Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 938 If you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse

Chapter 938 If you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse

Chapter 944 If you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse
From Ran Min to Ran Ming, they have very strict control over the army. From the soldiers' equipment, supplies and military pay, Ran Ming will not give their generals a chance to intervene.The soldiers set up an account in the bank, and the military salary was allocated directly from the bank. I am afraid that only Ran Ming, a later generation, can think of this trick.In this way, the situation of generals eating empty quotas and drinking blood has been greatly improved, and a "Soldiers Committee" has been established in the army to supervise the generals. Measures, (the rebellious Anbei Army did not have a "Soldiers Committee" organization.) This fundamentally guarantees the absolute control of military power.

With the support of the army, this is the source of Ran Ming's strong self-confidence. What's more, Ran Ming also has the support of the people. If the elites of the gentry really don't open their eyes, Ran Ming doesn't mind killing chickens and monkeys.

Before the pre-Qin period, the employment system in ancient China was hereditary through Shiqing, and the Qin Dynasty established the [-]th rank of military merit, thus guiding the path of promotion for poor families.In order to strengthen centralization, the recommendation system came into being.In fact, the so-called recommendation system is divided into internal referral, external referral and self-recommendation. Internal referral refers to the leader in the unit recommending someone to the organization for appointment, and external referral refers to the recommendation of someone outside the leadership team, that is, general cadres or the masses. Someone holds a certain job; the third is self-recommendation, such as self-recommendation.In fact, this system is still in use today, and it is basically the case in all enterprises and institutions.Even in administrative units, this system is applied on a large scale.

With this kind of system, it's not that poor people have no chance to succeed, it's just that the chance is very small.However, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, who were born in poverty, still became famous historical figures under this system.However, this kind of recommendation system carries the punishment of the recommender. According to the law of Qin, those who appoint people and those who are not good at the appointment will be punished with their own crimes.

Over time, no one is willing to take risks and recommend talents who do not know the background, because they need to bear certain risks and responsibilities, so this kind of recommendation system gradually forms a network of relationships, thus forming a network led by a certain company. gate valve.In order to monopolize political resources, the elites will naturally not tilt the scarce resources to the poor.This is also the reason why Wang Meng abandoned Huan Wen and did not enter Jiankang, because even if Wang Meng followed Huan Wen, it would be difficult for him to integrate into the circle of the noble family headed by Huan Wen.

To break this situation, there is actually only a relatively fair imperial examination system.In fact, the weakness of the Song Dynasty, the weakness of the Ming Dynasty and the weakness of the Qing Dynasty are not caused by the imperial examination system at all, but because of the reasons above.The Song Dynasty obtained the country because of conspiracy and tricks, but Song Taizu died too early. Song Taizong was a conspirator who fought outsiders and laymen and insiders, so he spent all his thoughts on the weak army, so the army of the Song Dynasty was written Drive force, so weak without wind.There are actually many things that can be changed, for example, making the internal sage and the external king a national policy, so that the country will not be weakened.

So Ran Ming not only tested the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism in Wei State's upcoming imperial examination, but also added historical knowledge, and the focus was on Shihuo Zhi. "Shihuo Zhi" records in detail the statistical data of the Han population, the area of ​​cultivated land, the total grain output and the per unit area yield of China in the past dynasties, providing basic data for studying the course and direction of China's economic development; it also describes the history of private ownership of feudal land in China The formation process, and the evolution of the related fiscal and taxation system; it describes the evolution of China's taxation form from labor service in kind to monetization.For the very prominent relationship between agriculture and industry and commerce in Chinese history, the feudal rulers' countermeasures of "agriculture-based industry and commerce end", as well as the related monopoly system, can be found in "Shihuo Zhi".

Even if you learn "Shi Huo Zhi" and apply what you have learned, you can become an expert in economics, not a stupid scholar who does not work hard.Of course, the most important thing is the six arts of a gentleman, not to mention poetry, etiquette and righteousness.Archery is archery, imperialism is driving, which refers to physical fitness.It is mainly mathematics. You must know that in ancient times, there were too few people who could understand mathematics.Ran Ming wants to strengthen the knowledge of the six arts, so that the people he acquires will not only develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically, but also accelerate the development of science. After all, mathematics is very important to the development of science and technology.

Hearing that Ran Ming adopts the imperial examination system, quite a few people actually understand it.The way to obtain scholars through examinations did not appear only through the imperial examination system. In fact, it does not mean that if someone recommends someone, that person will have the opportunity to become an official. Relatively fair.For example, Xu Shu recommended Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period, and Zhuge Liang passed Liu Bei's examination with the Longzhong pair.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the style of clear talk was actually a kind of school examination. The content of the general talk was about how to make the country rich and the army strong. Based on this argument, various celebrities launched various strategies.Many officials did not pay attention to any inappropriateness, but felt that there was nothing wrong with adding an exam.

The gentry family can monopolize the local ruling power and huge political resources.Confucianism, which has not been castrated by Neo-Confucianism, is not that kind of weak thought.

However, smart people like Wang Jian, Wang Ning, Xie An, etc. changed their faces drastically when they heard the words.In fact, not all the sons of the gentry are trash, nor are all the sons of the talented. The six Xie An brothers, the boss is knowledgeable and versatile, and he is very eloquent and courageous. Even Wang Shuhuanwen hates and fears People who think about it will be extraordinary.Of course, the fourth brother, Xie Wan, belongs to the traditional and typical gentry children, and belongs to the generation with high eyesight and low power.Not only Xie An, but even the seven sons of the calligrapher Wang Xizhi, only Wang Xianzhi is famous in history, and his second son Wang Ningzhi is also a supporting role to complement Xie Daoyun's talents.As for Wang Jian and Wang Ning, there are quite a few nephews and nephews in the family who are idiots, but they usually collude with local officials, play tricks when ordering products, and then have high-quality goods Become an official.But after the implementation of the imperial examination system, this is not practical.Because the biggest feature of the imperial examination system is that it does not distinguish between origin and family status, but only about talent and learning.

In all fairness, the imperial examination system is much more advanced than the recommendation system in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the filial piety system in the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, and the Jiupin Zhongzheng system in the Jin, Wei, Southern and Northern Dynasties, but it involved too many interests of the gentry, and they could not accept it.The Yaoguang Palace suddenly fell into silence.However, this silence is only for civil servants, and it has no effect on generals.Since ancient times, the background of military commanders has been obtained through fighting on the battlefield, which cannot be tolerated.It is also a fairly fair competition mechanism. The military generals of the Wei State are generally begging army generals and local tyrants. The tyrants are not gentry. They have little political influence. If they want to become gentry, they need to travel too much.

Regardless of whether it is Su Lin or vigorous, they only care about pouring and drinking for themselves, enjoying themselves alone.As the head of the Xie Clan, Xie An really couldn't accept this result. In fact, Xie An also knew that none of these officials dared to oppose Ran Ming. Disgraceful means, although these means are secret, and now Ran Zhi is dead, but he has made his generals surrender to Ran Ming, and Ran Zhi holds their letters of loyalty and surrender in his hands, which is a terrible thing.Once Ran Ming is messed with, it is no joke to ransack his family and exterminate his family.

Looking at so many earnestly praying eyes, Xie Anru had his back on his back, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "I report to Your Majesty, and I also agree with your Majesty's righteousness of the imperial examination, filial piety and honesty to select scholars, but many incompetent and incompetent people steal High position, the method of the imperial examination, so that the incompetent people have nowhere to hide. Using the method of the imperial examination to select talents according to their talents is better than the method of the nine-rank Zhongzheng system. However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and filial piety is important. Virtue does not value talent, and the imperial examination system emphasizes talent rather than virtue. If a despicable villain with talent but no virtue is allowed to enter the court, the minister fears that the country will be uneasy."

Since it is impossible to confront Ran Ming openly, Xie An had no choice but to find another shortcut and start from the aspect of virtue.The system of filial piety and honesty developed during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty actually measures whether a person is virtuous or not based on whether he is filial and honest.But the Chinese are too good at playing power, and this very good system of probation has gradually become a mutual flattery and deceit among the sons and daughters of the gentry. At that time, there were nursery rhymes satirizing: "If you are a scholar, you don't know the book; if you are a filial piety, your father lives away.

Ran Mingdao: "Of course, I will not ignore the aspects of filial piety and integrity. I want to set up six divisions in the Ministry of Rites, namely the Division of Ceremonies, which will be in charge of honorary rites, national ceremonies, military ceremonies and management affairs. Affairs. The host and guest are in charge of guest ceremonies and receiving foreign guests; Officials are clean and talented.”

Seeing that Ran Ming had a way to deal with it, it is clear that the imperial examination system was not something that Ran Ming came up with all of a sudden, but was formulated after long-term deliberation, even the reform plan of the Ministry of Rites. All live on the dog.When Xie An heard that honesty and filial piety were not abolished, he couldn't find any reason to refute. In fact, not only Xie An, but even Wang Jian and Wang Ning had no reason to refute.It's just that as the children of the gentry, they all know what the consequences will be once the imperial examination system is implemented.

In the period before the implementation of the imperial examination system, the emperor usually created civil strife among the gentry clan, pulling one faction to fight the other, and acting as a balance.But once the poor family enters the school, the struggle between the poor family, the common people and the noble family will become fierce. Now the power of the poor family and the common people is still very small, but ten years later, 20 years later, or a hundred years later, at that time Who can tell?

Ran Ming saw that the situation was stalemate, but Wang Meng wanted to take the lead.However, Ran Ming knew that this was not the time for Wang Meng to stand out, so he winked and stopped Wang Meng's changes, and then said: "From the hereditary inheritance of Shiqing to recommendation, inspection and filial piety, why is the hereditary inheritance of Shiqing being abolished? Then It is because the hereditary system hinders the development of the society. Qin, which took the lead in adopting the recommendation system, got the depressed talents from the six countries. Meng Tian, ​​the general of Qin, was originally from Qi. The people of the country, Tai Wei Wei Liao is from the Wei country, and Shangqing Mao Jiao is from the Qi country. It is because of the help of so many talents that Qin was able to conquer the strong from the weak, sweep the six countries, and unify the world. If I unify the world and restore peace to the people, I will use it Talented people from all over the world. To obtain talents through imperial examinations, and to obtain talents from all over the world, is beneficial to the country. It is called a public. Do you want to stick to the views of the sect, stand still, and abolish the public because of private interests, and ruin the prosperity of the Great Wei and the way to unify the world? If you agree with this proposal, I can use the imperial examination system to measure the talents of the world for my use, and I will surely restore my Han family and society, unify the world and end the troubled times. In the future, you will also be famous in history and admired by future generations. It is better than the so-called rich food and clothing! I hope you will not hesitate to make this decision that will affect the eternal life!"

Although Ran Ming's words were cryptic, everyone knew that he meant to remind everyone not to abolish the rulers of the world because of personal selfishness.The issue of public and private has actually always affected China's development.However, it has to be said that the people of this era, or most of the people in ancient China, always choose the public and discard the private when it comes to the issue of public and private, or the choice of righteousness.Family, country and world, although everyone is doing it, but no one dares to publicly say that the family is more important than the country, just like almost all officials in later generations are corrupt. As long as the evidence is not convincing, they will shout anti-corruption while busy make money.

Sure enough, not long after Ran Ming finished speaking, Xie An got up first and said, "An Zan agrees with His Majesty's proposal, and firmly supports the imperial examination to obtain scholars."

Immediately after Xie An, Wang Jian, Wang Ning, Yang Hui, Li Xian, Lu Yan, and even Dong Run and Zhong Shen all supported the proposal with an upright face.

For the imperial examination system to be fully recognized by all members, the next step is the highlight, the disposal of the rebellious personnel.It can be said that it is a Chinese tradition not to blame the public.But Ran Ming didn't think so, he must change this ethos, although he didn't kill people, but the punishment didn't have to be killing, there is a more memorable way.

Seeing that most people agree with the imperial examination system, even if those noble officials wanted to resist the imperial examination, they were very helpless.Of course, Ran Ming knew that it was necessary to strike while the iron was hot. In fact, Ran Ming was more worried that the dinner party would be over, and the officials of the gentry would secretly join forces to make this matter repeated.

In fact, the ancient emperors were definitely not as talkative as in the later brain-dead dramas. In fact, the emperor's imperial edicts have legal effect only when the ministers approve them.Of course, with the exception of the Manchu Dynasty, the Manchu Dynasty was a feudal system of slavery, and there was no mechanism to check and balance the emperor. Basically, the emperor made decisions with one word.The imperial edicts of the Wei state are divided into seven forms: book-making, book-making, condolence making, day-issuing edict, imperial edict, edict on matters, and imperial edict. They are generally drafted by Zhongshu Province, reviewed and issued by Menxia Province, and issued by Menxia Province. There are strict regulations on the review and promulgation of the imperial edict. "Where the imperial decree is proclaimed and implemented, the major event is called Yang Deze, the meritorious deeds are praised, and the replay is implemented. The minor matter is issued after the administration." Such an imperial edict for reform needs to go through three provinces, six ministries and major departments. It has legal effect only if it is approved by the boss.

Seeing that Ran Ming is so eager to implement the imperial examination system, even those officials who are willing to oppose him dare not easily offend Ran Mingwei.Seeing that the imperial decree was named after the three provinces and six deployments, Ran Ming knew the truth of slapping a sweet date, so he paused, and said: "If I want to reform the salaries of officials, I will also take this opportunity to announce it."

The system of the Wei state inherited the Han system, and basically adopted "shi" as the standard for the payment of official salaries. Taking counties as an example, the order of more than 19 households is the order, and the salary ranges from 8000 shi to 14 shi. Three hundred stones.County magistrates and county lieutenants also received salaries ranging from 5000 shi to [-] shi according to the population size of the county where they were located.Originally, the lowest level of salary distribution in the Han Dynasty was the pavilion chief, which was a hundred stones.However, Wei Guo reformed officials to have no salaries as official salaries. Since then, the number of salaries has increased. For example, the six counties in the county, the third class of water and fire yamen servants, disobedient officials, forensic doctors, jailers, tax officials, etc. all have salaries, and the custom is from fifteen Stone to one hundred stone.The price of food in Wei State was basically stable at [-] shi per shi. The county magistrate took the minimum [-] shi as an example, which was equivalent to an annual salary of [-] shi.According to the purchasing power of grain, it is about [-] yuan for later generations, and the income of the county magistrate and county lieutenant is about [-] yuan.The lowest yamen servant has an annual income of about [-] yuan.

Of course, this income was not considered in ancient times, but Ran Ming knew that with the commercial development of Wei State, the cost of living was also increasing. Tea, etc., the price is generally rising.Especially after a large number of farmers were exempted from corvee, they used their slack time to participate in labor. Since then, the minimum wage income in Wei State has also gradually increased. Like before, the opportunity to recruit countless workers for ten dollars a day is gone. Instead, at least food is provided. The daily salary is more than [-] yuan, so that the low-level personnel who have national civil servants are under great pressure in life.Not to mention that petty officials feel the pressure of life, even officials feel a lot of pressure.

If you want to maintain integrity, you must have a high salary, just like the later Chinese dynasty, the salary income of department-level officials (in 2009, the Henan department-level cadres were only about 3000 yuan; the division level was about 3 yuan), such salary income, in fact There is no enterprise with a slightly better benefit that has a high salary for employees.

(End of this chapter)

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