Chapter 944
Chapter 950

For the retired government soldiers, all military merits have been retained. Although they have retired to the second line, their government soldiers are also soldiers, and they also need to go to the battlefield at critical times.In fact, there is no need to order at all. The retired soldiers of the Anbei Army are serving as the second-line army. When necessary, they will also participate in the war.Of course, if it is their turn to join the war, it means that the situation in Wei State is already very dangerous.

Liu She, as a Biebu horse with seven ranks of military exploits, was assigned to eight lands (not the current public land, but every one hundred mu) after retiring, four cows, three retired war horses, and corresponding seeds, Farm implements and yards.Even in Yecheng, this kind of family wealth can be regarded as a middle-class family in the whole Wei country.

The term "disarmor and return to the field" was never used to refer to ordinary soldiers or mid-level and low-ranking officers, but to generals with heavy soldiers in their hands.At this time, Wei Guo can treat everyone equally.Almost all the soldiers of the Anbei Army are grateful to Ran, go to the army, struggle for life and death, the daily boring military discipline, and the danger of life and death. It is true that there is patriotism, but it is definitely not the main thing. Joining the army is not just thinking about it Change one's own destiny and climb to the top of society in the army?

At present, Ran Ming has actually dealt with the rewards of military merits, and provided good arrangements for disabled soldiers and veterans. Let alone only cut [-] troops in the early stage, what if it was [-]?After fighting for a lifetime, they are not allowed to disarm and return to the fields?

Fubing system is a military system that existed in Chinese history. It started from Yu Wentai, a power minister in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, reached its peak during the Tang Taizong period, and was abolished during the Tang Tianbao period. It has existed for about 200 years.Judging from the fact that Ran Ming, a descendant of later generations, stands on the shoulders of historical giants, whether it is the garrison soldiers in the Cao Wei Dynasty, the Fubing system, or the Weisuo system in the Ming Dynasty, there are certain limitations.

However, although the ancient military system has great limitations and many shortcomings, it is undeniable that Wei's military system reform is at the forefront of this era.The Wei State did not have a military system that formed any era in history. If you look at it from a national perspective, Wei State is now more like the military system of the Qin Dynasty where all people are soldiers. Must go through primary military training.On this basis, Wei Guo's army adopts a recruitment system, combining military service and volunteering.Whether it is the Central Army or the Frontier Army, there is a service period. Once the service period is reached, the retirement arrangement will be carried out while respecting the wishes of the individual.

In fact, the decline of various military systems has a certain law of development.Cao Cao created the farming system. At the time of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the people of the world were in danger, and they were naturally grateful to Cao Cao's kindness for being able to survive.But once they get rid of the threat of death, they will suppress as much as [-] to [-]% of the tax revenue from farming.As a result, the farming system died out.However, the Fubing system prevailed in the Tang Taizong era. It was because of the chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the population was greatly reduced. war.However, with the increase in population and the frantic annexation of land by the gentry clans, the imperial court had no more land to reward the meritorious soldiers, and the most sad thing is that after the soldiers sent troops, these gentry clans robbed others from the rear The family property and fields of the government soldiers, so that no one is willing to fight for the country.Therefore, Fubing lost the hearts of the people and disappeared in the long river of history.

Of course, Ran Ming is different. At this time, the state of Wei controlled far less vast land than the Tang Dynasty, but Ran Ming invented down jackets, coal, fire dragons, and fire walls, so that the Han people could also survive in the bitter cold land in the north of Liaodong and Saibei.The three northeastern provinces alone have supported more than 1 million people in later generations. According to the low productivity and low land utilization rate of this era, it should not be a problem to feed tens of millions of people.What's more, at this time, the northeast of Wei State occupies more than half of the Korean Peninsula. Even with a population of 3000 million, there is no pressure at all.Apart from the Northeast, the State of Wei does not have a strong neighbor in the north, and the entire Mongolian plateau can accommodate tens of millions of people.Not to mention occupying most of the Indochina Peninsula, Luzon Island, Sumatra, the entire territory of Borneo, a part of Java, and most of the Malay Peninsula. There is no burden to resettle hundreds of millions of people in these areas, at least within a hundred years , Ran Ming is not under the pressure of population increase.

The most important thing is that Ran Ming collects business tax and promotes business.Instead of only supporting national fiscal expenditures with agricultural taxes like the Tang Dynasty.At this time, Wei State's fiscal revenue increased, and Ran Ming mainly invested in three major areas. The first was infrastructure construction, which accounted for [-]% of the entire country's fiscal revenue, followed by education, which accounted for only [-]%, and finally military expenditures. , which is only less than two percent.Ran Ming did not save money like Emperor Han Jing and Emperor Han Wen, but spent money desperately to stimulate domestic demand and prosper the domestic market of Wei State with large-scale infrastructure construction. Anyway, the people have money, they need food, clothing and consumption. Eventually it goes to the treasury.What's more, when Ran Ming founded a bank, he also changed the tradition of burying money in a country.In ancient money houses, whether it is depositing money, borrowing money, or exchanging money in different places, it needs to spend money.The cost of saving money every year is not low. People have limited income, so they save money by themselves. However, under the stimulation of interest in Ran Ming, people will deposit money they can’t spend in the bank to increase market circulation. Moreover, Wei’s currency system It is gold, silver, copper, and paper coexisting, and there is no problem of insufficient coins at all.

The eight-year fiscal revenue of Wei Guo Kaiyuan was as high as 300 million gold, which is equivalent to 300 million 600 million guan, almost 3000 million silver.Twenty percent of the military expenditure is as high as 500 million guan. However, the annual fiscal revenue of the central government of the Tang Dynasty is more than 950 million guan, while the annual fiscal revenue of the Qing Dynasty during the "Kang and Qian Dynasty" was [-] million taels of silver.Far less than the military expenditure of Wei State's army, of course Wei State's infrastructure construction at this time (mainly highways), followed by education funds. At this time, there are basically no schools in more than [-] counties across the country. Among them, classrooms, Teaching aids and dormitories for teachers and students accounted for a large proportion.Educating people for a hundred years is not just a slogan, but also requires massive funds.

Of course, while improving the overall quality of the nation, Ran Ming did not forget to increase the nation's martial spirit.Military training for the whole people of the Wei State is a basic state policy, and there is no possibility of changing it for the time being. All military training is not necessarily completed in the barracks. For example, factories will use the factory as a unit to conduct military training in their spare time.The school is also the same. The school founded by Ran Ming is basically the same as the later generations. Each year is divided into two semesters, but within the two semesters, all teachers and students must go through one month of military training.That is to say, every school in Weiguo County must conduct two-month military training every year.Of course, this kind of civilians who have undergone primary training will not necessarily go to the battlefield, but soldiers who have already received primary training will undergo intensive training in the barracks and eventually become elite soldiers.

In fact, this kind of military expenditure is not lower than maintaining a huge military group, but Ran Ming's real purpose is to form a martial arts style among the people and increase the mobilization ability of the Chinese national war.

Although the Soviet Union defeated Germany during World War II, the victory of the Soviet Union was actually extremely tragic. The entire Soviet Union lost a population of 330 million, of which the army was as high as 300 million.Although the Soviet model is not desirable, the fighting style like the Soviet Union is what Ran Ming values.During the Anti-Japanese War, China had a population of more than 3000 million. According to the mobilization capabilities of Western countries, at least 5000 million troops could be formed, and a maximum of 300 million troops could be armed.Even if it is calculated based on the combat power of a brigade against a division of the Chinese army in the Japanese base camp, at least 1406 million Japanese troops can be contained.Of course, in fact, the Japanese army invaded China, during which the highest military strength in China was [-] million.However, the entire War of Resistance Against Japan was very speechless. Some people may ask about weapons and equipment. In fact, equipment accounted for a large part of the factor, but it was also related to the low quality of the Chinese people at that time.

In terms of military equipment, China has always been at the forefront of the world in history. When the whole world was using bronze weapons, China had entered the Iron Age, and was the first to invent gunpowder, which was used in military affairs.But Chinese history has always been a tragedy, where barbarians defeated civilized nations.Ran Ming will not maintain his rule by fooling the people and imprisoning their thoughts like some rulers did, but it will eventually bring disaster to the entire nation-state.

At this time, Ran Ming strengthened the status of the soldiers and changed all the situations where the gentlemen are noble and the military are inferior.However, when Ran Ming was carrying out political reforms in Wei, something unexpected happened to Ran Ming.

To talk about the reason for the demise of the Jiupin Zhongzheng system, we have to mention Sun En, a gravedigger of the gentry in the Southern Dynasties.Under the influence of Ran Ming, a butterfly from another world, history has already changed beyond recognition.However, it will still come.Sun Tai, Du Jiong's apprentice, fled back to the south of the Yangtze River.Ran Ming didn't care about this insignificant pawn.However, Sun Tai secretly developed believers in the south of the Yangtze River, and gained thousands more.

In particular, the loss of Jiankang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty made Sun Tai feel that the Sima family's Guozuo in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was about to run out, so he conspired to launch a rebellion.

In fact, although Jiankang was "recovered", in fact, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was deliberately handed over to Jin by Wei.At this time, the Jin army was unable to regain the lost ground. In order to resist the troops of the general Shi Yue who was stationed in Yangzhou, Sima Dan had to expand his army to prepare for war.Originally, the family background of the Jin Dynasty was weak, and the financial crisis of the Jin Dynasty was very conflicting because of the loss of Xuyang's eight counties and Jiangbei's taxation. Sima Dan did not hesitate to order a tax increase.In addition, because of Sima Dan's killing of Wang Yun, the gentry family members were separated from their virtues. Therefore, during the tax increase process, the gentry family members also joined hands, and the people in the south of the Yangtze River in the Jin Dynasty were even more miserable.Ever since Chen Sheng called out Wang Xiang, Xiang Ning, there is something wrong?After these words, he injected the gene of resistance into the Chinese nation. Once the taxation is harsh, the people will rebel.

Sun Tai gathered thousands of Taoist disciples in Shanyin County (now Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province), the capital of Kuaiji Kingdom, and raised the banner of rebellion.In history, there was no rebellion against Sun Tai. Sun Tai had not yet rebelled. Sima Daozi and his son lured and beheaded Sun Tai and his six sons.His nephew, Sun En, fled to the island and gathered more than a hundred people determined to avenge Sun Tai.But in this time and space, all the county soldiers of Kuaiji Kingdom supported Wuxi, and later they were reorganized into the Dajin Town Army by Sima Xi. At this time, there were less than [-] troops left in Shanyin County.As a result, Sun Tai successfully seized Shanyin in one fell swoop, and seized a large amount of taxation and food stored in Shanyin City. Sun Tai distributed a large number of people and gathered people's hearts. In just three days, he won tens of thousands of vassals.Then, Sun Tai ordered his nephew Sun En to lead five thousand troops to capture Shangyu.In just seven or eight days, the Kuaiji Kingdom was captured.At this time, Sun Tai led the general of the Heavenly Master, Feng Tian begged for the bandits and Marshal Ma, and put forward the political slogan: "Expel the tyrant and welcome the holy emperor". Followers are like clouds.

As a descendant of Ran Ming, he knows the impact of Sun En's Rebellion in history. This time, the great turmoil lasted for 11 years, directly causing the death of millions of people, and the essence of the Southern Dynasty was destroyed by the war.Although Ran Ming didn't like the family, he didn't want them all to be killed.

Although the nobles can be killed, the most victims are innocent people. Looking at the courtiers in front of him, Ran Ming said with a serious expression on his face: "The rebellion in the Eastern Jin Dynasty has spread to several counties, and there are hundreds of thousands of rebels. How do you think I should respond?"

Hearing Ran Ming's inquiry, Wang Jian, the No.1 Minister of State of Wei Dynasty, spoke with eloquence: "Your Majesty, this is a god-given opportunity, so the south of the Yangtze River is settled. There is internal turmoil in the Jin Kingdom, and the Lord of Jin wants to put down Sun Tai's chaos. The Yangtze River Defense Army will be transferred. The Jin State now has less than [-] soldiers, and most of them are new recruits. The line of defense left enough troops. Nearly [-] Jin troops sound like a lot, but if you want to defend thousands of miles, you will not be in danger. The Jin Lord must be in a dilemma this time. He transferred the Jiangjiang defense army to suppress the rebellion. He was afraid that our army would take advantage of it. If we don’t mobilize the Jiang defense army to suppress the rebellion, the only remaining essence of Jiangzhou and Guangzhou in the Jin state will be completely corrupted. The state of the Jin state for more than a hundred years will come to an end.”

Wang Meng showed an excited expression. We must know that the difficulty of Wei's unification of the world is not because of how powerful the Jin army is. In fact, no matter whether it is the civil and military ministers or the people of Wei, they look down on the Jin army. The thorny issue that Zhugong finds is the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River.The northern gentry were slaughtered by Huns, Xianbei, Jie and other Huns. In fact, their strength is very weak. Even now, they cannot form an absolute force against the central government.But the Eastern Jin Dynasty was different. The imperial power of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was not in the hands of the emperor at all, and what the emperor Sima Dan had was only a name.

Just like Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang, the four major noble families in the south, they formed a new army of [-] at once by gritting their teeth. Of course, Chu Suanzi took away the fruit in the end, which shows how powerful they are.In fact, the southern gentry has always been weaker than the northern gentry in terms of strength. The power of the northern gentry is beyond people's imagination.

Wang Meng said: "I think what Wang Shangshu said is very true, and I agree with you!"

Xie An also said: "If the army is going south at this time, it is not the best time. Anyway, Jin country can't escape there, so why rush?"

Wang Ning, the doctor of imperial history, also came out to second Wang Jian immediately. Of course, veterans like Dong Run and Zhong Shen also favored Ran Ming to determine the world.This is not to blame the elites of this era. In fact, since Emperor Qin Shihuang swept the six countries and unified the world, unification has become the mutual encouragement of the elites of the era.

Ran Ming said: "You mean that I want to wait for Sun Tai to kill the South, and I wait for him to finish killing Jin before I lead the army south? Clean up the mess?"

"Of course!" Wang Meng said: "If you want to achieve great things, don't stick to small details. This is the simplest and most effective result. Although the Great Wei has no shortage of soldiers and horses, the only troops that can be mobilized now are the Modao Army The Ni Army, the Beifu Army, and the Zhen Guo Army are the four armies. Although these four armies are the elite of our Wei Dynasty, they are also rare and powerful armies in the world, but the soil and water in the south are different from those in the north. environment, if we forcibly march, I am afraid that we will suffer unnecessary casualties.”

In fact, the Southern Expedition Army still has tens of thousands of elite troops stationed in Hancheng (Yangzhou). The most important thing is their hometown.The Southern Conquest Army had the greatest impact. As for the Zhennan Army, its main forces were soldiers from Yuzhou and Luozhou.As for the influence of the Zhenxi Army, it is pitifully weak. In addition, both Xie Ai and Zhang Wen declared in the army that Ran Ming had sent cavalry from Youzhou, Bingzhou, and Shuozhou to the south to suppress the rebellion. The morale of the army was somewhat affected, but it was not fatal. .Among the three major armies of the Wei State Southern Expedition, only the Southern Expedition Army had the greatest impact because most of the families of generals and soldiers lived in the rebel area.In desperation, Ran Ming had no choice but to retreat.

Regarding the unstable morale of the army, if Ran Ming forcibly attacks, unexpected things may happen.Like the battle of Feishui, or the battle of Jinliao, with an absolutely superior force, it is likely to fail.For this reason, Ran Ming had no choice but to reluctantly leave more than [-] broken troops behind, and ordered the main force of the Southern Conscript Army to retreat northward.

(End of this chapter)

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