Chapter 942
Chapter 948

In this way, this family was tied to the chariot of Wei State, and they could never get out again.The purpose of this bill is to fundamentally absorb the technology and talents in the occupied area, and to separate some families again, to become the good citizens that Wei State has assimilated in the occupied area, and to hold the occupied area more firmly in the hands of Wei State.

Of course, the most important point is that this method of recruitment is completely cost-free for Wei Guo. If you become one or two, you just pick up one or two for nothing. For example, as Wei Zhongxian did, Wei Guo would gain an unimaginable benefit in vain.

In fact, Ran Ming did not colonize Nanyang as a colonialist. Ran Ming's goal was to eventually assimilate Nanyang.As a person with the soul of future generations, it is undeniable that Ran Ming actually does not have a good impression of the aboriginal tribes in Nanyang, especially the Javanese or Malays. Ran Ming slaughtered them all, and he would not feel any guilt in his heart.But before the giant Gupta Empire was resolved, Ran Ming had no choice but to restrain his emotions. Under the effect of the assimilation system, Nanyang was not only used as a springboard for Wei's progress, but also as a booster for progress.

Of course, during World War II, Hitler's national policy towards the Jews, his policy towards Poland, the occupied areas of Ukraine, and the policy of British and French prisoners of war caused Germany to devote himself to a huge quagmire.If Hitler could change his national policy, it is conceivable that the outcome of World War II would definitely be rewritten. Even with the participation of the United States, once Germany completes the assimilation of the occupied areas, increasing the industrial capacity of the above-mentioned areas can completely offset the industrial advantages and advantages of the United States. Demographic advantage.

As a person of later generations, Ran Ming is actually standing on the shoulders of giants. He has complete knowledge of historical development and can clearly know which is the correct way of development and which is wrong.At the beginning of the founding of the Wei State, holding high the banner of nationalism could definitely awaken the repressed blood of the Han people and successfully expel the Hus.However, nationalism is not advisable in external expansion, because narrow nationalism not only fails to bring help to Wei, but instead restrains Wei's development.

In fact, from 366 A.D., when Ran Ming held a large-scale mass wedding in Ningyuan, more than 3000 aboriginal women took concubines for the first time, which made more than 1 families have Wei nationality. The lowest level of foreign nationality, if they perform well enough, they can be promoted to naturalized nationality, and then to Chinese nationality.Wei's nationality level is not established according to blood, but according to the sense of identity and contribution to the country. On the contrary, Ran Ming knows that there are too many Han people who worship foreign countries in later generations. There will still be people who are alienated from the government.Selfish behavior that only cares about one's own small interests and disregards national interests cannot be fundamentally avoided.Ran Ming had no choice but to adopt the flexible method in Ran Min's "killing the Hu order" to go with those who agree with the government and let those who disagree.

The marriage of [-] aboriginal women with the soldiers of the expeditionary army was actually just the beginning.Anyway, Wei State’s law is not a one-concubine system, but one-wife-multiple-concubine, except that aboriginal women can’t be regular wives, and the government doesn’t care how many concubines you take, as long as you can support them.

Beginning in AD [-], the nobles of the middle and upper class in Nanyang began to aim at joining the nationality of Wei State. Metallurgy, wood carving, food, wine making, handicrafts, music, dance, architecture, shipbuilding, etc. The technicians and family members of these industries have become the help for the development of Wei State.

In fact, such a policy is the real national integration. As for the so-called national integration that has been strengthened in China in history, it is the efforts of the rulers to rule.In fact, no one with a little brain will believe the words of politicians, because they can tell the dead to be alive, and the black to be white.

Of course, with such a national policy, this is the reason why the 30 million expeditionary soldiers dared to challenge the Gupta Empire with the strength of a front army.Because there is no need to leave too many garrisons in Nanyang Wei State to maintain law and order.All local security work is undertaken by people who are pro-Chinese, so that the Wei State Expeditionary Army can do it freely.Almost 25 huge sea and land troops can be mobilized, plus at least 70 million servant troops. This is where Chen Yong's confidence lies.

The ice well platform was built during the Cao Wei Dynasty more than 700 years ago. It was used to store ice, coal, grain, etc. for emergency use, which is really meaningful for war preparation. "China's Coal History" contains: "China's Caowei Ice Well Platform is the earliest place to store coal. Since Ran Ming came to this world, he will not waste a lot of money to store ice, because thenardite and water will produce vaporization reaction, which can achieve The purpose of chemical cooling.

However, as a strategic material reserve area, Bingjingtai has stored about 30 stones of grain, 16 catties of fire oil, and millions of crossbow bolts and rockets.Because the Battle of Ye City consumed a large amount of strategic materials, most of the original huge material storage warehouse was gradually emptied, and the remaining space was also used for waste, and it was the prison where the key criminals of Ran Zhi's rebellion were held.

There is no way, there are too many people involved in the case, so many that even all the prisons in Yecheng are filled to less than one-tenth, and the rest of the people are moved to the underground warehouse of Bingjingtai.

The real purpose of Ran Ming this time is to hide the unstable factors in Wei State, so this time the arrest and interrogation work is very effective. In the five counties of Hexi, Liaodong and other places, the underground warehouse area of ​​Bingjingtai gradually became empty.

However, in the warehouse in District C of the local name, there are still hundreds of prisoners who have neither been sentenced nor dealt with, but continue to be detained.Among them are Wang Ding, the well-known sea-ship king of Wei State, and key criminals in the rebellion of Xue Qiang and Ranzhi in Hedong.

After Ran Ming returned to Ye City, the influence of the Ran Zhi Rebellion has gradually subsided.However, the most embarrassing thing for Ran Ming is the handling of Xue Qiang and Wang Ding.As for Xue Qiang, it has actually been found out that he went to Ran Zhi behind Xue Tao's back.After learning that Xue Qiang was a thief, Xue Tao also immediately announced to the outside world that he would sever his father-son relationship with Xue Qiang, and expelled Xue Qiang from the clan.Although in name Xue Tao and Xue Qiang have drawn a clear line, but in fact the kinship is not easy to be obliterated.

Xue Tao interceded on Wang Meng's head. Wang Meng and Xue Tao had worked together during Jiaodong Kingdom, and they knew Xue Qiang. Although the relationship was not close, at least they were acquaintances.In history, Wang Meng and Xue Qiang and Xue Mingwei were inseparable friends. Huan Wen once asked Wang Meng, "There is no Qing in Jiangdong, and there are many strange people in Qin. How many people are there in the same generation? I want to go south with them." Meng said: " His friend Xue Weiming is also the one who seeks to bring order out of chaos and save the time." Wen said: "It's been a long time since I heard about it."Hearing it strongly, he came from Shangshan to pay homage, and he and Meng both ordered the army to plan a sacrificial wine.Qiang Chawen has great ambitions but no success, so he persuades him to stop.Russia was defeated.

In fact, what Wang Meng and Xue Qiang wanted was to follow the dragon's merits. If Huan Wen showed any intention of wanting to win the promotion, Wang Meng and Xue Qiang would definitely support Huan Wen with all their strength.After learning about Xue Qiang's experience, Wang Meng felt sorry for his talent, and then advised Ran Ming, "Forgive Xue Qiang!"

Ran Ming asked Wang Meng: "Xue Mingwei, what virtue can he beg for pardon!"

Wang Meng replied: "Without him, the imperial examination system will go smoothly for Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Ran Mingyou smiled and said, "Isn't Jing Lue alarmist?"

"That's not the case!" Wang Meng said: "Your Majesty is the first in the whole country to promote the imperial examinations to select scholars, but the talents from poor families are so rare, no matter in quantity or quality, they are hard to compete with the children of the noble families. But Xue Mingwei is talented and has military tactics. , The officials are proficient in everything, and they can be called all-rounders. Under fair conditions, they can be among the best in the imperial examinations. The Xue family in Hedong moved from Bashu to Hedong after the fall of Shu in the Three Kingdoms period. During the Yongjia Rebellion, the Xue clan in Hedong all adhered to the policy of "relying on the river to strengthen itself" against the Huns. They also fought against the Huns, Jie people, and Xianbei. It can be said that the Xue clan represents the banner of the resistance forces in Hedong , but the Xue family in Hedong is not a noble family, but a local tyrant. Although the Xue family in Hedong has served as a few eunuchs, they have never entered the central government, so the Xue family is enough to represent the humble family of the common people."

Wang Meng didn't know that the Xue family in Hedong had gradually prospered since Xue Qiang became the chief situ of the later Qin Dynasty.During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were 47 officials from the Xue family of Hedong who became officials of the fifth grade or above, and only 46 from the Wenxi Pei family, and 20 from the Liu family of Jie County in Hedong.However, the foundation of the Xue family in Hedong is not to pass on the family with poems and books, but to pass on the martial arts. Therefore, in the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties alone, the Xue family in Hedong produced 29 generals with historical names.The Yongjia rebellion, the fall of the Central Plains, the Xue clan in the east of the river gathered together to block the river to protect themselves, and Liu (Yuan), Shi (hu) and Fu (jian) were not officials for decades.It is the representative of loyalty in this era.

After hearing Wang Meng's words, Ran Ming became cautious.Because in this era, cultural knowledge was monopolized in the hands of the gentry, the poor, the poor, and the common people had almost no chance to learn.Of course, with Ran Ming in this situation, a lot can be changed.But it is undeniable that, at least in terms of talent and learning, there is no comparison between poor families and noble families for the time being.In this era, the elites of the gentry cultivated talents in the way of ethnology, and their ethnographies were all descendants of their families or remote branches, as well as family slaves, tenants, and shady households.

Moreover, in terms of talent education, it is much more advanced than the exam-oriented education of later generations. After each child learns to recognize characters, he will find an article in the classics. From the bottom of my heart, according to his words, even on the day you die, when someone asks about your personal essay, you must recite it endlessly. Only in this way can the essay be engraved on your heart. heart.When you do something, regardless of the right and wrong, the content of this book will tell you how to choose.Sage words - worth ten thousand gold!Secondly, this learning is a process of eliminating the weak and retaining the strong, incredible, right?In fact, the educational resources of every family are limited, only those who are talented and smart enough
Only the children of children have the opportunity to occupy this precious resource.

In fact, the children of the gentry are not allowed to become officials without real talents and learning. Of course, they will rely on the power of the family to be a small official or a minister in the local government, receive a share of money and food, and wait to die.But he would definitely not rely on family power to directly push him to be the chief official in the court.Moreover, the gentry also paid attention to talents. For example, if they found good seedlings among shady households and tenant households, they would try their best to cultivate them, and then they would marry them into their families.

Like the Xie family in Chenjun, Xie An was Dongshan Academy that specialized in educating his nephews before he became an official.Of course, Xie An's Dongshan Academy is not limited to a few nephews, but only a few well-known members of the Xie clan. At its peak, there were more than 1000 people in Dongshan Academy, and there are more than [-] people in normal times.In fact, among Xie An's nephews and nephews, there are dozens of them. The eldest brother Xie Yi has eight sons, the second brother Xie Ju has three sons, the fourth brother Xie Wan has three sons, and the fifth brother Xie Shi has four sons.There are also six younger brothers Xie Tie and Xie An's own sons. In fact, among Xie An's many nephews and nephews, only the four masters of the Xie family are named "Feng (Shao), Hu (Lang), Jie (Xuan), Mo (Sichuan)
"As a matter of fact, none of the four heroes of the Xie family are worthy of fame. If you take out one at random, at least under fair circumstances, there is no problem for all of them to enter the first class.

If the children of the Xie family take part in the imperial examination, the outstanding children of other families will also participate.Not only the Xie family has outstanding children, Shang Shuling Wang Jian also has his nephews "Kuang, Ruo, Xu, and Zhou" who are rumored to be influential figures in the state of Wei. Among the four Wang's children, Wang Kuang and Wang Zhou are proficient in military affairs, and Wang Ruo Extremely good at internal affairs, Wang Xu is both civil and military.Based on real strength, I am afraid that it is not difficult for the four sons of the Wang family to enter the top two.

As for the Cui family of Qinghe, under the training of the old fox Cui Yue, the Cui family has accumulated a lot of money. Cui Hong, who was the first to launch, has already made a name for himself in the Wei country and has become a young hero.Then the problem arises, these gentry children can rely on their real talents and learn almost all the first and second grades of the imperial examination system, so as long as the result comes out, Ran Ming also loses the meaning of the imperial examination system.At the same time, it also makes the world's poor and common people feel desperate. They will definitely think that this imperial examination system is the same as the filial piety law, just a formality.

It is natural for Ran Ming to manipulate the imperial examination system in secret, but there is no impenetrable wall in this world.Once the news is leaked, I'm afraid Ran Ming will shoot himself in the foot with lifting a rock, making him laugh out loud.

Even if a thousand bucks is enough to buy a horse bone, Ran Ming will send a few poor people to the list.But this is the first imperial examination. Of course, the answers of all the candidates will be announced later. It is clear at a glance who is better and who is worse.The point is that sometimes, if you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, even if you do it secretly, it will lose the meaning of the imperial examination.

Ran Ming sighed helplessly, what the poor family lacked was the foundation.Ten years of cultivating trees and a hundred years of cultivating people, the ancients do not deceive me! Ran Ming said: "In this case, I will pardon Xue Qiang and allow him to take the imperial examination."At the same time, we must do a good job in comprehensive publicity for the imperial examination next year. We must make the imperial examination policy, system and standards for selecting scholars familiar to the people of the world. "

"The humble minister saves!"

Ran Ming said: "I tried the imperial examination system in Qingzhou before, and you have experience in this area, so you must take care of these things!"

"A matter of duty!" Wang Meng said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, there is one more important matter, please make a decision!"

When Ran Ming saw Wang Meng's report, it turned out that it was about the handling of the ship tycoon Wang Ding. The ship tycoon Wang Ding created a legend of getting rich.

From a small merchant with a capital of 800 gold, to a merchant like Wang Ding, at this time Wei Guo had at least 110 people without a thousand.But in just four years, because of his cooperation with Ran Zhi, his wealth has exploded rapidly.From the first sea-going ship to now owning a sea-shark-class 60-stone seagoing ship of 30, more than [-] [-]-stone whale-class sea-going ships, plus medium and small transport ships, he has more than [-] tons of seagoing ships. Transport capacity.Not to mention now, even in later generations, this is a world-class huge shipping company.

At this time, Wang Ding was imprisoned for a crime. Now the ship king Wang Ding left more than 400 large and small seagoing ships and more than [-] skilled sailors, as well as Xijuan, Fuyuan, Zhenyuan, Jiaozhi, Nichinan, Buqi, etc. There are more than [-] seaports and thousands of shops.This is a very large piece of fat. There are too many people staring at Wang Ding's piece of fat, and the influence is very large. Wang Ning, the royal historian, did not dare to make a decision lightly.

After reading the information about Wang Ding, Ran Ming was speechless.Ran Ming stared at Wang Meng solemnly and said, "Is this information true?"

"Absolutely true, I dare to guarantee it with my head!" Wang Meng said solemnly: "Wang Ding and the properties under his name have been intensively counted. At present, a preliminary conclusion has been drawn. Wang has a wealth of 400 million gold. Of course, this does not include Wang Ding. Ding’s floating wealth in 46 houses in Yecheng, Buqi, Luoyang, Chang’an, and Mengjin, etc., if this batch of floating wealth is added, it is estimated that his property will exceed 600 million gold.”

Hearing this, Ran Ming couldn't help but take a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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