Chapter 941

Chapter 947
Not enough money?Easy!Oil, wood, mineral deposits, gems, gold...these can all be exchanged items!Wei Guo and the foreign family are relatives, is there any?Wei Guo sells pots and sells iron to help friends in Nanyang, is there any?
Ningyuan City, the base camp of the Wei State Expeditionary Army.Chen Yong received a secret order from China, which made Chen Yong very anxious.In this era, after all, it is not a future generation, and there is one thing in particular that cannot be compared with that after the Industrial Revolution, that is, the speed problem that makes people desperate.In the absence of telegraphs and telephones, message delivery was too slow.

Ran Ming went with the wind, but the news came against the wind.It took almost 63 days for Ran Ming to return from Fuyuan to Wei Guo at the fastest speed.On the 26th of the first lunar month of the first year of Hongshi, Ran Ming officially decreed that the courier would start from Yecheng and go to sea from Buqigang on the 29th of the first lunar month. In fact, at this time, the changes in Yecheng had already subsided.It was because of the problem of driving against the wind that the messenger drifted at sea for a full 98 days.

In order to pursue speed this time, the courier actually took a considerable risk. The messenger team used seven large and small sea-going ships, but three of them sank in a storm and lost more than [-] people.

After receiving the imperial decree, Chen Yong naturally did not dare to be careless, and immediately called the generals of the expeditionary army to discuss.

Gao Shi frowned and said: "I'm afraid this errand will not be completed. Jinzhou collected 300 million shi of grain, Malay Peninsula 160 million shi, Borneo 200 million shi, Ye Tiaoguo 1000 million shi, Zhenyuan, Fuyuan, Weiyuan 180 million shi for each, 200 million shi for Ningyuan, and 200 million shi for the Indochina Peninsula, this may be difficult to complete, and even if all the food in the above-mentioned locations is collected, I am afraid that the task assigned by His Majesty will not be completed."

The fact is that, although there is no shortage of food in Nanyang, the food production efficiency here is too low, and because the local aborigines are too lazy, they will not grow food on a large scale at all, and the aborigines here have never been hungry at all, and naturally they will not Like the Han people, they have a paranoid hobby for storing grain.

Chen Yong said: "What should we do, Your Majesty is waiting for us to transfer food from Nanyang back to the emergency."

Liu Qi said: "It's really hard to do. If the persecution is too severe, I'm afraid the aborigines everywhere will rebel. Although we are not afraid of the aborigines' fighting power, these aborigines are like toads. They can't bite you to death, but they can disgust you to death." .”

Chen Yongdao: "Notify the Governor's Office of the four towns to make food a priority procurement item, and make every effort to collect food at all costs. As for Lord Ye Tiao, tell him that the time has come to express sincerity to Wei Guo. Take a serious look at his sincerity."

Gao Shi said: "No matter how hard we try, the gap is too big. It can't be solved without hard work. Almost all the tribes in Nanyang are fighting, and all the grain-producing areas have been more or less affected by the war. Influence, the food output of the whole Nanyang is probably not 8000 million shi. If we take away 5000 million shi, I am afraid that Nanyang will be hungry. Once the hearts of the people are lost and all Nanyang natives are hostile to Wei, I am afraid we will not be able to stabilize Nanyang."

Chen Yong said: "There is only one way now!"

"any solution?"

"Gupta Empire!"

Liu Qidao: "Now we are in a period of war in our country, and Wei Guo can't give us any strength to support us. At this time, how can we provoke the Gupta Empire? Once we let them fight back in an all-round way, we will be very passive, and we may even be attacked. was kicked out of Nanyang."

"Wei State is engaged in a unification war, and the war may end in the next one to three years." Chen Yong continued: "But will the Gupta Empire know about this issue? Hehe, we have just received news. If they can I know, unless their Buddha appeared. Although we are weak and look a bit strong, but at this time, we can't show any weakness. In any case, we have to pretend to be very vicious, so that the Gupta Empire will obey .”

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful!" Gao Shi laughed and said, "This may be the best way for us to solve the problem! We might as well have a ceremony first and then soldiers, and ask the Gupta Empire to prepare 2000 million shi, not 3000 million shi of grain for us. If they don't give it, we can start a war, enter the mouth of the Huan River, and go upstream. This war can also disrupt the pace of the development of the Gupta Empire. We fought with the Gupta Empire years ago, and there is no possibility of relaxation between the two sides. , two superpowers are like two tigers, one of them must fall down, and there is no possibility of coexistence. Either they admit defeat, or we withdraw from Nanyang. Nanyang was brought down by us with great difficulty, and there is amazing wealth here , we can't quit."

Liu Qi also supported and said, "Marshal, let's do it like this."

"That's fine!" Chen Yong said, "However, we have to prepare with both hands. We need to requisition 500 million shi of grain in advance. This amount of grain is still easy to do in Nanyang. Let the fleet transport the grain back in time, which can be more or less emergency. The second is We must prepare for war. Now we will start stockpiling supplies and overhauling warships. All troops will immediately strengthen targeted training for the climate and geographical environment of the Gupta Empire. At the same time, we must also mobilize the ministries of various ministries in the Southeast Asian countries. We will take them into the mainland of the Gupta Empire. , we go to eat meat, no matter what we have to let them drink some soup!"

"Haha, that's right, that's right, that's exactly what it is!

The office of Ye Tiao, the president of Guosheng Academy and the famous scholar Professor Vanier, was knocked lightly on the door of the office.It seems that the person who knocked on the door was afraid of knocking on the door, which is as exquisitely carved as a handicraft. The person who knocked on the door really didn't understand how this door, which is full of carvings, could function as a door?Just a little more force will destroy this door.Although he couldn't figure it out, he understood better that in Ye Tiao Country, no one would dare to destroy this door, let alone disturb the people inside.

Vanier has a great reputation and prestige in Ye Tiao Kingdom. In terms of literary status, even if he is not as good as Confucius in China, he can at least compare with Xi Chiuchi or Wang Xun, Xie An, Wang Xizhi and other Qingliu. Compared with celebrities, but compared with these Qingliu celebrities, Vanier's character is really not flattering.

"Come in!" Vanier had a huge belly, and the elegant and luxurious Confucian shirt was a bit awkward. It really couldn't fit this unusually fat body, so he had to modify it until it changed its shape, like a fat sack. its master.Wearing this Confucian shirt on Xie An will look refined and personable. Wearing it on Wang Jian will make people feel rich and not dare to look directly at it, but wearing it on Vanier, it will look a bit like a monkey. felt it.

Vanier took the political donation from Wei State, drank fine tea brought from Wei State, and enjoyed Wei State and all kinds of daily necessities, allowing Vanier to live a life of a master in Yediao State.Although he had a good life, he still had a task, which was to prove historically and jurisprudentially that the Javanese people of Ye Tiao Kingdom belonged to Chinese descendants.As a scholar, although his character is not flattering, Vanier at least has some real talents.Vanier didn't believe Ran Ming's story that Xu Shi in the Qin Dynasty led three thousand boys and girls across the ocean in search of elixir, and they ended up here.And no corresponding evidence was found.

However, is evidence really important to politicians?The answer is yes, it doesn't matter at all.Vanier's main work recently is to concoct historical evidence to prove that the Javanese are descendants of the Huaxia people.In order to accomplish this political task, Vanier recently dug a lot of ancient tombs in Ye Tiaoguo, not only the "unearthed" funerary objects of the Qin Dynasty style, but also a large number of Qin Xiaozhuan bamboo slips that have been treated as old, and there are also bronze Spears and even crossbows.

After Vanier's repeated speeches, it seems that the people of Ye Tiao are Chinese descendants. Of course, under this wave of public opinion, there is a large-scale change of surname and clothes, and activities to restore the Han family's clothing and traditions.At this time, Chinese characters became the only official language of the tribes in the countries of Southeast Asia, and Hanfu became the official court attire, and all weddings and funerals adopted Chinese etiquette.The whole Nanyang is proud of wearing Hanfu, and speaking Chinese is very valuable.All this, of course, Vanier contributed a lot.

In the wave of changing the Chinese surname, Vanier also changed the Chinese surname.Vanier also changed his Chinese name. Vanier took the country name of Wei State as Zhongxian.Yes, Vanier's name is Wei Zhongxian.It's a pity that Ran Ming still doesn't know Vanier's new name, otherwise he will definitely choke on his own saliva.

A man who came in was also dressed in a black military uniform, looking very refined.This man is none other than Muluft, the leader of the largest gang organization in the former Ye Tiao country, but at this time he has also become the spokesperson for the interests of the Wei country, and he also changed his surname from Han to Mu Tiezhu.Around Mu Tiezhu's neck was a gold necklace that was as thick as his little finger, and on his hands were four red and yellow stone rings the size of buttons.Even the belt has a gold thread and jade buckle. This attire is just short of writing on my face that I am a local tyrant.

At this time, Mu Tiezhu became the vice president of the largest mining and metallurgy association in Ye Tiao Country, managing copper, iron, gold, coal, oil and other minerals in Ye Tiao Country, the largest of more than 800 mining companies in total. At the same time, Mu Tiezhu's power began to increase sharply with the support of Wei Guo. At this time, Mu Tiezhu had more than [-] thugs under his command, and these thugs were all the actual managers of the Mining Association. In more than [-] mining companies, more than one million Yediao people work hard here.

Mu Tiezhu is the most terrifying demon in the entire Yetiao country, and his name even has incomparable influence in the Nanyang region.His name can make the thugs who are not afraid of death tremble, and his name can make the slaves in the mines sweat coldly.In the eyes of capitalism, they will try their best to maximize their profits, so factories and mines are corners forgotten by God.

There is no god, no devil, not even mercy and mercy in all the sweatshops.Slaves who behave well will be promoted to managers at all levels, and all slaves can only rely on mining to survive. Their working environment is extremely harsh, and their lives are precarious.Dozens of hundreds of slaves die every day. Neither the laws of Wei nor the morality of mankind can shine in this dark corner. The pit represents the cruelest moment in the world.People here are no longer afraid of dying, because compared with living, death represents peace and happiness more.

However, these slaves were not captured by the State of Wei. They were prisoners of war in various tribal wars. to deter the enemy.It's much better now. Wei Guo Mining Company will buy every young and strong captive at a price of [-] yuan. This also caused all the tribes to compete for captives and not to end the war by massacring them.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that winners and losers, in fact, this principle is universal in the world.The same is true in Ye Tiaoguo and the entire Nanyang region. When each tribe eliminates its opponents, the loser will disappear in the long river of history.As for the surviving prisoners, no one knows whether they will have a bright future.Those tribes that win the war will exchange their captives for a large amount of exquisite silk, cloth, salt, iron pots or various weapons and equipment. something you want.

These millions of captives all became Mu Tiezhu's subordinates.

Seeing someone coming in, Wei Zhongxian got up quickly and gave Mu Tiezhu an affectionate hug.Wei Zhongxian said: "Dear Mu Tiezhu, my best friend, I brought you here today to ask you to do something. You also know that I took a concubine last month. This concubine still has A younger brother is said to be working under your command, I want you to take care of him!"

"This matter, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle!" Mu Tiezhu pondered: "Recently, Wei's construction period is very fast. If I favor him, it will cause a bad influence. I am afraid that the construction period will be delayed. Once I go to the state My lord blames it, I'm afraid even I can't eat it and walk around."

Hearing this statement, Wei Zhongxian didn't know that Mu Tiezhu wanted to benefit.Wei Zhongxian said: "My friend, next month, our Holy Academy has a batch of places to study in Wei State, and I can squeeze one out for you!"

Mu Tiezhu smiled and said: "One can't do it, at least five!"

"That's impossible. There are only twenty places in total. There are still so many noble children who want to study abroad. You have to go five at a time. I can't explain it!" Wei Zhongxian said: "I can give you two at most."

"Okay, I will take a step back and let your relative be the third-level manager." Mu Tiezhu said: "But the number of places must be four. I have three major gold steels under my command, one for each person, plus my own son, at least Four places are needed!"

"Good. Deal!"

Mu Tiezhu's efficiency is very fast. All the captives have a list, and they know the mine where they are, so they can just check the list.Mu Tiezhu threw the roster information given by Wei Zhongxian to the steward and said, "Go and find out if this guy is dead. If he is not dead, bring him here!"

It didn't take long, after about half an hour, an extremely thin young slave with a dirty face was brought to Mu Tiezhu. It looks disgusting.The key is that young people have shocking scars on their faces and bodies.

"Little guy, I brought you here today because I have something to congratulate you on." Mu Tiezhu had an amiable smile on his face, as if he wasn't the one who ordered the disposal of dozens or hundreds of corpses every day. "Originally, you might be destined to die here." Mu Tiezhu looked at the young prisoner who was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, and continued to speak his own lines with a smile. After all, there were some things he had to do, because he It is not the top of the food chain, and most things are just obeying orders.

The fact that he traded with Wei Zhongxian and got four places to study abroad was Mu Tiezhu's windfall.Even if Wei Zhongxian does nothing, he will treat Wei Zhongxian's concubine's younger brother preferentially in advance.Because the current population of Han people is too small, far from reaching one-fifth of the world's total population in later generations, in this era, Ran Ming needs to speed up the integration of human resources.

The so-called integration means assimilation.Through preferential treatment such as high salaries and high profits, outstanding talents from the Nanyang region are attracted to join the Wei nationality. People like Vanier Wei Zhongxian are such people.Another aspect to promote integration is the special talents who have joined the Wei nationality. Their relatives are counted as long as they are relatives. As long as someone joins the Wei nationality, they can immediately enjoy preferential treatment.The first is the civilian class. As long as they are relatives who have joined Wei's nationality in the Nanyang region, these people can get a 98% concession in the process of trading with Wei.To give a simple example, he only needs [-] yuan to buy something that others can buy for [-] yuan. Will this treatment make people not tempted?
This includes not only talents, but also those natives who are married to Wei soldiers, merchants, and craftsmen. As long as they have this marriage relationship, they are also enjoying preferential treatment. Obtaining a reduced sentence, of course, does not count as violating the laws of the State of Wei.

In major industrial and mining enterprises, there are also countless slaves. These male slaves are sent to factories, but female slaves are sold to expeditionary soldiers as concubines. As long as there is such a relationship, those who are A relative who became a slave to the concubine of a soldier of the Wei State could be promoted as long as he did not die in an industrial or mining enterprise.Become a little foreman managing slaves.Under this system, those natives would only compete to marry the people of Wei,

Under the step-by-step temptation of such an assimilation system, as long as these slaves in industrial and mining enterprises are promoted to foremen, they will intensify their previous experiences on others.Undoubtedly, they will be stained with the blood of fellow comrades-in-arms and become sinners who persecute other slaves.

(End of this chapter)

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