Chapter 939

Chapter 945
As for the salaries of officials in the Qing Dynasty, they were low, and they couldn't live without corruption.

As the saying goes, honest officials are not clear, full of treacherous officials.If there could be an upright official throughout the country during the Qing Dynasty, it would be impossible, unless it was based on the old.

So at the moment, the salaries of Wei officials also need to be reformed.

"As important ministers of the Great Wei, you should be loyal to your duties, self-denying and serving the public. Naturally, the salaries that have not changed for thousands of years will also change a little bit. After all, what can be bought with one dollar hundreds of years ago may not be able to be bought with ten dollars today. " Ran Ming deliberately paused, seeing that the officials in the room, especially the middle and lower level officials, were very excited. Many low-level officials' eyes lit up and their ears pricked up, obviously they were extremely attentive.Ran Ming felt a little proud, and said: "Originally in the Gongmen, the officials were divided into three grades of food salaries, which remained unchanged as usual, and the officials were still the top grade, the assistant officials were the middle grade, and the young officials were the bottom grade. Eat eleven dendrobiums, and the annual salary is less than a hundred stones. From today, the annual salary will be adjusted to 180 stones, and the monthly eclipse will be fifteen stones."

Ran Ming’s adjustments this time are mainly low-level officials. According to the Han system, they are all outside the system. Even if they barely enter the system, their income level is very low, and it is almost impossible to guarantee the minimum standard of living. Under such circumstances, how can they Expect them to eat and get cards?In fact, the overall quality of officials directly affects the image and credit of the government. If corrupt officials want to embezzle, it is actually through the hands of officials. The quality of official governance in a place is directly linked to officials.

At this time, Ran Ming's salary increase was very large. Basically, the salary of grassroots officials increased by ten times, and the purchasing power of income could reach 5 yuan in later generations.

And like the Liulimu, the income of the later generations of the department-level cadres has also increased by nearly six times, and the annual income is close to [-].This level of income can at least allow officials to reach the upper-middle standard of living.

Of course, if it's just a salary increase for low-level officials, Ran Ming doesn't need to make such a big show.The main part of the salary increase is still the officials within the system. Like Yecheng, the cost of living is much higher than that of other counties. Although the food price is basically the same across the country, the difference is not big, but like other daily necessities, the price is high There are too many, a table of thousands of dollars of banquets is considered the most common reception level in Wei State, this table of food is equivalent to the level of more than 2000 yuan in later generations, as a Beijing official, no one has three friends and four friends, old relatives, old relatives When they arrived in Yecheng, they had to receive them. If the reception was not good, people would criticize them. This is the nature of the Chinese people, and it cannot be changed by Ran Ming.

In fact, most of the officials in the capital are the officials of various ministries. According to the original salary level, if they don’t go begging, they will almost have to be pants. Now that their income level is greatly increased, it is actually increasing social consumption, stimulating consumption, and increasing social economy. Entity volume.

For example, the seventh, eighth, and ninth rank officials in the Beijing government, if they don’t have gray income, they can’t even live a decent life, how can they be expected to abide by the law and fulfill their duties?Later generations of the Celestial Empire did not do well in this regard. The income level of grassroots civil servants in Beijing is actually not high, and they cannot even meet the most basic living guarantees. If they do not try to increase their gray income, they will starve to death.

"Ministers, you are all high-level officials, and I can't change your official rank. However, the cold and summer are tough every year. It's actually better in Yecheng, like Longxi, Yanmen, Yunzhong, Daijun, Liaodong, etc. The cold and windy ground is really unbearable. Regarding this point, Huangfu Aiqing must have felt quite a bit in Youzhou." Ran Ming looked at Huangfuzhen, who was blushing at this time, obviously announcing the news Huangfu really felt abnormal.As subjects of the Yan Kingdom, they did not stand in line with Ran Ming and Ran Zhi in the fight for succession. They were in the officialdom, so they could escape if they didn't want to stand in line.The descendants of Yan State and Liang State basically chose to sit on the sidelines, but they were in a very bad situation in the face of tragic political struggles. The camp took the opportunity to win.

Seeing Ran Ming's eyes, Huangfu really said: "Your Majesty is wise. In the cold winter months, it is difficult for a magistrate of a county to rely on salary alone to have coals to keep warm in winter. There are dozens of people in a large family, and only five There is not much left over from Baishi's annual salary."

Five hundred shi, the income of ten owner farmers.It is indeed difficult for a county magistrate to maintain a decent life.When Huangfu really mentioned this point, the officials' eyes lit up.

Ran Ming said leisurely: "In this way, during the summer season, the Duzhi Division will allocate ice fees. Those with an official rank of a thousand stones can take [-] yuan of ice fee. Those with an official rank of five hundred stones will get [-] yuan. In winter A person with an official rank of a thousand stones can spend tens of thousands of dollars for charcoal, and a person with an official rank of five hundred stones can get [-] dollars. And so on! The rest of the official ranks are multiplied by two, which is the cost of ice charcoal for this person in winter and summer. Officials with a first-class salary pay [-] qian a year for ice and charcoal. Those with a middle-level salary pay [-] qian each for ice and charcoal, and those with a low-level salary pay [-] qian each."

Now the biggest increase in Ran Ming is at the grassroots level, followed by middle-level officials' salaries. The increase in senior officials' salaries is actually not that big. Senior officials all have their own properties, which are completely enough for them to live a decent life.You know, even if the year is good, the income of a self-cultivator with [-] mu of land is only more than [-] or [-] shi a year, which is about [-] yuan.

Ran Ming's salary increase made all the ministers feel very happy. A middle-level official with a rank of a thousand stones, like a later-generation department-level cadre, can increase two fees of 40 yuan a year, which is equivalent to an increase of sixty or seventy stones in salary. This is not a small amount. Of course, the elites of the noble family will not notice it, but for those low-level or humble officials, it is simply a timely help.Of course, this salary increase, in fact, senior officials are also moved, like first-rank bosses, this kind of Wanshi officials, they can increase their income by [-] yuan with just two fees, which is equivalent to an increase of nearly [-]% of their salary.

All the ministers shouted long live, let the depressive atmosphere formed by the banquet in the imperial examination system dissipate, and Ran Ming said again: "Don't be too busy thanking me, I have never blamed the past, if there are still crimes in the future, favoritism and fraud, I will not be soft on those who take bribes, violate laws and discipline. As for officials who are corrupt, their children and grandchildren will not be allowed to enter the public office within three generations.

This time, everyone still shouted long live, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

After persuading him to drink again, Ran Ming said: "I have a banquet today, dear friends, besides the implementation of the imperial examination and the salary increase of all staff, there is one more thing to announce. You all know that this rebellion involves many people. How to deal with it is up to me." No decision has been made yet, I would like your dear ministers to work together, and hope that your dear ministers will come up with a way to deal with it."

All the ministers felt dizzy when they heard Ran Ming's words.The most important part is that this time there is no group discussion, but a special performance, and the statement has been seen.

In fact, this was just a cutscene. Ran Ming had already made a decision on how to deal with the rebels. Although tens of thousands of rebels were involved, and there were 40 to 20 family members, Ran Ming never thought of killing all of these people at once. I never thought of waving my hand and pardoning them all.Ran Ming intends to move all of Ran Min's direct descendants from Yizhou to Qinliang area. This is Ran Ming's former fief and also Ran Ming's traditional sphere of influence. These personnel will increase the proportion of the Han population. At least Ran Zhi can have in Yizhou There are more than [-] people, even if half of them move out, there will be [-] people, and they will have unimaginable help on the Silk Road in the future.As for the powerful rebels from Heluosi and Jishi clan, Ran Ming planned to split them up and transfer them to the four Nanyang towns to increase the Han population there.

At the same time, Ran Ming intends to abolish the death penalty in an all-round way, and exile all criminals in Nanyang to increase the population of Han people there.

When the sun rose, the sunlight shone through the curtains onto the dragon bed in the Jiuhua Palace. Ran Ming was uncomfortably illuminated by the dazzling sunlight, and then woke up.Ran Ming opened his eyes and found a slender hand wrapped around his body.Following the smooth arm, Ran Ming discovered that the owner of this place is actually Li Jingshu.

At this time, Li Jingshu was obviously awake, but buried her head in the pillow and pretended to be an ostrich.Ran Ming patted his swollen head, and only then did he recall the madness of last night.Ran Ming took advantage of the power of successfully quelling the rebellion, announced the plan of the imperial examination system, officials' salary increase and bureaucratic reform without any resistance, and issued an imperial decree on the spot for all officials to sign.Ran Ming, who had lost his mind, couldn't help but drink a few more glasses, and in the end, he unconsciously walked to the Jiuhua Palace in the northeast corner of the palace.

The Jiuhua Palace was built by Shihu, and it is called Jiuhua because it takes three or three as the unit.This Jiuhua Palace is not a residence for concubines, but a place for royal ritual and music.Originally, when Ran Ming returned from the southern expedition, it was not Li Jingshu's turn to attend the bed.It's just that Li Jingshu was in a good mood after Wei Guo's southern expedition to the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Huan Wen, and she often came to Jiuhua Palace to read the collected movements.This night, Li Jingshu played "Shangxie" in Jiuhua Palace, "Shangxie, I want to know you and live forever. There are no hills in the mountains, the river is exhausted, the winter thunder is shaking, the summer is raining and snowing, the heaven and the earth are united, so I dare to be with you." Absolutely" feels a bit familiar, Qiong Yao also quoted it in Princess Huanzhu.

When Ran Ming arrived at Jiuhua Palace unknowingly, he happened to hear Li Jingshu singing. Li Jingshu drank this lyrical tune into a very sad song, which made Ran Ming lose his mind for a moment.At this time, any words are pale, and a thousand words are better than a simple practical action.In an instant, Ran Ming turned into a wolf, looking up to the sky and howling.

Seeing Ran Ming's cannibalistic gaze, Li Jingshu was obviously taken aback.As a normal man, Ran Ming was also abstinent during the national mourning period.If Ran Ming produced another child during this period of time, the rumors of his unfilial piety would be confirmed.So Ran Ming is very restrained, but this thing, how can it be said that it is restrained?It's not Liu Xiahui, but the eunuch.Ran Ming frantically tore off Li Jingshu's dress, not sympathizing with her pleading eyes.

Of course, in the battle between men and women, women will always win.Because only the exhausted oxen have not plowed the ground.What's more, Ran Ming still has countless people waiting for him to cultivate.

In fact, Ran Ming still dare not be careless after the successful implementation of the imperial examination and the reform of official administration.Regardless of the fact that the imperial examination system was forced to take advantage of the power to quell the rebellion, the elites of the noble clan would not be willing to fail, and Ran Ming was deeply touched by this.In history, Yang Guang's imperial examination system directly forced the nobles in the world. At this time, under the leadership of Zhang Ping, the royal guards were all dispatched, ready to eliminate one conspiracy after another in the bud.However, Yecheng has regained its calm. Although Yecheng suffered the most serious losses in this rebellion, after a series of reassurances from Ran Ming and Wang Meng, the people's hearts are on Ran Ming's side.

For the houses destroyed in the war, the government stepped in and funded the construction of new brick and concrete buildings. The wounded were well treated under the mobilization of the national machinery.

Under Ran Ming's control, Yecheng gradually calmed down.However, under the calm, there are hidden secrets that no one knows.This secret includes the scattered and huge Ran Zhi Remnant Party, which has become ineffective.Although the royal guards were strict, they couldn't grasp all the movements.Similarly, it also includes those gentry tyrants who have not shown their feet, these are the unsafe factors of Wei State.Secondly, the "Shadow" of the Jin Dynasty and the "Houhun" of Huan Wen, two intelligence organizations, used their own resources and advantages to wait for an opportunity to create turmoil in Yecheng.

However, the noble families and powerful families of Wei State were frightened by Ran Ming's iron fist.According to incomplete statistics, nearly 40 people were sent to the frontier. In fact, the distribution to the frontier is not bad. The saddest thing is that they were sent to the foreign land of Nanyang.Under this severe punishment, if you want to betray, you must consider the price clearly.

In fact, in this world, the so-called loyalty is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal. No matter the state of Jin or Huan Wen, in fact, they no longer have the bargaining chips to make these gentry clansmen betray Ran Ming.

Ran Ming is not a person who likes to hold court meetings at every turn. In fact, court meetings are just a formality. 90.00% of five government affairs can be resolved within the department.Workaholics like Lao Zhu are rare in history.The significance of the court meeting is to solve the problems that arise in reality. Not all government affairs of a country need to be ruled by the emperor. If that is the case, countless people like Zhuge Liang will be exhausted to death.Even though Ran Ming got up late, the courtiers could only wait in the hall if they could not receive the order.

When Ran Ming came to the court hall, all the officials shouted long live.According to the plan, the three wills jointly signed yesterday were officially promulgated and implemented.After these three major events were dealt with, Ran Ming said: "Now my Great Wei Wangshi has already fought the Yangtze River, the Jin Kingdom is only half breathed, and Bashu is expected to be pacified within this year. The current biggest war in the country is basically over. , although there will still be wars in the future, although it is not yet the time for the horses to release Nanshan, there is no need for so many troops. Soldiers are expensive, not expensive. The biggest problem facing the court is that each army and department must Keep the strong and weed out the weak. Those who have meritorious service can retire and be assigned to the countryside. Those who have no merit will go to the designated area to open up wasteland and farmland. The Eastern Jin Dynasty and Bashu surrender captives. Slave, work with peace of mind for three years. Those who perform well can be granted Wei nationality, and those who are strong will be sent to Guanzhong. I will build a highway from Guanzhong to Bashu on the basis of the Jinniu Ancient Road in the coming year. "

Ran Ming had already prepared, and immediately explained how to eliminate and how to reorganize.Ran Mingdao: "Soldiers who are over 35 years old and below the rank of military rank, or above the age of 35, but are the only child in the family, or have fathers and brothers who have served in the army, can be dismissed on a voluntary basis. .”

Gongcao's pre-work was done carefully, so no one has any objections to whoever stays.

Ran Ming said again: "The Great Wei will not treat any meritorious soldiers badly. Soldiers enlist in the army, defend their homes and defend the country, and sacrifice their blood. Naturally, the court will not let the heroes bleed or cry. For this part of the dismissed soldiers, I will tentatively decide to do so. Xiang, Yunzhong, Daijun, Shangjun, Shuofang, Xihe and other 29 towns set up 140 Liuzhechongfu, of which Zhechongfu is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. There are 500 people in the upper mansion, 200 people in the middle mansion, and 1000 people in the lower mansion. There are 500 people in the mansion. Each mansion has one captain of Zhechong, one captain of Guoyi on the left, and one of Biejiang, Changshi, and Bing Cao Canjun. Below the mansion, every 50 people are Qu, and there are military marquis and Dubo in the regiment; [-] people are the team , There is a team leader and deputy; why are ten people? [-] mu of middle field and [-] mu of upper field. Ding women are divided into [-] mu of lower field, [-] mu of middle field, and [-] mu of upper field. Tax exemption within three years. From now on, the statistics of the number of soldiers in the government will be counted every five years, and the field mu will be adjusted according to the population. number."

Minister Wang Jian frowned when he heard this, and said, "Your Majesty, is this too much? It is understandable to divide the land, but it seems a little too much to be exempt from tax after the land is divided. And it is not bad. Wei's rules?"

Ran Ming shook his head and said: "One time is the other. Dingxiang and Yunzhong 29 towns are sparsely populated, and it is difficult for the people to support the army. If there is no border, the border will be troubled and the border will not be safe. Everyone likes the prosperous Central Plains, but the Central Plains In a prosperous place, the land is limited. The system of granting land in the Great Wei Dynasty must adhere to the closer the distance from the center, the less land granting, and the farther away from the center, the more land granting. Going thousands of miles north to Beiping, and then two kilometers to the north Thousands of miles away, there is a big river called the Huntong River (Songhua River). The land on both sides of the river is extremely fertile. If it is properly developed, it will definitely become the North Dacang of China in the future. Now everything is flat, and I want to grant five hundred acres of land to everyone there. Female two hundred acres."

Hearing this, Wang Jian had no choice but to agree that the 29 towns including Yunzhong, Shangjun, and Daijun had always been frontier lands. Resurrected.Wang Jian said again: "If the government soldiers sell the land after granting it, and then move to the Central Plains as a refugee, what should I do?"

Since the emergence of the law, people will find ways to take advantage of the loopholes in the law, which is also impossible.Ran Ming pondered: "This land is allowed to be hereditary, but it is not allowed to be bought and sold within ten years. The information of those who divide the land will be registered in the register, and those who flee will be severely punished."

When the country was founded, the population was small and the land was large, which allowed everyone to get a lot of land, and it was not a problem to solve food and clothing.And because the population is small and there is a surplus, it is easy to have a prosperous age.But in the mid-term, the population began to increase, but the land was still so much, which led to the emergence of land conflicts. In addition, some people who got rich first bought land wantonly, and the land was concentrated on a few people, which accelerated the land conflicts.At this time, as the imperial court, the reform of the grass is generally carried out. For example, the Song and Ming dynasties have famous reforms of the grass. However, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, the result cannot be changed.Until the later period, the population increased again, the fields were concentrated on a few people, and the people did not have enough to eat. This would lead to uprisings and the change of dynasties began.

For this fateful historical reincarnation, Ran Ming has no better way.His method is to delay and expand the Han population outward as much as possible. Liaodong, Saibei, and Northwest have been places of bitter cold since ancient times. The Han population is sparse and has been occupied by Hu people for a long time. Land for the use of government soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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