Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 945 How Can a Man Make a Woman Cry?

Chapter 945 How Can a Man Make a Woman Cry?

Chapter 951 How Can a Man Make a Woman Cry?
Under such circumstances, whether it is the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Wei State or the common people of the Li people, it is very regrettable that the Wei State did not destroy the Jin State and unify the world.

Seeing that the princes of the Manchu Dynasty almost agreed that the Wei State should sit back and watch Sun Tai kill the Quartet in the south of the Yangtze River, and wait until the elite nobles of the Jin State were killed. Then Ran Ming would come to the south of the Yangtze River as the savior, and easily regain the hearts of the people in the south of the Yangtze River and unify the country. world.

Rationally speaking, this is Wei Guo bearing the least price and getting the most benefit.But emotionally speaking, Ran Ming didn't want this very much.Because of this chaotic war, more than 100 million people died tragically in history. Among them, the nobles accounted for less than half, and most of them were ordinary people.

In Ran Ming's eyes, no matter whether they are aristocrats or ordinary people, they are all flesh and blood compatriots of the Chinese nation, and they are the capital of Wei's future conquest of the world. If one less person dies, the population growth will increase exponentially in the future.This is the wealth that Ran Ming values ​​most.As for the elites of the gentry, Ran Ming did not kill them all at once. Cooperating with the reform of the imperial court, the benefits were great.Of course, if he doesn't cooperate, Ran Ming will not kill the Quartet. At worst, he will be distributed to Nanyang, Northwest, and Northeast, where the proportion of Chinese people will increase.

Although Ran Ming was very disappointed, he didn't show it.If the morale of the Southern Expedition Army cannot be stabilized, only God knows how much combat effectiveness will be exerted.Moreover, Ran Ming knew better that the expansion of the Wei Kingdom this time was too fast, thus diluting the combat effectiveness of the elite veterans, which was an irresistible factor.

Ran Ming's voice was indifferent and weak: "Although I have no intention of going south at this time to settle the matter, I don't want my Great Wei to do nothing. I intend to open the border and let the people of Jin escape. All counties and counties must accept it. be properly accommodated.”

Wang Jian reluctantly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, during the northern and southern expeditions, our treasury in the Great Wei State has been greatly depleted. At present, the warehouses in various places have reached a very dangerous juncture. If a large number of Jinan people are received, if there is any natural or man-made disaster, I'm afraid The imperial court is powerless to help the people under the rule of our Great Wei."

"Don't worry about the food issue, Wang Shangshu, I have already taken care of it!" Ran Minglang said: "As early as the first lunar month, I have issued an order to the command of the Great Wei Expeditionary Army, ordering them to search for food from all over Nanyang at all costs, and I have given them an order. The goal is to collect 200 million shi of grain. Although this task is a bit difficult, I believe that the expeditionary force will not let me down. Even if they cannot complete the task I assigned, they can at least collect about 2000 million shi from Nanyang Excluding transportation losses, the amount of grain delivered to the country will not be less than 800 million shi."

800 million shi, even with high-intensity work and war, the daily consumption of an adult man is no more than three catties, and one shi of grain for an adult man can last for nearly four months. moon.

Hearing Ran Ming's endorsement, Shangshu made Wang Jian extremely excited. Although Wei State is powerful, it currently only occupies half of the country. If the reunification is completed, he will be the Shangshuling of Wei State to unify the world, and he is destined to be famous in history.Moreover, helping the people is a good thing to increase your reputation, and using Ran Ming's money and food to increase your reputation, only a fool would not do this.Of course, Wang Jian has nothing to do with fools.

All the officials dispersed, and Ran Ming returned to the harem. Yingying and Yanyan in the harem chatted to forget, making Ran Ming temporarily forget his unhappiness.At this time, Ran Ming obviously didn't have the heart to communicate with the girls, and most of them were in harmony with each other.Men are almost all lower-body thinking animals. The best way to relax and decompress is to have sex.

Compared with other women, Ran Ming prefers Kezuhun or Helena when it comes to bed matters.Don't look at Kezuhun as the Queen of Yan Kingdom, in fact she is a top-notch woman.Ke Zuhun knew that he had a low background, so he did everything he could to please Ran Ming, which made Ran Ming feel even more happy.

He Kezuhun's family had some tenderness, and suddenly Gong'e came to report: "The queen asks to see you!"

Hearing that, Ran Ming had a gloomy look on his face. In fact, since the outbreak of the Sun Tai Rebellion in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Ran Ming deliberately avoided Xie Daoyun.Ran Ming naturally knew what Xie Daoyun was asking for, but out of national interest, Ran Ming had to sit back and watch.

If he took the opportunity to send troops south at this time, the Eastern Jin Dynasty would not have no choice. At worst, he would appease Sun Tai, and the price of the choice would be a little heavier.Since ancient times, all those who rebelled did not want to get promoted and get rich?As for helping the world and saving the people, that is just a side effect.Now that Sun Tai rebelled, he actually knew that he did not seize the capital of the country at this time, because there was a fierce tiger in the north, and Sun Tai's idea was actually not complicated. He used Taoists to gather a crowd to revolt, occupy several counties, and injure the Jin Kingdom As long as the Wei army goes south, he will raise his flag and surrender, and he will be appeased by the state of Wei, whether he will be given a prominent title, or let him command the Taoist branch to catch Ge Hong.

No matter how Wei Guo treats him, Sun Tai is very satisfied.Surrendering to the state of Wei is Sun Tai's ideal choice, and it is not impossible to surrender to the state of Jin.In fact, the price doesn't have to be too high. It is enough for Sun Tai to put down his banners and drums by conferring him the title of General Zheng Tianshi and the military governors of Kuaiji, Wujun, Wuxing, Yongjia, Linhai and Dongyang.

If there hadn't been Wei Guobing coming to the city, Sima Dan would definitely not have paid such a price, but once he was under the persecution of life and death, Sima Dan actually had no choice but to submit.

If Ran Ming is still attacking the Eastern Jin Dynasty at this time, he will probably face the resistance of Sun Tai and the main force of the Jin army. This is not less than 11 troops, but more than [-] troops. Although the combat effectiveness of these troops is not strong, the casualties are certain It will be very dire.Moreover, Sun Tai basically belonged to the nature of a bandit. He was able to rebel for [-] years in history without being wiped out. Even a ruthless person like Liu Yu couldn't do anything about it.This is actually what Ran Ming deliberately avoided.

However, Xie Daoyun, as Ran Ming's first wife, naturally couldn't avoid seeing her. Just letting Gong'e be stuck on Kezuhun's bed made Ran Ming extremely embarrassed.Fortunately, the biggest advantage of politicians and politicians is their thick skin. Ran Ming is about to be promoted to a politician, so he is indifferent, just embarrassed.

"See Your Majesty!" Ran Ming Shiran dressed neatly before arriving at the front hall of Tachun Pavilion, Xie Daoyun saluted very respectfully.

"Queen, why are you husband and wife so far away?" Ran Ming caressed Xie Daoyun lightly and said, "I haven't been to the queen for a while, isn't it all because of the busy state affairs?"

Even Ran Ming felt blush for telling such unbelievable lies.Xie Daoyun nodded, as if he believed Ran Ming's nonsense.But when Xie Daoyun looked at Kezuhun's eyes a little bit unkindly, Kezuhun's body trembled like chaff in fright.It's no wonder that the Kezuhun clan was afraid of Xie Daoyun. Xie Daoyun became the mother of a country, so he naturally had the means to deter the women in the harem.These days Ran Ming often stayed at the Tiaochun Pavilion of the Kezuhun clan, which made the maids and eunuchs around the Kezuhun clan feel that their master was favored, and they were also very happy.

Even Kezuhun's confidant eunuch Wang Jian dared to show off in front of Li, which made Xie Daoyun very angry.Xie Daoyun's counterattack was also quick, and he directly had Wang Jian taken away, and then claimed to be disrespectful to the queen.Just let someone press the board on the ground, and if you go down to [-] boards, you will only have half your life left. Until now, Wang Jian still can't get out of bed.In fact, no matter how arrogant Wang Jian was, he would not dare to disrespect Daoyun. Even Wang Jian knew who could not be messed with in the harem. He dared to show embarrassment to Mrs. Li because Mrs. Li had always been a kind person who had nothing to do with the world.

As a result, Xie Daoyun told the Kezuhun clan in this simple and rude way that he still has the final say in the harem.

Ke Zuhun cried to Ran Ming, and Ran Ming smiled and comforted him.And rewarded Wang Jian with a gold coin, which moved Wang Jian very much, and Wang Jian also sent someone to confess his sincerity to You Yi and pledge his allegiance to Ran Ming from now on.

Ran Ming has never cared about these bullshit things, and he will not deliberately suppress Xie Daoyun, otherwise Ran Ming will stand up for a low-ranking eunuch, what will the courtiers think? Rumors of Ran Mingyi's resignation came out.

Ran Ming still didn't know how to speak to Xie Daoyun, but saw Xie Daoyun's tears falling like pearls with a broken thread.When Ran Ming saw Xie Daoyun crying, he became anxious.

In fact, Xie Daoyun felt extremely wronged. First of all, his brother Xie Fang, who was in charge of other courtyard affairs in Shangyu, was brutally killed by Sun Tai's rebels, and even the body was not found.This Xie Fang is the third son of Xie An's second brother Xie Ju. Although he is of the same generation as Xie Daoyun, he is 17 years older than Xie Daoyun. They are called cousins. In fact, Xie Daoyun was less appreciated when he was young. Fang cares.Xie Fang is a good old man among the Xie family's children, and his popularity is very good.

Xie Daoyun felt very sad about the tragic death of Xie's children.What makes Xie Daoyun even more uncomfortable is that instead of coming to comfort her at this time, Ran Ming avoids her everywhere, secretly laughing in front of Kezuhun for the past few days.This made Xie Daoyun feel even more out of favor, and felt even more disappointed.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Immediately, Ran Ming waved to the Kezuhun family and the eunuchs Gong'e, signaling them to leave, after all, once the mother of the country cried so disregarding face, it would have a bad influence if it was spread out.

Seeing everyone leave, Xie Daoyun burst into tears suddenly, Ran Ming had no experience in persuading women no matter in his past or present life, so he felt overwhelmed.Ran Ming just watched Xie Daoyun sitting in his arms and cried for half an hour, until his voice became hoarse and his strength was gone, and then he stopped crying slowly.

"Second Brother, Ling Jiang is so miserable!" Xie Daoyun choked up and said, "Second Brother, Ling Jiang's home in Shangyu was destroyed, and almost all the people in his clan died."

Hearing this, Ran Ming was very stunned. At this time, Ran Ming remembered that the Xie family in Chen County was not the Xie family after the Battle of Feishui. Although there is a saying in history that Wang and Xie are parallel, it actually refers to the Battle of Feishui. After that, the family reputation was successfully raised to the peak with the help of the Battle of Feishui.Although the Xie family has risen at this time, its strength is still incomparable to the Wang family's. Moreover, the Xie family's industries are not spread throughout the Eastern Jin Dynasty like the Wang family's. Almost all counties and counties have Wang's industries.In fact, there are only two places where the Xie family's industries are concentrated, one is Shangyu, and the second is Jiankang.

However, this time Sun Tai’s rebellion started in Kuaiji Kingdom, and Shangyu was also the first to bear the brunt. The most serious losses in this rebellion were the gentry family and those landlords. As the number one gentry family in Shangyu, the Xie family became Sun Tai’s rebellious army Most of the Xie's children who guarded the Shangyu Bieyuan were killed, and the casualties and property losses were very heavy.If it wasn't for Xie Daoyun's marriage to Ran Ming, and the Chenjun Xie family's business focus had slowly shifted northward, I'm afraid the Chenjun Xie family would have suffered catastrophe this time.

However, what makes Ran Ming unbelievable is why Xie An, the only person who can speak in the court of Wei State, didn't take the opportunity to advise and let him organize troops to go south quickly?Even if you can't save the Xie family's children in the state of Jin at this time, you can avenge them?
The fact is that the interests of the family are always more important than the interests of the country. In fact, this is a false proposition in the heyday of the northern and southern gentry.Di Qin and Fu Jian led 95 troops to the south to attack Jin. According to the traitor logic of being a hero who knows practical things, at this time, the Eastern Jin gentry should collectively act as the leading party and lead the way for the demise of Di Qin and the Eastern Jin Dynasty. None of the elites chose to compromise, but worked together to fight against Di Qin, and even disabled Fu Jian.Although on the surface it was directed by Xie Anju, the Battle of Feishui directed by Xie Shi, Xie Xuan, and Xie Yan has become a legend in ancient Chinese history.However, this legend was not actually created by the Xie family alone, but by gathering the power of all the noble families in the Eastern Jin Dynasty at that time.The issue of public and private has actually always affected China's development.However, it has to be said that the people of this era, or most of the people in ancient China, always choose the public and discard the private when it comes to the issue of public and private, or the choice of righteousness.This is the integrity of scholar-bureaucrats!

For example, in later generations, China lacked aristocratic spirit. The so-called red aristocrats, like the second generation of coal in Shanxi, were a group of ignorant local tyrants. Although they had the wealth of the nobility, they lacked the dedication of the nobility.But Xie An was not dazzled by hatred, but clearly chose the policy that was most in line with Wei's interests.

This made Ran Ming feel relieved and sad at the same time.

Ran Ming is actually not a god, but a person. Everyone has their own preferences and distances. For Ran Ming, although the Xie family is a foreign relative, he is a person close to Ran Ming. Besides, Xie An is a historical merit contestant. At that time, Wang Meng, who was born in a poor family, was incomparable to the virtuous prime minister of Marquis Wu in the derby.Although Wang Meng is very loyal to Ran Ming, on the basis of being loyal to Ran Ming, he is also working hard to create the aristocratic path of the Wang family in Ju County.What made Ran Ming feel helpless the most was that while Ran Ming desperately suppressed the gentry to annex land, Wang Meng bought or reclaimed [-] acres of land in Ju County.

Six thousand mu of land is nothing to Ran Ming, a big landlord in the country.But this is where Ran Ming was disappointed with Wang Meng. After following Ran Ming for so long, didn't Wang Meng learn how to manage money?However, this is due to the inertial thinking of the ancients, and it is difficult for Ran Ming to reverse it for a while, but Ran Ming only beat Wang Meng, and did not criticize him too much. After all, Wang Meng’s land was obtained by himself through legal means, and Wang Meng The land rent is very light, even a little lower than that of official land. In this way, in fact, the annual income of Wang Meng's [-] mu of land is not even as good as Wang Meng's salary.

The more he appreciates Xie An, the more Ran Ming dislikes Sun Tai.For all the careerists in ancient times, Ran Ming could not tolerate such things as revolting and civil uprisings at every turn.Especially this kind of civil uprising, in fact, is too destructive. Basically, after a turmoil, it will be difficult to recover in ten or twenty years.

Ran Ming said: "Let Jiang Mo cry, I won't tolerate Sun Taizhi doing whatever he wants, I will order the staff to formulate an action plan, even if we can't send troops immediately, we will let Sun Tai'an take his place."

At this juncture, a massive rebellion broke out in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Not only was Ran Ming unexpected, even the whole world was stunned.The dispute between the Wei and Jin Dynasties alone caused a lot of trouble.Perhaps God bless the Great Jin, Wei Guo rebelled and surrounded Yecheng, Wei Guo's southern expedition army was upset.

The state of Jin gained temporary security, but there was still a sharp sword hanging over the head of the state of Jin, and it was unknown when it would fall.Under such circumstances, even if the state of Jin had no intention of regaining the lost Xuyang Jianghuai area and Jingzhou, it had to defend itself against the covetous Shiyue Division of the Southern Conquest Army.

As Yecheng was besieged by Ran Zhi's rebels, the Zhengnan Army had no choice but to retreat with hatred.But at this time, the crisis in Yecheng has been resolved. Although no troops were sent to cross the south of the Yangtze River, they were frequently mobilized and high-profile military exercises were held, which made Sima Dan's nerves collapse. At this time, Sima Dan's current military strength alone cannot prevent him The Yangtze River defense line, at best, this force can barely play the role of delaying the Wei army.In this case, Sima Dan had no choice but to expand his army if he wanted to keep the country.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the expansion of the Jin Dynasty's army. At least the Jin State controls half of Jiaozhou, most of Jiangzhou, Guangquan and Ningzhou. Although the four states are sparsely populated, they still have a population of 300 million. It is not difficult to feed a penny, even if a household smokes a penny, it is okay for a short time.In this case, with a wave of Sima Dan's hand, the Huben Army expanded to 14, the Zhen Guo Army expanded to [-], and the Guangning Army expanded to [-]. Added together, there are a full [-] horses.

Expansion of the army is a very costly thing. Although the Jin army did not have military pay, the imperial army distributed 22 shi of food to each soldier, some of which were for food, and the other part was for feeding the family.This part of the grain is equivalent to more than 3000 yuan. In fact, it is similar to the military payment of the Wei State. The difference is that the Jin army provides food and the Wei State provides money.Of course, it’s not enough just to feed the soldiers. You have to have two sets of clothes in winter and summer. These four pieces of clothes cost about 40 yuan. In addition to clothes, you also need weapons. The horse crossbow is 300 yuan, and the standard equipment is 140 yuan. At [-] yuan, a crossbowman equipped with armor and equipment can't afford [-] yuan. Even if the sword and shield soldiers are cheaper, they still cost around [-] yuan.In other words, at least [-] yuan is needed for each soldier to expand the army. If training is added, you can't fight without [-] yuan.The newly expanded army of the Jin State is nearly [-], not counting generals, but only counting soldiers, it needs more than [-] billion yuan. If this money is apportioned to [-] million people, it will cost about [-] yuan per person, which is equivalent to food. Not much, just less than three buckets.

(End of this chapter)

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