Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 943 A Grand Blueprint

Chapter 943 A Grand Blueprint

Chapter 949 A Grand Blueprint
Even in the eighth year of Kaiyuan, when Wei State had the highest fiscal revenue, it only had 300 million gold, which also included the money that Ran Ming extorted from Ye Tiao State and the Gupta Empire.

But Ran Ming couldn't believe that Wang Ding's property alone had reached [-]% of Wei Guo's annual income.This is a truly wealthy country. It is estimated that Wang Ding alone is more than three times the annual financial income of the Jin Dynasty.

Of course, Wei Guoranming has never been superstitious about GDP. In fact, GDP is meaningless.Referring to this GDP, Cheng Zhi told everyone a joke.Rich man A said to rich man B: "If you eat a fly, I will give you 500 million!" When rich man B heard this, he thought that a fly was worth 500 million, so he did as he thought it was a good deal.But after eating this fly, I was about to vomit to death, feeling too bad.At the same time, Regal A also feels that it is a loss of 500 million to watch others eat a fly.So the two re-discussed that "rich man A eats a fly, and rich man B also gives A 500 million." Two flies landed.The so-called GDP is just like that.

However, Ran Ming was not calm when he heard that Wang Ding had such a large amount of wealth.No wonder the Qing Dynasty always regarded Liangjiang salt merchants as fat pigs, and slaughtered them when they were fattened, so as to live a fat year.

Ran Ming said: "If I ordered a public auction of Wang Ding's fleet, wouldn't this wealth go to the national treasury?"

Wang Meng said: "In my mind, I suggest that Your Majesty not do this."


"Because talent is rare!"

"I hope Wenjing has a slightly higher opinion!" Ran Ming smiled and said, "I want to auction this fleet, and the proceeds will be huge. I can use Wang Ding alone to make up for the loss of the treasury during the Southern Expedition, and even be rich. What? Talent is more important than Wang Ding's wealth?"

Wang Meng said: "Wang Ding alone occupies nearly [-]% of the transportation scale of Zhongnan Company and Nanyang Company. Once this shipping company is split up, the transportation situation of Liangnan Company will be affected in the short term. At the same time, it is at this time that Liangyang Company is sending Domestic transportation of grain, if this matter is delayed, there may be great chaos. Secondly, this time, all the big families are envious of Wang Ding's fleet, so they will definitely unite and concentrate on lowering the price. A bid of this scale, There are no more than ten companies in the whole country of Wei who are capable of participating. If the elites of the gentry get these fleets, I am afraid that their strength will have the capital to challenge the central government overseas. Moreover, the ministers have also inquired that these nominal sailors, The helmsman, managers and staff at all levels were all recruited by Wang Ding from water bandits and pirates from all over Jin. to adversely affect."

After hearing this, Ran Ming couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.Wang Ding cooperated with Ran Zhi, but in fact, there was no shadow of being secretly controlled by Ran Zhi. In fact, if Wang Ding did not cooperate with Ran Zhi, Ran Zhi could kill Wang Ding at any time, and change someone who heard about it.This is also the confidence that Ran Zhi can support nearly [-] troops with less than [-] people.

"Tell Wang Ding that I want [-] shares in his fleet, and the management rights belong to him. But he can't lose a penny of dividends and taxes!" Ran Ming said: "The information says that Wang Ding is actually a man. Extreme filial piety, this is also a way to control him. Tell Wang Ding, if he can do something for me, I can forget his guilt."

"What does your majesty mean?"

Ran Ming smiled and said: "Let Wang Ding lead a fleet, the tentative size is [-] sea sharks and [-] whales for him, and he will also transfer [-] flying fish and [-] first-board warships from the first fleet. , plus a battalion of the Marine Corps. Traveling east to America, looking for a few things for me, but sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, rubber, etc., I will make a list. If Wang Ding completes this task, I will not hesitate to have a Marquis. Wen The title of Marquis Xin is still vacant in Wei!"

Ran Ming quickly found a charcoal pen, and sketched sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, and rubber and other American species on the rice paper. Although Wei Guo didn't use rubber at this time, in fact, if there was rubber, it would be very difficult for Wei. The development of the country is very beneficial.Of course, don't look at the rubber trees everywhere in Nanyang, but in this era, Nanyang has no shadow of rubber trees.

In fact, the introduction of American species to China is of great significance.The introduction of corn and sweet potatoes has led to the planting of food crops in some areas in the north and west of my country that are not suitable for growing food crops, increasing food production and reducing the pressure on society brought by population growth.The introduction of corn and sweet potatoes led to an increase in grain production, making the folks have a relatively surplus of grain, providing conditions for a larger scale of grain exchange, and promoting the commodity exchange of grain.The increase in food production and the prosperity of commodity exchange enabled some families to no longer carry out the necessary food production, but to engage in handicrafts and commercial activities, which promoted the prosperity of the commodity economy and the development of capitalism.

In the warehouse in Area C of Bingjing Terrace, the door was suddenly opened from the outside.After not seeing the sun for a long time, Wang Ding seems to have forgotten the taste of the sun.Looking at the person coming, Wang Ding was also a bachelor: "Is my time limit over? Haha, I'm not at a loss. I've lived an exciting life in this life. I've already enjoyed the blessings I deserved, and I've suffered the sins I deserved." , this life will be once in the world, this life is not in vain. Ding will not regret it!"

The person who came had no expression on his face. This person was none other than Liu Zhao, who was originally deaf and dumb.Almost all the members of Ran Min's "Deaf and Mute" were disabled people who were abandoned by this society, but there were exceptions. This person was Liu Zhao, who was the only normal person.

In fact, Zhang Ping is just a figure pushed on the bright side, while Liu Zhao is the soul of this spy organization.

Liu Zhaodao: "You're lucky. Your Majesty pardoned your sins extrajudicially, but the prerequisite is to do one thing for Your Majesty!"

When Wang Ding heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy.In this world, no one wants to die.Especially a rich man.In the face of life and death, Wang Ding chose not to hesitate.

"His Majesty wants half of your fleet."

"Success, don't say half, ninety percent will do!"

"You can see it quite openly!"

"Of course, if you don't bring money with you, you won't take it with you when you die. Ding can earn so much money. If Ding is given a chance, he can earn even more!"

"Smart people don't lose everything!" Liu Zhaodao: "The second is to use your excellent ocean-going ability to bring what His Majesty needs to the Americas tens of thousands of miles away. When you return successfully, you will become the new Jin Wen of the Great Wei Dynasty. Greetings!"

"Wen Xinhou? The title of Lu Buwei, the ancestor of the miscellaneous family?" Wang Ding said in surprise, "Ding dare not!"

"Thunder, rain and dew are all your grace!" Liu Zhaodao: "You deserve it, provided you do it well."

"Your mother and 45 of your wives and concubines must be held as hostages in Yecheng!"


"If you dare to have a different heart!"

"Since you have said it all, I am a smart person, will a smart person have trouble with himself?"

"Yes, you are really smart!"

Jingbian Fort is located three hundred and five miles north of Shuozhou (in today's Ordos).The purpose of setting up this Jingbian Fort is because there is a huge natural thenardite mine here.In later generations, Ran Ming remembered that this is the largest thenardite mine in China, with a reserve of 70 billion tons, which is rare in the world in terms of scale and mining conditions.

The state of Wei entered the age of firearms ahead of schedule, and Glauber's salt was indispensable, which will be a key factor restricting the development of weapons in the state of Wei in the future.Here, it will be the trial place for Ran Ming to implement the Fubing system.Jingbian Fort belongs to the Shangfu of the Zhechong Military Mansion. Usually, there are 46 civil servants responsible for public security and material transactions of the local tribes.

Weifu, in the military system of Wei Guofu, the area under its jurisdiction is almost equivalent to an administrative region in later generations, and its military strength is almost equal to a regiment.The first Captain Zhechong of Jingbian Fort was "Sai Zhangfei" Su Hu. Su Hu was an elite infantryman of Ran Min's lineage. He was good at using a saber that weighed 47 catties, and possessed the invincible bravery.Ordinarily, a general like Su Hu, who was born in an upright Miaohong family, should have become a general who stood alone long ago.However, Su Hu has the same temper as Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword". In the battle, Su Hu made three noble military exploits.Su Hu, who was originally promoted to lead the general, was angry when he was shot in the battlefield when he regained Bingzhou. He ordered the massacre of the prisoners.If it was Su Hu who killed the captives of the Hu people, it would not matter at all in the state of Wei, but it was the Han soldiers under Li Kui who killed him.

The leading general Su Hu had just sat for half a month was relieved of his post by Ran Min in a fit of anger, and was finally assigned from the leading general to Jijilang.The so-called Jijilang is a dead soldier, a big-headed soldier.When Su Hu became a leading soldier, he was not discouraged. During the Battle of Guanzhong, Su Hu made meritorious service again, and he was promoted to four ranks in a row, and was promoted to a military officer for his meritorious service.Later, when he was assigned to the Anbei Army, he gradually made meritorious service and became the forward supervisor of the fifth rank.As a result, Su Hu, who had just performed meritorious service, turned his tail up again. Once General Jishe Yang Le invited Su Hu to drink, and Su Hu was very drunk.Su Hu, who was staying overnight at Yang Le's mansion, slept Yang Le's concubine by the way.

It is a good thing to say that literati and refined scholars give each other beautiful maidservants, but warriors are different from literati, warriors are all hot-tempered, and they are easy to handle.Archery General Yang Le is also soft on the outside and strong on the inside, so he turned against Su Hu and fought. Yang Le and Su Hu are good friends, and they have different skills. Yang Le is good at shooting, and Su Hu is good at close combat.Fighting on flat ground, one Su Hu can beat Yang Le seven or eight.In this fight, Yang Le had two fingers cut off by Su Hu, but Yang Le was still a sharpshooter, so he lost two fingers, and his kung fu was useless, so the two of them were completely torn apart, Su Hu Su Hu's reputation was completely ruined, and in a rage, Su Hu was sent by General Anbei to be the school lieutenant of Jinyang City Gate.It is said that he is the captain of the city gate, and he also has the title of captain, but this captain is worthless, he is just a city guard who manages dozens or hundreds of people.

This time to reform the government soldiers, Su Hu voluntarily proposed to retire from the army.Ran Ming also directly agreed, so Su Hu retired from the regular army and became the captain of Zhechong in Jingbian Fort.The entire Jingbian Fort has 46 soldiers, 560 civil servants in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and a total of [-] personnel, including deputy lieutenants and Jishi joining the army.

From the retirement arrangement, the distribution of fields, seeds, farming tools according to military merits and seniority, and the construction of family quarters, Su Hu was too busy to touch the ground. With his lazy temperament, it really made things difficult for him.As a pilot of Wei Guofu's military system, there are countless eyes staring at it from all over the country, and Su Hu didn't dare to be careless. Because it is located in the northern part of the Great Wall, the winter here is very cold. As well as the family area, commercial area, storage area, and military defense are all built according to the highest standards.

In addition to guarding the border, Jingbian Fort's biggest responsibility is to protect the thenardite mine here. More than 3 miners, craftsmen and management personnel also belong to the protection scope of Jingbian Fort.In this way, Jingbian Fort is a fort in name, but in fact it is a medium-sized city that can accommodate a population of [-].

However, there is only one plan for this Jingbian Fort at this time. Whether it can be as perfect as the design requires the help of these soldiers and their families, at most more than [-] Nanyang aboriginal slaves, to complete this grand design blueprint.

As a pilot of Wei Guofu's military system, there is actually more than one Jingbian Fort.The first batch of Fubing pilots included not only Jingbian Fort in Shuozhou, but also Yangwei Fort in Dingxiang, Liaobei Zhuyuan Fort in Youzhou, Pinghe Fort in Liaoxi, and Zhugu Fort in Pingzhou. 500 people.

Although Pingzhou was not one of the thirteen prefectures in the Western Han Dynasty, it was Gongsun Du who occupied Liaodong during the Three Kingdoms period and called himself Pingzhou Mu. Later Cao Wei set up the Pingzhou Inspectorate Department, under the jurisdiction of Liaodong, Changli, Xuantu, Daifang, and Lelang. , where the government was located in Xiangping (now Liaoyang City, Liaoning).The Jin Dynasty abolished Pingzhou and assigned Pingzhou to Youzhou.However, after the founding of the former Yan State, Pingzhou was restored. At this time, the seat of Pingzhou governor was moved to Changli, Changli County, and Liaodong was included in Youzhou.

After the State of Wei destroyed Liaodong, in fact Pingzhou had jurisdiction over nine counties including Canghai County (Tonghua, Ji'an, and Baishan area), Lintun County, Changli, Xuantu, Daifang, Lelang, Fuyu, and Goguryeo.There are 76 households in Tong County, with 21 (falling) households.Pingzhou Hanwei Fort is located in Haiming County, Lelang County (now in the area of ​​Haizhou City, South Yellow Sea, North Korea.) and Jingbian Fort were built almost on white ground, and Pingzhou Zhugubao Fort was built in the original Haiming County. Zhugu Town in the west.

In the Haizhou Bay of the Yellow Sea, it has become a famous aquatic products distribution center in Wei State at this time, and it also has unique cement raw materials.This makes Zhugubao the only fully reinforced concrete fort built.The Zhugu Castle in the design is a rectangle facing east and west, with a length of 980 three steps and a width of 670 two steps.The design of the city wall is mainly bluestone, about three feet six feet high and two feet two feet thick. There are six gates, of which there are three gates in the south, middle and north of the west wall, and only three gates in the south and north walls. One, the east wall is also a gate.

Unlike Jingbian Fort, Zhugu Fort had much more manpower at its disposal, and there were more than [-] prisoners alone.At this time, Liu She was the captain of Guoyi in Zhechong Prefecture of Zhugubao.Speaking of Liu She, he was not a Han, but a Hun.Originally named Xulianda Shena (meaning Huyan's wolf in the Huyan language), this Hun has the habit of changing the Han surname to Liu, and Xuliandashena is no exception.Xu Lian Shena was originally Murong De's horse slave, but on the battlefield anyway, he became the Xiaoqi of the Canglang Camp in Wei State, and later became the Sima of the Canglang Camp after his meritorious service.

However, the Huns are different from the Han people. The Huns have never had a tradition of respecting the elderly. After Liu She felt that his physical strength was not as good as before, he thought of retiring from the military.

If you want to talk about a Sima from the sixth rank, according to Ran Ming's intention, he can be promoted to a higher rank when he retires, so Liu She naturally became the captain of the sixth rank Zhechong.At this time Liu She was standing on the watchtower built of wood, holding a knife and standing, observing the busy construction site.Looking at the busy construction site, Liu She's inner excitement was speechless. He was a Hun, and he was also the first group of Huns who received the Han nationality of the Wei State.At this time Liu She was old, already in his 40s, at his age, he was already too old to be a Sima of another army.

Liu She is self-aware, he is not a Han Chinese, although he tried his best to learn Chinese, and although he can communicate normally, he struggles with Chinese characters.I can barely understand official documents, but as for promotion in the army, there is basically no hope.Although Wei Guo could rely on his military merits to be promoted, it was limited to the basics. As a mid-level officer in the army, he had already reached his limit. Not every horse slave had Wei Qing's ability.So at this time, Liu She applied for retirement.

Liu She was able to become the captain of Zhechong, especially the captain of one of the five Zhechong prefectures in the Fubing trial, because of his identity as a Hun, he took a lot of light.The state of Wei at this time does not actually refer to the Han nationality. Although the state of Wei does not distinguish between ethnic groups, it is only divided into levels, with barbarian nationality (the first five years of surrender), naturalized nationality (five years after surrender), and third class of Han nationality. .In fact, the Huns, Xianbei, Gaoche, Dingling, Tiefo, Di, and Qiang who surrendered to the Wei State were also Goguryeo and Fuyu.With so many ethnic groups, the narrow ethnic policy is not suitable for the overall development of the country. Therefore, the ethnic policy of Wei State has gradually changed from the initial exclusion to assimilation.Naturally, assimilation is not just a name, but must be implemented, so the opportunities for ethnic minorities to join the army and participate in politics must also be given to them.So under this circumstance, Liu She became the captain of Zhechong Mansion.

Liu She was very satisfied to be the captain of Zhugu Castle. At this time, Liu She's eldest son was already 11 years old, and his main wife was a Han woman.It was once ruined by the Xianbei people, but the Huns even dared to marry their own stepmother. As for chastity, they completely ignored it.Because of the war, as a cavalryman of the Canglang Battalion, Liu She only had one month's vacation a year, and Liu She rarely reunited with his wife, but now he is fine.Turning into a government soldier, you don't need to fight with gold and iron horses, your career is successful, and your family is also complete.

(End of this chapter)

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