Chapter 937
Chapter 943

In fact, Ran Ming walked slowly on the road because he was afraid that Ran Zhi would take Queen Mother Dong as a hostage and force Ran Ming, otherwise Ran Ming would be very passive.Now that Ran Zhi's troubles are solved, there is no need for Ran Ming to walk slowly.Ran Ming shouted, "You Yi?"

"Slave here!"

"Prepare the horse. I want to rush to Ye City before dawn."

The first year of Hongshi can also be said to be the year when Ran Ming officially ascended to the pinnacle of power.Originally, everyone in the world thought that it would take at least two to three years for Ran Ming to put down the massive Ran Zhi Rebellion.But no one thought that the rebellion of tens of thousands of troops that had almost spread across the three prefectures of Yan, Yu, and Qing came to an end in just one and a half months.To borrow a blunt saying, even if it is 10,000+ pigs, it is not so easy to kill them smoothly, but Ran Ming did it cleanly and without delay.

Without the two internal factors of instability, Ran Zhi and Ran Yu, there would be no power in the world to contend with Wei. Jin would not be able to do it, nor would Huan Wen and Fu Jian.This turbulent situation that disturbed the world started suddenly and ended hastily.There's not even time to think about it.However, the situation is now clear, and Wei's unification of the world is just around the corner.

However, before Ran Ming arrived in Yecheng, the civil and military officials of Yecheng, as well as the powerful families of the noble families were also shocked.To say that Ran Zhi was able to gather an army of tens of thousands in a hurry, because of Ran Zhi's many years of management in Yizhou, of course, the powerful and powerful landlords of the Wei State gentry also contributed.Now that Ran Zhi died and the rebellion was put down, it is certain to settle accounts after the fall.Those gentry clan leaders and officials whose actions were not very honorable panicked.Everyone rushed to discuss countermeasures with the leader of the gentry, Cui Yue, who was old but not dead and turned into a thief.

Cui Yue was born in a famous family, and her great-grandfather was Cao Wei Sikong Cui Lin, Liu Kun's nephew, Liu Qun, Lu Chen, and Wen Qiao's aunts and cousins.He was not only the official residence of Sikong in the Western Jin Dynasty, the famous patriotic general of the national hero Liu Kun, but also served as Zuo Shi at the end of Duan, and later Zhao Situ Zuo Changshi.He served in Jin, Duan (Liao), Later Zhao, Ran Wei and six dynasties. He contributed a lot when supporting Ran Min Jianyuan to proclaim himself emperor.Moreover, he is also a famous celebrity and calligrapher in the world.Although he has been officially resigned now, the influence of both the court and the locality is not small.

After everyone sat down, they found that Cui Linjing's maid was stroking her chest again and again, and only then did they catch their breath.In fact, Cui Lin's physical condition is not good, and now he has been relying on ginseng to hang himself.It's just that no matter how good the maintenance is, there is no way for the engine to reach its useful life.Only then did Cui Lin pant and say: "I already know the purpose of everyone's visit. I don't know how you should deal with it?"

Cui Yue felt the smell of conspiracy during Ran Zhi's chaos, and he was not optimistic about Ran Zhi.In fact, in this world, the so-called loyalty is because there is not enough bargaining chips for betrayal, especially because Ran Ming gave him enough courtesy, and his grandson Cui Hong has already entered Ran Ming's sight, Cui's wealth is at least within three generations Worry-free, even if Ran Zhi really succeeds, what he can give him is limited, and the chance of Ran Zhi's success is too small.Even if Ran Mingqiu settles the score later, it is actually not on his head.What's more, at this time he had already received news that Empress Xie liked Cui Hong and wanted to recruit Cui Hong as her son-in-law.Although it is said that Ran Jingwen is only Ran Ming's adopted daughter, this adopted daughter is more favored than Ran Ming's legitimate daughter, and Ran Jingwen is well-known in the world.When she was six years old, she took her adoptive mother, Li Shi, to search for her father thousands of miles away, and her filial piety moved the world.Ran Jingwen has almost become a typical example of a filial daughter in this era.In later generations, that would definitely be a superstar, and this influence would be of great help to Cui Shi.

Zhang Youzhi was a native of Zhaojun, and he was the great-grandson of Zhang Bin, the former chief executive of the Later Zhao Dynasty.It should be said that the Zhang family of Zhaojun was also a prominent family in the post-Zhao Shile period.However, because Shi Hu usurped the throne, the Zhang family of Zhao County was beaten into the ranks of suppression by Shi Hu.After Ran Wei was established, the original Zhang family in Zhaojun gradually improved.However, Ran Ming is a person of later generations, and he doesn't like Zhang Bin, a big traitor. In "The Biography of Two Officials" edited by Ran Ming, Zhang Bin is the second biggest traitor after Zhong Xingyue.Since then, the situation of the Zhang family in Zhaojun is going from bad to worse.So when Ran Zhi raised his troops, the Zhang family of Zhaojun made a big contribution.Zhang Youzhi also had a blunt temper, and directly clasped his fists and said, "Also ask Mr. Deru to live me!"

As Zhang Youzhi asked Cui Yue for help, everyone echoed.

Cui Yue shook her head secretly, saying that Zhang Mengsun (also known as Zhang Bin) was wise all his life, but his descendants were quite unwise.It was obviously a fire pit, and he jumped into it.Cui Yue secretly said: "If I knew this earlier, why bother." However, Cui Yue, as the leader of the gentry, is a huahuajiao who is praised by everyone, and everyone gives him face.

"This matter is no small matter. During this chaos, our Great Wei suffered heavy losses. It is conceivable that His Majesty is furious. Yue Zong intends to save you all, but Tu Naihe is powerless. Thunder, rain and dew are all your favor. Remember, remember." After saying this, As soon as Cui Yue closed her eyes, she motioned for the maid to carry him away.In desperation, everyone had no choice but to leave.

"Mr. Deru..."

Facing everyone's painstaking efforts to persuade them to stay, Cui Yue ignored them and continued to leave.

Zhang Youzhi, the official cavalry servant, pondered for a while, and said in a concentrated voice: "If I guessed correctly, Duke Deru has already given a hint."

"Hint?" Hearing this, everyone immediately showed serious expressions.

Only then did Zhang Youzhi say: "We Great Wei suffered heavy losses in this rebellion. This is the Duke Deru hinting to us that we should donate our family wealth voluntarily to calm His Majesty's wrath. Thunder, rain and dew are all benevolence from the king. It is a warning to us not to Resist, try to resist His Majesty. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Someone said unconvinced: "Since ancient times, the law does not blame the public. It is impossible for His Majesty to kill all of them."

"That's right, His Majesty may not be able to kill us all, but in this situation, His Majesty has returned with the power to suppress the rebellion, and with the support of thousands of troops, how can we work together?"

However, Zhang Youzhi didn't know every word he said, and even every expression entered Ran Ming's ears verbatim.The gentry alliance is actually a loose alliance. Li Shimin can't help the gentry clan, but Wu Zetian can use the division to win over and kill in cold blood. Disappeared.

Ran Ming just smiled lightly at the ugly face of the gentry who tried to form an alliance to resist but lost their sincerity to Ran Ming.However, no one realized that Ran Ming was ruthless this time. Although China has the saying that the law does not punish the public, peers are also an effective weapon for the gentry to fight against the imperial power, but in front of Ran Ming, this weapon is useless.Because Ran Ming controls the public opinion of this era, owns dozens of public and private newspapers covering the entire Wei State, and also has impoverished students from academies to build momentum for Ran Ming, Ran Ming is not afraid of these gentry slandering Ran Ming at all.What's more, the eyes of the masses are sharp. Everything Ran Ming has done is at least better than the emperors of all dynasties. Moreover, the decree of never adding gifts made Ran Ming a very high status among the people. Who would oppose Ran Ming? It is against the people of the world. If it is not for Ran Ming's suppression, the people of Wei State who have spontaneously risen up one after another are enough to drown Ran Zhi's tens of thousands of troops in the vast ocean of the people's war.

Ran Ming came to Yecheng quietly, without any fanfare or fanfare.It’s just a light car. When I arrived at Jingyang Gate in Yecheng, the damaged gate tower, archery tower, female wall, and horse face of Jingyang Gate were all being repaired intensely. Limbs and arms were broken, but there was still a strong smell of blood in the air, which seemed to be telling about the tragic battle that took place in Ye City.

As the weather was getting hotter, Wang Meng was worried that too many corpses would cause a plague, so he used the surrendered soldiers to dig pits to bury the burned corpses.All the wounded, whether they were rebels or defenders, had been treated effectively. Wang Meng knew that Ran Ming was very dissatisfied with Wei's human resources, and every commoner was a precious asset in Ran Ming's eyes.Wang Meng also tried his best in this regard. As for the captives, although Wang Meng had no right to deal with them, under the supervision of the army, he ordered them to dig the moat, repair the city walls, and even repair the houses damaged by the war in the city.

At this time, Yecheng has become a huge construction site.However, the south and west of Yecheng City are all shantytowns in the old city, where countless poor people live. This time the outer city wall was lost, and with the fierce fighting between the two sides, almost two-thirds of the shantytowns in the South City and West City were destroyed by the war. Wang Meng was not ambiguous, and took advantage of this opportunity to carry out large-scale renovations to the city.The original wooden houses in the shantytowns were all pushed to rebuild, and the three-story facade facing the street was built at one rate, and the yards of five two-story small buildings and two wing rooms in the back were transferred to the people for free or at a low price.

A large amount of cement, red bricks and red tiles. Once completed, this city of Ye can almost have the kind of urban buildings of later generations. Of course, Wang Meng is considering it from the military point of view. There are too many wooden buildings in Yecheng, which are most afraid of fire attack. Planting buildings and tile-roofed houses will not be afraid of fire attack, and the defense ability will be greatly increased.

Although Ran Ming was light and easy to drive, the news that Ran Ming arrived in Ye City at sunset quickly spread inside and outside of Ye City.For these things, Ran Ming chose to ignore them.However, Ran Ming felt that it was time to strike while the iron was hot, and there was no time to wait for the morning court the next day. Instead, he immediately notified all officials above the fifth rank to participate in the banquet held by Ran Ming in the palace.

Yaoguang Hall, formerly known as Kunhua Hall, as long as the veterans of Wei State, without exception, know very well what this place is.In the first month of [-] A.D., General Sun Fudu of Later Zhao Longxiang ambushed [-] soldiers here, preparing to attack Ran Min.Ran Min, Jin Nu, and Tie Nu fought with two spears and two halberds from Jinming Gate to Fengyang Gate, until they entered the Kunhua Hall. The road was full of corpses and blood flowed like rivers.

It was a signal that Ran Ming held a banquet in this place.

As Ran Ming's confidantes, Wang Meng and Xiong Jian arrived at the Yaoguang Palace first, but they were immediately surrounded by crowds as soon as they appeared. They each had different crowds. Beside him is Wei Guowen Chen.Although Wang Meng is both civil and military, in the eyes of everyone, Wang Meng is not a general, but a civil servant.Of course, Su Lin and Hu Guang, one of the protagonists of this rebellion, also started to enter the Yaoguang Hall, but Su Lin was notoriously out of gregarious, after entering the Yaoguang Hall, he nodded to Wang Meng as a greeting.Taiwei Dong Run and Taifu Shenzhong only received a greeting from Su Lin that they hadn't seen for a long time.Then Su Lin was like a clay bodhisattva, just sitting there.

In fact, this banquet is more like a meeting for Ran Ming to find out. A decision must be made in the morning tomorrow, and it is just a general layout here.In the Yaoguang Hall, the ministers were basically divided into several waves, and the Yan Kingdom's descendants headed by Huangfuzhen formed a small circle.A small circle was also surrounded by generals of Ran Ming's direct lineage, such as Xiong Jian and Hu Guang.Wang Meng also gathered around Wang Meng a group of defectors. In this way, Wang Meng is no longer alone, but has formed the Shandong Han Family Clan.There are actually more factions among the officials from the gentry family. Wang Jian and Wang Ning are both heroes of the State of Wei.Because the current Ran Ming Dynasty is still ruled by the Yuanxun faction, and they are the ones who are in power.Most of the officials promoted by Ran Ming have not formally entered the center and become big bosses.

Secondly, in Ran Ming's imperial faction, there are also classified factions, such as Wang Meng's family of the poor family, Li Xian's northwest gentry family in Longyou, Hongnong Yang Hui's family, and a large number of military generals who the gentry took refuge in.In Wei State, it was not the Ming Dynasty era when literature was respected. A county magistrate could be on the same level as a provincial military commander, and a magistrate dared to scold a town commander.The military status of the Wei State is very high, surpassing the civil official group. Of course, civil and military discord has existed since ancient times. Although Ran Ming did not intentionally create this kind of conflict, the civil officials do not want the military generals to dominate, so the civil officials of the Wei State at this time Playing a role similar to that of the opposition party in later generations, once the military commander's children and their subordinates have something illegal and chaotic, these civil officials will swarm up like flies that have seen blood.

Ran Ming was well aware of this situation, fortunately Ran Ming did not register as a crown prince.Otherwise there will be more factions.But this is what Ran Ming would like to see. Factional disputes are a tradition, and Ran Ming can't change it. As the saying goes, there is no party outside the party and the emperor's thinking, and there are all kinds of strange things about the party without factions.This is also within Ran Ming's controllable range.

However, at this moment, Zhong Chang Attendant You Yi suddenly shouted loudly: "The emperor is here!"

Everyone hurriedly lined up in teams, left Wen and right Wu, and stood in line according to rank. "The ministers and others will join your Majesty, Your Majesty Jin'an!"

Seeing Ran Ming walking like a tiger, what surprised everyone the most was that there were two children behind Ran Ming, and upon closer inspection, they turned out to be the First Prince and the Second Prince.The appearance of the two princes with Ran Ming was a strong political signal in itself.Ran Ming didn't introduce the two princes to everyone, but laughed and said: "Today is a big day, everyone should be drunk and homeless, let's start the banquet!"

Next came a series of standard actions such as serving food, singing and dancing. Although they were eating delicacies from mountains and seas and drinking fine nectar, everyone was obviously a little absent-minded.

Be careful when eating, and if Ran Ming doesn't mention drinking, he won't drink at all.Obviously, everyone felt that they couldn't eat or drink without seeing the result.Ran Ming also saw through everyone's thoughts, but he dawdled for a while, and when he was a little drunk, he waved his hand and stopped singing and dancing.

Seeing this scene, everyone cheered up at the same time, and they all secretly shouted: "The main show is coming!" Everyone put down their wooden chopsticks almost at the same time, and stared at Ran Ming intently.

Ran Ming took the silk handkerchief from Gong'e, wiped his face, and then said in a concentrated voice: "Now I would like to take this opportunity to say a few things." Seeing that everyone was already looking at him, Ran Ming said without hesitation: " Well, the first one, I plan to add a new imperial examination system in the territory of Wei, and use the imperial examination method to select scholars."

"Imperial examination system?" Hearing this unfamiliar term, everyone frowned at the same time.

They were all mentally prepared, Ran Ming would hit them first, and even thought about killing chickens and monkeys.But I just didn't expect to use the Rausch imperial examination system.

Ran Ming continued: "In the so-called imperial examination system, you can select scholars regardless of your family status, regardless of your background. You can take part in the scientific examination. The content of the examination is "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Yi", "Li ", "Spring and Autumn", "University", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius", "Zuo Zhuan", "Historical Records", "Mandarin Language", "Warring States Policy", "Shihuo Zhi", etc., as well as the six arts of gentlemen."

There is only one way to break the monopoly of gentry elites on political resources, adopting the imperial examination system.However, the adoption of the imperial examination system also has a very big risk, that is, offending the elites of the gentry and driving them back.In fact, Yang Guang only made the 36 roads against the king and the 72 roads of dust and smoke in the world. It was not the defeat of Goryeo, nor was it militaristic, nor was it lewd and immoral, but because of the imperial examination system.

In this situation, Ran Ming is actually different from Yang Guang.When Yang Guang ascended the throne, the power of the gentry clan was too great and surpassed the power of the country, but Ran Ming was different. Massacres of Han people were carried out on a large scale, and the northern Han people had ten rooms and nine empty houses. Under such circumstances, the power of the gentry clan was extremely weak.

At this time, the state of Wei did not have a top family like Xie Gu Lu Zhu Zhang of the Jin Dynasty, whether it was Taiyuan Wang family or Xingyang Zheng family, even if it was Qinghe who supported Li Yuan's rebellion in history and gave out 170 million yuan at once. Cui's strength at this time is still not strong.

Every big family has private soldiers, but at best there are only tens of thousands of private soldiers with average equipment and low combat effectiveness, but they are not like the late Sui Dynasty. They stretched their hands into the army. In history, they can be called the army of Yang Guang's direct line There are only 10,000+ Xiaoguo.It barely accounts for less than one-tenth of the national army.There is no unified thinking, such as an army commanded by arms, which is the real reason for Yang Guang's failure.

(End of this chapter)

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