward you!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The long sword danced swiftly, and Huo Huo's cold light flashed, and the blood in Huo Rui's chest was completely attached to the sword. She had never felt so happy since she was learning swords.It's just that as the murderous intent aroused by the sound of the piano became stronger and stronger, the joy in Huo Rui's heart was taken away again, and the surging blood was suffocated in his heart again, making him extremely uncomfortable.

However, at this moment, a general of Ran Zhijun, who had been drinking heavily, fell to the ground with a bang, and there was a burst of laughter from around: "Goro got drunk so quickly."

In fact, Huo Rui knew very well that it was not because of being drunk, but because of the onset of poison.Huo Rui suddenly winked at the masqueraders, her body twisted suddenly, and she flipped backwards. The four masqueraders joined hands and pushed them hard. Huo Rui's feet were on the hands, and her body was under the action of reaction , Flying towards Ran Zhi like a fired shell.

A cold light suddenly appeared, and Ran Zhi's eyes turned cold.At this moment, Fang Yucheng shouted: "There are assassins here, protect the king!"

It's just that at this time, whether it's the maids or dancers on the field, except for the luthier who continued to play the song "Ambush on Ten Sides", the other female killers untied the belts around their waists. At this moment, the belts turned into soft swords. Hundreds of maids and more than a dozen dancers, nearly sixty or seventy killers formed a front formation and killed Ran Zhi.

The sword is a precious sword made of fine steel. At this moment, the precious sword turned into a stream of light and pierced towards Ran Zhi as fast as a fright.Fang Yucheng kept drinking and escorting him, but it's a pity that there are too few people who can resist.Ran Zhi's generals and guards were either drunk or poisoned. Even if they could react, they were all blocked by those female killers.

The long sword pierced through the air, with the sound of piercing the air.Ran Zhi is worthy of being a person who has been on the battlefield, his senses are particularly sensitive.After hearing the wind, he immediately backed away.The sword in Huo Rui's hand has only one goal, and that is to go straight to Ran Zhi himself.

Ran Zhi was attacked, but Wu Qubing, who was kneeling under Ran Zhi, had already noticed, and shouted sharply: "Be careful, Your Majesty!" After speaking, he spread his legs and rushed towards Ran Zhi.During the charge, Wu Qubing's wrist flicked, and a long sword appeared in his hand.Qi Ranzhi's bodyguards and generals were stunned for a moment, but they also picked up the guy and started doing it in vain.

It's just that these people are too far away from Ran Zhi, and it's too late to rescue them.Zhang Yanzhi also reacted quite quickly. Seeing that Ran Zhi was in danger, he picked up the wine glass and threw it at Huo Rui's head.Although the wine glass can't kill people, Huo Rui naturally didn't care.It's just that Huo Rui was careless this time. As a son of the noble family who often plays the game of throwing pots, Zhang Yizhi's aim is extremely high, and the wine glass is impartial, and hits Huo Rui's head straight. Huo Rui tilts his head and avoids The wine glass smashed by Zhang Yizhi.

But at this time, Ran Zhi had avoided Huo Rui's sword.Just when Ran Zhi breathed a sigh of relief for avoiding the attack, a bitter cold air hit from the side!Ran Zhi felt very sensitive, and when the cold air approached, his hair stood on end.Without thinking too much, he picked up the table beside him and hacked towards the back and side!

The case table is made of hardwood and weighs tens of catties, so when it is smashed, the power is not bad.

"Huh... Peng..." Ran Zhi smashed the case a few times, but missed the horizontal knife coming from the side. Just when he was in doubt, the cold wind approached again, this time the target was the neck!Huo Rui's sword came again.

"How dare Ji Polu Zhuzi assassinate the lonely king?" At this moment, such a thought arose in Ran Zhi's mind.However, Ran Zhi didn't care much at this time, and suddenly bent down and fell to the ground.Ran Zhi also didn't care about the dignity and demeanor, everything was just a cloud, and life-saving was the most important thing.

This sudden throw forward made Huo Rui's killing sword miss again, and Ran Zhi also escaped, but before he could think about it, he saw a cold light slashing away.If he was hit by the sword, he might be chopped into two pieces!It has been more than ten years since Ran Min Jianyuan Qinglong started, and Ran Zhi has never tried to be so embarrassed.But the desire to survive has been filling his mind, making Ran Zhi's reaction three points faster than usual.Facing the falling cold light, Ran Zhi gritted his teeth, and at the same time turned around resolutely, using a lazy donkey roll.

Ran Zhi's move really exceeded Huo Rui's expectations. According to Huo Rui's understanding, as Ran Zhi, he would definitely die standing up, and he was unwilling to live humiliated.But in fact, Ran Zhi would do anything to survive.Narrowly and narrowly avoided the opponent's killing blow.However, the crisis was not over yet, the opponent's sword moves were very fierce, and if he missed a hit, he changed his move in vain and pointed straight at Ran Zhi's throat.

However, Ran Zhi is not someone who is waiting to die.It is true that Ran Zhi, like Ran Ming, was not conspicuous among the perverted generals of Wei Guo.Especially Ran Min, Jin Nu, Tie Nu, Ji Wei, and Xu Yuan are all top masters.Even though Zhang Ai is not famous for martial arts, he can easily draw a three-stone strong bow (about 360 catties of pulling force), which is not bad at all.As for Ran Ming's subordinates, Lin Heishan is also a super strong general.Although Ran Zhi is not good at martial arts, it doesn't mean that he is a person who can be slaughtered. In fact, Ran Zhi's martial arts is not so weak that he can be eaten by mermaids.If you really want to take him one-on-one, at least you must have martial arts like Lin Heishan, Jiang Xie, and Xiong Jian to be sure, and you must prevent him from escaping.

Although Huo Rui's kung fu is not weak, what she has learned is the sword of an assassin. If she misses with one hit, she has to flee thousands of miles away.Instead of relying on stamina like generals.Huo Rui didn't succeed in grabbing credits in a row, but she was a little anxious, but at this time, Ran Zhi gradually stabilized.Although Ran Zhi didn't have a weapon in his hand, it didn't mean he couldn't find one.Just now he smashed Ji Polu's horizontal saber under several blows in a case, Ran Zhi's thoughts changed sharply, and he rushed towards the horizontal saber like a rolling gourd.

Huo Rui kept saying that it was going to be bad, but she couldn't stop it.Ran Zhi picked up the horizontal knife, and his momentum changed suddenly. Ran Zhi's horizontal knife was as fast as the wind, and he fought ten rounds in an instant. Forced, Huo Rui can only dodge with exquisite footwork.However, it is not easy for Ran Zhi to take down Huo Rui, who is known for his lightness and agility.

Just as Ran Zhi and Huo Rui were stalemate, the situation in the banquet hall also changed.Assassins are only suitable for assassination, and forming an array to meet the enemy is to attack the enemy with their own strengths, especially their target is a group of high-ranking generals. These generals of Ran Zhijun have one characteristic, that is, they are young.There are basically no generals over 35 years old, so the advantage is even more obvious.Being young means having plenty of physical strength, and when a general attends a banquet, although he is not fully clothed, he is more or less wearing armor, which makes the soft sword in the assassin's hand seem powerless.

The only weakness of these generals is the soft sword at the neck that can kill them. Most of the generals do not have weapons in their hands, but they have arm guards made of elites. Cutting and killing with a sword can be done without any pressure.Although most of Ran Zhijun's generals were poisoned, there were only three or 40 people who were not poisoned. In terms of the number of assassins, there were even more assassins than targets.It's a pity that after some fighting, these female assassins suffered heavy losses. In a short while, they were defeated by General Ran Zhijun. I'm afraid Ran Zhi's generals can kill them now.

"Trash, I can't do this little thing well!" Just when Huo Rui was being forced by Ran Zhi, he was too busy to take care of himself.A roar shook the banquet hall.However, right here a black shadow gallops out, the sound arrives, the person arrives, and the halberd arrives.

"So fast!" Seeing this scene, Ran Zhi couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.This sudden appearance of a black shadow startled Ran Zhi, but at this moment, the horizontal knife in Ran Zhi's hand slashed, and blossoming blades appeared, protecting the vitals of his body.

"铛..." There was a burst of golden cries, and when the two met, Ran Zhi quickly retreated. This scene made both sides in the room terrified. He was a step above Huo Rui, and compared to the generals of Yizhou, he was definitely a ruthless person.However, it was this ruthless man from Yizhou who didn't even follow his opponent's move.Although Ran Zhi only took three steps back, his hands were trembling uncontrollably at this moment. After careful observation, he found that dark red blood had already emerged between the fingers of Ran Zhi's hands.Obviously, Ran Zhi was knocked open by the heavy blow, and suffered a big loss.

At this time, Ran Zhi had already seen who was coming.This person is none other than Ji Wei, Chief of Staff of the State of Wei.Seeing Ji Ruan, Ran Zhi also understood why Ji Polu wanted to assassinate him. Ran Zhi knew that although Ji Polu had gone on the road of no return, it was just that he was different from Ran Yu. Ji Polu could not threaten Ran Ming's rule at all. Ran Yu didn't have any direct strength in his hands, he just controlled that little army by breaking the captives.If it were him, Ran Zhi believed that he would be like Ran Ming, separate and separate him and Ran Yu, and achieve success at the least cost.

Looking at the terrified Ran Zhi, Ji Li disdainfully said: "Ignorant child, today the lonely king will tell you what is called the sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people, and what is called the light of rice grains competing with the sun and the moon."

At this moment, the windows and doors on all four sides of the banquet hall were opened at the same time, and countless crossbowmen poured in.In this narrow space, there is no cover or barrier, but it is a stage for the crossbow machine to play.No matter how high your kung fu is, in the face of armor-piercing heavy crossbows, the only end is death.Ran Zhi looked at the situation and knew he was done.Sure enough, in the face of the persecution of many crossbow machines, the smart people consciously gave up resistance.These menacing soldiers arrested Ran Zhi's subordinates, as well as the generals of the Anbei Army.Even Ji Polu was loaded into the prison car.

Ji Polu shouted, "Father, save me!"

Ji Wei stared at the tiger, and shouted: "Shut up for me."

Everyone was taken away, and only Ji Wei and Ran Zhi were left in Ruo Da's banquet hall.

Ran Zhi said: "I lost, but I don't accept it!"

Ji Li said, "Does it matter now whether you accept or not?"

Ran Zhi trembled when he heard the words, and murmured: "Yes, is it important now? The winner is the king and the loser, since you lost, you must be willing to gamble and admit defeat."

Ji Li was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid the eldest son still doesn't know where he lost? In fact, if you escape from Neihuang now, you will not be able to escape from the Central Plains, and even if you managed to escape from the Central Plains, you will not be able to escape from Yizhou. Even if we go to Yizhou, it will be irreversible."

"This..." Ran Zhi really didn't know what to say at this time.Ran Zhi was surprised and said: "Uncle Ji, you mean that the second brother sent people to occupy Yizhou."

"Actually, more than that!" Ji Wei said, "Your Majesty actually only moved the four armies of the Zhen Guo Army, the Dispute Army, the Mo Dao Army, and the Beifu Army, and the other chess pieces were useless at all, so you lost, my lord. In fact, if Your Majesty was willing, you would have been driven out of the sea if you didn’t even have the chance to land. The Seventh Battalion of the Beifu Army has more than [-] people, well-equipped and well-trained. Just like the soldiers of the Beifu Army, the soldiers of the Beifu Army are all Han people captured by Qianyan. After these Han people who were slaves were rescued by His Majesty, they thanked His Majesty. His Majesty also bought them land and property so that they can live in peace This kind of kindness is too heavy. These soldiers will not spare their lives to repay His Majesty. Even if you succeed, you will not be able to sit firmly in the world. Your Majesty's direct army accounts for nearly half of Wei's elite army. Once Your Majesty fails , or encounter an accident, these troops will set up the banner of revenge for His Majesty, why do you resist? What's more, do you really think that those aristocratic families really support you and think that you are the master in their hearts?"

"Isn't it?" Ran Zhi asked puzzled.

"No!" Ji Li said, "Actually, the Lord has two enemies in his life. One is the eldest son, who knows that he is the Hu family, and the second is the gentry. Although the lord once liked the eldest son, the eldest son knows the gentry The danger of the family clan, but there is no means to deal with the noble family clan. Even if the Lord lets the eldest son inherit the throne, the status of the clan clan clan will not be shaken, but Ru Guo is not the second Emperor Wen, and his descendant is nothing more than the second Cao Huan. Bronze is a mirror, you can straighten your clothes, use history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs, and use people as a mirror, you can know the gains and losses. Cao Wei was helped by the family, but it lasted five emperors for 45 years, and was usurped by the Sima family. The Sima family still It’s only been 51 years since I used the aristocratic family. How can I change the eldest son? How can I face the ancestors? The eldest son cooperates with the aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family under the suppression of the barbarians is bound to revive, but the second son is different. The second son has dealt with the aristocratic family The master also knows that the real key to governing the world lies in restricting the aristocratic family, and this is what he values ​​the second son the most."

At the end, Ran Zhi was speechless.Originally, it wasn't that he was inferior to the second child in every way, but his buttocks were crooked, and the loss was not unfair.At this time, Ran Zhi sighed softly and said: "The lonely king lost, the second child has always been kind, and he will not embarrass the subordinates of the lonely king, they are also their own masters."

Jilu said: "Although the eldest son lost, the Ran family won. This time, because of the eldest son, many nobles and powerful families jumped out, including the Hedong Wei family, the Hedong Xue family, the Chen Liucai family, and the Hanoi Zhang family. , Hanoi Zhao family, Hedong Yang family, Pingyang Jia family and more than [-] families and more than [-] people have been arrested, although it is not enough to wipe out all the gentry, but it is enough to warn the world and make them fear the power of heaven!"

"The Ran family won?" Ran Zhi said with a smile: "My wish is enough!"

As the words fell, Ran Zhi raised his knife to kill himself, but Ji Wei did not stop him, he knew that death was Ran Zhi's best destination.Ran Zhi is not dead, his subjects still have delusions, but once Ran Zhi dies, his power will be dispersed.

A convoy was crossing the Yellow River at high speed. Ran Ming looked through the car window and found that there was actually a road sign for Chen Qiao on the side of the road.Ran Ming asked strangely: "Where is this called Chen Qiao?"

Zhongchang Attendant You Yi said respectfully: "Report to Your Majesty. This is Chenqiao, Fengqiu County, Chenliu County, Yanzhou Governor's Department of History."

"Chen Liu, Chen Qiao??" Ran Ming couldn't help laughing. Did the Chen Qiao who launched the mutiny get his name at this time?And it's no coincidence that he became Chen Qiaoyi? "

At this moment, Yiqi came quickly, and after a while, Ran Ming received the news, "The internal affairs have been completed, Ran Zhi killed himself, and all his troops have surrendered. The Queen Mother is safe."

(End of this chapter)

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