Chapter 940
Chapter 946

At this time, Ran Ming treated the dismissed soldiers as government soldiers and dispersed them. This is the real border policy.There are [-] soldiers in each prefecture, and with the addition of the families of the officers and soldiers, it can basically reach the scale of a middle or lower county. The places where the soldiers are resettled in these prefectures are almost all places where the chaos and chaos are the most serious. There is no human habitation for a thousand miles, at least a hundred miles of human habitation is rare.Now there is indeed no problem of land shortage. As for the future, when the population increases, Ran Ming's plan is to expand and migrate to the north in a planned and regular manner.

For the military government, the imperial court has more favorable taxes than ordinary people, only a symbolic collection, and the initial investment is also funded by the government, including housing, seeds, farming tools, cattle, sheep, and livestock.Ran Ming used the veterans to enter the solid frontier defense.Although older soldiers are not as strong as young soldiers in terms of physical strength, they have rich combat experience and have been tested for a long time.

Ran Ming has made sufficient preparations in this regard. He has studied the construction outline of the Guangbing Mansion for nearly an hour, and the responsibilities of each department are also very clear.

In history, Cao Wei garrisoned fields when he was in prosperity, and garrisoned fields when he was defeated.The Tang Dynasty was also a military household in Xingye, and a military household in defeat in Ming Dynasty.Knowing this well, Ran Ming knew that he had to follow the trend of history, and then opened up the land division immediately after it was stabilized.As for buying and selling land, Ran Ming set a ten-year deadline.With this ten-year deadline, it is enough to change a lot.This time, Ran Ming established the 29 Six Army Mansions in the 140 border towns in the north. The purpose is not only to make the 140 Six Army Mansions prosperous again, but also to solve the conflict between man and land that has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

Therefore, whether it is distributing the land to the people or opening up the sale of land, these actions that conform to the historical trend must be carried out, but administrative orders are required to restrict them and proceed step by step.Moreover, Ran Ming is different from the rulers of previous dynasties. He knows more than any emperor in history. He knows that the Indochina Peninsula is definitely not a barren land, but a fertile land on the contrary.The population of Vietnam in later generations is close to 600 million, how can it support 100 million people at this time.In addition to Vietnam, Ran Ming planned to occupy Myanmar as well first.After the army conquering the south completes the unification battle, another one or two hundred military mansions will be set up in the Indochina Peninsula, and each soldier will also be divided into three or four hundred acres of land. If you want to make trouble, it is estimated that you have to weigh it.

If we say that the Central Plains region has entered the season of spring and summer, the weather has also begun to tend to be warmer.Well, in the distant Golden State (Sumatra), everything here is already hot.And this scorching heat became more intense with the expansion of Wei State.

Although the footsteps of the Wei State Expeditionary Army had begun to stop the conquest, the migration of the Han people did not stop with the cessation of the expeditionary army.

On the banks of the Rili River in the northeast of Jinzhou (Sumatra Island), a group of Wei State heavy-duty wagons with canopies rolled up the sky with smoke and dust. This convoy consisted of four heavy-duty wagons and one light wagon. , the convoy traveled upstream from the estuary of the Rili River, driving all the way along a section of extremely rough road.There is basically no infrastructure in the Jinzhou area. There are no decent roads, no city walls, and even place names.Even the villages are as sketchy and lacking in scale as the wilderness.

One day the convoy suddenly broke the wheel of the carriage, and all the spare axles and wheels were exhausted, and there was no way to move forward, so the convoy stopped migrating.But fortunately, the vicinity is full of weeds and wasteland, and countless wild sugarcane stands upright like javelins.The personnel of this convoy established a residence in this place, occupied a large area of ​​wasteland, opened up a sugar cane plantation, then opened a sugar cane plantation here, and later opened a small sugar refinery, and later, The number of Han Chinese who arrived here increased, and gradually Taoist temples, schools, hospitals, community clubs, brothels, and wine shops were established.A small town gradually formed. Since the first Han people who arrived here were surnamed Guan, their name was Shang, and their ancestral home was Shaowu, this place was taken as the official township.

If Ran Ming arrives here, he will already be very familiar with it, because this is Medan, the largest city in Sumatra, Indonesia in later generations.At this time, the place name no longer had the opportunity to be called Medan, but was named Guanyi.

Guanyi is an emerging small town.After a year of development, the government now has more than 1000 people, of whom Siamese, Malays, Javanese and Sumatrans account for 80.00%, and the Han population is only 190 people.This afternoon, a group of Malay aborigines arrived here.

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will be struggles.Although Jinzhou is a barbaric and uncivilized place, all of this does not mean that the humans here do not have hatred, nor does it mean that the humans here do not fight or kill each other.On the contrary, the contradictions between them are deeper than the civilized world, and their actions are more barbaric and cruel.

More than a dozen Malays wearing leather armor eliminated by the state of Wei, holding low-quality spears in their hands, looked at the city guard of Guanyi City, Mr. Shang, and he grinned, revealing a white face like moonlight. the teeth of.

It is human instinct to worship the strong.In Jinzhou, the most powerful people are not Ye Tiao people, nor Tajialu people, nor Malays, but Han people.These gentle-looking, gorgeously dressed, and fragrant Han people are not easy to offend.Because as long as there is an abnormal death or disappearance of a Han person, the aborigines in that hundred-mile radius will wait to be buried with him.Even if the Chinese army would not take action, those tribes who wanted to obtain fine silk, porcelain, iron and weaponry from the Han people would avenge the Han people.

These Han people from afar are very powerful. They have the hardest armor and sharp weapons. What is even more frightening is that they have a magic fire that can continue to burn in water and cannot be extinguished by water. There is also the kind of sky thunder, which can destroy a village and even blow up the soul of a huge tribe.Such people are too powerful, and all the indigenous people know that these Han people can't resist or offend, they can only cooperate.

Countless tribes have succumbed, and people and tribes who do not succumb or cooperate have become dust in the long river of history.As a Malay, he also succumbed. He chose to cooperate with these people with mysterious powers, and chose to follow their orders, or become their friend.Now he is the leader of the largest military group in the [-]-mile area near Guanyi, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and a powerful tribe that supports him.

The Han people can be said to be the best allies in the world. They generously provided [-] sharp spears and [-] sharp machetes. All these equipment were given to him who surrendered to Wei.So his tribe has the capital to launch a war against the surrounding tribes, they have more advanced weapons, and there is no suspense in the battle at all.When the whole world was unwilling to set foot in this barren land, the Wei people occupied these blank areas, and used an unheard of method.

"Dear Lord Guanshang, this time my people are in trouble." The Malay leader said in broken Chinese: "There is a Siamese tribe to the west of us. They are jealous of our tribe's wealth and have colluded with Fangyuan More than a dozen tribes from three to four hundred miles concentrated on attacking our tribe, and our warriors lost a lot, we need the help of the honorable Lord Shangguo!"

"The door of Guanyi is always open to friends. If you can enter Guanyi, it proves that we are friends?" Guan Shang said: "My sugarcane plantation still needs [-] docile slaves, and the mine also needs [-] strong slaves." As for the others, you know! The more the better."

The Malay leader feels that his senses are very good friends. He never wants his most precious gold in vain. He only wants some useless things in the mountains (spices), gems, wood, oil palm, and grain. Not something precious.This place is too fertile, and there is no need for farming. If you want to eat food, go to the field to pick some, and use the rest as seeds. Just like this, they will not starve to death, which is simply unreasonable.

"Master Guan Shang, I have brought you everything you want!" The Malay leader pointed to the thousands of people outside the city of Guanyi. These natives all had baskets full of various spices. , As for gems, there are also three or four sacks.As long as these things are transported back to the State of Wei, the benefits will be at least tens of hundreds of times. As for the inferior weapons that the natives need, they are all cheaper than scrap iron in the State of Wei.

There are too many weapons seized on the battlefield, and recasting them is a waste of resources. Selling them to these natives is the greatest use of resources.

Guan Shang's eyes flashed with unknown greed, and he asked lightly: "Tell me, what do you need this time. Silk? I can give you a hundred horses, and I can also give you a hundred catties of tea."

"Silk, tea, these are good things, I want them too, but I can't have these things now, our tribe is fighting now, I need more knives, guns, and shields."

Guan Shang said: "The people you brought, each with a long gun and a machete, how about it? Are you satisfied, my friend?"

The leader of the Malay tribe said: "Ah, respected Lord Shangguo, you are really too generous. On behalf of my tribe, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you.

"We are friends, aren't we?" Guan Shang said with a smile: "Friends help each other and depend on each other, which is an eternal truth. Now my friend is in trouble, so I will naturally do my best to help you. My friends, let you tide over the current difficulties. There is only one thing that needs to be explained in advance. I and my empire will not allow me to intervene in the battle between you. Therefore, I can only provide you with equipment. Any help I can get."

"Oh, I'm very grateful, and it should be." The leader of the Manila tribe showed a flattering smile on his face: "Master Guan Shang, in addition to these local products, I also brought some female slaves, these are our deadly enemies. The captives in the tribe, after some training, they have become more heard."

For Guan Shang, who was born in a civilized society, he is actually not used to the barbaric behavior of Jinzhou. At this moment, the fighting among the tribes in Jinzhou still adopts the most primitive way of fighting, although sometimes the number of people can reach thousands. But the scale is not a confrontation between the army, but a gang fight in the underworld.Of course, the method of extermination was also very barbaric. They first killed all the local tribal men who dared to resist, and then rushed into the village and messed around for a whole day before killing all the living people with the machetes in their hands.Just like beasts, just like what their ancestors have been doing for hundreds of years.

As for the art of war, tactics, or the art of war, there is absolutely nothing to be seen here.Guan Shang followed the gaze of the Malay leader, and there were almost six to seventy female slaves ranging in age from thirteen to eighteen or nineteen were tied up by vines. The so-called training was actually to wash off the dirt on their bodies with cold water. At least for now, these terrified female slaves are more pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Guan Shang's gaze that seems to be a common problem among men, the Malay leader commanded the people to trade with Guan Shang. Of course, weapons and equipment are only one of them, and more are daily necessities, iron pots, and white as snow. Salt, as well as spices processed primary in the Golden State, were sold to them.Others such as silk, linen, silk, brocade, silk, and of course cars.There are almost no roads in Jinzhou, and there are too many restrictions on two-wheeled carriages or flatbed vehicles in Jinzhou, but that kind of wheelbarrow is the best mode of transportation.Wei Guo gave the Malays the right to trade, which allowed the Malays to obtain special goods through the transactions in Guanyi City, which could then be spread to other tribes, so that the Malays also quickly became rich.All kinds of spices, all kinds of wood, mineral gemstones, and even that kind of pitch-black dirt (actually primitive oil) are all things that Wei State needs, and for these things, Wei State's demand seems to be endless, no matter how much they cut Wei Guo would collect trees, no matter how many spices they picked, they would still not refuse. The Malays searched hard around Guanyi City for all kinds of things Wei Guo needed, and then exchanged for the items they needed.

The population and various resources were exchanged for items from the Wei State, and also the friendship of the Wei State.After the Malay leader completed the transaction, he said to Guan Shang: "Dear Lord Guan Shang, there is still a very important war in the tribe. Waiting for our warriors to defeat the enemy, I will come to Guanyi City to fight with you again." The master meets, and may the friendship between us last forever."

"May our friendship last forever!" Guan Shang showed a smile that would kill someone.The Guan family has made a lot of money from this transaction, and it is entirely possible to use the profits brought by this transaction to build Guanyi City a bit taller, so that living here will give you a lot of peace of mind.It's just a pity that there are not too many weapons and equipment eliminated by Wei Guo at this time. As for other things, Guan Shang actually can't control too much. If there are no weapons and equipment, the big deal is to import new ones from China.Anyway, the weapons and equipment that Wei used for export were all third-rate products, and the weapons and equipment for personal use were all first-rate.Slaves would be sent to mine the copper mines, and the copper ore would be removed from under the veins, and then shipped back to the country by large ships.Originally, Guanshang planned to build a refinery in Guanyi and only transport the copper ingots back to China.However, after experiments, these slaves could not bear the slightest bit of technically difficult work, and they could barely adapt to the simplest and most primitive mining work.

The emerging capitalists in Wei State were different from the colonial army after the rise of the Western Industrial Revolution. Wei State merchants were more accustomed to and adapted to cruel capital plundering under the shadow of economic aid. They took away the needed spices, timber, copper, iron, There is also oil, gold, and precious stones, leaving intact roads, gradually prosperous cities, and a huge product dumping market.

Compared with the naked plunder of the colonies, this kind of economic development model of China's aid to Africa, which came more than 600 years later, has its incomparable advantages.It aims to help revitalize the local economy, create a market, and obtain raw material resources; then put the produced things back into the market created by itself to gain profits or international prestige.

The difference is that after more than 600 years, everyone has become a lot smarter, and there are two shit sticks, Britain and the United States. Support, and at a time like [-] A.D., Ran Ming came up with such a model, and immediately made the local aborigines regard the Wei people as their best friends.

Silk, porcelain, tea, furniture and clothing are all available.The entry of these things into Nanyang has directly improved the living standards of the tribes in Nanyang for ten centuries, allowing them to enter the prosperous feudal era directly from primitive society. As for weapons and equipment, that is not a problem at all.In Ran Ming's development plan, in the future, the State Council of Wei will gradually eliminate armor and crossbows, and instead enter the age of firearms. Now, apart from gunpowder, bombs, and crossbows, other long spears, horizontal knives, and shields will be given whatever they want.Definitely enough friends.

(End of this chapter)

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